《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 20: Kui-nige!


Part 1

Radcliff frowned, the next bit of information was something too unbelievable, even for him. "Their youngest son's tracker began moving...and…its headed south....also you might not believe this...given his speed, I think he is on a plane."

“Hah?” The old man involuntarily emoted his surprise as his face expressed his disbelief. “I think Radcliff-san, has had too many drinks to night, to be joking about a six year old child boarding a plane…”

Radcliff frowned as he stared back at the old man through the rear view mirror. “I don’t drink when I work, Sir.” Radcliff corrected the old man. “Also, you may check the tablet beside you if you don’t believe.”

The old man clumsily picked up the electronic gadget next to him, a ten inch screen tablet and then turned it on. The screen of the tablet, opened to a map of Japan and displayed six chibi faces. Each chibi face loosely resembled their real life character. The location of the chibi faces on the map also indicated the real time location of the person. The six chibi faces were Minamoto Rina, the old man and the family members of the Tsushima household. Currently, five of the chibi faces were clustered extremely close by. This was true as everyone tagged, lived fairly close by – if the old man were too zoom into the map only then would the chibi faces pull apart to reveal distance but for his current use a ‘zoomed out’ map was what he needed. This was because, Shin’s chibi face blinking and was drifting further and further away south.

The blinking chibi face meant that Shin was travelling through an area sparse of telecom towers. Hence, he could only be tracked weakly with GPS signal. Currently, Shin’s chibi face was half way between Tokyo city and Miyagi prefecture.

“Ah….” The old man frowned slightly and groaned as he felt a headache approaching. “Could it be that the tracker got misplaced?” The old man enquired. The old man could not believe that a little boy boarded an aeroplane by himself. How would he be able to do so? The security at airports is extremely tight, so being able to sneak into the airport should be impossible.

“Not possible. Unlike the jade pendant that you gifted your granddaughter, the Tsushimas have been tagged with an 8mm surgical implant.” Radcliff responded in a serious fashion as he moved the car into higher gears; speeding along the curves of the hill like a speed racer. “We also intercepted local police communication – Saijo has reported him as missing. Given the police report and movement in tracker, we can be sure that someone has picked up the little boy.”

The old man sighed and muttered “One incident after another….well what about the plane? Do we have any details about which airline did they board?”

Radcliff frowned once again, “’Support’ has cross checked all flight plan schedules of planes capable of flying at that speed. There should be nothing flying through that stretch of airspace at this time…”

The old man’s eyebrows were raised at this piece of information. “So it is a private jet?”

“Support is not sure….there isn’t exactly a run way in this hilly countryside to land a jet here… also if there was a small jet in the area, we would have known beforehand….this is a completely uncharted flight.”


The old man began to frown, “Wait….if this is an uncharted flight…the moment it shows up on the radar… wouldn’t the Air force get involved? It will surely turn into a troublesome matter if 'that' person gets involved.”

“Assuming it shows up on the radar….” Radcliff reminded the old man. “’Support’ has verified there is nothing on the radar. We are dealing with a highly advanced stealth plane capable of vertical lift.”

“Argh…if it is such a technologically advanced aircraft, then it has to be another country which is involved...or someone extremely wealthy and powerful….”

“Please stop joking around, Sir. This is Japan where owning even a katana requires a licence, it is absolutely impossible for billionaires to own military grade aircrafts. With all the available information, ’Support’ has concluded that this is the work of an outsider.” Radcliff solemnly answered.

There was pin drop silence in the car for an entire two minutes, other than the engine and occasional braking sounds, nothing else could be heard.

“Hohohoho…somehow this has turned into some kind of incredible story….” The old man let out an exasperated sigh as he tried to sound cheery.

Radcliff nodded his head in agreement – a six year old being kidnapped by some foreign intelligence agency then flown on a stealth jet across Japan….who would believe this kind of fantastical story?

The old man held his forehead with his hand and pressed his temples with his fingers as his head began to ache. “It is always him… Wasn’t it Shin-kun who blew up the thief alarm system last year?”

Radcliff nodded silently in agreement and then added. “He is also the same one who kicked the agent in the nuts for following him…”

The old man groaned once more. “That kid… why can’t he be more normal like his elder brother? Why is he the one always creating a ruckus….”

“You can’t blame a six year old for being kidnapped by foreign intelligence, Sir.”

“No you can, Radcliff-san. That particular six year old has been a handful in more than one instance.”

“…” Radcliff didn’t respond - he couldn’t disagree with the old man.

Part 2



Tears trickled down Sui’s face as she sat on Saijo’s lap and hugged him. “Poor Shin-chan……my baby…..*hic*…. is somewhere ……*hic*……out there….all by himself….lost….”



“This is all my fault ….*hic*….for scolding …..*hic*….him….”

“No it isn’t…” Saijo comforted her. “I am sure he is fine and when we find him, I bet he will be sleeping soundly…”


“He didn’t even eat dinner….. *hic*….it is all my fault….he will sleep hungry….all because of me….he ….*hic*….is only…..six years old…he will…*hic*….sleep in such cold….*sob*…without a blanket…”



Saijo could not say anything to lessen Sui’s guilt. The crying became even louder and Saijo’s shirt was dampened in tears and snot of his wife. However, he did not care about his shirt, his son was missing and finding him was all that mattered to both him and his wife.

