《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 2 First friend




#sound effect#

chapter 2

“umm.. mister.”

“Yes what is it?” the barkeeper answered me in a slightly annoyed look. It must be because of my beginner’s outfit that he might think i am looking for a job until my ban is lifted.

“um.. i am looking for a room.”

“With 2 beds” whisper a certain hooded girl beside me with a lowered head so her face can’t be easily seen

“erm.. with 2 beds.”

“huh?” the surprised bartender then said “2 gold coin a day!”

A certain girl at my left put 14 gold coin at the desk. With a surprised look and jaw dropped the bartender then quickly changed his attitude towards me. No wonder, according to manuals usually an inn is worth around 2 or 3 silver a day. But that, of course only applied to normal rooms with a single bed. not a deluxe with 2 beds. But still 2 gold coins is still too expensive for a day since it can be used to buy 2 or 3 lvl 3 common items . and she nonchalantly put 14 gold coins! Well, this person sure is in another world to me economically. Then she elbowed me again

“Huh?. ohh. Umm 7 days please.” I answered in panic.

“Oh! Sure, sure. Please let me take you to your room. and here is the key, ahh should i open it for you? Please follow me.” The changed personality of the tall barkeeper surprised me

‘this is what i call double face’

Heaven inn is the name of the inn we currently at. But the situation isn’t like heaven at all. Currently we stared at each other from our beds. That are adjacent to each other. This awkward silence and gazing pressure is killing me! I need to strike a conversation. Now what do i need to say? First of all she completely misunderstand that i am blackmailing her. but right now i feel completely blackmailed? What is her intention now? does she wanted me to stay in this room for a whole week

“ummm. Stella?”

“what?” a short cold reply!

“Do we... i mean do you intent.. i mean do you want to stay in this room for.. 1 week until your concert?” i asked fearing for my life.

No answer. She seemed to relaxed her posture. The killing gaze from before isn’t there anymore


i breathe a sigh of relief.

“she then stare outside window while removing her cape. Her beautiful hair still entranced me. Such a gorgeous hair. She gaze at the town outside the window. The scenery right now must be like those photographed model with lighting effect. She slowly turned towards me and the scenery gaze then disrupted

“hey!. I am calling to you”

“Huh? yes? Umm what is it?”

“you were right. i don’t plan to be a hermit and stayed here for 7 days. let’s get outside. Any place in mind?” she answered.

‘why the heck she asked me? I just played. How would i know if there are any interesting place or things to do in this city?’

“Umm, but...”

“ah, as long as i don’t speak everything is fine. This cape can mostly hide my unique feature..”

“And as long as you don’t crash into somebody. Right?”

“yeah. So, you have any place in mind?”


“L—L-Let me ask the bartender.”

A few minutes later.

“Stella. Umm i know a good place now.”

“Let’s go. I am tired that i have to stay in this cooped room anymore”

“Where are we going?” she asked whisperingly.”

“to the east city wall.”

“What is there to see.”

“mm. The view is good we can see the field that are filled with bunnies and foxes. And, the mr. William... i mean the bartender said that in the evening a swarm of dragonflies can be seen flying out of Rem forest. And there are fireflies too that filled the eastern field at night. Do you want to see it?” i nervously answered


Of course we do not go straight to the city wall since there are 2 more hours to spent before the appointed evening.we spent our time our time to various merchant and buy several candies that surprisingly increase my stamina by 10% for 10 hours. A stat increasing food worth 5 gold. Despite her teen age she really spent without restraint.

“Hahaha. That was hilarious. The merchant thought you were an assassin!”i laughed at her

“Can’t say much do i? After all i can’t speak and with this cape and hidden face it is no wonder that i am regarded as assassin” she sulkingly answered me.

“Well, here we are. From the town square to the east and a little bit to the north.” I stared at the scenery in front of me. Green grass mixed with orange light from the setting sun separated by a dark green forest appear in front of my eyes. A magnificent view. A soldier or two can be seen walking from wall to wall, i guess it is for patrolling.

‘in earth this kind of scenery is hard to find.’i thought as my face keeps facing the setting sky A clear orange sky and fresh green from grass and the living spirit of trees can be seen here. Such a luxury the world we were once lived in. 1000 year ago earth was supposed to be like this scenery isn’t?

“isn’t it beautiful?” i asked her

“Yeah. Ah that’s the dragonfly. It’s really pretty.”

“Huh? “ i then looked back at the forest. Then i realized that this is not earth. This is another world with it’s own species. A dragonfly as big as a motorcycle can be seen above forest. Flapping it’s semi transparent wings. Then another one. Then another one until a swarm of that dragonflies can be seen filled the orange sky. It continues to fly out of the forest into the north. A breathtaking view! A simple word like beautiful can’t describe this scenery easily but i can’t find more words to praise this scenery better than word beautiful. A fraction of rainbows sometimes can be seen from the dragonfly wings. This game realism also counts about light refraction.

Due to seeing a breathtaking view art stat has been generated.


A gift in comprehending and practicing beauty, art renders meals and products elegant in an aesthetic and practical sense.

Improves when you see, hear, smell, taste or touch beautiful things, or create artworks.

“Ahh that was good.” She said to me

“i wonder why no one came here to see this scenery.”

“Well, part of it is due to we already seen it too many times,so we get bored from it.” the guards that overheard us answered


“Umm, do they get out from that forest everyday?”

“No. They fly from Rem forest to Rim forest weekly. They travel back and forth mostly due to food and reproduction.”

