《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 9 fake cleric


chapter 9

Quest ‘replacement’ has been completed.

You have leveled up 5x

For participating in the play all stat have increased by 10

“Whew, I thought we were going to die.” An exaggerated comment was spoken by Ragnar. The play was a mess but the audience misunderstood it well.

“We finished 1 hour faster than usual. But somehow I am feeling 4 times as tired.” Baran said.

“Those counts were impressed by our ‘modification’ of the story. They said it was better than usual.” Ragnar said.

“Whew. That was intense. I thought Riri was really going to kill me before seeing the system notice. Thank goodness her damage was penalized.” Hector said.

“I am sorry!”

“Well, all turned out well. So, it is fine. Let’s cheer everyone!” Ragnar shouted. Vigor returned to his eyes. He then spoke to me in a low voice “ Riri, you have a great potential. It is a shame that I forced it out before it matured. I am expecting great things of you from now on.”

“No!” I wailed while covering my face. “It was completely embarrassing! I will never do it again!”

“Riri!” Stella hugged me. “It was a good show in the middle. “

“well, you can keep your costumes. And here is an extra set of clothes as your additional reward.” Ragnar winked.


You have obtained elven white cleric set

White dress of purity

Durability 50/50

Defense +30

Charm +20

Faith +20

A pure white dress with blessings of the gods

Healing spell increased by 20%

Light spell increased by 20%

Dark resistance increased by 20%

Light resistance increased by 20%

Level restriction 20

White high heel shoes

Durability 20/20

Defense +20


Charisma +10

Faith +20

High heels blessed with holy light. But hard to wear

Movement speed -30%

Healing spell increased by 10%

Light spell increased by 10%

Dark resistance increased by 10%

Light resistance increased by 10%

Level restriction 20

Circlet of purity.

Durability 30/30

Defense +10

Charm +30

Charisma +30

Int +10

Wis +10

Faith +20

A circlet blessed by a holy priest to purify evil

Healing spell increased by 10%

Light spell increased by 10%

Dark resistance increased by 10%

Light resistance increased by 10%

Level restriction 20

Staff of white cleric

Durability 50/50

Attack 30 (-27 class restriction)

Int +40 (-36 class restriction)

Wis +40 (-36 class restriction)

Faith +20( -18 class restriction)

Healing spell increased by 10% (-9% class restriction)

Light spell increased by 10%(-9% class restriction)

Dark resistance increased by 10%(-9% class restriction)

Light resistance increased by 10%(-9% class restriction)

Level restriction 20

“Thank you. It is so pretty.” I stared at the equipment set.

“You are welcome.” Said Ragnar.

3 days later

“Okaay, we finished cleaning the show room. Now back to practice Riri.” Stella smiled.

“Okay.” I stand a little further away. Whenever I heard training, a trauma suddenly flashed through my mind.

“Huh? Come closer. I am not in the class.”

“O-Okay.” I reluctantly move closer.

“Okay, now what are we going to do? Ahh. The lifeline for early performers such as you is healing or fist fighting. But since you have to increase you wisdom to 300 first i suggest you to become a healer to avoid taking damage. “


“As you see, magic spells were penalized in damage until your wisdom hit 300. Which is still a long way, probably when you are around lvl 80 or 100. But, healing spells are not considered damage so it is not penalized. And other non damaging spells are also not penalized. Such as illusions or buffs.”


“I see.”

“You are still losing to a real cleric because of their class buff. But, well, that is the demerit of our class.”

Silence then followed. Stella was now lost in thought.


“Hmm, ahh nothing, I was just wondering if you should get the skill book yourself or should I ask for it.” Stella pondered again.

“Okay. Let’s go with the former. Please go to church of Freya to get the book.“

“Umm, would my class not change?”

“Just ask for the skill book. The class change and the skills are two different things.”

40 minutes later

“Here is the skill book. Healing hand, goddess Regen, cure poison, cure paralysis, and light blessing.”

“Okay. Good. Tap the book then say learn.”


