《Lucian》The third warning


The morning came and Yami was the first ime to wake up from her sleep. She didn't see Lucian immediately, when she opened her eyes, but when she looked little down, she saw Lucian snuggleing against her breasts with a satisfied face.

"Seriously."she continues with quiet voice"You truly are a pervert."

She tries to slowly get out of the bed, but every time she tries that, he holds her stronger and finally she can't get out of his hug. So she starts shaking him and when he finally says"What?" with a sleepy voice.

"Let me go. I really need to go now."she says and he replies"But the pillow is so nice and soft. I don't want to."

"I'm not a pillow, so let me go. I really need to go to the bathroom."she cries out.

"Fine."he says and lets go off her, while still half asleep.

Yami quickly gets up and goes to the bathroom, while Lucian moves closer to the pillow, with his eyes closed and continues sleeping. When she gets back and sees him still sleeping, she says"Get up already. We need to go to school, Lucian."

Lucian just mumbels something and continues sleeping. And so she starts shaking him , until he says"Kiss me and I'll get up."

She rolls her eyes and decides drag him out of the bed by force. So she grabs his hand and just pulls him out of the bed. This causes Lucian to fall on the floor obviously and now he looks at her girlfriend and says"You're such a romantic." He gets up from the floor and pulls her into kiss.

After he departs his lips, he leaves the room, leaving her there.

"Again."she says. They have been together only two days and already he has surprised kissed her many times. And she can't do anything against that. He just suddenly does it and she doesn't know how to react. She doesn't hate it, but she wishes that he wouldn't do it so suddenly.

After a while, Lucian returns, to see the standing Yami in his room. So he obviously walks behind her and says"I'll kiss you, If you keep standing."

And so she immediately leaves the room and goes to the kitchen.

'I thought dating would be romantic and beautiful, but with him, it's more teasing me and attempts to do lewd stuff.'she thinks to herself.


If only she knew that Lucian is a part succubus and so he needs to have sex, to restore his energy faster.

As for Lucian he changes clothes, to get ready for school. Once he finishes dressing, he leaves the room and goes to the kitchen. There he sees, Yami preparing breakfast. He walks to the kitchen and sits down on the chair and rests his head on his hand, while watching her.

When she finishes, she brings the food at the table and sits down. They start eating and Lucian says"It's good. You'll make a good wife." And this causes Yami to blush and Lucian continues eating.

After their breakfast is over, they leave the apartment, to go to school. On the road, she asks"Lucian. Why to you always tease me?"

"I don't tease you. I say the truth. So everything I say about you, I truthfully mean."he says with a sincere tone.

"Huuuh. Whatever you say."she replies.

The rest of the walk to school is quiet.

Once they reach the school, they go to their glass and the school day is peaceful, until after lunch. When the two were leaving the cafeteria, the fuckboy stopped them. Behind him, were the blond bitch, fake tits and some other guys. Everyone seemed to be part of the popular group. Two boys weren't even from his class.

Yami froze on the spot and seeing this, Lucian stepped in front of her. No teacher was in sight and they seemed to gather a crowd.

"Look who we have here. The ugly scar girl and the guy who looks like a fucking girl."he continues with his annoying voice"It seems the two weird looking people are going out. Hmm. Am I right? You two faggots in love? Hmm."

'Fucking hell. He is annoying.'Thought Lucian and Yami didn't know what to do here. Lucian looked around with his blue eyes and saw few people even filming.

'Whats up with this cliché moment here?'

"Justin is right. These two are weird ass looking pair."says the blond bitch.

'So the fuckboy's name is Justin. I'll remember it for five minutes.'

"Fuck off, before I make you regret it."says Lucian, while staring at him.

"Acting tough for a such a shorty."he pushes him a little."What are you gonna do? What?"he punches Lucian in the face.


'Bingo.'he says in his head.

He looks at Justin and with a fast kick, he kicks his knee backwards, causing even the bones to break. He screams out in pain and the others say"Holy shit."What the fuck."or something like that.

Before he falls on the floor, Lucian grabs him by collar and says"I warned you. Blame your self from whats to come."

He punches him in his face multiple time, causing blood to fly around him and occasionally you could even heard bones breaking. When Justin tried to punch him, he caught the hand and broke his right wrist.

Nobody did nothing, because they were afraid of him. They were afraid of Lucian, who was brutally beating Justin. Once he finally stopped, he pulled him near his mouth and whispered to him. "Next time you wish you were dead. Got it. This is what happens if you fuck with a yakuza boss." And he lets go off him, letting him fall on the floor. He passes out in the air and hits the floor.

"Well then."he continues"You decided to join him, so how should I deal with you?"he wipes the blood off near his mouth with his not very bloody right hand.

"I know. I'll tell your dirty secrets."he says and starts by pointing at the fake tits"She is a underage prostitute and her tits are fake."

Then he points at the blond bitch."She is having sex with the teacher and the video of it can be found on pornhub. Good luck guys."

"What the fuck are you talking about!"screams the fake tits and the blond bitch.

"The truth. Unlike you. Spreading lies around the school about Yami."

"What lies. Her having a ugly ass scar is the truth."she screams back.

"Really."he continues"I don't see one."he moves the hair away from her face. Now everyone who was here, saw her without a scar. This meant the girl was lying the all time and they believed her, without confirming anything.

Before they could say anything, they heard a loud scream."What the hell happened here?!"

Everyone looked at the principal, who just screamed and now they knew that shit was going down.

She sees the bloody Justin and yells"The fuck are you brats standing here like fucking dumbasses. Call the ambulance you dumb fucks."she points at one of the girls"You. Call."

He looks at Justin and says"Okay. Now explain in a sentence what happened here!"

"He fell down....multiple times. Like a lot."answers Lucian.

"Ha ha. Very funny, Brat. If you don't tell me now, you'll be out of this school in instance."

"Fine. He hit me, so I hit him back. It was self defense."

"This doesn't look like self defense. The boy looks like a fucking trainwreck."

Ambulance sirens could be heard from the distance and soon the paramedics were here and immediately took him away. Now that he was gone, the director said"Lucian and Yami. You two to my office. Rest of you can go home." She walked away with Lucian and Yami walking behind her.

The entire time, Yami was frozen in place and didn't know what to do. The group had suddenly appeared and before she noticed, Justin punched his Lucian. She thought that he would punch back at least, but she couldn't believe, when he saw his Lucian, punching him into a mess without much effort and even broke his wrist and a leg. There goes Justins sports career for forever. The wrist may have a chance to heal fully, but not the leg. That leg is fucked Even with todays science. And the most shocking for her was when he revealed two very big secrets and then he showed the others her other side of the face. She didn't like it, because she doesn't want others to see it, beside Lucian, who healed her face, but now he showed it to others. She wasn't mad at him, but not happy either. Her mood was in the between of the two. But now she had questions for his Lucian, that she wanted answers.

When passing a certain black haired girl with purple ends, he said in a fallen language"Enjoyed the show, Fallen?"

"Very."she replied immediately.

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