《Land Of Zhelerez》Chapter 19 – A lie that somehow became real
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Chapter 19 – A lie that somehow became real
“B-But they are ordering us as if we are a citizen of the demon king” (Ryo)
“You got a point” (Haibara)
Seeing that the humans were ignoring them, the demon became more furious.
“How dare you ignore us!” (Demon guard)
------------------ Short replay from chapter 18 ------------------
The demon guard turned around and said something to the messenger, in a rush the person ran off.
“Hmmm….. What’s the problem?” (Ryo)
“These rude people needs to be taught a lesson” (Demon guard)
‘I wonder whether I will get permanent stats for killing these demons’ (Ryo)
“Well Ryo is the only one that is rude…” Muttered by Reena
Ryo didn’t heard what Reena had said as he was still thinking about what kind of stats he will get.
“Guards! Formation A” (Demon guards)
“……….. What kind of formation is that, is it similar to soccer?” (Ryo)
“S-Socker?” (Reena)
“Never mind, I wonder what they are going to do with that” (Ryo)
After the leader of the guards shouted out the formation, the 7 guards arrange themselves to 2-3-2 that caught Ryo attention. All 7 of them slowly walk towards Reena’s party, after they reached a certain distance from them, the middle formation started shooting out fireballs.
“Ouh… It’s just a way to protect the mages” (Ryo)
As Ryo were starting to charge towards the guards, Haibara stop Ryo.
“Are you sure you want to kill them? I don’t mind though” (Haibara)
“Eh? Is there a problem if I kill them?” (Ryo)
“Precisely Ryo, this is the demon guards, if we attack them, they might declare war on the Capital of Hiiro.” (Reena)
“Isn’t that ……….Good? I-In the first place we aren’t sure whether are they the real thing or not” (Ryo)
“……………….” (Haibara & Reena)
“Look, they are just trying to scare us” (Reena)
As Ryo observe, all of the fireballs that was thrown, not a single one hit them. The leader among them were frowning and decided that they should just attack them.
“Atta…!!” (Demon guard)
“STOP!!” (???)
He was about to call his team to attack when he heard a familiar voice stop him from finishing the command. All of the people present turn towards the voice, Ryo and Reena were confuse while Haibara looked relief.
The demon looked very angry but after he turn towards Ryo, his face slowly became pale. There were confusion among the demons as the person that told them to stop seems to be their top command.
“G-General why did you st…. Ouch!” (Demon guard)
“I ordered you to just inspect their goods not to fight with them!” (General)
“B-But they didn’t let us, furthermore that guy keep insulting us!?” (Demon guard)
“H-H-Him? …………. Sigh… ” (General)
The general turned toward us but the most unexpected thing was that he bowed to the humans.
“I apologize if my troops may have caused you problems, I hope you forgive them.” (General)
“G-G-General!!! Why did you do that!!?” (Demon guard)
All of the demon guards were panicking, seeing their general bowing to the humans, the race that they hate a lot.
“Shut up, May I ask whether are you one of Marimoto knights?” (General)
Haibara nodded her head before saying that she is. Ryo were surprised that the general immediately knew that Haibara is a knight. Thinking back, it must because of what Haibara had told him in regards about Marimoto-san hangs out with the demons a lot.
The general were trying his best to avoid looking directly at Ryo, thus made both him and Reena confuse.
