《DIVE》Dive 21: Magic Time?
Short summary of the last chapter:
Spoiler : Voice found out he wasted a bunch of stat points. He got angry and started staff training. He got the rage ability, but had his heart literally ripped out by Davros’ Chosen one. He raged for a while, then went hunting in game for two day.
Days until Ether Realm Battle: 3
Also in this world mana and magic seem to be interchangeable terms.
I love all of the comments! Keep ‘em coming!
On his way to the Mage’s guild Voice started wondering why Davros’ chosen was allowed to kill him before the battle. He made a mental note to ask Mar.
The guild was really just a very tall tower.
Wow, typical mage tower. Nice.
There was a female mage in bright blue robes standing at the top of the dozen steps that led to the entrance of the tower. She didn’t really stand out aesthetically. She was neither beautiful nor ugly, just somewhere in between. She looked to be in her early twenties. When Voice approached, she stopped him and asked,
“Hark, stranger. Wherefore have you come to our tower?”
Voice was slightly taken aback by her old Shakespearian speech.
Is there some old English playwright here or something? Effing nerd.
Voice gave a small bow. “G’day fair maiden. I have come to the pinnacle of learning to immerse myself in knowledge. But lo! I have seen something far more valuable!”
The woman’s face reddened slightly in a blush. “And what, kind sir, would that be?”
Voice gave his best smile. “What? But of course it is the beauty that might outlast the stars! Such a divine beauty have I seen today!” Voice was laying it on thick. “Perhaps you would like to get to know one another?”
She put up an obvious front. “Perhaps not, good sir!” She was still blushing, so Voice smiled and slowly nodded his head.
“Then failing that might I gain entrance unto the wondrous academy of magic?” Keeping the conversation up in old English was beginning to wear on Voice; he was never really into plays or sonnets or the like.
The woman had a thoughtful expression for a moment. “You are to pass one challenge first. I must give you a riddle, if you cannot solve it you are barred entrance. However,” She gave Voice a sly wink, “If you cannot guess it I may accidentally give you a small hint.”
Voice smiled and nodded his head. He replied, “I am happy that once so outstanding in the arcane arts, and the realm of beauty might take note of me, but I must decline the offer of assistance. For what man would I be to get in through the power of others?”
She smiled approvingly. Not only was this man kind, charming, and thoughtful, he also had standards he would not bend. This was very attractive. If he got into the guild she would need to find a way to talk to him. Even if she was just an initiate.
“You are allowed only one answer. Here is your riddle sir. Tall am I young. Short am I old. Salamander’s breath is my greatest foe. What am I?”
Voice didn’t know what shrunk as it aged, but the salamander part had to be important. Voice loved riddles ever since he was a kid. He had not heard this one before, so he was excited.
Hmmm. I don’t know what salamander’s breath is, but in some games they are considered fire creatures. Maybe the breath fire? But if I’m wrong I’ll look pretty stupid. Ok So it is tall when it is young, and gets short as it ages. Fire is its greatest foe.
He thought about it for a little less than a minute.
“A candle?”
She looked at Voice quizzically. “Why do you say that?”
Voice was afraid he got it wrong, but also thought this might be a part of the test.
“Well, candle’s shrink as you use them. You want them to last long so you make them big, even if you didn’t they would still shrink as the wax melts. And fire is what lights them.”
“Alas, tis not the answer. Thine answer doth have logic, but the answer is a Wizard’s Crystal Tower. Tis made of pure magic crystal. When the crystal empties is shrinks. The fire from the bellies of salamanders will take its magic to fuel itself. Destroying the tower.”
Voice didn’t know about those towers, but he wasn’t about to let that stop him.
“Well, be that as it may, my answer is acceptable. Your riddle may have been designed with but one answer, but tis not the only one. As with mathematics riddles oft have plentiful correct answers. If only one were clever enough to find them.”
The woman couldn’t fault his logic on that. She thought for a moment. When he walked to the doors she absentmindedly gave him a small token. She only noticed that she had given it to him after he left.
You have received 5 logic for solving the Wizard’s Riddle.
You have received 5 logic for solving the Wizard’s Riddle in an unexpected way.
You have received 2 intelligence for solving the Wizard’s Riddle.
You have received 2 intelligence for solving the Wizard’s Riddle in an unexpected way.
You have received 5 charisma for being excessively charismatic.
