《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 11 Maria the acolyte


“There is only 1 alchemist shop. Well, all that worrying for nothing.” Victor blurted.

“Well, that make things easier.” Fira answered.

“Okay. Let’s go.” Hasega took the lead to the shop. ”Excuse me, are you the only alchemist in town?”

“Umm, if you don’t count the one or two alchemist foreigners, yes. I am the only alchemist in this town.” Said the alchemist. He is a scholarly old man with a scent of herbs on him. He is an alchemist alright.

“Umm, well. We heard you need enchanted honey from stinger bees.” Hasega started to talk. Technically, we were not officially asked by this alchemist. We just did a quest that the fallen warrior failed to do. So there is no guarantee that the alchemist will welcome us warmly.

“Huh? where did you get that request?” The alchemist asked.

“Hey, should we tell him the truth?” Hasega whispered in the party channel.

“We should. But polish the wording a bit. Add some flattery. Make it seemed we are nice guys.” Fira answered.

“Well, we came across a dead body on our journey. On that body, there was a request to take this enchanted honey to an alchemist in this town. So, we decided to fulfil the fallen warrior’s request and brought the honey here.”

“I see. And he is the best archer in town. Commander Siegel. Have you told anyone else?”

“No, we haven’t.”

“Please come inside.” The old man led us to an empty room.

10 minutes later

“So, where is the honey?” The old man asked.

“How much do you need?” Said Hasega. He didn’t intend to give all of the honey. Since it could permanently enhance stats, we decided to give him only the amount he needs.

“Ahh, I need 3 of those honey flasks.”

“Here you go.”

“Thank you. Is 300 gold for all of this enough?”

“Well, alright.”

“Thank you.”


Quest completed

You have leveled up

You have received 150 fame

“Huh?” Said Victor. “That’s all?”

“Well, for a level C quest. That’s rather anticlimactic.” Said Dem.

“May I ask what this honey is for?” Hasega asked.

“Ahh, I am sorry. But please leave.”

“Hey old man. We have given you what you want. Would it kill you to tell us a bit more about this honey?” Said Dem.

“I will give you another 100 gold. Now please leave.”

“Alright.” Said Hasega.

“Hey, meat shield.”

“Let’s go Victor.”

We then came to the central square after such an anticlimactic end.

“Umm, it is weird.” I said.

“Yeah. It is 100% weird alright?”

“He just wants to hog the items. That honey is roughly 1000 gold for each flask at minimum right? He must have planned to sell them.” Victor said.

“Umm, it does not match.”

“Well, you are right Riri.”

“what is it cleric girl?”

“Umm, first is the warrior. Why would the warrior risk himself for a mere 300 gold?”

“Yeah. And that old man’s attitude is weird to the max.” Said Hasega.

“The customer waiting at the entrance is weird too.” Said Dem.

“Well, we got 5 honey flasks left. Let’s be happy about it.” Fira said.

“Hmm. The weird thing is. I can’t find the reason for the alchemist to search for enchanted honey.” Said Hasega.

“Huh? Of course it is to process it into better stuff. What else? Has being killed made you dumber?” Victor blurted out.


“I have searched the forum. Among alchemist players, there were no useful items to be made from enchanted honey. It is far better to bottle and consume it. I had the urge to ask this once we arrived so I agreed to sell it for a low price. But unexpectedly he wouldn’t answer”

“Now, that’s weird.” Dem said.

“Well, Dem. Let’s take a peek at this alchemist shall we? I don’t have sneak. So it would be your job.”


“Umm, I have sneak as well.”

“Huh?” The group said with a question mark above their heads. It is unusual for a non-thief class to have the skill. Moreover for Riri whom they thought was a beginner to have the money to get the skill book.

“I got it from sneaking behind the bees.” Usually, any normal player would need a full day to learn this skill without the skill book. However due to Riri’s high wisdom, skills were easily generated. Many player didn’t develop wisdom much even the magic related classes. The mage is more about intelligence than wisdom and the Cleric is more about faith than wisdom. Even Riri put all of her points in wisdom only because Stella ordered her to.

“Well, well. We have a surprise here.” Hasega said. “What level is it?”


“Well, mine is 4. But feel free to trail behind me okay.” Said Dem.

