《Hiro's Journey》Chapter 4: Damsel in Distress


Hey guys! Here is another chapter for you. Please feel free to leave any comments or feedback as it will help me continue to evolve the story. Enjoy!

Chapter 4

“Foria, that’s a pretty name. Are you hurt at all? I saw you holding your leg.”

“Yes, I was injured on my way here”, said Foria.

“What happened?” asked Hiro.

Then she told him her story. She was the daughter of the chief of a nearby village. She and her brother were acting as ambassadors on a trip to a neighboring village of elves when their caravan was attacked by orcs. The orcs ambushed them once they entered into the forest. They used poisoned arrows to dispatch the guards and then they tried to kidnap my brother and me. I didn’t have any weapons so I was defenseless. My brother had spent time learning magic so he cast a fire spell that killed several of the orcs but after casting it he fell exhausted from the strain of the magic. I tried to save him but he told me to run and get help. As I was leaving one of the orcs slashed me with his sword in my leg. I dodged it just enough that I didn't lose my leg but I was badly wounded and the blade was covered in poison. I tried to escape to our village but the way home was cut off by the orcs. I hid in the bushes until they seemed to give up looking for me. I think I passed out for a while but when I came to I made my escape. I covered my leg in some plants that I found and got on my way. I didn’t have a map so I had no idea where I had run. Eventually, my strength faded as I came upon this cave. My exhaustion had set in so I lay down and tried to rest. When I woke up you were coming in holding a weapon. You scared me so I just wanted to defend myself.

“I’m sorry for what happened to you and your brother”, he said.

“Thank you”, replied Foria.

“I want to help you save your brother”, Hiro exclaimed


New Quest available

Quest: Save Foria’s brother.

Do you accept?


“Before we save him first we have to do something about your leg.” Hiro came close and bandaged her leg. She winced in pain but the bleeding stopped.

“Thank you but that is not going to solve the entire problem.”

“What do you mean” asked Hiro.

“The blade that cut me was coated in a poison. Not a very powerful one or I wouldn’t still be here but I can feel it moving through my body. If it isn't cured I will die.”

“Oh… How can we cure it because I don’t know anything about medicine” said Hiro.

“I know a little because my father is an alchemist so he taught me how to mix up potions and things. Go out and see if you can find a flower with four red petals. When you find it, take two rocks and grind the flower up into a thick paste. The paste will make a healing salve that should cure the poison and help me recover more quickly from my wound” replied Foria.


New Quest available

Quest: Heal Foria’s leg.

Do you accept?


“Ok. I’ll go look”. Hiro grabbed his sword and left the cave and went out in search of the flower. Luckily the moon was out so he could still see. He looked around the outside of the cave but couldn’t locate any flowers. He continued to look among the shrubs and bushes around the cave entrance. He wanted to stay as close to the cave as possible as he had never been out at night since he woke up in this world. He knew that in games the creatures that came out at night were usually much more dangerous than those that were out during the day. His vision would also be impaired as he could not see in the dark. Luckily, tonight was a full moon so he could see well enough in the moonlight. He continued to search but to no avail so he moved farther away from the cave entrance. About 100 meters from the cave entrance there was an abundance flowers. He was hopeful that the flower would be growing among all of the other wildflowers. He got closer and his hope came true. He saw about 20 of the flower his was looking for. As Hiro walked towards the area the flowers were growing….


Ding! A dangerous presence is near!

Hiro felt a cold chill run down his spine. He activated his prediction ability. Instantly, it showed an attack coming straight for his face. He quickly jumped back as a snake that looked similar to a King cobra lunged at him. Hiro was able to dodge the attack and as he backed up the snake slithered out. The snake was jet black with cold silver looking eyes with red pupils. Its body was thick nearly a meter in circumference and appeared to possess very powerful muscles. Its head was raised up nearly 4 feet in the air as the rest of its body came from hiding in the flowers. Hiro readied his blade and inspected the enemy.

Black ViperType:SerpentHealth:350 / 350Mana:20/20IBlack Viper: Extremely poisonous snake that inhabits the forest. Its long body is covered with powerful muscles. It poisons its prey by biting them or surrounds them with coils and crushes them.

The snake glared at Hero and he felt disoriented. He wanted to run away because the snake’s glare was very intimidating. He knew he couldn’t run because the snake guarded the flower that could save Foria and it probably would catch him if he tried to escape. “I want to be a Hero! I must save Foria!” he shouted. Hiro pulled out his sword and stood his ground.

Ding! new ability learned, Hero’s courage.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Hero's CourageBeginner0100%This ability will allow the user to stand in the face of dangerous foes. When the foes threaten the hero he gains a boost to his speed and strength.

Hiro activated the Hiro’s courage ability and a red glow began to surround his body. He felt a surge of strength as he stared back at the venomous snake. Its eyes were red like rubies. Its hood opened up showing its murderous intent. Hiro could feel a powerful aura on the snake that seemed to be exerting a strong pressure on him.