You have learned healing hand

A new stat faith has been generated

Healing hand

Subskill of magic mastery

Asks the goddess to heal a single character

Mana cost 150

Heal 200 HP + 100 *wis /40 + 200*faith/20

You have learned cure poison

Cure poison

Sub skill of magic mastery

Asks the goddess to heal a poisoned person

Mana cost 50

Additional levels will also heal HP and cure better poison

You have learned cure paralysis

Cure paralysis

Subskill of magic mastery

Asks the goddes to heal a paralysed person

Mana cost 50

Additional level will give strength buff to player

You have learned phoenix regen

Phoenix regen

Subskill of magic mastery

Asks the goddess to heal a person overtime

Mana cost 200

Health regen increased by 50%

You have learned light blessing

Light blessing

Subskill of magic mastery

Asks the goddess to bless a person granting buff on him

Mana cost 200

Str buff 5%

Dex buff 5%

Light res 5%

Dark res 5%

Little Riri knows that the churches didn’t actually give away the book easily. It is due to her high charm and charisma further boosted by her blue noble equipment that the goddess of Freya has taken a liking to her. She even added several spells that weren’t supposed to be learned by beginner clerics.

“Okay you have learned the spell.”

“Did you have this spell too Stella?”


“I see.”

“Ahh, okay. Go out and hunt with others then.”


“Well, you need to increase your healing mastery. Before we can further our progress. And for healing technique to progress you need to see someone get injured. And you also need to level up too. So you can equip that new set you have.” Stella said.

“Alright, thank you. But.. umm, who should I ask?” I hesitantly asked. All players or NPCs in Tantalus are way out of her league. She doesn’t want to just leech of someone.

“Hmm. Just go out with other beginners. You don’t have to stay cooped up in our group all the time. Have a nice trip.“ Stella smiled. “When you get your magic mastery to intermediate please call me okay? Through Baran or Reiner. Or you can request a meeting under the Tantalus tab.”

20 minutes later

‘I have made no progress. It is so hard to talk to strangers’ I thought while equipping my beginner’s outfit. Being stared at by everyone while wearing the blue noble suit makes me all the more nervous.

“Now what am I going to do?” I walked aimlessly and stopped in front of the library. ”Maybe I better ask Baran to party with me and help me level.”

Royal Road has forbidden multiple accounts so players with healing ability like Riri were actually very desirable. It is just that Riri was too shy to go to a tavern to ask someone into the group and no one bothers to ask Riri since her attire now is the beginner’s outfit which gave the impression that she hadn’t gotten her ban lifted yet. Because within 1 month of normal gaming time, you would usually get 1 or 2 lvl 5 weapons or armor. Some diligent players even get their class changed already.


“Hello, may I help you?” A person wearing red robes with red hair asked her.

“Huh? Umm it is nothing Anya.”

“Huh? How do you know my real name is Anya?” The girl then had a questioning look “Wait a second, there is only one girl who knows my real name with that kind of speech. You are Lily aren’t you?”

‘I was exposed!! All changes to my face and my name are for naught!! Is my speech really that unique?? How can she use her own real face here in the virtual world. Does she not care about her own privacy?!’

“Ah!. Umm. Yeah.”

“It is Fira here. What is your name here?”


“I see. Let’s form a party. We have to hunt. You already got your ban lifted right?”

“Ahm umm, but.”

“ahh, what is your lvl?”

“Uhm. It is 15.”

“That’s good. It is fine then. By the way, I am a lvl 20 mage. Do you have any class yet?”

“Umm, I have several healing spells.”

“So you really have become a cleric. That’s wonderful. Hold on, I will call my friends right away. Let’s hunt together.” She replied with chuckles and smiles.

5 minutes later 3 warriors appeared.

“So, Fira let’s go hunt in the west forest. It is nice there.” Said warrior A with a buckler and a one-handed sword.

“So, this is our healer. Hahaha. She really looks like one alright. Alright, I will entrust my life to you. Heal me when things get rough okay?” Said warrior B, the one with full plate armor, a huge body and a 2 handed axe on his back.

“Alright. I am a thief. Well, recently. Hahaha, I will try my best to disarm traps okay.”

“Umm, okay.”

“Well, she skipped her ban period for exams so she is still in her beginner outfit. It is a wonder actually, that she managed to reach Trisia. Maybe she rode a merchant caravan here.”

“Well, if she has healing skills and a cleric’s look, every party group would welcome her with ease. Ahh I forgot. I am Hasega. A warrior but I want to be a paladin in my next job advancement.” Said the person with a buckler.

