《The Adventures of a Skyrim Modder in Another World》Chapter 3: First Contact is a Decapitation
(Mika's POV)
I ride Shadowmere for more 40 minutes until I see something on the distance. it's an carriage, and it's being attacked by some guys that seems to be bandits. The carriage is incredbly flashy. I already saw this pattern, this carriage probably has a pretty noble girl that will be grateful for my help yadda yadda. If you read light novels you probably know this pattern.
I pull up the scaled hood that my overcoat has to hide my ears and draw Dragonsbane with my right hand. Sparks of eletricity crackle in the blade.
(Mika): "Shadowmere!"
I exclaim. She neighs and begins a strong charge in the direction of the carriage. From here i can see around 40 thieves and 10 knights fighting against them. There are some bodies on the ground, from both knights and thieves. I urge Shadowmere to speed up more and so she does, her hoofs thudering against the ground. When we get close enought, they notice our presence, but it's already too late.
As we pass one of the thieves, I wave my blade, cutting off his head. As the blood spray from his cuted neck, i cut off the head of the next thief. The thieves are already screaming to their companions to attack me, so i pull Shadowmere's reins. She rears, something that shouldn't be possible for a horse in movement, but she does and slides a bit foward, attacking using her hoofs the head of a thief, killing him.
As Shadowmere lands into the ground, I jump off her and attack the thieves. I mive too fast for them, even while holding back. Things end up quickly, as Shadowmere kill some thives by herself and I cut off their heads or pierce their hearts with ease. As i cut down the last one, i look at the cariage. The knights are looking at me wtih scared faces. Wait, why none of them is using helmets?
You know that one can save you from being killed by an arrow in the head, right? Also, why such a flashy, silvery armor? It reflecting the sun and making hard to look at the directly! I come back to earth as Shadowmere comes closer to me and lightly touches me with her snout. As I pet her, I ask at the knights.
(Mika): "Are you guys fine? There's someone wounded?"
(Female Knight): "No, there isn't anyone wounded in the moment. Thank you very much for your assistence, mister..."
Oh! A beauty came! She's a pretty woman with long, blonde, curly hair. She's tall, around 1,80 with big breasts that you can see even if she's wearing a heavy armor. She has an serious face with bright green eyes. He white porcelain skin gleams with youth. God, so pretty!
(Mika): "My name is Mika. And yours, Lady Knight?"
(Lucia): "Pardon my rudeness, my name is Lucia Ignotis. It's a pleasure to meet you."
(Mika): "The same here."
(Lucia): "I would reward you, but we don't have anything with us right now..."
(Mika): "Don't worry about that. Are you heading to a town?"
(Lucia): "Yes, we are."
(Mika): "So i would like to go together with you, since i'm completely lost here."
I said with a short laught. She sights, clearly relieved.
(Lucia): "Thank you very much, Mister Mika. If you could wait a bit until we can get our scort out of the carriage, we would be grateful."
(Mika): "Why take your scort out?"
(Lucia): "Our horses were killed on the attack, so..."
(Mika): "Well, you could use my horse, since she's pretty strong, i doubt that a carriage would be too much weight to her."
Shadowmare neights proudly and hit one of her hoofs on the ground to state her endurance. Lucia smile wrily and se take off the corpses of the horses and tie the carriage to Shadowmere. Then, we begin to walk after I pet Shadowmere's face. As we walk, i approach Lucia to talk a bit.
(Mika): "Miss Lucia, we will leave the corpses of the dead knights behind?"
(Lucia): "We can't do anything about them right now, it's impossible to carry their equipement with us. When we reach the city, we wil sent a recovery team to gather everything."
(Mika): "I see."
(Lucia): "Mister Mika, if you don't mind, could you show me your face?"
Oh... my hood is qute big, so he hides part of my face. It's quite useful, actually. I grab the tip of my hood. Now, should i show it or not? While thinking that, Lucia erases the need of an answer. She says a bit flustered.
(Lucia): "of course you don't hve to do it! I was justa bit curious! Please, if it makes you unconfortable, please, feel free to keep your hood!"
My my, what a gentle girl.
(Mika): "Thank you, Miss Lucia. Wich city are we going to?"
I ask to change the subjct of the coversation.
(Lucia): "Yes, we are going to the city that's halfway to the capital of the kingdom, Misenia, the Labyrinth City."
(Mika): "I see. Say, Miss Lucia, does this coin has some value around here?"
I asked as i took a septim, the currency for Skyrim. It's a gold coin, with the face of the emperor engraved on the front with the words: "The Empire is law, the law is sacred" and in the other side is the simbol of the empire where's engrved: "Praised be Akatosh and all the divines". Also, it's pure gold, and it's shiny and seems brand new. Yes, I also midified the coin textures so that they soul look prettier.
(Lucia): "I never saw a coin like this... it's a bit bigger than the normal gold coin from our empire. How much gold you have in this coin?"
(Mika): "Oh, it's pure gold."
I say, casually. Lucia looks at me dumbfounded. Then, she looks back at the other knights. They aren't paying attention to our conversation, instead, they are paying attention to the surroundings, prepared for any attacks. Then, she looks back to me and whispers.
(Lucia): "If you would change the currency in the guard post of the city, you should be able to change it for three gold coins."
(Mika): "I see... Miss Lucia, it may seems a bit strange for me to say this, but i have been living in another place until now, and i don't know almost anything about this empire. Can you explain me about the currency and how much is necessary to live here?"
She gave me the septim before begining her explanation.
(Lucia): "Well, if you were living in another place, there isn't anything strange in asking this. Well, in this empire, the Saint Deminos Empire, we have five types of coins, the copper coins, the silver coins, the gold coins and the platinum coins. If you have a hundred copper coins, you can exchange it for one silver coins. You can also do this with the silver coins and change for gold coins and the same thing with the gold coins and change for platinum coins. As for living costs... if you register on the adventurers guild, you can make around 70-100 copper coins per day. To book in in a medium inn, you will need 20 copper coins a day, plus 10 copper coins for the meals."
I see, so a gold coin is enought for some time. Okay, this will suffice.
(Lucia): "Mister Mika, do you have an indentification?"
(Mika): "No, i don't have an identification."
(Lucia): "I imagined so. When we reach the city, i will get one for you for free. I recomend you to go to the adventurers guild or the merchants guild to make an identification. Althought you will have to pay two silver coins, you will ahve free pass in every city in all the cities of the empire."
(Mika): "Thank you, Miss Lucia. You've saved my day!"
(Lucia): "It's me who have to say that!"
We chatted a little until we got to the city. We weren't attacked again on the way to the city.
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