Ding! You have been intimidated! You will now lose stamina at 1.5x the normal rate

I guess my Hero's Courage skill level is not high enough to keep me from being intimidated. This was bad. Not only was he facing the strongest foe he had ever faced but he also had to end the battle quickly or he would run out of stamina. Hiro watched the snake waiting for an opportunity to strike. The snake hissed and bared its large fangs that were about 10 cm long each. They dripped with a deadly poison. The snake lunged at Hiro with its fangs. He avoided the fangs but he did not realize that this enemy had a two pronged attack. As he avoided the fangs the tail came around and whacked him from behind. His prediction ability gave him no warning. Hiro had lost 50 hp. He quickly got himself back up as the snake lunged to bite Hiro again but he moved to the side. The next attack was shown by his prediction ability but he could not avoid it. The tail felt like a sledge hammer hit him throwing him 15 feet and into a tree. His hp dropped by 80 points. He coughed up some blood and it felt like a few of his ribs might be broken. More than half of his health had been taken in just two attacks. This enemy was extremely dangerous.

Ding! You are now bleeding. You will lose 2 hp per second.

He would have to find a way to defeat this enemy soon as the bleed may be his end if this draws out. Hiro decided to try something unexpected. He picked up a rock in his left hand. He waited for the snake to attack. When it attacked he threw the rock at the head of the snake and it avoided the attack and flicked its tail at him as a counter. “Just as I thought, the head is hit and the tail reacts”. He picked another rock and threw it at the snake’s head this time he knew the tail was coming. He used his prediction skill to determine the path of the tail. He saw it and went to meet the tail with his blade. He began to slice through the tail. It was surprisingly thick. It took all of his strength to cut it completely off. The snake let out shrill sound that Hiro thought it might be some sort of scream as it began to roll on the ground from the pain of losing its tail. While on the ground it began to bleed profusely from the wound Hiro inflicted. In a flash it raised itself up in a state of confusion as it had lost track of Hiro. When it found him, Hiro had already jumped in for the kill. While the snake was recovering, he gathered all of his strength and charged at the maximum of his speed and thrust his sword deep into the upper part of the snake’s body then with his full weight drove the snake into the ground. His blade went through the snake and into the ground trapping. The snake struggled to get free and hissed at Hiro with it mouth wide open displaying its venomous fangs but Hiro calmly removed his spear from his back. As the snake hissed he thrust his spear right into the wide open mouth of the snake.


Ding! Level up!

Ding! Level up!

Ding! Sword mastery level up

Ding! Endurance level up!

He looked at his hp gauge. It was still falling and he only had about 100 points left. He had to stop the bleeding. He grabbed several of the flowers and rushed back to the cave.

Ding!” you gained the skill herbalism.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:HerbalismBeginner0125%Herbalism allows you to use identify plants of various types that can be gathered and used in other jobs such as alchemy. As you level this ability you will be able to spot useful plants by a glow around them.

He gave the flowers to Foria.

“What happened?” Foria asked.

“I was..... attacked… by a…. black viper” Hiro could barely catch his breath. “Please make the healing salve because I was injured fighting the snake.” Hiro replied panting as his breathing became even more labored. His vision began to blur as the room became darker and darker.

“Ok”, replied Foria. She took two flowers and ground up the petals into a paste.

As she worked Hiro thought, “Is this it? Is this where I die?” Then he felt strange warmth on the area where snake struck him with its tail. Foria was applying the paste to his injury. His health had risen 100 points and he was no longer bleeding either. His natural regeneration would take care of the rest. He was out of danger.The plant paste must be similar to a potion.

“Now please I need you to grind up the petals as I no longer have the strength” as she laid down on the ground. She was sweating badly and her body was almost red with fever.

Hiro quickly grabbed the petals of the remaining flowers and ground them up with a rock.

You have create healing paste

Ding! New skill learned alchemy.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:AlchemyBeginner0110%This is the ability to create various potions. As the skill in this ability improves the user will be able to make different potions with greater effects.Description Here. Each level of alchemy increases your wisdom by +2.

Hiro collected the paste and looked at Foria's leg. He had not noticed how bad the poison had gotten. She had black lines running across her milky white skin. This must be the poison coursing through her veins. Hiro applied the paste to her leg and instantly the discoloration at the sight of the wound changed back to normal. Then he also saw the dark veins beginning to lighten back to their normal color. He heard a sigh of relief from Foria as she lost consciousness.

Quest complete! Experience earned!

Ding! Level up!

The poison must have really sapped her energy. Better to let her rest. Her body felt hot to the touch as he applied the paste so he assumed the poison had caused her to run a fever. Hiro created a fire to keep himself warm. Then he looked over at Foria who now shivering. He covered her in his panther pelt and went back out of the cave to get the corpse of the night viper. He grabbed the pieces of the snake and returned to the cave.

Before going back to his work he checked on Foria. She was no longer shivering and appeared to be sleeping soundly so Hiro went to work. First, he skinned the snake. The skin was strong and supple. It would be good for creating some equipment. He inspected the mouth where he saw the deadly fangs. He took them out being careful not get any poison on his hand. Then he cut open the head of the snake and he found the poison sac where the snake created its venom. "I wonder if I put this poison on the tip of my blade or any other weapon, would it then poison the enemies I stabbed? I'll think about that later because now my stomach is growling. I have to eat something."

Hiro used his blade to cut a few fillets of the snake meat and cooked them. The snake meat was extremely tasty.

Ding! After eating the snake fillet you gain a 10% increase in health regeneration for 4 hours.

Ding! You gain a level to your cooking skill.

Hiro felt satisfied with his progress for the day. His eyes became heavy and he laid down to sleep for the night.


I love how everyone is reading my story and I am completely enthralled with writing each day. Continue reading and please leave your comments and reviews. I would really like to get into the top 50 list in the future.

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