《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 1 I didn't want to blackmail anyone?




#sound effect#

Chapter 1

The scan of your irises and fingerprints indicates that you are a new user. Would you like to register to royalroad?

(Author note: why anyone haven’t thought of fingerprints before?)

“umm, yes i am.”

Please speak the name of your avatar

“umm, Riri.”

the name “umm, riri” has been selected. Please say confirm to confirmed your selection

“no no!.” I panicked. I messed up. Please let me cancel the name

The name has been cancelled please speak a new name for your avatar.

‘Yes i can re choose my answer this time i must say riri without umm’ i breathe a sigh of relief

“um. Riri.”

the name “ um, riri “ has been selected. Please say confirm to confirmed your selection

“NO!” i screamed. I messed up again.

The name has been cancelled please speak a new name for your avatar.

“can i type the name instead of speaking it.”

Please wait for a moment. A virtual keyboard will appeared in your line of sight

‘Why didn’t i stutter on the last part? Damn me and my social ability’


a clear sound effect and visual effect appeared in front of me. A a real looking keyboard! This game is overdoing the realism part.

“Riri” i typed the name that i want for my avatar

the name “riri” has been selected. Please say confirm or press the confirm button in front of you to confirmed your selection

“ehm. Confirm.”

Please select your race there are 49 races throughout Versailles 29 have been unlocked for choosing.


Please select your gender. You can choose to be female, male or neutral

“Um. Female.”

You may alter your appearance

“umm, random female face with a long hair” she said. This was done to hide her face

Please select your starting location

In the guide there are several cities you can start from. Ahh, anywhere is fine as long as it is not to populated

“umm, anywhere that are not a big city.”

Random chosen city that has low population is this your choosing? Please say confirm to confirmed your selection


Welcome to royalroad, royalroad is a game with 99%realism with a fantasy setting. In this game you can.......

The long winded NPC woman continued her mumbling for about an 3 hour later displaying various short clips about royalroad while boasting it’s realism and magical battle.

....In a moment you will be transported to Selei City. It is located in western border of haven kingdom. A border city that is recently discovered by Shushu player with 3000 population. Please enjoy the game.

A blinding white light covered me. In a flash i was transported to city plaza where beginners started a magnificent view a medieval Europe appeared in front of me stone paved road between building filled the city with several players walking on it. sometimes a merchant carriage walked along the path.

‘ ahh, i forgot, we can’t differentiate between players and NPC unless we asked them directly’

My eyes continued it’s journey to the soldier walking with his swords sheathed and some beginners filling his canteen beside the fountain

‘let’s see. According to manuals there is a fountain where i can refill my canteen for water and for starters i have 0 money and 10 rye bread’

“Open inventory”

A window displayed my current inventory

bag 1locked

- Water canteen

- Rye bread (10)

- Beginner’s clothe (E)

- Beginner’s pant (E)


- Beginner’s shoes (E)

That is all what is written there. I guess this is according to manual. Hmm this is the inventory window. If i pressed the the item it will show the item status. And now let’s proceed with status window

“open status window”

Status windowNameRiriclassnoneHealth100mana100Level0TitlenoneHealth regen/sec0.2mana regen/sec0.2Strength10dexterity10Wisdom10intelect10Stamina100vitality10


- None

‘Nothing wrong here either. okay, no bug detected. So let's take a stroll through this new world.’ I dismissed the window and walk aimlessly like a lost child.

‘While walking i looked around to see my potential target to socialize. Hmm a merchant would be good since most of them are neutral. But to communicate with them i need to have money which i don’t have. Royalroad manual didn’t say anything about this situation. Now what am i supposed to do? I know that i would be trapped in this city for a month in game.


“Ah!. I am so sorry. Sorry.” I bowed my head in rapid succession. I crashed into another people. What if he is a player. What do i do now? as i looked in front of me ,i stopped bowing my head and instead i looked in disbelief at a flowing green hair reached all the way to her back with beautiful green eyes that match her hair.

“So beautiful.” I whispered in awe

A long seconds we stare each other. Without saying anything until she broke the silence.

“I am sorry. I need to go now. bye.” Without any delay she fixed her hood and cape and ran with all her might. Such a strange occasion.

As i continued i stepped in front of a merchant. And his wares. A tall bulky man then stared at me.

“umm, umm.....” i can’t say a word. That crash has made me forgot every speech i prepared for this occasion

“May i help you miss?” the merchant give a textbook questions.

Time continue ticking without me giving an answer. Let’s see if i am not wrong besides buying something from a merchant we can look for.... jobs. Yeah that’s it

“umm, i am, i am looking for a job. Yeah. A job.” I answered

“oh i see.” The merchant voice and attitude changed from polite to that of arrogant boss “here is a job for you. But remember, i can’t pay you for more than 1 silver. Understand? Go get 10 rabbit pelts in the outside.”

“huh? but, but,”

“What?” the merchant cut my speech. This guy sure have double personality. Does every merchant like this?

“I-I_i haven’t got my banned lifted of yet.”

“Then i have no use for you. Get lost! I haven’t sold a single wares since morning.”

‘First attempt failed miserable. I sighed as i exited that merchant square. I guess i will go to the library and spent this day relaxing for a bit. I had enough practice for this day. Hmm, according to manual A city map is located at the central square near the fountain. And then according to that map the legend for library is, ahh right here.’

I walked to the library. This one place is like a haven for me. Now what books there should be in the library. I think this game also boasted about it’s realism by having a complete history in libraries.

“Where is she?!” someone shouted in front of my said destination. The library is cramped! Isn’t libraries supposed to be filled by 3 or 4 persons at most? Even school library doesn’t usually get this crowded.