“I am Victor. A knight. A damage dealing one. Nice to meet you.”

“I am Dem. A thief.”

“Alright everyone. We are going to breach this cave right now!”

2 hours later

Cave of Trisia

A cave filled with mutated pests

“Okay. Share quest with Victor, Riri, Dem and Hasega.” Fira said.


Fira has shared a quest with you

Pest extermination.

Monsters from the cave of Trisia often come out and destroy Trisia’s farms. Clear this cave and exterminate all monsters so that the field can grow it’s crops to it’s fullest again.”

Quest difficulty D

Quest reward : 15 gold

‘It is a dungeon alright. Each fiber of my being tells me that there are some nasty monsters inside this cave.’ I thought while looking at the cave. The inside is dark, humid and has a gloomy feeling. A perfect place for dungeon monsters.

“The monsters here are ranged from 15 to 20. So, we should be fine.“ Fira said while walking behind Victor and Hasega. Dem is beside me at the back of the group. Is he the ‘permanent guard’ assigned to clerics?

10 minutes later.


Quest has been completed

You have leveled up

“What the heck? We haven’t killed anything!” Victor said.

“Umm, maybe some other guys got the quest and finished it?” I replied.

“If that were the case then our quest should failed while their quest is completed, Riri.” Hasega said.

“So, some other random player got another quest in this cave and has slain every critter here?” Fira asked Hasega.

“That is most likely the case.“ Hasega analysed.

“Who are the creeps that stole our monsters.” Victor screamed in annoyance.

“Well, let’s return. There is no point dawdling here unless we want to PK somebody.” Hasega said.

“Riri, what are you doing there.” As Victor yelled at me for standing still while the party has already taken a few steps away to the entrance.

“Uhm. I think I heard something.”

“Maybe it is the footsteps of the crooks that stole our monsters.” Victor explained with irritation.

“Ahh, I see.!” I agreed and started walking.


“Alright that isn’t the sound of a human. Riri, Dem, go to the back.” Victor commanded. “Meatshield! Let’s go!”

A 3 meter black bear could be seen standing while roaring a frightening sound.

“Hey, meatshield, flame hair. Is that monster supposed to be here?” Victor asked.

“No.” Both answered.

“Umm, maybe someone aggroed it here?” I said remembering the jumping spider scene from chapter 5 where an entire battalion of monsters moved to town.

“Hmm, there is a black bear to north of here that’s around lvl 25. But it isn’t supposed to be big and slimy like that.” Fira added.

“Okay. We can handle an oversized slimy bear, right meatshield?”

“Can you handle 3?” Hasega answered as 2 others of same creature appeared.

“S-s-should I cast some buff now?” I asked timidly.

“You have one?” He asked.

“Just 1.”

“Don’t be so reserved. Play it all out.” Hasega answered.

“Light blessing.” Light permeated their bodies. An icon appeared beside the health bar, marking the buff as active.

“Ohh, a buff. First time seeing it. I guess a cleric is as useful as the rumors say. Charge!!!!” Victor shouted while drawing his axe.

“Is a priest really that rare?” I asked Fira which besides me now.

“Usually a guild hires an NPC one since players are reluctant to chose a non combat class. Mana bolt!!” She answered while casting the most basic spell of a mage. Mana bolt.

“Uhmm. Healing hand.” I judged the scene. Dem abandoned his duty of being my bodyguard and was currently aggroing one of the bears. Being a thief in close combat, inside a cave, Dem is at a disadvantage. While Dem can avoid 1 out of every 2 hits launched by the bear, each non critical hit took a fifth of his health. Not planning to do an overhealing (healing above maximum health causing inefficiency) I made a mental calculation and healed Dem every time he took 3 hits.

Hasega played defensively. He took time to dodge or block each claw launched by the bear. A loud clanking sound could be heard from his buckler. But his damage is low compared to Dem and Victor, he only counters when he sees the chance. But he has the most survival ability of the three. Since he almost parried or blocked each of the bear’s attacks, he only took around 2 or 5 % damage each hit.

“Phoenix regen!” Cast a regeneration spell on him and he is good for the day.

