《Land Of Zhelerez》Chapter 18 – Identification level up!
^-^ Before you guys start to continue reading the chapter, I would like to create 1 simple contest.
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Enjoy the chapter guys!
Chapter 18 – Identification level up!
It was then that he realize, he could even store objects that already have multiple objects inside of it. Thus he doesn’t need to store 1 by 1 separately. Ryo glance at the map that he previously bought during his shopping, looking at how far they needed to go, he swear that this will be the most boring journey he will ever have. He doubt that there will be anything interesting events popping out, he wonders if he have a fast travel button somewhere around.
Seeing that he doesn’t, he sighed.
‘Oh well…’ (Ryo)
Finally they manage to get out from the village, after waiting for about 20 minutes or so. All three of them, Reena, Ryo and Haibara got on the carriage. Looking at each other Ryo voice out his curiosity first.
“So…. Who can drive this thing?” (Ryo)
“Definitely not me” (Reena)
“I am not really good at it but I can still try” (Haibara)
“Ohh Nice Haibara” (Ryo)
“You’re welcome Ryo” (Haibara) She turned to Reena and gave a proud look.
“….” (Reena)
From there, they started their journey to the Capital of Hiiro, Initially Ryo wanted to keep the carriage inside his inventory after moving away from the village, but thinking twice, he doesn’t know how to ride a horse and he doesn’t want to get his butt sore. Another problem was, they only have 3 people but there’s 4 horse that was pulling the carriage.
Even though Ryo thinks that Haibara already knows something is off but she is just keeping quiet. Their journey only started but after 3 hours they had to bring out their tent as it was getting dark. This time Haibara was the only person that was looking surprise as all of the food started popping out from Ryo hands as if it was magic. Ryo even stored the food that already can be eaten so that they wouldn’t have to cook.
The good thing that anything that was stored inside his inventory will stay the same, thus the food won’t expire and the most importantly the food is still piping hot. Having a chance to eat a delicacy made Haibara had tears coming out from her eyes. Ryo and Reena noticed it but doesn’t intend to say anything. In the meantime he checked back his status.
||Ryo Status||
Status WindowName:RyoAlignment:EvilLevel:84Class:TimerRace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesMurdererFame:0Infamy:5000-Health:33100/33100Health Regen:66.2 / SecMana:54725/54725Mana Regen:48.64 / SecStamina:4250/4250Stamina Regen:8.4 / Sec-Strenght:5667Dexterity:3900Vitality:1324Endurance2333Intelligence:2189Leadership:0-Attack phy:17001+15Attack mag:6567-Physical Resistances2333+20Magical Resistances2333
Ryo also used his map out to check out the surroundings, while he was doing that Reena suddenly whisper to him.
“Ryo, I think you probably want to hear this out.” (Reena)
“Hmm? What is it?” (Ryo)
“I think my identification level up… so … I can see a little bit more detail” (Reena)
“That’s one good news, could you tell me your status and Haibara one?” (Ryo)
“Eh? Uh… Sure don’t laugh alright?” (Reena)
Reena started telling Ryo slowly about her and Haibara status, she even draw the table using a wooden branch that she found nearby.
||Reena Status||
Status WindowName:ReenaAlignment:GoodLevel:46Class:WarriorRace:HumanGender:FemaleTitlesThe Lone OneMuscle-HeadHardworkerRyo LoverHaibara target-Fame:500Infamy:0-Health:4950/4950Health Regen:9.9 / SecMana:1375/1375Mana Regen:1.2 / SecStamina:2350/2350Stamina Regen:4.6 / Sec-Strenght:344Dexterity:210Vitality:198Endurance150Intelligence:55Leadership:10-Attack phy:1032+150Attack mag:165-Physical Resistances150+315Magical Resistances150
||Haibara Status||
Status WindowName:HaibaraAlignment:NeutralLevel:42Class:KnightRace:HumanGender:FemaleTitlesNeglected OneRejectedStalkerYandereRyo Lover-Fame:100Infamy:50-Health:2500/2500Health Regen:5 / SecMana:1900/1900Mana Regen:1.68 / SecStamina:2150/2150Stamina Regen:4.2 / Sec-Strenght:211Dexterity:450Vitality:100Endurance256Intelligence:76Leadership:0-Attack phy:633+215Attack mag:228-Physical Resistances150+315Magical Resistances150
Ryo giggled seeing Reena has a title of Muscle-head, but both got a little bit scared seeing Haibara titles.