You have gained a level in flattery, for completely flattering someone.
You have gained a level in deception, for making someone think you have romantic, or physical attraction towards them.
As Voice walked into the Mage’s Guild he was surrounded by many beautiful carvings and sculptures. If he looked up he could see the top of the tower. There were two spiral staircases that wound around the walls all the way to the top. They both went in the same direction, one started about ten feet or so after the first. So the walls were lined with a double staircase structure. He thought, Wow, nice stat gains. I wonder if I can get that much from more riddles.
As he looked at how affluent the Mage’s Guild looked, he wondered how much money mages made.
He went to the back wall. Directly across the tower floor from the door was a desk. At the desk sat someone that looked like a scribe. He looked to be an old crotchety man.
“Hello sir! I have come to ask if I might join your magnificent establishment.”
The clerk ignored Voice and kept working. Voice waited a few moments before deciding to head up the stairs. As he neared the first set of stairs the scribe man said,
“You can’t go up there right now!” When Voice looked the scribe looked down again and got back to work.
I should probably get this guy’s permission before going up. It would probably be really bad if I were to force it.
Voice thought of some smart sounding way to get the man’s attention. “Is that can’t or aren’t allowed to ?
The scribe looked up with a pleasantly surprised face. “You know, you are the first one in a few years to pick up on that right away. Well you did pass Rose’s riddle, so maybe you would be a good addition to the guild.” The man seemed to think something over for a few minutes. Eventually he got up and went to the first stairwell. He touched an invisible barrier. As it shimmered a small doorway opened up within it.
“You may only take one course on magic. Of course when you completely master that magic you can go on to another.”
Voice decided this tower was 100% about mind games. He chose to take everything as a riddle. “That’s sort of unfair isn’t it?”
The scribe shook his head. “Not really everyone else does it too. No one can really take the difficulty of more than one class at a time.”
“What I meant was the part about having to master it.” Voice opened his menu and showed him his Master of the Green Herb title. “Even with that title I still haven’t mastered the Green Healing Herb. I’ve come up with some good ways to use it in healing potions, but I don’t know the best ways to harvest the seeds, or plant it. You can never really master any subject. At best you can know more than any other person has had widely published.” Voice felt that a mini rant on the subject would be the best way to garner intimacy with the scribe.
Voice didn’t think this man was just a scribe. It was within his judgement of everything being a riddle to assume this man might even be the leader here.
“Also sir, you to be more than you seem. Would you like to elaborate?”
The man frowned slightly. “I would not.”
“Will you do it anyway?”
The man seemed to get an impish smile. “I will.”
After a few seconds of silence the man still had said nothing. Voice decided he had to ask him outright if he were going to get anywhere. “Please tell me why you seem to be more than you seem.”
The man once again had a frown. “You know boy, you might be a little too logical for your own good.”
Voice smiled in response.
“Alright, well to answer your question, I seem to be a scribe or clerk. The reason you think I am more is because I am. In this tower I am in fact the headmaster… ‘s aid.”
Voice gave him a blank look at the attempted trick.
“The man continued. Fine, you can take as many classes as you want, but some cost money or labor. Also you won’t learn as fast as you would taking only one class.”
“So, Mr. aid. Why does the tower look so well to do?”
The aid smiled. “Well our headmaster has developed and sold several unique magics, and the money he gets he donates to the tower.”
Voice thought about this. I wonder if I could make money off of the spells from the weird portal book series.
Voice decided that after he had finished all of his quests in the city he would go searching for these other books. The weird man in the book told him there were six more books. If he found a way to get those spells he could probably make his own mage’s tower.
His starting goal for this game had been to be the best heavy armor healer ever. He made a new goal after seeing the mage’s tower. He would find all of the ‘Knowledge of the Unknowable’ series, and use them to create his own kingdom.
He didn’t know if that was possible, but the game said he could do anything. While the scribe guy was talking about something, Voice formulated his plan. He would need the help of at least some minor noblemen. Not to mention he needed an army to defend his borders. And every kingdom would fail without a good amount of people with which to populate it.
His first task would be to find the books, or at least enough of them to start him on his way. After that he was going to somehow take control of a town right in the middle of nowhere. Then he could start expanding and building an army.
“Ok,” Voice mumbled to himself. “I’ll do it.”
The scribe looked confused for a moment. “Really? You are the first one to agree so readily. I haven’t even told you the rewards!”