And so, we went to the plaza and bought a cloak. Dem already had one so it is only for me. We waited in front of the alchemist shop. But no movement was seen until midnight. Dem had already started to do random things to chase out his boredom. Playing with his dagger, fiddling with his inventory window. Cursing and chatting in the party channel. From the party chat it seemed the group had left for a cookie cutter quest to kill some wild boar in the vicinity of the castle. Even in the same group, not being in combat will not yield you exp so, he is whining and shouting in front of the alchemist shop. Of course he didn’t make any sound because the party chat can only be heard by the party.

Riri being a shy and lonely girl is already used to spending her time alone without making any sound. She kept watching the shop. One random thing she did was counting how many roof tiles the shop has. How many windows it had. How big the room should be. How tall the shop was.

“Ah, there they are.” I said.

“Okay. We hide, use sneak and follow them.”


We trailed the alchemist for an hour. He took a weird route. Circling here and there and finally he went to the sewers. In there, there were 2 other people.

“Rhe visitor from before.” I mumbled in party chat.

“So, here is the medicine.” The alchemist said.

“Thank you. But commander Siegel hasn’t returned to his post. Did he give you this?”

*Hey, Hasega!. It is a medicine.* Said Dem.

*I see. Trail them more closely and carefully. We might find something.* Replied Hasega.

“Umm, the commander died. Some unknown foreigners came and brought the enchanted honey on his behalf.”

“Damn you! I told you this is a secret! And to share it with outsiders.”

“B-But we need the honey. If not then...”

“His condition needs to be stay secret! If anyone knows about this, this city is doomed!”

“So, who are the travellers that gave you this honey?”


“I-I didn’t ask their names. I also did not tell them anything. I just made it seem like I am a crooked alchemist and bought it for 300 gold.”

“And they agreed to it?”


“You idiot! Foreigners aren’t that stupid. They will know something is up.”

“Hey. What should we do?”

“Hmm. Foreigners aren’t necessarily bad. Just hope the ones this man encountered are good ones. Search for those foreigners. Old man, tomorrow we search for those travellers and you better hope they are still around.”

*They are looking for us now. What to do?* Said Dem.

*Let’s save them some trouble. I will show myself but Riri, you stay hidden.” Said Hasega.

*Hey, you know what is going to happen to me when things get sour right?*

*2 honey flasks. I will give mine to you. But please don’t die. I want that honey as well.* Said Hasega.

*Well, my life is yours.*

“Hello guys!”

“Who goes there!” They drew their swords in surprise. Knights or infantry at least. They made a clanking noise just now. It means they are wearing full plate armor.

“Well, hahaha. I just want to save you the trouble of finding us!” Dem said. His acting is miserable! His laugh is forced! He face didn’t hide his worry that much!

“Ah!, it is one of those foreigners!” The alchemist said.

“Yup. And so, what’s the big secret. We love secrets you know.”

“Is this it?” Said one of the soldiers.

“No, there are 4 more. 2 warriors, a mage and the other seemed to be their healer.”

“Are you an enemy?”

“Come on. We’ve just met. In fact, we are still new here. So, we currently have no enemies. But we don’t have friends either. Just say we are neutral. Though it might change depending on your actions.”

*Good one Dem !* Said Victor on the party channel.

*That sure is a nice line. What movie did you pick it from?* Said Fira.

*I am making a conversation here. Don’t ruin my focus with your unnecessary comments. *

Silence quickly followed. Then, one of them sheathed his sword followed by the other. “Alright. Ally is better than foe. Meet us at the count’s manor in front of the gate tomorrow at dawn. And bring all your friends.”

“Okay.” Said Dem.

“That girl does not need to hide anymore.”

“Oh. You realized.”

“Just now. I let my guard down. I have met a better assassin you know.”

The next day

“Why do we have to come too?” Fira said

“She is correct. Now, they might kill us all or trap us.” Said Hasega

“Sorry about that. it is hard to think in such an intense situation you know.” Said Dem.

“Well, let’s go in.”

The group was welcomed in the manor. Unlike Sidinia the manor here was less elegant but filled with religious artefacts. Riri’s faith increased by 10 when she saw these artefacts like a holy rosario, a cross of Freya, the sword of Michael, etc

“Welcome. I am Count Duke.”

“I am Hasega. This one is Fira, this one is Dem, this one is Victor and this one is Riri.”

