《Land Of Zhelerez》Chapter 4 – Risky Fight


Anyone thinks I should put a mature tag for this kind of fights happening?

Enjoy the chapter guys!


Chapter 4 – Risky Fight

“Shit!! Nooooo!!!!”

Ryo desperately shouted as he knew that he is definitely going to die after seeing the wolf in front of him breadth fire again.

‘Damn I wish I could stop time or something like that’

Skill activated due to danger being detected

‘Huh? What kind of skill did I just activate? Is it backtracked again?’

Ryo open his eyes as even after 1 seconds, he didn’t get burn or attack by the wolves. Upon opening his eyes, he saw the fire right in front of him, he were stun but after realizing that the fire is slowly approaching him, he felt stupid for being scared. He looked around and realize that all of his surroundings has slowed down.

“Hmm it seems my wish have almost being given, it’s just that, rather than having the time stop, now it’s slowed Hahahaha, alright I shouldn’t waste time and kill all of these monster.”

Ryo quickly beheaded all of the wolf as fast as he could, as he realizes that there’s a timer appearing at the top right of his view and it is counting down. After the timer reaches 0, the time goes back to normal and the wolves started trying to find him as they thought they had manage to kill him but after 1 seconds they started to feel weird, one by one of the wolves head drop to the ground.

“Damn that’s a bit cruel …….. Now I feel pity for them… Sigh”

You have defeated 5 fire-wolf [Level 4]

Level up!

Ryo smile as he felt happy for being able to survive that encounter and also receive a sword and on top of it all he manage to gain a level. As he was about to check his status, a window pop up.

Use your unused skill points [10 left] you will gain 5 skill points every level


“Ohhhh that’s nice… no … no… nice is not the way to put it … It’s … It’s awesome!!”

Ryo quickly put 3 skill point each, on 3 of his skills, with [slow] his new-found skill that he gain from the fight and thanks to that he will be the most powerful person in the world even though it has its own bad points, only activate up to 15 seconds and 5 minutes cooldown.

“This skill …. Could make me the most dangerous assassin isn’t? Is this the reason my alignment is Evil? No… that can’t be, it must be that infamy status, and how do I even lowered it down. I don’t think doing a good deed will lowered it down as my fame is 0”

-------------------------------------------- Finish Flashback --------------------------------------------

“Hahahahaha now with all of my skills max up, I could kill anything!! Well on the other hand, what the hell am I supposed to do with all of these Gashapon!!! Every…… EVERYTIME!!! I killed a creature it will drop this thing... What’s with this world, or”

Ryo look up while showing an irritated face

“Isn’t this you’re doing god!? Damn! Gotta catch em all was it? Huh!? I swear someday I will flick your head with my index finger… Sigh”

Ryo put all of the loots he found from the goblins into his inventory and started walking ahead to find any shelter. Even though he is strong now, he still intent to find a shelter or even someone to talk to. Humans is a sociable creature, being alone for far too long and the individual may end up become crazy.

“Level 10 max huh, thinking about it, why am I able to level up my skills till 10? Shouldn’t there be an error like, you need to be level 15 to level this up or something. This system is really weird, well it’s not like I’m complaining Hahahaha... damn I should stop talking to myself like this… Someone, just anyone… I don’t want to live in this forest alone!! ………….. Speaking of the devil, that’s a blood trail isn’t?”


Ryo jog towards the blood trail, he crouch down and touch the blood with his index finger, the blood is still fresh.

“That’s good! Now I can finally meet up with someone!”

All Ryo was thinking of is to find someone to talk with and didn’t even thought of what kind of creature had drag the person. As Ryo follows the blood trails, he saw a person on the floor leaning on one of the big tree.

“A human!! Oii!! Are you okay!?”

Ryo were slowly walking towards the bloodied man when he started thinking of a reason why the man was still alive, there’s no other footprint rather than the man, so… how did this man walk over a few distance with major injuries.

“This is very suspicious, On top of it all, the environment suddenly become too quiet”

Without thinking too much, Ryo decided to quickly activate his skill [Future eye] so that he wouldn’t be ambush and it doesn’t really affect his mana now as having 1125 is enough for him to waste, moreover, it’s not like he had any other skill that uses mana. Weirdly his [slow] skill doesn’t even use mana, which made him feel creep out and decided to only uses it if he is force to.

“Future eye”

Upon activating his skill, suddenly a slash appear out of nowhere accompanying with one large paw, Ryo quickly duck down, a breeze were felt on his head indicating that the attack were too fast in such that even knowing 3.25 seconds into the future still might have kill him if he didn’t manage to react to it fast enough.


Ryo flew a few meters and hit a tree that made him more injured. The creature had fortunately uses his legs to kick Ryo rather than using its big claw, it would have easily behead Ryo in an instant.

612 Damage received

Ryo were shocked to see a huge damage report appeared in his view, he gritted his teeth confirming that he had walked into a trap, the creature probably lure him using that man, and seeing the damage he receive, it is probably, no, definitely higher levels than him. He was about to stand up when suddenly he was grab by someone or something behind.

“……… who… Woah!!! ”

The creature pick him up using its claw and threw Ryo towards the man that was probably bleeding to death.

534 Damage received

“erhg…. Shit, I can’t faint, if I do, I’m dead…damn that creature playing with its food, slow!!”

Ryo quickly activate his [slow] skill, upon activation Ryo quickly find his sword. When he grab his weapon, he saw the creature, charging slowly towards his previous spot but still, it is moving 10 times faster than the goblins did. It is a black bear, sharp teeth can be seen from its mouth and the bear apparently has a tail.

“How much dexterity does this bear have!?”

Without wasting too much time, Ryo quickly behead the bear, well he tried to.

“OMAGAWD how much defence does it have!? I can’t even cut its fur!! Arghhh!!!”

As time pass by slowly, Ryo were panicking as he only have 4 seconds left before his skill timer is finish and he will definitely die after that, he wouldn’t be able to prolong the fight much longer than 10 seconds, due to his injuries as he is also starting to slowly lose his strength, even his stamina is on the red zone.

“Its eyes! Fuck him if his eyes also has armour, I’ll be fucking dead then!!”

Ryo once more gathered all of his strength and push the sword towards its eyes



Though I definitely didn’t intend to make this into a cliff-hanger, it already exceed the usual 1.1k words

Thanks for reading guys!!

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