“i see.”

“Yeah. You are lucky to come and can watch it at a perfect moment. Where did you get this information?”

“From Mr. William. The bartender at Heaven Inn.”

“I see that’s a surprise. He usually hard to get friendly with especially with beginner’s. Except if money is involved. Haha.” The guards chuckled

‘he sure does’ my sarcastic thought retort the guards comment.

“ I see you are a foreigner. Well most foreigner only think about killing monster outside or doing jobs for us for money. But you seem a little different.”

“Ah. I see. That’s why foreigner’s don’t bother coming here too since this place is far away from barracks which are in the west.”

“Exactly. This part of the city is reserved for farmland and granary. There are no foreigners that wanted to be farmers right?” he blinked

Your familiarity with east wall guards lorein has increased.

“so why don’t you and your green eyed friend do a quest for me? It is easy.. you see if you haven’t known, 1 week from now on a theater group Tantalus and it’s most famous actress is going to come to our town. Well, they performed here yearly. But it is the first time that their most famous members perform here. So i want to attend that event. Unfortunately i have a guard duty right now.”

“Huh? then what can i do? i can’t possibly replace your guard duty.” I answered confusedly

“Ah. No, no. I just want you to deliver this letter to guard captain Obendell. He will surely understand and give me a single day holiday so i can attend the event. So will you deliver the letter?”



Delivering letter

Lorein has requested you to deliver his letter to the guard captain Obendell so that he can get a holiday 7 days from now.

Quest difficulty : E

Quest requirements : get friendly with the east wall guard

Time limit: until midnight

Quest failure will result in decrease of familiarity with lorain.

Quest reward. 10 silver coins

“Hurry up. If the other guard get their holiday before me i might not get a holiday at all. This is a race against time.” Lorain shooed me with a hand gesture

“umm. Okay.”

“Thank you! See you later.” He shouted.

‘Ahh, my first quest. And my familiarity gets a good start. I guess this day isn’t so bad after all’

one thing in royalroad, even though you can’t see the current familiarity with NPC, you will be notified if the familiarity gets raised or lowered. This way i will now if my speech and action is correct or wrong. This place is a great place for practice.

“Did you have to run?” Stella asked me while i am gasping for my breath at the central square.

You are thirsty. Please drink water to refill stamina faster

So satiety is divided by two. Hunger and thirst. This game is overemphasizing its reality

“i am sorry. I am just excited” i watched her while sitting. She didn’t waste any breath at all. She didn’t even look tired

I sit at the corner of the fountain and filled my water canteen with it’s water.

“is it good?”


“The water. It is from the fountain at the streets after all. I didn’t expect it to be healthy for human consumption.”

“Ahh. It is fine. Well the water isn’t really that great. Just normal water” after another gulp i continued . this time by walking. But excitement still filled my heart so i increased my pace into fast walking

Dexterity has increased by 1

“Hah, hah, at last we have arrived.” I breathe heavily

“well, what are you waiting for. The door is right there. “ she continued

“Just.. wait... a second. Huff. Huff.”

5 minutes later.

“Alright. I am ready.” My breathe is still running short but i can talk normally now

‘say excuse me. Then say may i meet with captain guard Obendel. I have a letter for him’

“Umm. Excuse me. May i meet with captain guard Obendel. I have a letter from him” i replicated the answer from my head to the guard at the gate entrance of the barrack.

“Huh?” the guard gave a questioning look

‘ i messed up!! Now what do i do.”

“Ah, ummm. I mean i have a letter for him.”

“he is sitting near the firedamp. See? Go ahead. But after you are done you are expected to leave. Outsiders aren’t welcomed in this barrack”


“sir?” i nervously waked near the said guard captain.

“Yes? What do you want?”

“umm. I have a letter for you. It is from lorain.”

“i see. Thank you. Now go away.” What a cold welcome. I guess what the guards said about this place do not welcome other beside soldier is true after all


Delivering letter

Quest complete. Ask lorain for quest reward


“Yes. What is it girl?”

“i have completed your quest.”

“Okay. Thank you. Here is your reward. 10 silver coins.

“Thank you sir.”

Back in the heaven inn.

“ahh that was exhausting. Do foreigner always do that? what a hardworking person.” Stella throw herself at the bed

“umm. Maybe.”

“okay it is already night by now. i want to sleep. Goodnight.”

“ahh yeah.me too. Umm you know that i might log off for 1 or two days right?” Royalroad time is 4 times faster than normal. So counting from this time (11 PM at real time) and tomorrow afternoon at 2 PM i should be out from this world about 2 or 3 days

“Umm. Yeah i heard about it. don’t worry, i will wander around by myself. The advance group from Tantalus will appear tomorrow anyway to set up some stall and stage.

“Bye.” I then log off and back at a dark chamber of my capsule

It is a wonder that another world exist inside this machine. A world like our earth with more majestic in variety of its species.

“That is definitely tiring. I almost faint from exhaustion”

I met several people today. 1 player and 5 NPC. The merchant is definitely bad, but Loraine is a good guy. The bartender is pretty much the same as the merchant. The guard captain... i don’t know if he is a bad person or just cold. Stella, she is a nice person a little scary at first.

“ Ahh, i will definitely go back to that world tomorrow” i murmured as i sleep that night




author note

- here is the second chapter. please enjoy

- and just like before any critics, suggestions and comments are welcomed

- happy reading {[999baw}]

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