“Well, this one is Sergeant Bethel. The one you met yesterday. And this one is private Sen. His subordinate.”

“And so, Let’s get to the point. As you see, we are neutral. So, what help do you need with that honey?” Hasega asked.

“Well. If we tell you to just shut up. Will you obey us?”

"No. We have looked into various other sources to find something about the honey. You are talking about medicine. One of its uses, that justifies the price, would be as a cure for a strong and permanent curse that a priest or even a bishop would have trouble dealing with."

“That’s true. Even I would do the same. Alright. I will trust you. Come with us.” Said the count.

He led us to a bedroom. There lied a girl in her sleeping gown. The alchemist sat at her side while nursing her with the medicine he brewed that time.

“So, that’s what the honey is for.” Hasega said ”Who cursed her? Is she your daughter?”

“Well, yes and no. She is my adoptive daughter.”

“Why did you keep this a secret count?” Said Victor.

“She is not just my daughter. She is an acolyte of the gods.”

“Ahh. I heard this small town survived for so long is because of a single white mage.” Fira said.

“So, what is so special about this acolyte Fira?” Hasega asked.

“You see, this town survived several raids before. By monster or players. It is said the acolyte raised the troops morale. And above that she is able to summon a very powerful barrier which can deflect any magic.”

“Ohh. So that is the reason this small city hasn’t been conquered by any other guilds.” Said Victor.


“Well, not using magic means mages are out. But there are others right.”

“Yes. Her healing prowess is what matters in the wars. If anyone knew about this. Then our land would get attacked with haste.”

“Not meaning to interrupt. But isn’t this the kind of scene where there would be one soldier that comes running in out of breath just to report we are being attacked or something?” Victor blurted.

All of us then stared at him.

“Well, that happens in most games anyway. Don’t mind me. I am just babbling to myself.”

“Your highness!! We are being attacked!! Several legions of enemies are approaching!!” Said the soldier while running with a clanking noise.

All of them then thought ‘No way!’

The Count then stared at us. “I am such a fool for trusting you. You will rot in our prison now even if that is the last thing I ever did!. Guards! Send them to the lowest of the prison dungeons!.”

“Count. We didn’t tell anybody. We swear!” Said Hasega while being handcuffed and dragged away by the guards.

“We didn’t tell anyone!” Said Fira.

“Umm, Count Duke. Isn’t it more likely for the one who cursed the acolyte to leak the information.” I said silently while following the guards more peacefully than Victor and Hasega. After all I am just a shy girl and being a weaponless performer with a low level and low spell damage I can’t possibly fight these guards.

6 hours later

“Whew. We suddenly rose from peasants to main character now huh. To be honest I am not quite ready.” Said Victor.

“No kidding. But it is worth it. I am now satisfied that I bought this game. I thought this game was very lame and that all the good quests were already snatched by the guys who started playing early. When I started this game, all I got was some quest like killing a certain number of rabbits. Kill certain number of foxes. The other quests didn’t change much from those quests. I thought this game’s only good side now was playing in a team with 99% reality” Said Hasega “Well, Dem, can you do your stuff?”

“Huh? What stuff?”

“Pick the lock in this cell. We are breaking out of here.” Said Hasega.

“Wouldn’t we get infamy?”

“I don’t care. I just figured that to not get a cookie cutter quest we need to be brave. A little infamy would not hurt. We will get out of this cell. When the enemy is ransacking this city, we will save as many people as possible with that acolyte and count as our main targets. We can transfer her to Trisia or the city of Lavias. I would feel like a hero that way. This plan has many risks but it is doable. So what do all of you say?”

“I am in!” Victor said. “Now that is cool.”

“Alright everyone seems to agree. So, let’s go.” Said Dem.

10 minutes later

“Sorry guys. I can’t pick this lock without proper lock picking tools. And they took all of our bags.”

“What a letdown!” Said Victor “Hey, Hase. Any new plans?”

“If we can’t open this cell or break it then I have no further plans.” Hasega let out a sigh of defeat.

Then a clanking noise could be heard. 2 soldiers came and opened the cell for us. Then they led us back to the acolyte’s room.

“First of all. I am sorry that I have misjudged you.” Said the Count.

“H-Hello. #coughcough# My name is Maria.” Said the girl while sitting on her bed.