“Aargh!!” With a battle cry Victor here made the loudest sound. Battle axe could be heard clanging on the stone as the bear desperately tried to dodge. I quickly made a mental calculation. He took about 10% of damage each hit. But he deals the most damage. And unlike Dem, he sometimes parried the attack from the bear. His damage is a little above Dem. In addition to that, mana bolts and fireballs from Fira joined the fray. Fira judged that Victor is capable of pinning the monster down so even if Fira aggroed the monster by mistake, unlike Dem who is full thief with low defense, victor can block the monster’s charge by pinning it’s attention on him.

“Healing hand!” I casted one on Dem again as soon as the cooldown was gone. His HP had already gone down to a fifth. A hit or two more would kill him.

“Damn! This thing uses poison!” Hasega shouted.

“what?!” Fira was shocked.

“Ahh, then. Umm. Cure poison.”

“Thank you!”

“Hey cleric girl! Don’t you think you are ignoring someone here!? My HP is almost red! Argh!! Now I got the bloody poison as well.”

“Ahh, but..” I panicked. Dem needed the healing hand. Phoenix regen still has 30 seconds cooldown. If this continues, Victor will die in 20 seconds just by poison alone.

“Switch, victor! I can take a hit or two. Drink some health potions and join back into the fray!.” Fira shouted.

Fira then casted fire strike. Her highest ranking fire with a 2 min cooldown. Victor then pulled back. The bear’s HP is now in low yellow. Almost red.

“This thing is harder than a lvl 25 monster, Fira!” Hasega shouted complaining at Fira’s inaccurate info. His HP is in equilibrium at 80%, not going up and not going down. The damage he received is offset by phoenix regen. But even that should only last for 1 more minute.

“Healing hand!.” I cast one on Dem. Saving him from red zone. Fira is playing tag now, running while trying to dodge the bear’s claw.

“Okay. I am back in action. Move it Fira!” Victor said after he drank an antidote and a health potion, his HP was back to 70% while Fira was at a dangerous 20%. One more hit and she is gone.

“Phoenix regen!.” I casted one on Victor, intimidated by his words earlier.

“Ahh, that’s how you should play. Bring your ugly face here now, bearry!”

30 minutes later, the battle finished with not a single casualty. Only exhausted stamina.


Quest has been completed

You have defeated poisonous black bears

A warrior that tried to flee from the black bears was pursued by them and died in this cave. The black bears left in the Trisia cave ate or killed the inhabitants of this cave and became poisonous black bears.

You have leveled up 3x

Healing hand has reached beginner lvl 3

Light blessing has reached beginner lvl 2

Phoenix regen has reached beginner lvl 2

Cure poison has reached beginner lvl 2

Magic mastery has reached beginner lvl 2

“Whew. Now that was a battle.” Victor tried to catch his breath. The battle was hard at first. But after Victor defeated his bear, he charged to Dem’s bear. Critically injured, Dem managed to slip in some health potions and joined the fray. After that, the single bear left was easily slain. I managed to cast several light blessings every time the buff ran out.

“Healing hand. Phoenix regen!.” Riri tried to bring her party HP to its max as soon as possible. Due to her high wisdom, her mana regen was fast and she was able to cast it without too much worry about her mana.

“Umm, the quest.” I stared at the new quest that was completed abruptly.

“Ahh yeah. We just got a sudden quest didn’t we?“

“I thought we were gonna have an easy walk through this dungeon.” Dem said.

“Well, I have learned my lesson now. we can’t be to prepared for anything, can we? Fira said.

Sudden quest is a quest that was made on the spot. An example is the Tarantula quest that Riri and Tantalus group caused and completed. The difficulty of these quest vary. But it is relatively difficult since sudden quests have no prior information and have to be dealt with on the spot. Luckily the group prepared some antidotes since this cave held some poisonous monsters, in addition, the group is a balanced party with an average level beyond the cave’s monsters such as Victor and Hasega being lvl 25, Dem being lvl 23 and Fira being lvl 20. Only Riri was at the cave monsters’ level.

“Alright, I have had my fill of battle for today! Let’s go back. Or should we distribute the loot here?” Victor asked a question.

“Umm, that’s weird.” I made a mumbling remark after seeing the loot. Poisonous claw, poisonous skin. 25 gold coins. Poisonous teeth. Bear brain. Bear fur, bear meat.