“Hey… Since when I’m her lover and how did you become a target?” (Ryo)
“Is that the reason why she always glare at me?” (Reena)
“Probably, look she even got the stalker and yandare title… this is getting more and more scary…” (Ryo)
“Hey Ryo…What’s a Yandare?” (Reena)
“Er….I just summarise it to be… if she cannot get the person she love, love her back... Any rival near her might die, well she use violence basically? Well I might miss some important points but that’s just it I guess?” (Ryo)
“………………Eh...Wait are you telling me …. KKKYYAAAA!!!” (Reena)
Reena was about to continue her sentence when she felt someone was standing beside her, she scream in surprise. It was Haibara, Haibara also were surprised and took a few steps back. Meanwhile Ryo uses his feet to destroy the tables drawn by Reena.
“What’s wrong with you muscle-head?” (Haibara)
“Eh? No n-nothing…. D-Did you need anything?” (Reena)
“?? I definitely won’t need you, Ryo, I would like to thank you for letting me be able to eat such delicious food. Even being a Knight I rarely get this kind of food.” (Haibara)
“N-No worries… Hahaha… Hahaha” (Ryo)
Even though Ryo is very strong, he somehow felt terrified of Haibara. His hands were starting to shiver and he felt very cold. Haibara notice Ryo condition and were worried about him but Ryo politely decline Haibara and told her that he wanted to be alone. Haibara glance at Reena, wanted to ask about Ryo condition but Reena already disappeared, she already was inside her tent.
That night Haibara were confused, being sneaky, she pull her tent near Ryo’s one and sleep peacefully while Ryo and Reena couldn’t sleep, one being scared she might get killed while the other scared of being rape or something between the lines.
The next morning, Haibara went to wake Ryo up but he was already up but with a face that shows a lack of sleep. Haibara looked at Ryo but she didn’t show any emotions at all, just telling Ryo that she wanted to eat something. On the other hand Ryo were relieved that Haibara was not on that stage yet, he stood up and goes near the camp fire to take out some food for Haibara. On that moment Reena also came out smelling the delicious food, she was stumbling as she also seems like she never had any sleep yesterday.
“What did you guys do when I go to sleep?” (Haibara)
“Eh?” (Ryo & Reena)
When Haibara asked that question both Ryo and Reena were stunned, they actually doesn’t know what to reply. Thus making Haibara more curious.
“Both of you guys didn’t sleep right, last night?” (Haibara)
“ W-What are you t-talking about? I sleep peacefully” (Reena)
Remembering Haibara status made Reena nervous till she doesn’t know how to talk anymore.
“……………….” (Haibara)
“Sigh… I don’t know about her, but I couldn’t sleep last night. Anyway Reena, are you eating?” (Ryo)
“Eh? Ah! Yes definitely!” (Reena) Using both of her hands to slap herself in order to make herself more awake.
Knowing that if this continues, the situation will get worst, Ryo decided to tell Haibara. He definitely doesn’t want to say to Reena as she might say everything out when in a panic. Ryo approach Haibara and gave her a whisper.
“Haibara, I don’t mind much but don’t kill our friends alright? I accept polygamy, though Reena will be my first wife as I met her first, so if you do anything to her, I won’t forgive you alright?” (Ryo)
Haibara had a mix of shocked and terrified face, her face was also pale for a few seconds, it took her a while in order calm herself down and slowly while biting her lips she nodded.
“I agree…. C-Can I called you darling then?” (Haibara)
“Eh? W-Well when we are alone?” (Ryo)
Haibara shows her genuine smile, she was about to hug Ryo when Reena asked a question.
“Ryo, what are you guys doing there? Come on let’s go, we shouldn’t delay anymore.” (Reena)
“Hohoho are you jealous?” (Haibara)
“??” (Ryo) Ryo glance at Reena, seeing Reena face turn slightly red made him understood why she asked that question.