“Where is Stella?!”


That name continued in several shouts in front of a packed library. ‘I see, they are looking for someone famous. Now what do i do? I have to wait for these crowds to disappear. ‘

i grabbed a piece of rye bread in my inventory to refill my satiety bar that has dropped to 50%. I stare at my bread while thinking, is it too soon to eat my bread? What if it runs out before i managed to get a decent job. 5 hours has passed and my satiety only fall by 50%. And rye bread filled my satiety by 30 to 40% so i should be having any problem eating it now right? ahh forget about it. let’s eat it just that. i have 10 piece anyway, this should last me 4 to 5 days of game playing. I must already have a job by then.

“i am sorry, have you seen a green haired girl walking around here?” a female warrior asked me out of the blue making me jumped a little and choked

‘a green haired girl?’ my brain then flashed at a single scene. Should i answered, should i not? What if i am wrong and give a false information to them? this can lead me to have a negative impact if she is an NPC, if she is a player than it is worse.

“Umm, but.... can’t you edit your avatar here? So... umm” i stutter unable to answered anymore

“Ah, you are a beginner. Sorry i don’t know. You see this Stella Veritra is a very popular NPC that travel with Tantalus group. “

“So..um.. why are you looking for her?” according to her speech, she seemed to be a player due to her calling someone NPC.

“Ahh, when you get your clothes or equipment autographed by her your weapon will have several status buff. It is awesome !!! i heard it even surpassed enchanters”

“Ahh, i see.”

“Okay. Tell me when you see her okay? My name is Miranda. When you get out of your beginners time go to Apocalypse guild and maybe we can work something out. Ah the guild HQ is located west of here. Near the border of Kallamore. If you really can reach there from here then don’t worry about guild level limitations” she chuckled a bit then left

‘ i guess i just have no luck today. First i get, a depressed merchant, then the library is full of chaos. Should i just logged of and called it a day today? But i still have at least 2 more hours real time. That means i have 8 hours here. Huh?’

Just like before, i walked aimlessly while sightseeing the city. It is truly beautiful just like in fantasy film. But what caught my surprise is a a strange looking person that sneaked beside the church while looking left and right. ‘ ahh i know that cape. It is the smae as the girl that i crashed before’

“Umm, sorry. May i help you?” i said in low voices and call out to her

“KYAA!!!” she screamed

“KYAA!!” i also screamed in unison. it is not my intention to scared her or anything but she is the one that screamed full voice to me first

“i know no Stella.i absolutely have no idea where she is!” she screamed in defense.huh? did i ever said she was one to begin with?

With a questioning look in my face she finally realized her mistake.” Damn! I am now exposed! Listen! Don’t you dare tell a soul this. I will autographed any of your equipment. But just don’t tell anyone that i was here before my scheduled contest!!” her eyes changed to that of a panicked person to a threatening glare.

Autographed? Huh? wait a second. According to that female warrior... “ahh!! So you are Stella Veritra. The one that rumored to be able to autographed an equipment that are better than enchanter!” i recalled my memory.

She then stared me with a blank look like it is a surprise i don’t know her face. then with a depressed facepalm she muttered “Damn. I messed up again. If i know she didn’t know me....” she then tried to stay composed“alright. just give me your sword or weapon. I will autographed it.” she then take out her pen and with a hand gesture she asked me for my weapon

“But... but... i don;t have any weapon.”

“Huh? oh a monk. Alright. a clothes or shoes or pants will do.”


“What now?” that piercing beutiful green eye makes my hand moved without delay. I am not scared or anything. But, somehow i just can’t resist her demand.

“is this.. your best equipment??” she looked me with a blank face

“I_I_I just started!. I-I-I don’t have anything valuable to enchant except that beginner equipment that only give 1 point of defense.” I stuttered in my speech against her. this is a misunderstanding!

“Hmmm. Now what do i do. even if she betrayed the deal it would not cost much for her, comparing her beginner enchanted clothes to the information of my whereabouts. AAARGH!! Why is my luck so bad today!! First i mistook the date of concert. Then i met with a newbie foreigner that can’t shut her mouth!” she scrambled her hair with her hand

“alright. this is your clothes. I have enchanted it.”

“Umm, thanks but, you don’t have to do so much for me. If-if you only asked i will keep your locations hidden until next week.”

“ARGH! As i thought. You tried to blackmailed me!”

“No! No! I didn’t blackmailed you or anything it is just.. you don;t have to do so much. “ i stuttered. She misunderstood me! I need to repair this damage now

“Alright. just get to the point. What did you want?” she shot a sharp glare at me

“Huh? I-I-i didn’t want anything at all. You are mistaken i didn’t want to blackmail anyone.” She completely thought i blackmailed her now. i know we can become as evil and criminals here. But that is not what i want. Blackmailing will reduce your fame or even raise your infamy! That will seriously impede my practice to socialize. Let alone 4 to 5 days. no NPC may even talked to me for months should i get a raise in infamy now

“You Didn’t want anything? That’s past tense! So you DO want something now right?”

“NO!!” she seriously misunderstood me from the bottom of her heart

“Alright. come at me. If you didn’t lie then you will have no problem of me staying and watch over you until next week right?”




author note:

- like before critics and suggestions and comments are welcomed

- the bbcodes is a pain. thankfully i managed to got it right after not so few tries. don't get me wrong. it is actually easy if you follow the code guide. but first timer always find it hard :P

- thank you for such a wonderful forum.

- happy reading. now i just need to proof read {[999bag}]

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