《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 19: We have a situation


Part 1

“You!!???” Rina’s father, Shueshei, angrily spoke as he stormed into the room and yanked the little girl away from the old man.

Rina yelled out in pain – her father’s grip was tight and the force was too sudden. He slightly loosened his grip but did not fully let go.

He had several reasons for searching for Rina. Firstly, Rina was not present outside with everyone which was strange. Second, it was almost time to cut the cake. Third, two boys walked back into the party telling everyone about a ‘really expensive’ car parked outside. The last point pretty much hit home, and Rina’s father knew who the visitor was – the person he despised most in this world. That is when he began looking for Rina-chan like a mad man. However, Radcliff slapped him into his senses and led him here.

“Why are you here?” Shueshei angrily asked the old man.

“I came to see my granddaughter. However, it looks my time is up.” The old man replied with a frown. He didn’t appreciate the force that Shueshei applied on Rina. “Rina-chan, it was fun meeting you. Would you like to meet again?” The old man asked with a sweet voice while completely ignoring his son.

Rina kept quiet but nodded her head in agreement.

“You…---“ Shueshei was antagonized to see his daughter nod her head happily – agreeing to meet the old man again.

“That would be wonderful” Ji-san spoke before his son could get any more words in between. “Then, I will meet you next time, oujosama….oh that reminds me, you will meet my friend’s son at school tomorrow. His name is Tsushima Shin and he is a very shy child. Please take care of him.”

Rina simply nodded her head again which further enraged her father.

“You!!!! You leave from here right away!!!” Shueshei barked wildly. He was loud, loud enough for everyone outside to hear him. Many of the townsmen tried to glance into the house to see who was Shueshei shouting at. Who was the mysterious stranger?

What people saw was a nicely dressed elder man walking out of the house with the aid of well-built man. What could this old man have possibly done to receive the wrath of the gentle Shueshei, everyone wondered?

“YOU NEVER COME NEAR MY DAUGHTER!!” Shueshei continued shouting even after the old man stepped out of the house, in front of the townsmen. Shueshei was boundlessly angered, water had been poured over his schemes to hurt the old man. He could not easily accept this.

Ji-san stopped walking. There was no need for him to go on hearing his son’s insults, however, if he did not let his stupid son vent out his anger, it would certainly be directed to his wife. He did not wish his daughter-in-law to bear the burden.

“Hohohoho…to air your dirty laundry in front of strangers. Maybe I should have taught you manners.” Ji-san finally replied as he turned around and faced his son.

“Yeah?” Shueshei blurted out as he puffed his chest and took a menacing step closer to the old man. “What manners will you teach me, Old man? Or will you have your goons teach me a lesson?” Shueshei asked as he warily glanced at Radcliff.


“Goons?” The old man asked; his face revealed bafflement at the accusation.

“You think I am still young and stupid? I know what you do for a living.” Shueshei shouted out as he threatened to reveal the truth.

However, hearing his son’s accusations, the old man only grew more and more confused. He basically did nothing for a living. So it was really confusing when his son accused him of working.

“Eh? What?” The old man asked.

The flare in Shueshei’s eyes died that was not the reaction he was expecting. He thought his father would be afraid if his true identity was revealed – since the old man really didn’t want the world to know.

No! He must be bluffing! Shueshei thought as he regained his composure.

“You….” Shueshei gritted his teeth. If he were to really reveal the old man’s line of work, he risked being isolated within this town. Taking a deep breath, “You are a Yakuza!!” Shueshei declared with a pompous smile. A smile inherited by Rina.

That sentence threw the entire gathering into frenzy. A real life Yakuza – being such a remote side town, nobody had ever seen a Yakuza. There was so much drama happening, people began gossiping all sorts of tales and began wondering what was the relationship between the town’s priest and a yakuza?

An evil father and a son repenting for his father’s crime? Became the impromptu answer in everyone’s mind.

The old man’s face expressions went from bafflement to disappointment.

“Shueshei…” This was the first time in a long time, the old man had taken his son’s name. “How did you even reach that conclusion?”

“Hah! You don’t deny it!” Shueshei continued the savage attacks on his own father while not understanding the change in the old man’s body language or facial expressions. “You didn’t think that I wouldn’t be able to connect the dots? Those expensive cars and body guards, avoiding the public…just like a Yakuza!!” Shueshei explained with a smug expression.

“And that’s how you concluded I am a Yakuza?” Ji-san asked with great disappointment. “No…never mind…don’t answer it. To have raised such an idiot, may your mother forgive me.”

“What did you say!!” Shueshei burst out as he aggressively chased after his father’s figure – two three people held him back from doing anything stupid. “Don’t you dare take Okasan’s name! She died because of you!”

However, the old man did not respond because he had already exited the shrine and began descending the steps. He heard his son’s words and could not deny them. That was a blame he would squarely accept – it was also the reason why his son hated him.

Slowly and quietly, the old man got into the car.

Part 2

“Where do you think you are going!!” Shueshei shouted out as he reached the shrine gates. However, he could go no further, Radcliff blocked the path.

“What? Is the dog now going to protect the master?” Shueshei angrily asked the presumed ‘goon’.