When Sui discovered Shin was not in his room, they began searching the entire house…then they searched the vicinity outside their house, checked with their neighbours….and then their neighbours also joined the search…


The onsen-owner who lived nearby also volunteered to search. There were even two high school girls who volunteered to look for Shin – though Saijo did wonder why one of them was covered in only a bath towel.

With each minute that passed, the uneasiness in both parent’s hearts only grew. When they could not find Shin in thirty minutes, they informed the police. The two high school girls quickly gathered their classmates and got them to spread word about the missing child. It took a little over an hour, but the teenagers were able to reach out to a lot of residents. Soon, word spread out across the town like fire and everyone came out of their homes at night to help in any way they could. The volunteers were broken into groups of two each and given the responsibility to search a given area.

After this night, Shin became a local celebrity – there was no one in town who didn’t know of Shin.

Part 3

“Is this the place?” A man asked. The man was wearing tight black coloured leather pants and jacket, exuding the aura of a biker gang member. Yes, this man was the pervert. He appeared in the middle of Tokyo from nowhere.

A young boy who sat on the shoulder of the pervert, opened up a tourist map which read the heading ‘Top ten amazing places in Tokyo no one visits!’.

“Yeah….this should be the place….” The boy muttered. The little boy, was wearing a cutely designed nightwear for children - tiny red fire blowing dragons patterned all over his pyjamas. Yes, the little boy in his night suit is Shin.

“Hehehe…” The pervert began to laugh. “Kid, be ready to be amazed. I am going to treat you to the world’s most amazing ramen.

Part 4

In a tiny fast food shack, an amazing scene was unfolding; two people could be seen savagely gulping down ramen bowl after ramen bowl.

The pair was oddly dressed given the general ambiance of the run down restaurant. What does a biker gang member and a boy in a night suit have in common? The people could only believe given the age difference, the two were father and son.

In some ways, the two even resembled each other. The two sat on the restaurant stool in a similar fashion. They also ate in the same manner – savagely gulping down everything that lay before them. They didn’t even take the time chew the food. Some of the dinners who were staring at the duo felt their appetites vanish.

The sight was unsightly. Although, this was just a tiny run down shack, there was still something known as table manners – which they duo clearly lacked. However, the restaurant (shack) owner, a middle aged man, didn’t seem to mind the two people. As long as someone appreciated his cooking, he didn’t mind petty things like table manners.






“O-san! One more!” The little boy called out as he put away his third bowl. “To think there was something this delicious under the heavens. Compared to what my servant cooks me, this is vastly superior!!”

The middle aged man smiled as he replaced Shin’s empty bowl with another bowl filled with ramen. “You have some guts kid, this is your fourth bowl. Be sure not to waste it!”

“Hai!” Shin happily replied as he began slurping away the noddle soup. “Dich texture ish sho grate…” Shin kept praising the cook while his mouth was stuffed with food – a disgusting sight to behold.

“I…know…what…chou…mean…” The pervert replied as he gulped down his seventh bowl.

As the fellow dinners stared at the duo, they could only wonder where all the food disappearing to. The stomachs of the two was still flat as ever – it made the other dinners wonder if the two had an extra dimension for a stomach. Even the shack owner was a surprised with the quantity the two were eating – normally this is something you see in an anime or a manga.

It was only when the duo, finished a total of fifteen bowls of ramen (together) did they finally stop. Their bellies were finally round and bloated.

The owner and surrounding people could be heard muttering words like –

“Unbelievable….to think a human can eat that much….”

“It wasn’t just the man….even the little boy ate four bowls before stopping…”

“I didn’t it was possible for them to eat that much….”

“I was convinced their stomach was about to burst…”

“I know what you mean….I thought we might have to call an ambulance….”

“I think I witnessed something incredible tonight…”

“Each bowl at this place is a filling meal for two….”

“Are they even human?”

Part 5

“15 chef special ramen…that will be thirty thousand yen….” The shack owner spoke with a huge smile as he forwarded the bill to the pervert.

“Hmph…” The pervert smirked as he took out a gold coin from his jacket’s inner pocket and placed it on the table.

“Will this be enough?”

The smile on the owner’s face immediately vanished. “This?” The owner asked as he lifted the coin up against the dim yellow incandescent hanging bulb. The owner carefully began to examine it. The owner had never seen any coin like this before. It was golden in colour and had a coarse design.

“Is this not enough?” The pervert asked with concern as he took out several more gold coins from his jacket.

“What is this?” The owner asked as he held the coins up and stared at the pervert.

“This is ….isn’t this what you humans use for currency?” The pervert asked with confusion.

“You think I am some fool?” The owner angrily asked as he picked up the gold coin. “You think I will believe these are some invaluable gold coins…worth hundreds of thousands of yen? In this day and age, which fool would try to pay for a cheap meal with a gold? You think I am some idiot because I don't know how to read?”

“But it ….” The pervert tried to respond however the owner cut in between and continued to complain…

“Geeezzz…..I should have known better….you guys don’t have any money do you? Why do I have such rotten luck. I should have listened to my mother and opened a beauty store….”

“But….” The perverted tried to respond again but was stopped again.

“Officers!!” The owner called out to two policemen who just sat down to eat. “Please arrest this man!!! He is trying to dine and dash! (kui-nige!)

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