‘Did I somehow gain another skill? Let’s check them…’ (Ryo)
BacktrackedPassiveHave a 82% chance of dodging incoming enemy attack, increase 8% per levelLevel 10 max
Future EyeActiveWhen activate, the individual is able to see 3.25 seconds to the future. Increases 0.25 seconds per level [used 15 mana per second]Level 10 max
SlowActiveWhen activate, the time slows down 95% while the individual is able to move normally. Increases 5 percent per level [Able to slow down for 15 seconds (Cool down 5 minutes)Level 10 max
Turn Back TimeActiveWhen activate, the chosen item will goes back in time till it's origin. Does not work on living beings. (Cool down 10 seconds) [Use 150 mana per seconds]Level 10 max
Map outActive[100% visual]When activate, individual could see information regarding the places that they had been there, (p.s. Can be used to peep at girls bathing)Level 10 max
Time LapseActiveWhen activate, the player will need to choose the amount of time he wants to go back to, after confirming the player will travel[teleport] back to the position the player had previously gone to including health, mana and stamina. Minimum time 1 minute, maximum time 10 days. Skill cooldown 1 minute – 100 minutes [Level 10 max]Level 10 max
Unarmed Combat MasteryPassiveWhen unarmed, able to deal 100% more damage to the enemyLevel 10 max
1 Handed MasteryPassiveWhen equip with 1 handed weapon, the individual is able to deal 100% more damage to the enemyLevel 10 max
Dodging MasteryPassiveIndividual has 75 percent chances of dodging physical or magical attacks unconsciously, in return stamina will be used by 4 times fasterLevel 10 max
Language ComprehensionPassiveAble to understand all languages except long lost languagesLevel 10 max
'It's still the same... So what's with his reaction?' (Ryo)
‘These demon guards is still insulting Reena, I wonder why Reena not doing anything…’ (Ryo)
“Hey Reena… Are you having a fever?” (Ryo)
“Huh!? W-What!? I don’t! S-Stop!” (Reena)
Ryo without hesitation put his forehead on Reena forehead, even though Reena was trying her best to push Ryo away it was useless. Suddenly he felt a killing intention behind him, it was Haibara, she was smiling but the feeling isn’t going away at all.
“May I know why did you do that Mister Ryo?” (Haibara)
“?? To check whether or not she has a fever.” (Ryo)
“……. This is the first time I see that kind of technique.” (Haibara)
“First time? My family always do that….Arh never mind” (Ryo)
“……….” (Haibara & Reena)
It seems the general didn’t even interrupt their conversation and just wait quietly.
“And ….. Can I know the reason why you think Reena might have a fever?” (Haibara)
“Because… Those bandits were talking bad about her but she seems fine with it?” (Ryo)
“Bandits?” (Reena)
Ryo pointed towards to the demon guards were still glaring at them, meanwhile after hearing that they were called as bandits, the general were frowning but he still didn’t say anything. Ryo wonders why.
“You can understand demon language?” (Haibara)
“Oh! So they were speaking in a different language?” (Ryo)
“W-Wait …. SO you saying all this time they were talking bad about me?” (Reena)
“Yea? Isn’t that the reason I thought you were sick in the first place?” (Ryo)
“Ehhhhh….” (Reena)
Reena slowly walk towards the demon guards while smiling happily
“May I know what is she trying to do?” (Demon General)
“Who knows? Hmm now I understood why Ryo thought she was sick” (Haibara)
Upon hearing the words spout from Haibara the general quickly dash towards his people, firstly Ryo thought the general would try to attack back and Ryo were preparing to help Reena but the general made all of the guards bow to Reena while he apologize to Reena.
“I wonder why that general seems to be afraid of me…” (Ryo)
“Isn’t it because he can feel your strength?” (Haibara)
“What do you mean by that?” (Ryo)
“Well …. I’m not entirely sure of this but people that practice martial arts can judge a person strength just by being near them in a certain degree and I heard the best way would be looking straight at the person eyes.” (Haibara)
“So…. He knew that he couldn’t beat me that’s why his attitude is like that?” (Ryo)
“Probably? Well I completely forgot about it till I personally saw his face turns pale after looking at you. Hohoho It’s good to know that you are stronger than me…” (Haibara)
“…..May I know why it is good?” (Ryo)
“Fufufufu…. I do not need to hold myself back when trying to kill you.” (Haibara)
“Oi….” (Ryo)
Haibara just continues laughing and ignores Ryo…
‘Sigh……Now I’m really glad I have dodging mastery…’ (Ryo)
The commotion were finally done and the general manage to bring his courage to speak to Ryo.
“It’s an honour for me to meet you sir… ” (General)
“Ryo…” (Haibara)
Unexpectedly Haibara were the one that told his name, thus made Ryo unconsciously looked towards Haibara.
“My name is Deraw, I am one of the 15th generals that is govern by my majesty. I am place in 5th position.” (General - Deraw)
‘Is it just a normal introduction or is he trying to show off his status? Kind of annoying…’ (Ryo)
“Ryo, this is their normal way to introduce themselves” (Haibara)
Ryo widen his eyes as he thought at that point that Haibara could read his mind.