“You are not healthy enough Maria. Please rest. I will explain everything.” Said the count. ”As I said before, I apologize for my rash judgement. It is just like that girl said. You are not at fault. The enemy has battering rams and catapults. Those can’t be made in a mere 2 days.”

“So You are here only saying sorry and letting us go?” Said Victor.

“And ask for a favor.”


“Take Maria and leave. The enemy here is numbered 50.000 bodies. Even with Maria at full health I doubt we would stand a chance.” Count said.

“Why us?” Said Hasega.

“Because you have 2 warriors, 1 mage, 1 thief and...... 1 cleric.”

‘Wait a second. Why did he pause at that last part. No way he is thinking the same way as I was thinking right?’ I started to worry.

“Ahh, well then. I am going to do the best of my ability. Should we go to Lavias?”

“We won’t get any support from this kingdom. This is a dispute between fellow landlords, the kingdom will not care for it.”

“So, where should we bring her?”

“Anywhere that is safe.”

“But #cough# father.”

“I see. I will bring her to Trisia. May we meet again Count Duke.”

“Alright. Everyone except this girl here should leave. Please save her.” The count said.

“Huh? Why must we leave Riri behind?” Victor asked.

“He is planning to switch Riri and Maria. As foreigners are immortal he thought this was the best way to slip Maria out of the city. We are known as low leveled travelers. No one will suspect us unless they know Maria’s face.” Said Fira.


Quest has been acquired

Replace the acolyte

Count Duke wants to save his daughter Maria. Save Maria by replacing her as an acolyte. You do not need to win the battle. But you must bring the troops morale up.

Quest difficulty D

Quest reward : Maria will be your Ally

Quest failure : Maria dies or the troops figure out you are not Maria

‘Noo!! My fear came true! I am going to die in this place.’ My thoughts screamed.

“Well, few actually know her face. She usually puts on heavy makeup to hide her age. In addition to that she usually wears a veil. So only a very attentive nobles would know the differences, their figure is roughly the same. Dye her brown hair black and we are done.” Said the count.

“Alright. When do we leave?” Said Hasega.

“Hmm, the enemy will arrive tomorrow at dawn. Make preparations and by nightfall I hope you are ready to leave. I hope Maria will get well enough to walk by then. It will raise less suspicion.” Said the count.

2 hours before the raid. The group ruthlessly left me behind. Through PM they reported that they managed to cross to the south, making their way back. Maria managed to walk and cast low lvl healing spells which helped fool most players that saw them.

“We actually have clothes for you. But your cleric set is much better then ours at your level.” Said the count. “You will do just fine. If you were not a foreigner you might have been Maria’s sister Hahaha.” He gave a dry laugh.

“Umm. Are you sure it is okay?”

“Well, ever since Maria was poisoned with a curse. I knew that our city would fall. I was hoping the cure would made it in time. All I can do now is save my daughter’s life. Maybe she will have a normal life after this. Ahh, here are some skill books that you will need in order to imitate Maria better.” He then handed her 4 expensive looking skill books.

“It is not just expensive looking. It is expensive books alright. Sorry but you can’t possibly imitate her goddess barrier. But this will do.” Said the count. He read my mind!


You have learned new skills

Healing area

Subskill of magic mastery

Increase health regeneration of your allies in a radius

Mana cost 100 + 10 per second

Health regeneration increased by 30%

Radius of 3 meters around the user body

Group cure

Subskill of magic mastery

Heal a group of allies in a radius

Mana cost 300

Heal 200 HP + 100 *wis /80 + 200*faith/50

Radius of 3 meters around the center of the spell’s target

Expert cure

Subskill of magic mastery

Heals an ally.

Mana cost 400

Heal 200 HP + 100 *wis /20 + 200*faith/10

Single blessing

Subskill of magic mastery

Bless a single ally. Stackable with light blessing

Str +10%


Light resistance +10%

Dark resistance +10%

Mana cost 200

“Umm. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. Get outside and give a speech.”

Then the count and I walked out of the manor to the northern wall. Everyone’s gazes were directed to me because of the charm and charisma buffa the cleric set gave.

‘Don’t worry I am wearing a veil. No one will recognize me’ I keep chanting those words in my mind to soothe my anxiety. The count, now wearing a knight armor without helmet then walked toward the northern wall where all of this city’s soldiers had lined up to perform it’s defense.

