《Lucian》The wrong move (Death)


Yami. Yami was dead now and it was all of his fault. The girl she loved was killed, because of him. Again it was his fault that the person he loved died. Again the person was killed in from of his eyes. He was angry. Angrier then he has ever been in his life.

His hair turned so dark, that it seemed like it there was nothing. The marking spread around his entire body. His irises turned even redder and his pupils were now slit. His teeth turned sharper and his fangs grew longer and pointier. His ears turned sharp. His skin turned light brown. This was how he would look like as a demon.

"What the fuck!"she yelled out, before she was punched and flew towards Louis, hitting him. She had never seen something like that before. Every demon she ever fought, never changed their appearance, so this is her first time seeing something like that.

He slowly walked towards the two and said with a demonic voice"All Hunters shall suffer. There won't be any left."

They were actually afraid. First time in their entire Hunter career. They were afraid. Louis managed to get up with all of his strength. He barely managed to hold onto the sword with his left hand. He gathered his strength and rushed towards Lucian, only being grabbed by him and then smashed into the floor.

The air left his lungs and he had a hard time breathing.

"Fucking demon!"he yelled out, before his rapier was thrusted into his genitals.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!"He screams out in pain. The pain is unbearable and a normal person would pass out because of that, but he doesn't because he is Hunter who has gone through a body modification.

Lucian with an angry face, puts his hands into Louis's mouth and then starts pulling his jaws apart from each other. He doesn't do it quickly, but takes his time. The skin starts to rip, which reveals flesh. And with a quick move, half of his head was ripped off of his body. Lucian holding the other half in his hand, looks at it, before he smashed it to the ground.

He looks at Sasha, who tries to crawl her injured body.


"Where are you going Sasha. I'm not done with you."he says while slowly walking towards her. He materializes his sharpest knife and walks behind her. He grabs her leg and starts dragging her, while she starts trying to grab onto anything, but with no effort.

Lucian gets back to where he killed Louis and lets go of her. She immediately tries to crawl away, but Lucian stumps his feet onto her leg, breaking her bone and causing her to let out a scream full of pain.

He cuts off the rapier guard with a simple swing with his knife and then grabs Sasha. He forcefully opens her mouth and places her mouth over the grip and then slams her head into the grip. This doesn't kill her, but causes intense pain to her instead.

"Death is too good for you. You deserve to live. Every minute you are alive from now, you wish you were dead, but you can't die. You will never go insane. Your sanity will always be intact."he says to her and then burns of her clothes with a black flame.

She now is naked and her tits are hanging in the air. Her eyes are filled with tears and she has started to regret her decision.'This is it. The end.'

Lucian spins the knife in his hands I to a reverse grip and then starts to carve letters into her skin. He slowly carves it to her former smooth skin.

After some time, her entire skin is covered with a word"Human."

This was the last message he will leave to the Hunters. His message is now finished

"Monster made by human."he continues"This is the best way to describe now."

He walks on front of Sashas face, crouches down on front of her and while staring into her red eyes, which was caused by crying, he says"There is a saying, that my Master always told me: Never throw a boomerang, If you can't catch it." He continues"To put it simply for your undeveloped human brain, it means that never do something, If you can't handle the concecuenses."

He says and gets up. He looks at her and then kicks, only stopping a centimeter before, he hits the blade.


"Your death won't be now."he says with a cold voice. He proceeds to draw something in the air and then chants[Suffer]. Sasha immediately falls asleep. The effect of the spell starts after she wakes up.

Now that he has finished with the two, he walks over to his beloved Yami and quickly gets her out of the chair and removes the tape on her mouth. He holds her in his arms, with tears in his eyes.

"You may hate me after this, but I won't lose you. Never."he says and gently places her dead body on the floor. He then cuts his wrist with a ceremonial dagger and moves around her body, making a circle of blood. He then takes her wrist and cuts it. He collects the blood into his hands and then lets the blood go over her face, covering her face with blood.

He starts to chants something and soon the blood circle lights up red and he finishes the chant with"Come forth, Death."

A moment later, from darkness, a figure wearing a black ragged cloak appears and in his right hand, he is holding a scythe. Nothing can't be seen under his.

"You have called me once again Lucio. What is it that you wish?"he says with a monotone voice.

"Give her life back and I'll do anything that you want."Lucians replies in an instant without thinking. Her life is too important to him. He will do anything to get her back.

Death doesn't say anything for a while, until he says with his monotone voice"Do get her life back, you must give one hundred thousand souls."

Lucian takes deep breath and replies"Deal. Take the one hundred thousand souls and revive her.

"The deal has been made. I will return her to you."Death answers in his monotone voice and turns around. Before he goes he says"Tell her the truth about you."and then vanishes into the darkness.

A minute later, Yami starts to breath again and when he sees that, Lucian feels happy. He picks her body into a princess carry and slowly starts to move out of the building. Once he has left the building, he says"What do you want, Samantha?"to her, who is leaning against the wall and has her arms crossed.

"I sensed a fight going on here and so I decided to join, but you had already ended the fight when I got here."she replies to him and walks in front of him.

"So what do you want. A rematch?"he asked and she replied"Yes. But not now. You have other problems right now and you are too exhausted to make the fight interesting. So our fight will be on the 15th of February in the clearing."she says and flies away. From the sky, one of her black feathers slowly falls down. He catches it with his index and middle finger and lights it on fire before he lets it fall on the ground.

And so he walks back home, with his Yami in his hands.

In huge room, made out of dark gray stones and covered with golden patterns, Death comes out of the darkness and sits down on the throne, made made out of bones.

He sits in the dimly lighted room and just looks at the wall.

Then behind him, he hears a voice"You're back, love. I missed you."

"I was only gone for ten minutes, Lucy."he says and watches the gray haired girl come in front of him. She is about 1,7m tall, has a smooth jade white skin. Her eyes are sapphire blue and her hair dark gray. Her figure is amazing: hourglass shaped waist, beautiful round breasts and beautiful round bottom. She is wearing a long beautiful black dress.

"So."she continues"Who did my dear husband went to see."

"Your brother."he replies in his usual monotone voice.

"Hmm. Why?"she asks, because she is seriously curious why would his dear brother summon her husband.

"His lover was killed and so he traded one hundred thousand souls for her life."

"That's nice."she simply replies."It's good that my dear Lucio has found someone he truly loves."

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