《Lucian》The wrong move (fight)


The sky was covered with dark clouds that covered the moon and it seemed that a storm was approaching. Thunder could be heard occasionally

In a cold empty warehouse, Yami was tied to the chair. Her feet were touching the cold stone floor and the air in the building was cold thanks to the weather and no heating in here. Yami was slowly opening her eyes and in a few seconds she remembered what had happened. So her eyes grew big and she looked around her. She saw about twenty people here. Mostly men. She couldn't speak, because her mouth was covered with tape.

She felt terrified as she looked around. The people were discussing something in english, but she couldn't understand what they were exactly talking about. Something about a demon and a core.

Then one of the woman noticed that she was awake and walked towards her with pistol in her hands. She couldn't see her face first, but when she got closer, she saw that it was Sasha. What the hell was exactly going on.

"So...you're awake."she says and walks behind her and puts her hands on her shoulder"Now you can see what will happen to your boyfriend as soon as he comes through that door."she points at the rusty metal door.

Sasha walks in front Yami, holds her pistol on her chin and is in her thinking pose. She points it at her and asks"Did Lucian ever talk about his past? And I don't mean family. Yes or no?"

Yami doesn't answer and so she slaps her with the part of the gun and yells"Yes or no?"

Yami slowly shakes her head.

"That wasn't so hard now. Then. I shall talk about it, while waiting for him."she pulls a chair to herself and reverse sits down on it.

"So lets start with his criminal record."Sasha continues"I bet you didn't know about it?"

Yami shakes her head slowly again, because she doesn't want to get hit again. The first hit already left a huge bruise on her cheek and it hurts. A lot.

"So lets start."she looks around and then yells"Some one bring me the file."

The file brought to her to one of the man and she opens it. From the file, she takes out a photo and shows it to her. On the photo, there is Lucians mugshot, who looks more feminine then now.


"This was taken about two and a half years ago."she throws the photo onto her lap. She then says"Now then. Lets read the reason for his arrests"Five assult and battery, repeatedly underage smoking and drinking. Driving without a license and I left the best for last: attempted murder."

Yami doesn't know how to react. She was kidnapped, which already is a huge shock and now her ex classmate is reading his boyfriends criminal record. She doesn't know if what she is telling is the truth, but she has no way to confirm it. Also. Why didn't her mother tell her anything. She works in the police, so she would've surely checked his background. So why didn't she tell her.

"Isn't that a nice record. Now bet how long he was imprisoned."she says and answer"It was only six months. Six months for so many crimes and especially the last one. That one is a more serious crime then the others. He didn't go to an actual prison but instead he was put in a juvenile."

She throws a file onto Yamis lap and asks for an another file, which brought to her."Now the interesting part. What his current occupation is. You'd never guessed it." There is a small silence and then she says"It's a fucking Yakuza boss. A sixteen year old Yakuza boss. Like what the fuck."she says.

Yami is only thinking one thing about her'She has lost it.'

Outside of the warehouse, Lucian was standing in front of the door. He had looked around the place to find an another way in, but it had only one door, no windows or anything. This meant he can't sneak in by disappearing into the darkness, because he can't move somewhere in the darkness, If he couldn't love there in his physical form. This mean't he had to go front door and just wait for his chance.

He didn't have his black clothes on and was unarmed currently.

Thunder roared in the sky and it started to rain soon after.

He kracked his knuckles while standing in front of the door and then punched it, sending the door flying into the building. He puts his hands into his hoodie pockets and walks into the warehouse.

Immediately when he entered, lights were turned on to maximum brightness. Lucian saw about twenty Hunters and Yami here. Yami was tied to a chair and her mouth taped. On her right, there was Sasha? Holding the gun on Yamis head. Right the barrel was against the head.


'Great'he thought'I can't kill Sasha before she manages to pull the trigger. I need to get her away from Yami. Any sudden movements and she probably would pull the trigger. I need a two second window, to cut off her hand and she probably isn't stupid enough to take the gun away from her head. Fucking hell.'

"Well. You finally arrived, Lucian."says Sasha, while looking at him.

"Yeah. No shit I will be here. I got your shitty note."he says and materializes a karambit in his right hand. He continues"So let her go and I'll make your death instant."

He looks at his Yami and now notices a bruise on her cheek. This of course made him angrier and made his marking spread out on his face even more. This surprised Yami, because she has never seen something like that.

"Ooh. You are angry."she continues with her annoying voice."I'll make it simple to you. Kill yourself and I'll let her go."

'Does she honestly thinks that I will fall for that.'he thinks to himself.

"Come kill me yourself. I don't have a weapon to kill myself as you can see."he says and raises his hands above his head. He had dematerialized the karambit before he raised his hands.

"Louis. Do it. He won't dare to attack you as long as I have my gun pointed at her."

"Sure."he replies and starts walking towards Lucian, while materializing a rapier. Once he is in front of him, he stabs him through his heart without saying anything.

"Revenge, bitch."he says finally and pulls the blade out of Lucians chest. Lucian falls down onto the floor and Yami starts crying when she saw her Lucian die right in front of her eyes.

"Well. That was too easy."says Sasha and sheats her gun."You can enjoy her now, boys."she says and walks away with Louis beside him.

When Yami heard her, her face immediately was covered with terror as she saw the eighteen or so man approaching her, with disgusting grin on her face. She struggled to get free, but couldn't. The chair didn't even move, as it was attached to the floor.

The men slowly approached her and before one of the could even touch her, a red katana went through his stomach, splattering blood onto her face.

"What the.."said the man, before the sword was pulled upwards and sliced his upper hal on half. Behind him was Lucian with most of his face covered with red markings and his skin tone was slightly darker then usual. His hair was very black and his eyes were blood red. He was wearing his black clothes now.

"How the fuck his he alive?!"yelled one of them and they immediately switches to battle mode and started to attack him. Obviously Sasha and Louis heard the yelling too and looked behind them, to see Lucian had already killed ten of them. So they summoned their swords and joined the fight.

Lucian with a quick move thrusted the katana through a mans chest, then appeared behind another man and threw him at the man with the sword in his chest, killing him. He materialized a dagger, parried an opponent and before he could kill him, the same rapier that he was killed with, blocked Lucians blade.

So Lucian switched to Louis. He grabbed his hand, quickly broke it, smashed his nose with an elbow and then threw him towards a wall. He then blocked Sashas longsword and two others guys attack at the same time. Sashas sword was blocked by the reverse gripped dagger. The other two attacks he stopped by grabbing one of the sword edge and stopping the staff with his left leg. This was a bad spot to be, so he quickly moved his leg, so that the staff would hit the floor and once it did that, he disappeared into a darkness and then quickly eliminated the Hunters in the warehouse, leaving only Sasha Louis alive.

"What kind of demon are you? This is fucking ridiculous!"she yelled out, as they fought.

As for Louis, he was slowly getting back up, behind them

And once again as their blades collided, she pulled out her gun and shot at him, but he managed tl dodge the bullet. As the bullet past his body, he realized something. The bullet will now hit what is behind him and behind him was Yami.

The bullets flew by him and hit his beloved Yami into the side of her chest. Going through her lung and heart, before exiting from her back.

She died instantly.


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