Eh? What’s he talking about?
You have accepted this quest.
Success: Create a new spell.
Difficulty: ???
Failure: Not creating a new spell.
Reward: You did not let the ‘scribe’ tell you the reward.
Failure leads to decrease intimacy with the Mage’s Guild for accepting a quest you could not do.
Voice didn’t know what the assistant guy was talking about, but now he had to come up with some way to make a new magic.
“Thank you! You see my father experimented with combining different forms of magic, but it was never successful. Thank you sir! Oh thank you!”
The man vigorously shook Voice’s hand. Voice felt a twinge of guilt for not having listened to him. Only for a second though.
The man began speaking again. “Well you are free to use any of the classrooms you want. Also if you wish you can become part of the Mage’s Guild in Rand, that is if you can past the test. I’ll waive the fee for it though.”
Voice’s ears perked up when the man said he could join the guild. “Alright, I would like to take the test to become part of the Mage’s Guild in Rand.” Voice replied immediately.
“My, but that was quick. Well, you do seem to be someone to make up his mind quickly about things. I would call you rash, but your level of intellect and logic are too great for that. Well the challenge is simple. First I must ask. Do you have a fairy yet?”
Voice shook his head no. “I don’t but I heard the Mage’s Guild can help you get one.”
The scribe smiled, “Well that is partially correct. The test is to summon your first fairy, if you already have one you must upgrade your fairy to the next form. To summon a fairy you need at least 25 affinity in an element. After you gain the affinity we will make a magic circle, and you will pour a drop of blood into it. After that you just need to channel all of your magic into the circle. The maximum amount of magic accepted by the circle is 500 time the rank of affinity. The magic starts after your blood hits the circle. You have exactly ten seconds to fill the circle with as much magic as possible. There are five ranks, if you are upgrading your fairy you do the same thing. This time other light fairies will join yours in power, creating an even more powerful fairy. So before anything you must get 25 affinity in one element.”
The scribe went to go back to his desk.
Voice interrupted him, “Um, I already have 25 light affinity.”
The scribe clapped his hands excitedly. “Well! That DOES speed the process up quite a bit. Ok then.”
The mage got started showing Voice how to draw the magic circle. Really it looked more like the sun. It was a giant circle, with thin wisps coming off of it.
Voice asked, “So is this symbol unique to light? I mean it would make sense that other elements don’t so obviously use something that symbolizes light.”
The mage looked at Voice questioningly. “And why do you think that?”
Voice figured if he was wrong it wouldn’t matter. “Well instead of summoning a fairy it seems more like you are trying to ask them to come into our world. Dark fairies wouldn’t want to see a sun first thing when they came in.”
You have received 5 intelligence for figuring out the theory of fairy summoning. [td]
[Td]For reaching 50 intelligence you have unlocked the skill Mana Affinity.
Voice mumbled, “Inspect: Mana Affinity.”
Mana Affinity
Current Level: Novice
This skill will rank up once every 50 intelligence, up to a maximum of 250 intelligence.
For every rank you gain spells cost 5% less to cast.
This skill can stack up to 25% cost reduction.
“Very good, Very good. What did you say your name was again?”
“I didn’t, but it’s Voice.”
“Hello Voice, my name is Brom.”
Dragon tamer?
“Well Brom, let’s get this thing going.”
After Brom was satisfied with the circle he had Voice put a drop of blood into it, lending him a dagger.. Since this was a rank one summoning Voice could only put up to 500 mana into the circle. He had that much without the need for mana regen.
The circle started glowing, a bright white glow. The intensity continued to grow until Voice had to shield his eyes with his arm. With a loud pop the light disappeared. Voice moved his arm, and blinked as he tried to see. For a few seconds he could have sworn that the circle was still activated.
After a handful of moments he realized that the bright light was coming from an orb. The light was still almost blinding. The orb seemed to be floating just above where the circle had been drawn.
A very light and lilting voice entered his mind. “Hello, master! My name is Sol! I’m happy to meet you!” The voice sounded excited at the idea of being around Voice. “Master! What can Sol do to please master? I know healing magic, I can create light, I have the ability to blind your enemies, I can disappear,”
For several minutes Sol continued this rapid pace delivery of info. It was talking a million miles a minutes. Voice couldn’t really keep up, so he just ignored it and started to look at its stats.
