《Lucian》The Hunters plan


Early on a saturday morning, Sasha was walking towards the crime scene, where once again a small group of Hunters had been killed. She was wearing revealing casual clothing.

Once he got the, he walked up to the usual older man and asked"What the fuck happened here."

She looked around the alleyway and saw the walls painted red by the blood. One of the Hunters sword was sticking out of the wall too.

While she was looking, a body fell down on the ground, splashing blood around him. Some of it got on her jeans, which made her a little mad.

"Did he...Did he just fall down from the wall?"she asked the man, who replied to her"Yes."he points at the wall, where there is a huge blood splatter "from there." He continues"I have no idea how it stayed there for so many hours.

"Okay. I understand."she continues"So what exactly killed them."

"As much I have seen, I guess some kind of force pushed them so strongly that they ended up like that."he answers to her and she asks"What kind of force."

He rubs his short beard and says"I think it was made by a impact with ground by a weapon. I don't know exactly which kind of weapon, but I guess it was a spear or an arrow shot by a powerful bow. It might be something else. I don't know yet."

"I understand."she continues"Do you think it was made by the one who left the messages?"

"No. I think the one who leaves messages and the one who keeps making those holes in the ground are definitely different people."

"Wait. There have been more incidents with the same pattern?"

"Yes. This here was the tenth one."

"Tenth?"she says with a surprised voice and he nods."Well damn. We seriously need to find these two. They have killed so many Hunters, in a such a short time span."she says and the man agrees with a her by simply nodding.

"Okay. I'll go back to HQ now. I have business there."she says and he replies"Okay. I'll take care of business here and then probably go back myself too.

She walks away from the scene and starts walking toward a car, that was parked near the place. She gets into the black SUV and sits down next to the driver.

"Lets go Louis."she says and the man next to her, wearing casual clothing, says"Sure thing sweetie."

And so they drive away from the place and starts driving towards the capital.

"So..have you found out something about that gray haired fuck named Lucian?"asks Sasha and Louis answers"It was fucking difficult to find out something about him, but I managed to find few things."


"So what did you find?"she asks him and he start speaking"Well...First of..He didn't exist before suddenly appearing over four years ago. I didn't manage find his real name, but I found pictures of him online, when he didn't exist yet. Here."

He gives a photo of a class. She looks at it and finds the gray haired boy, who is a lot smaller then the others. Then she sees that it was a 9th grade graduation photo.

"This is a class picture from 2018. You mean to tell me that he skipped grades and after finishing basic school, he just appeared?"

"Yep. There's more. After digging around some more, I found out that he dated one of the girls from his class. So I thought I will find her, but turned out that she was killed by a Hunter a month ago, because she was a demon. So I had to cross her out."he continues"The easiest thing I found out about him wa that he was in juvenile for six months in America and after getting out, he travels to Japan, where he disappears for four months, until he appears in the underworld. From there he quickly got a name for himself."

He stops. Seeing that, she asks"What name did he get?"

"The Shinigami or The Reaper in english."

"That name sound stupid."

"In most cases "Yes", but the name describes him pretty well."

"How so."

"Well what I found, it's said that he has killed over one hundred thousand people..in a year. In a one fucking year. This means he probably isn't human, because it would be impossible for a single human to do that, unless he had a nuke or some shit. So that means he is a non-human and a powerful one."

"Any idea which race?"

"No idea. Even Exorcist have mentioned him, so he may be a Yokai."

"Seriously?"she asks him and he replies"Yep. So when I learned that, I knew I had to find a weakness. So I searched a little and found one. The tall girl with the scar from the school. Yami I think was her name...Well doesn't matter for now. They seem to be dating and when we take her as a hostage, then we can make him come to us. And there won't be any trouble, because we are above the law."

"Hmm. I like that plan. Gather up some Hunters and lets get it done."she says with a happy voice.

"First we need to find out his race and then make a plan."he says and she replies"No need to find out his race"she takes out a m1911 and says"When we have this thing right here."


"Well then. Lets get the Hunters and pay back to that fucker."he says to her.