“Aww don’t be shy, you are my first lover you know?” (Ryo)
Reena thought when she drawn the table, Ryo didn’t saw it that she had write the title of having Ryo lover. She was a little bit disappointed but now hearing Ryo say it, made her have a mix of embarrassment and happiness but she tried to conceal it by saying harsh words.
“N-No! I’m I’m not!” (Reena) She was about to turn and go to her tent when Haibara announce something
“Fufufufu then I can be the first one, right darling?” (Haibara)
“Hey…” (Ryo)
“Eh!?” Reena glare at Haibara while shouting unconsciously “I don’t know what are you talking about who’s first but Ryo is mine!!!!” (Reena)
Only after she shout, she realize what she had said, puff of smoke suddenly pops out from her face and she quickly run back inside her tent.
“Fufufu She’s so cute” (Haibara)
“…..Your character seem to change a lot….” (Ryo)
“Don’t worry darling, this is my real one” (Haibara)
“Ouh…. Thanks for showing your true colours though in front of others I think you should avoid that kind of ….. Well you know” (Ryo)
“Yes Mister Ryo, I will be the best guide you ever seen, are you still tired, do you need someone to relieve you?” (Haibara)
“Oi… Enough, for now we best get going” (Ryo)
“Noted! Muscle-head pack up, mister Ryo has given the call” (Haibara)
“Enn” (Reena)
‘That cute reply ….. Hmm is this the right choice though? I hope Haibara won’t turn into a serial killer, I wonder what happen to her that makes her who she is now.’ (Ryo)
After Ryo ate something, he started to pack his things up. Within half an hour, they started their journey back again. After calming herself down, Reena asked Ryo why Haibara suddenly had a 180 degree turn in her character, she even smile when Reena look at her which made Reena creep out for a bit. Ryo told her about how he accepted Haibara to be in the party that’s why she become like that. Being simple minded as she is, Reena nodded in agreement though she was about to complain about why Ryo wanted Haibara inside the party when Haibara started talking to her.
It’s as if all monster were scared of them, they didn’t even come close to their carriage during this journey, within the next day they already pass by Han’s route. Looking at the map that he just bought, they will probably reached at the capital of Hiiro within 27 more days. Thinking of losing so much stats, he was impatient, he didn’t really want to stop gaining strength.
Ryo knew that within a story with a reincarnation person there always be an enemy that is stronger than him, thus he doesn’t want to stop getting stats. He doesn’t mind risking of not being able control his strength anymore but after looking at both Haibara and Reena, he thought for a second, what would happen to his sexual life, while he was thinking about that kind of stuff Reena somehow or another glared at him while Haibara lick her lips while looking at him, it’s as if they knew what Ryo were thinking of.
Haibara were also starting to get comfortable with Ryo, somehow or another she always were near Ryo, even when he was trying to take a bath in one of the lake, he could see Haibara peeping while hiding on one of the tress using his map out of course, if not he would not even realize she was there.
‘I think rather than being a knight, she should become an assassin or a thief, even her dexterity is higher than her strength.’ (Ryo)
Ryo acted as if he doesn’t know Haibara was there, furthermore Reena and Haibara became friends as they also talk to each other. All three of them become close as time goes on, Ryo wish the days of having this kind of carefree lifestyles would continue forever though unfortunately it’s as if the god hates him, after saying out the wish, 5 demon warrior were standing in their way.
All of them pull out their swords at once, pointing towards the carriage. Haibara slowly stop the carriage, looking at the demons she asked Reena.
“Have you seen a demon bandit before? This is my first time seeing one” (Haibara)
“Same” (Reena & Ryo)
The demons heard what they were talking about, they quickly shout back to resolve the misunderstanding
“We are the elite guards of the demon king how dare you say we are a bandit!!” (Demon warrior)
“??? Then what kind of guards block another person carriage like a bandit?” (Ryo)
“Keh! By the order of the demon king, I order you to go out from your carriage!!” (Demon guard- warrior)
“Hey Reena are you a citizen of desilviron?” (Ryo)
“?? Why are you asking a stupid question in the middle of this?” (Reena)
“B-But they are ordering us as if we are a citizen of the demon king” (Ryo)
“You got a point” (Haibara)
Seeing that the humans were ignoring them, the demon become more furious.
“How dare you ignore us!” (Demon guard)
Thanks for reading guys!!
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