Stats WindowNameSolRaceLight FairyHealth10Mana500Stamina10RankNoviceCurrent TitleN/AHealth Regen/Sec.1Mana Regen/Sec7.2Stamina Regen/Sec.1Strength1Agility10Wisdom72Intelligence50Endurance1Dexterity10Luck10Vitality1Fame0Sol is a light fairy. The abilities of a fairy are based on the element they are made of. Light fairies start with all stats but dexterity, agility, wisdom, and intelligence at 1.
For being a light fairy Sol’s wisdom and intelligence stats equal the user.
For using the maximum amount of mana in the summoning ritual you have maximum intimacy with Sol.
Sol has benefited from the piety of the summoner. Sol has gained 9 luck.
If fairies die while in combat they return to the Ether Realm, and must be summoned.
Is it really that smart? There’s no way.
Voice wanted to test the fairy out. “Sol.” The fairy stopped mid-sentence and suddenly stood at attention. Voice took the dagger and dragged it across his left palm. The pain was biting. He had to clench his teeth to stop from screaming out.
SHIT! I forgot how realistic this shitty game feels!
As soon as the dagger left his skin Sol began to glow. The wound closed as if Voice had casted healing magic on it.
He smiled, this fairy was going to be useful. “Alright Sol, let’s go learn some wind magic. Also turn down the light a little.”
Sol immediately became less blinding. Voice had decided on a plan of action to fight Davros’ chosen one. Since the smoke man said something along the lines of I am going to fight you since you are Mar’s Champion, Voice figured he was the man he had to fight.
Wind magic should theoretically be able to blow the smoke away. Even if it just acted as a crude barrier it would score him precious seconds.
Brom motioned to the first set of stairs. “The novice wind magic class is the second door. I’m surprised your light fairy took to you so quickly, how much mana did you put in the circle?”
Voice shrugged. “500 was the limit, so that’s what I put. “
Brom raised his eyebrows and nodded his head in a thoughtful way. “Hm, that would explain it. So do you have a magic based class?”
Voice shook his head.
“Really? Well I suggest you get one. Whatever magic class you take will give you certain bonuses to different magic types.”
Voice thought about that as he ascended the stairs. It would be pretty good to take some magic class, but he would lose Boris. Well unless he found out whatever he did to make Heather like him so much.
I guess it’ll depend on what each magic class gives me. I might go with something that deals with light magic.
As he got to the second door, he wondered if the door was a portal. The tower was tall, not wide.
Voice told his fairy, “Hey I think this is a portal.” His fairy nodded. He expected another int increase.
Guess I’ve gotten to much easy gain from that stat. Gotta try to figure out harder stuff.
Voice opened the door. When he did he saw the area was a wide opened plain. He cautiously walked through it, closing it when Sol had gotten through. Voice turned around, and thanked the elder gods the door was still there.
The area was a giant plains region. Nothing there except the wind and endless expanses of grass. Voice looked around. The reason this place was used to teach wind magic was obvious. There was a constant wind blowing. A hundred yards in front of the door Voice saw an older man, a young woman, and three children.
They were in the center of a tornado. Voice looked for a few seconds and realized that the man was teaching the woman and children. He didn’t know why the tornado was surrounding them, but he didn’t really care. He also noticed that for some reason the papers the people were holding did not blow with the wind.
He went to the tornado. The closer he got the harder it became to go forward. His stamina was fairly high, but started to decrease faster and faster as he got closer. Voice thought about running towards the tornado, but disregarded the idea. He didn’t know if it was true, but he heard that if you are in high wind the best thing to do is move slowly or not at all to avoid injury.
It made sense anyway, if you are moving quickly you have less friction. If you have less friction the wind can more quickly lift you and throw you. So he decided to move slowly.
The wind periodically changed direction. It would blow from the south, then suddenly to the north. He wanted to conserve as much of his power as he could, so he tried to go against the wind as little as possible. The wind had been buffeting Sol, so it went into Voice’s chest. Voice would stand his ground as the wind blew away from the tornado, and when it blew towards it he would launch himself towards it.
After the first ten minutes, every step took effort. His stamina had long since drained, and he wasn’t even halfway there. He knew that if he tried to sit and rest he would most likely be blown towards a random direction. He started marching ever slower towards the tornado.
The wind was pushing him directly away from the class so he stood his ground. Suddenly an updraft came from his right. He was lifted off of his feet and thrown into the air. He was tossed around for several seconds. He was pushed further and further into the air.