“Count! Is it true that the acolyte is bedridden with a curse?” Said one of the commanders.

“It is true. We have been far to dependant on our acolyte here.” He then turned his head to me. ”Her powers have been reduced due to the curse.”

“Then we will.....”

“All soldiers!! Today, we may fall. Today we may die by their swords. But, today is the day when we prove ourselves. Today is the day where we will become independent. We will not rely on anyone any longer. We will prove that we can protect this city ourselves.”

His speech touched many people’s hearts. Even mine. I felt my heart moved by his speech and then I started to make a speech.

“All, soldiers. I am saddened that I can’t help you much. But I promise that I will help you with all of my capability. Let us raise our swords like never before and protect our homeland with everything we have!”

“YEAAH!!” The soldiers roared.

Then the enemy came. Clanking of armors could be heard. The sound of the enemy marching could be heard. As the sun rose the enemy could be seen numbering ten of thousands, followed by trebuchets and catapults. Battering rams were stationed in front of the city.

“Count, what is so special about this city? The enemy seems desperate to own it.” I said while looking at the number of enemies.

“I am curious as well. Compared to other cities, this city is just your average one. 1 or 2 mines. Even the number of foreigners have decreased as of late due to lack of services in our town.”

“Isn’t this army too big to conquer a single city?”

“I am just guessing. Maybe it is due to their losses before. Well, most nobles have some ridiculous pride. Maybe because they were beaten they got some kind of grudge against this town.”

“I see.”

The army marched towards our walls. Their armors clanking. Their battering rams were pushed forward. Their catapults were being loaded with stones. The battle began.




author note

- finally a new chapter. i was having a hard time updating with the server crashing. well here is a new chapter. hope you enjoy it.

- any comment or suggestion are welcomed here or at the discussion topic

- happy reading :lol:

- the spoiler button isn't functioning. so i won't use it for awhile.

Status windowNameRiriclassperformersHealth2075mana1325(+200)fame200Level21Titlemanagerjobtantalus performer[Health regen/sec6.8mana regen/sec15.1Strength68(dexterity111Wisdom147(+4)intelect49(+4)Stamina240vitality83art62charisma20(+110)leadership20(+30)charm50(+100)fighting spirit20faith20(+62)Magic Resistancefire0%water0%earth0%wind0%thunder0%ice0%light41%(E)dark41%(E)unused points0Bonuses- fighting spirit increased by 20%

- all stat +10 except dex and charm

- Dex +50 charm +40

- Stamina +40

- Magic will be reduced by 90%. unless you meet normal requirement of 300 wisdom

- weapon will be reduced by 90% unless have blacksmithe at intermediate

- Leather armor will not be penalized

- Iron armors will have it’s movement speed reduced by 30% and increased stamina consumption by 20%. Only if you meet the requirement

- movement reduced by 30% (E)

- healing spell increased by 41% (E)

Here is our mc items

[tr]bag 1skillssubskilllocked- - Water canteen

- Water canteen

- Rye bread (6)

- Ring of mana(E)

- Ring of leadership(E)

- Staff of white cleric

- Circlet of purity.

- White high heel shoes

- White dress of purity

- Autographed Beginner’s cloth (E)

- Beginner’s pant (E)

- Beginner’s shoes (E)

- Silver coin (10)

- Gold coins (130)


- here is the skill of our mc

bag 1skillssubskilllocked- - Speed reading beginner’s lvl 2

- Speed reading beginner’s lvl 2

- Manage beginner’s lvl 4

- Magic mastery beginner lvl 2

- Acrobatic beginner lvl 2

- Multitasking beginner lvl 4

- Sword mastery beginner lvl 4

- Ambidextrous beginner lvl 2

- Bullet deflector beginner lvl 3

- Sneak beginner level 2

- here is the sub skill of our mc. sub skill is a branch of skill such as spells level or sword technique

bag 1skillssubskilllocked-

*magic mastery

- light blessing beginner lvl 2

- phoenix regen beginner lvl 2

- cure paralysis beginner lvl 2

- cure poison beginner lvl 2

- healing hand beginner lvl 3

- Healing Area beginner lvl 1

- Group cure beginner lvl 1

- Expert cure beginner lvl 1

- Single bless beginner lvl 1

- Fireball beginner lvl 1

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