“What? Never seen loot before? Well, you have probably never seen loot of this high a level. Woah! Poisonous claw. Poisonous skin. This can be tailored to make a poison resistance leather coat.” Dem remarked.

“No, Riri is right. It is weird. There is something that we should have received but did not.” Hasega said.

“Huh? what is it?”

“Ahh! A warrior’s attire.” Fira came to a realization.

“Well, the warrior is mostly dead. But if he could escape from 3 bears alone, maybe his attire is about level 30. Even if we have to repair it, it is still cheaper than buying a new one. Want to check it?” Hasega asked.

“Well, we are in an empty cave. Why should we refuse free money. I’m in.” Victor claimed.

“It is mostly just a hypothesis. The attire and the warrior might have disintegrated for all we know. So no hard feelings if we don’t find anything okay.” Hasega made an announcement.

20 minutes later we found the corps of said warrior in a hole. Maybe he was hiding from the beara but he still couldn’t hide from death. Just like Hasega predicted, the corpse has nothing but a single parchment and a ring on it.

I have received a mission from an alchemist of the Northern town to gather the honey of a stinger bee. I already have the amount needed. But 10 black bears surrounded me. I fled but the bears chased me. I fought until my potions were out but to no avail. I threw away the honey for my life. I can still gather some more. But the smell of the honey stuck to me. 3 of those bears chased me to the cave. I planned to set a trap, but a spider bit and poisoned me. Now I hide in this hole waiting for the bears to leave. But the bears won’t leave. They set up a new home in here. I can only wait.. wait.. and wait until death takes me to escape to another world.


Honey for an alchemist

The warrior is on a mission from an alchemist to bring enchanted honey from stinger bees. Now the warrior can’t complete the quest. But you might be able to do it. Will you accept the quest?”

Quest difficulty : C

Quest reward unknown




Author note

- any reader have been waiting for the release?

- here is the full chapter

- enjoy reading.

- like always here is our mc stat (I might have to stop showing this to cover some plotholes ^_^)

Spoiler : Status windowNameRiriclassperformersHealth2125mana1275fame200Level19Titlemanagerjobtantalus performer[Health regen/sec7mana regen/sec9.4Strength68(+2)dexterity111(+2)Wisdom92(+2)intelect49(+2)Stamina220(+2)vitality83(+2)art52(+2)charisma20(+32)leadership20(+32)charm50(+32)fighting spirit20[(+2)/tds][tds]faith10(+2)Magic Resistancefire0%water0%earth0%wind0%thunder0%ice0%light0%dark0%unused points50Bonuses- fighting spirit increased by 20%

- all stat +10 except dex and charm

- Dex +50 charm +40

- Stamina +40

- Magic will be reduced by 90%. unless you meet normal requirement of 300 wisdom

- weapon will be reduced by 90% unless have blacksmithe at intermediate

- Leather armor will not be penalized

- Iron armors will have it’s movement speed reduced by 30% and increased stamina consumption by 20%. Only if you meet the requirement

- here is our mc items

Spoiler : [tr]bag 1skillssubskilllocked- - Water canteen

- Water canteen

- Rye bread (6)

- Autographed Beginner’s cloth (E)

- Beginner’s pant (E)

- Beginner’s shoes (E)

- Silver coin (10)

- Gold coins (120)

- Royal Steel Sword

- Ring of mana(E)

- Ring of leadership(E)

- Blue noble shirt

- Blue noble pant

- Breastplate of the escaped prince

- Staff of white cleric

- Circlet of purity.

- White high heel shoes

- White dress of purity


- here is the skill of our mc

Spoiler : bag 1skillssubskilllocked- - Speed reading beginner’s lvl 2

- Manage beginner’s lvl 4(.

- Magic mastery beginner lvl 2

- Acrobatic beginner lvl 2

- Multitasking beginner lvl 4

- Sword mastery beginner lvl 4

- Ambidextrous beginner lvl 2

- Bullet deflector beginner lvl 3

- here is the subskill of our mc. subskill is a branch of skill such as spells level or sword technique

Spoiler : bag 1skillssubskilllocked- - light blessing beginner lvl 2

- phoenix regen beginner lvl 2

- cure paralysis beginner lvl 2

- cure poison beginner lvl 2

- healing hand beginner lvl 3

- happy reading

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