Lucian sneezes, while laying in the bed half-asleep and hugging her pretty Yami.

"Bless you."she says and he thanks her.

While she is enjoying hugging her body, he asks"I've been thinking Yami."

"Thinking about what."she asks curiously and he answers"I've been thinking about why you never initiate sex."

She blushes when she hears that and while stuttering, she answers"B-because I d-don't know."

"You don't know? It isn't that hard my lovely Yami."he says with a smile on his face and she says back to him"It's easy for you to say. You have had experience before and know how to.set up a mood. I don't. You were the first bit I even talked more than a sentence."



"Okay then. I guess I have to teach you with practice."he says and gets on top of her. As he is about go in for a kiss, he stops amd looks out of the window. Yami seeing this asks"What's wrong Luc?"

After a few seconds, he replies"Nothing."and she kisses her.

'Who the fuck was observing me. I'll kill them for seeing my Yami naked.'he thinks while kissing her and then he turns all of his focus to her.

In an unknown place, twenty four people are sitting on a chair at the circular table made out of stone. There are twelve males and twelve females. There are four angels, four fallen angels and four demons from both genders. So together eight angels, eight fallen angels and eight demons.

Most of them have a serious expression on their face and there are some who don't care. One of them is even sleeping.

A man wearing a white armor, starts speaking"Today I have called you here, to discus about the incident that happened yesterday at one o'clock. The incident involved a demon, who somehow almost made the Yellowstone erupt, which could have killed many of our brothers and sisters. The one who caused this, was this individual."

An image is projected from the center of the table and immediately one of the male demons says"Wait. Isn't that the fucking Liliths son. The fucking mistake one."

"Hey shitface. Shut the fuck up, before I make you."says the female succubus, wearing a revealing clothing.

"What Lilith? Did I hurt your feelings, when I insulted the mistake, you made."says the demon mockingly.

"Trycal. Shut the fuck seriously."this time is said by a beautiful silver haired angel.

"Ooh right. He's your mistake too."he says to her and she replies by throwing a spear made out light at him, which pierces through his shoulder and the chair. He just pulls it out like nothing and says"You wanna fight bitch. Then come at me. I'll take you, the slut and the sleeping bitch over there on."

Because of the loud noises, the sleeping fallen angel wakes up. She has a long light gray hair and blue eyes. Her hair is naturally gray and not gray from age.

She yawns and with a sleepy voice, he says"Trycal. Shut it."

"Make me."he says and immediately is attacked by a spear made out of light, a giant fireball and an axe at the same time by the three women, who he pissed of by insulting their son.

But before the attacks reach him, they stops in the air and is directed back to the ones, who used them. The angel catches her spear, Lilith dodges her fireball and the fallen angel catches her axe.

"Okay kids. Stop playing around. And you Trycal. Sit the fuck down and shut up."is said by the Fallen Angel leader Lucifer.(Not to be mistaken with Lucifer Dark.)

"Ooh. Lucifer did something for once."is said by the fallen angel and he immediately replies"Don't be a smart ass, Niza."he turns towards the man in the armor and says"And Gabriel. Control your daughter."

"Just let get this over with. Who the fuck gives a shit about the human world anyways. They don't have resources that we don't have. They are an useless workforce and there are still some people who think that a virgin girl could get pregnant. That can tell some intelligence they have."is said by the demon leader.

"Okay Satan. Thanks for remaining us how you see humans as a useless existence."Gabriel continues"Now then lets start our discussion on what to do with him."

"Make it quick. I have stuff to do."is said by a fallen angel.

"""I agree with him."""is said by Lucians mothers.

"Fine. Lets make it quick then. Let him be or bring him here. Those who are in favor to let him be, raise your hand."

Twenty hands are raised including the mothers and so Gabriel says"Then it's decided. You can leave."

Everyone leaves by their own method and soon only Gabriel is left there."Why to I even bother gathering them If they take the easiest choice. Every time. Every. Single. Time"he says to himself and disappears into a bright light, leaving the place empty now.

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