“No… I can’t read your mind, your facial impression shows it all” (Haibara)
“Really?” (Ryo)
Haibara just nodded her head and wait for Ryo to introduce himself towards the general.
“Oh…. I’m Ryo…. a devil” (Ryo)
“What?” (Reena & Haibara & Deraw)
“……..” (Everyone)
‘Here I thought, I wanted to just a play a prank on this general… I can’t believe my own companion had this kind of expression…. Now I don’t have a way to break it to them…’
“I-Is it that surprising?” (Ryo)
Almost everyone, including the demon guards nodded their except for Reena.
“Hmmm thinking about it, you really are a devil … the way you love to insult a person and how you wanted to wage war…” (Reena)
‘This …….Lady ………..’ (Ryo)
“Oauuu!!!!! Why did you do that!! Damn did you got stronger again!?” (Reena)
Reena words had made Ryo annoyed thus he smacked Reena back.
“Really? I don’t think so, do you want to feel it again?” (Ryo)
Reena quickly jump away from Ryo.
“A devil…….” (Reena)
Reena were glaring at Ryo while muttering that word
“T-That explains why Sir Ryo are so strong!!” (Deraw)
“…………. Hey Haibara care to explain?” (Ryo)
“Eh you don’t know?” (Haibara)
‘W-Why are you looking at me as if I am the most stupid person?? Of course I don’t! I just made that up, I didn’t know that devils even exist in this world’ (Ryo)
Seeing Ryo shake his head, Haibara explained to Ryo
It seems that there exist a race called Devils but it is just a minority that most commoners doesn’t know that. Ryo thought for a while and asked why did Reena know it then? Reena immediately explain about how most of the books she read state that the devils is mostly in the story and the one that usually did the most destruction in the world.
Do you want to change your race to a devil?
‘This bloody god….. Seriously…Wait…’ (Ryo)
“What is the benefits of being a devil?” (Ryo)
“………Able to create contract……D-Did you made a contract with me!!??” (Reena)
“……..Anything else?” (Ryo)
“Hey! Why are you ignoring me!? So is it true!? Its true right!!??” (Reena)
“Haibara do you know?” (Ryo)
“Grrrr…..” (Reena)
“I am not sure, just a bit of rumours I head from my lord and the books I read. It seems you could create contracts, see and speak with spirits, able to create a portal and is able to control monsters” (Haibara)
“C-Can I change my form?” (Ryo)
“I’m no….” (Haibara)
“Of course Sir Ryo! You could even fly!” (Deraw)
‘Should I change my race…. Two more question I guess…’
“How long can a devil live?” (Ryo)
“I heard that they have similar lifetime as humans but they could take away people souls so that they could live longer” (Haibara)
“Oh …. Hmm then is there any race that hate devils?” (Ryo)
“I hate you!” (Reena)
“Is there? Haibara?” (Ryo)
“I am not sure… But they probably won’t want to make you angry as being in a bad side of a devil might make a kingdom disappear in a day.” (Haibara)
“……..Eh….” (Ryo)
When Ryo slowly turn to Reena, she quickly turn away despite her glaring at Ryo.
“Thanks, be right back” (Ryo)
Ryo moves away from them and finds a spot where he wouldn’t be found
‘Hmm this is a good one’ (Ryo)
‘Now to press yes …. ’ (Ryo)
After Ryo press yes, his body glows in black and red forms
He finally felt pain …. Terrible pain, as if someone is slowly cutting your body with a sword
It feels like time had stop when he was feeling the pain, the pain that never goes away but before he realized the pain disappeared. He doesn’t feel any difference except how he had a headache now.
Touching his own body, he finally realize that he had grown a horn and two wings that had pops out from his body. Unfortunately he couldn’t see himself but the tip of his wings appears to be black thus he assumed that his whole wings to be black.
‘Arh…. I wonder if I am able to go to heaven now….Oh well I won’t die anyway’ (Ryo)
As usual the most important thing is usually realized after making the decision.
Thanks for reading guys!!
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