《Lucian》No survivors


In the middle of the night, Lucian, in his usual clothing, is walking on the street, which are illuminated by the flickering light post lamps.

While walking on the street, he is smoking a cigarette and after he finished it, he mutters to himself."If they're gonna follow me, dont make it so obvious."

He says that, because for the past hour, few Hunters have been following him and probably waiting for the right moment to attack. Until now, they haven't had a chance, because Lucian purposely took the crowded streets. He knows, that they won't attack in open and so he can lead them around as much as he wants, If he is careful enough.

He walked all over the town for an hour, until he got bored of it, so he decided to end it. So he walked into a construction site of a church. There he said to himself"I'm such an asshole." Because the fight is probably going to destroy the place, If they are strong enough.

He stopped to stand in front of the large window and a minute later, ten Hunters arrived.

"There are more then I thought."he says loud enough for the Hunters to hear.

"Surrender demon and we'll make it quick."says one of the Hunters who seems to be the boss of that group.

"Sorry. Not interested in sex with guys. Send some girls."Lucian mocks them.

"You won't be making any jokes when I rip your core out."their leader continues"Get him."

The Hunters all form their weapons and as for Lucian, he just stand there without moving.

The Hunters began to close in on him, when suddenly Lucians entire body started to be covered in darkness. His clothes turned into pitch black and changed. He was now wearing black armored boots, which were almost up to his knees. His pants were black and around his right thigh, there were two brown straps. He was wearing a black sleevles high cowl jacket with a hood. On his hands, he was wearing a pair of black fingerless gloves wich went up to his elbow and was covered with armor plates on his wrist area. His haired turned raven black and his eyes blood red.


When the Hunters saw that, they knew they wouldn't make it out in one piece because the demon in front of them had the highest bounty on his head for the murders of over fifty of their Hunters. They only now realised it, because he was wearing only black clothes and had red eyes.

But the Hunters didn't let that discourage them. They spread out around him and finally Lucian pulled up his hood. Only his red eyes could be seen now and the rest of his face was covered in darkness. With a demonic voice, he said"No survivors."and vanished into the darkness.

"Everyone pair up and watch each others back."said their leader. They quickly did so and now five pair of Hunters were looking for him now.

With a flash, two heads were cleanly cut off, before anyone could even react. The headless bodies fell on the ground with their swords in their hands.

"Eight to go."was said by Lucian, who was hiding in the darkness, with a black recurve bow, that he took a while back. He drawed two arrows and released them, hitting them in their necks. They fell onto the floor, with a arrow through their neck.

"Six to go."he said and appeared in front of the third pair and thrusts a spear through both of their chests.

"Four to go." The fourth pair killed with throwing knives thrown into their head.

"Two to go."was said and a Hunter was sliced in half and the only survivor, the leader of the group, was grabbed by his jaw and his right arm was cut off.

"Aaaaahhh!" He screamed out, but the scream ended with a sword through the leaders face, killing him on the spot.

The one-sided fight had ended and the place was covered with blood and dead bodies. Lucian looked around for few seconds and as he was about to pull out the sword, from the leaders face, he said in angel language"What to you want, Marcus?"

Behind him, a person with light brown hair and hazel eyes is standing there, wearing a white suit and black shoes.


"I have a message for you, Lucian."he says, while walking towards him and avoiding stepping on blood in the meantime.

"From who?"asks Lucian, while swinging the blade, clean of blood.

"From Miss Elica Tratyd."

"Don't know her, but tell her message."he replies while looking over his blade, to see If there is any blood left.

"Her message: Dear Lucian! I am Elica Tratyd, the second daughter of Micheal. I would like to meet with you and wish that you could come to the Tower on the next full moon. I will be waiting for you. -Message over. Do you wish to send her a message?"

"No. You can leave."replies Lucian. Marcus then disappears, leaving behind white lights in the air for a few seconds.

'Why the fuck does that Elica want to meet with me and why at the Tower. Huh...The next full moon is is in five days and it takes two days to get to the Tower from here. So I have to go to school for one day next week. Ooh well. Might as well go there.'thought Lucian as he finished things up at the place and after that he left the place. While leaving, his clothes turned back to normal street clothes and he peacefully walked back to his place while smoking. On the way home, he thought where exactly he can get to the tower.

On the next day, early in the morning, the Hunter investigators arrived at the construction site and saw the massacre that had happened there. Bodies on the floor and one of the heads was put on top of the cross and on the cross, there was written in blood a word "Monster"

"The fuck happened here?"says the girl who looks to be sixteen. She has blond hair and blue eyes. Her face is very beautiful and she has a good figure.

"According to their last report, they followed a demon here and after that nothing."says the man in his thirties.

"Okay. So is there any evidence what demon did that?"asks the girl, while observing their bodies.

"No."is the answer she got.

"And these weapons?"

"It seems they are weapons of the Hunters. Dead Hunters to be exact."

"I see. Find out whose weapons they are and then we may get a idea who the demon was."

"Already done: The spear is Chris Norts. He was found dead three months ago in a nearby forest. He was decapitated and his head sticked on a branch. The two throwing knives are from Jessica Star. She went missing six months ago in Moskva and her body was found in Siberia three months ago. Cause of death was crushed skull. As for the arrows, it seems to be from David Smiths recurve bow. He was found dead a month ago in an alleyway. He died by a blade sliced from his shoulder and into his heart. It's unknown what are the other four exact murder weapon, but it's a very sharp blade. All of the cuts were clean."

"Okay. Look over all the cameras from the locations, that the Hunters made their report. Also look up the reports of those three, whos weapons were used. I'd say past ten months should be enough."

"Understood. And What about the "Message"?"the man points at the blood written word.

She looks at it for a while and says"I have no clue about that. It's the first time I have seen a demon leaving a message."

"Is there anything else?"she asks and the man shakes his head.

"Good. I'll be going now."she said and left the place.

She walks to her house, where she packed her school bag and ate her breakfast quickly. She put on her shoes and left to go to her high school on top of a hill.

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