Radcliff gave a very dazzling but cold smile – one which said take a step further and I will kill you. In fact, the killing intent was so strong that everyone, including Shueshei, took one step back in fright.


“Ah… you little piece of shit.” Radcliff addressed the young man with a smile. The words did not match the smiling expressions. “See for various reasons today, I am in a hurry. However, if I had more time, I would beat common sense into your muscle head….” The words really did not match the smiling face of Radcliff.

“You think dogs like you, Yakuza, can have it your way anywhere you like?”

Radcliff continued smiling. “I believe there is a misunderstanding, I should clear up, because both father and son are idiots. If I don’t do this, this might never end.”

Shueshei suddenly became quiet. Goons don’t refer to their masters as idiots.

“First, I am not your father’s dog.” Radcliff spoke through his teeth while maintaining the smile. “He is my headache. You understand? My headache! To call me that lunatic’s dog! How insulting!”

Shueshei opened his mouth but quickly shut it when Radcliff gave him a deathly cold stare.

“Second, I am not from the Yakuza.” Again spoken with a smile. “Being driven around in expensive cars, having bodyguards and avoiding the public …how are any of those traits of a Yakuza..what kind of shit mangas or anime did you read to reach that conclusion?”

Shueshei opened his mouth again to reply but quickly shut it when Radcliff gave him a deathly cold stare. The question was rhetorical and Radcliff didn’t want an answer.

“Also while we are at it, let me clarify your father is a salaried government employee. As for what he does for a living, it would be better if he told you….no wait… since both father and sons are idiots, it might be faster if I just say it. He is the Director of Public Safety & Intelligence. Do you understand?” Radcliff continued speaking in a menacing manner but with a smile. His words never matched his expressions, even once.

Shueshei opened his mouth again but there were no words coming out. There was too much information to process. He would have refuted Radcliff’s claims but Radcliff held out his badge which read PSIA. The badge was authentic looking, not that Shueshei had met a PSIA agent before. Also, Shueshei didn’t even know what was PSIA. However, why would a Yakuza walk around with a PSIA badge?

Director of Public Safety & Intelligence? My father? Not a Yakuza? Intelligence services?

“Lastly, as much as your father is an idiot and my headache. He has saved this nation from countless disasters. He is one of those unsung Heroes who will never be given a medal, never be recognized publically and he will die a humble quiet death with no one ever knowing his achievements.” Radcliff almost choked at the end of the sentence. “So listen up you piece of shit, next time I bring this old fart to spend some time with his granddaughter, let him do as he pleases. Understand? When he is with his granddaughter, he is happy. When he is happy, he troubles me less. When he troubles me less, I am happy. So the only f*ck, I give about is my happiness. Understand?”

Shueshei did not know what to be shocked about. The fact that his father is some sort of a spy? Or the fact that the always smiling and polite caretaker, Radcliff-san, could speak such vulgar and crude words? The young man stood in shock and daze. There was too much information and at some time his brain just melted. He could only reply with a stupid sounding ‘uhu’.

Radcliff sighed – did I even get through to him. Was the revelation too much of a shock? Never mind, why did I bother getting involved in this. Since when did I begin caring about the old man’s family life.

Part 3

“To be looked after this degree….if it had not been for our relationship, I would have almost thought, Radcliff-san had developed feeling for me. Hohohohoho…” The old man merrily spoke up as Radcliff drove away from the town.

“Please don’t joke, Sir. There is no relationship between us and I share absolutely no feelings for you…”

“Hohohohoho… of course, so you say…though headaches never go away.”

A question mark floated above Radcliff’s head, but then he realized what the old man was hinting towards.

This sly devil!!! He heard everything through a soundproof car?? Radcliff swore under his breath. Somehow he felt as though he had been toyed with. Seeing Radcliff turn pale, the old man began laughing more and more.

“An unsung Heroes who will never be given a medal, never be recognized publically and he will die a humble quiet death with no one ever knowing his achievements….pffttt….hahahaha…where does Radcliff-san, get such lines from?” The old man was now on the floor of his car, unable to control his laughter.

Radcliff could only turn red in colour as he wished himself instant death. He had said some pretty embarrassing things back there.

Wiping a tear from his eye, the old man finally got up from the floor of the car and sat back on the seat. He was taking deep breaths as he tried to wash away his smile, “Thank you…I didn’t know you wanted to retire so badly. I will definitely speak with the Defense Minister and push your case….pfffttttt hahahahahaha…. he will die a humble quiet death with no one ever knowing his achievements…”

“We have a problem, Sir.” Radcliff waited for the old man to catch his breath again.

“Hohohoho…we always do have problems. Like how I am not a salaried government employee, nor am I the director of…what am I the director of again Radcliff-san?” The old man jokingly asked.

Radcliff only frowned. He would never hear the end of this. Taking a deep breath, he spoke again “We have a situation involving Tsushimas.”

The smile from the old man’s face vanished when he heard those words.

"What about them..."

Radcliff frowned, the next bit of information was something too unbelievable, even for him. "Their youngest son's tracker began moving...and.its headed south....also you might not believe this...given his speed, I think he is on a plane."

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