《Fighting Back The Tide》Chapter Six


"Well I did just tell you that teacher but you didn't listen. I know it isn't the right time but I told you so."

"Robert stop being obnoxious and fall in. Everyone gather round and follow me."

"Teacher I hate to point this out but you aren't thinking clearly. You should have everyone gather some sort of makeshift weapon like a chair or table leg to defend themselves with or we won't make it to the other side of the school. Trust me I know from experience."

I really didn't want to answer back to the teacher as she was clearly barely holding it together and the wild eyes showed a trace of panic in them and she would how thought I was trying to undermine her authority. I sighed and thought of all the teachers I got lumbered with why did it have to be an inept and rigid teacher. Unless she rapidly changed she wouldn't survive for long. That wasn't my problem but what was my problem is if she brought everyone else down with her. Mainly myself by lets not mention that.

"Teacher I think Robert does make a sensible suggestion and judging from the sounds down the other end of the corridor there are already creature here obstructing our path" Yuki spoke up.

As expected of the class rep to shine whatever the circumstances I thought bitterly. Why can't anyone just take my word at face value and accept it was a reasonable idea.

"Absolutely not! I can't authorize the destruction of school property on a whim."

"Well screw this I don't need no authority I am just going to do it. My father is the board chairman and I am sure he will back me up. Besides we have an extensive budget so he can take it out of that" shot back John

I had conflicted feeling being supported by John as on any other day I would love nothing more then to put a cheese grater to his face and put salt in his raw flesh and the rest of his body into a meat grinder.

"But think about my bonus!" the teacher shouted back which made all of us stunned.

"Seriously? I can't believe I heard that right so why don't you say it again teach? You are putting your bonus over other peoples lives?" my voice thundered out ominously

She obviously realised that she had gone too far and replied back "Obviously I was just joking to lighten the mood and but you all at ease. Clearly I think it is an excellent idea to arm ourselves so lets make this quick and grab whatever we can."


There was a mad rush as all the students ran into the classroom and started to dismantle the furniture within. I stayed by the door so as to make sure no creatures came in as I had no need of other weapons.

"Robert can I use one of your swords?" a student asked me

"Do you have any training at all with one?"

"None whatsoever but it can't be that hard to swing one around right?"

In that case no you can't. Not on your life as you are more likely to injure yourself or a classmate then an enemy."

Most of the students were armed with either heavy wooden table legs or chairs. Two had baseball bats. As we set out to carve a path through the corridor students appeared like a human wave from every direction and crowded around us. It was impossible for me to move properly much less swing a blade around. Fortunately we hadn't seen the monsters yet but the class that they were presumably in and from when the screams were from had gone eerily quiet. Maybe we could sneak past so time to put that leadership stat to use!

"Ok everyone shut up and pause for a minute. Look around and you will see not many of us have any weapons and the ones that do can't use them because you are crowding us. We need to spread out and move quietly so maybe we can sneak past the classroom without drawing attention.

"who put you in charge?" came a voice from the crowd. When I looked over I saw the speaker was John. Didn't take you long to go back to being a dick! I opened my mouth to reply but he carried on bleating.

"My father is the board chairman which mean I should have a lot of authority here and as such I will be in charge from here on. Anyone you doesn't agree can leave."

"Listen to me you jumped up prick" I snarled at him "the fact that your daddy is in charge of the academy doesn't mean shit in this situation. Further more he ain't here right now either and what sort of leadership is that if nobody agrees with you then leave? Are you so full of yourself and your ego that big that it is my way or the highway with you? If anyone should be in charge it is the teachers but as they do not seem to be doing a good job I stepped up because someone had to do so. We can't get hung up on who is in charge or whom has the biggest dick here but need to move forward to survive."


"Well if you don't care who is in charge then I will take command and -"

He was forcefully cut off as I started to choke him. I couldn't hit I'm as I might have killed him with my strength difference. Still not clear of how everything works.

"I am through having this 'discussion' with you as you never listen so maybe force with knock some sense into as reasoning with you seems to be impossible."

After a short while he was unconscious from lack of air and I tossed him to the floor. "Someone carry this imbecile and let us be on our way."

It was arranged that a few armed people would sneak past and open the fire escape to let the rest of out take the quick way out and to survey the surroundings. While this was going on I snuck up to the closed door to peak through the keyhole to see what sort of monsters had spawned in there. Ogres and at high level! We definitely couldn't handle them at this time. They would carve through the students like a hot knife through butter.

One of the students motioned that he wanted me to move up to the fire escape as he wanted to talk with me.

"Mate we have a problem."

"What is it this time?"

"Correct me if I am wrong but are they not a whole hoard of zombies?"

I took a look out at the massive crowd outside and used identify on the nearest one

Zombie Level 17

"Yep they are zombies alright and not all of them are human. Several different races here looks like."

Some looked like lizards other looked like Tolkien's elves and orcs. Strangely enough when I used identify on them their status only showed up as zombie not different types. Maybe one they became a zombie their are no longer seen as their own race my the system?

"They appear to be the slow moving type so we can run past them but with the amount of people we have some would get caught and it may alert other creatures to the area because of the noise of hundreds of students running."

So are you saying that we are either stuck here or we will have to make some sacrifices to get through?" the student inquired.

"No I am saying we will have to play it smart and make a diversion to draw them away while everyone gets past. It will have to be quick" I replied.

I went back to the main group and explained the situation to them. Because of my higher ability more specifically agility I would be faster then them but I didn't tell them that and I would cause a diversion while they went past. Also if I had to use magic or any of my abilities then not having witnesses around is a good thing. If someone finds out about my power then other people will try to use me and scheme against me or thing I have a duty to protect them while they do nothing to improve themselves. I placed class rep Yuki in charge of getting the students away safely and one look at her face showed me she had a clear head and could make calm correct decisions. Worthless teachers not stepping up to the challenge and having to rely on us students.

"Right with this I'm off. Once I lure them away make a move at your discretion and move out." As I turned around to leave Yuki gave me a swift hug and murmured in my ear "I always new you could do things if you put your mind to it. You have great potential and you have become a leader her. Come back safe to me, that is come back safe to us I meant." As we separated I saw her blushing slightly, probably because her words sounded like she held affection for me.

"Don't worry no need to be embarrassed I know what you meant. You need me to be a leader of sorts to keep up morale until we get to the cafeteria and proper leadership is sorted out. It will be a relief when that happens and believe me I have no plans on dying anytime soon."

As I left I faintly heard her mutter "nobody plans on dying it is just something that happens and can happen at anytime or place regardless of the reason or situation and we have little control over the matter. Seriously acting all cool..."

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