SHIT! I don’t want to die again![i]
Voice quickly thought of every way to get out of the situation. Unfortunately without the use of some sort of cliff diving suit he could only think of one solution. Well, solution might make it sound too solid, and make it sound like it actually has a decent chance of working.
He decided to try to feel the way the wind was blowing him if he ever got closer to the ground. He would run with the direction of the wind. More than likely we would not survive, but without wind magic he had no better alternative.
The wind suddenly started propelling him downward. The angle was steep. It almost seemed as though the wind god had picked him up and dropped him.
“SOL!” He had to yell to be heard over the sheer force of wind pushing him down. “WHEN I GET CLOSE TO THE GROUND START HEALING ME!” He could feel conformation coming from his chest. He braced himself for the impact as he rapidly approached the ground. When he had about ten feet left he started running.
He was trying to decrease the impact by using some of the force to propel himself forward. Before he hit the ground he felt a soft cushion of air catch him. He looked around for the source. He noticed that the class had stopped.
Furthermore the entire party were staring at him in amusement. One of the children was outright laughing at him.
The man came toward Voice. He seemed to be propelled by some unexplained force. He looked Voice over dubiously. Voice seemed to be turned in many directions as the man examined him.
The man seemed as though he was pondering something. “Hm, you don’t seem to be a spy. Why wouldn’t the old man tell me I had another student?” The old man seemed to look off into the distance for a few seconds.
“Alright, I’ve talked to Brom. He says you’re trying to fuse two different magic spells together. I guess I can teach you wind magic.” He waved his left hand. Instantly a tunnel formed to the tornado. The tunnel seemed to make the wind go over and around itself.
The man went to the class. He didn’t really walk there, it was more like gliding.
[i] This guy is such a show off.
That day was spent learning how wind effected the world. They also learned how to determine the gusts of wind. All in all it was a boring day. At the end he gave each student a test. They went outside of the tornado.
“Alright, you have to change the flow of the wind. It doesn’t matter how you do it, just that you do it. Just know you will have to feel the origin of the wind to do it.”
They each had to feel the wind. They would then try to direct the wind to flow in a different direction. The other students were using various ways to direct the wind. One of the children tried using his body, and expelling mana from it, to push the wind around him. The other child was trying to move wind using nothing but mana. Voice didn’t know what the woman had done, but she was slightly hovering with a smile on her lips.
Voice started to do what the instructor had taught them. He closed his eyes and began to feel the wind. He felt it blow from one direction, then he felt it blow from another. He started to understand what the teacher meant by feel the origin of the wind. It didn’t mean feel where the wind was coming from, although you had to do that too. He meant that Voice had to feel the angle of the wind. He had to feel its speed, its acceleration, even how much pressure it had. Once Voice was confident he was as aware of the wind as he could be he tried to change it.
Voice tried to force the wind into the palm of his hands. He started by injecting low quantities of mana into his palms.
It wasn’t too difficult to get the mana to his palms, as he had already done something similar while healing. The main problem was that the mana that gathered there was not pure. It had been tainted by light energy. So any mana he managed to gather was healing magic class.
He stopped trying that method. He focused on feeling the wind outside his body. There were gusts of wind coming in from every direction. He put his hand towards one direction. After several minutes the wind changed directions, to directly blow against his hand. It felt like he was trying to hold his arm in front of him while swimming up river.
He couldn’t change the direction of the wind, so he tried to force mana into his arm. He was trying to expel mana into the air to force it to change direction. But even that failed. It was getting late, so he decided to go home. He would still keep trying to sense the wind though. Up until he went to sleep he would try to obtain some sort of wind spell.
The teacher stopped him before he got to the door.
“You did well for your first day. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
For my first day is the problem. Even if I did do well for my first day, I only have another two to beat Davros’ Champion. There is no way I’m going to learn this before then.
When he left the door on the plains he was outside of the Mage’s Guild. He had a bad feeling that something or someone was coming. So in one motion he equipped staff, and went into a guarded position.
It was a good thing he did. At that exact moment a three foot long white death machine jumped at him. He swatted the thing away before getting ready to strike.
Heather got up and shook her head to clear the daze. “Hey, that wasn’t very nice!”
Voice looked at her unsympathetically. His eyes seemed to be void of all emotions that might convey concern. “Well, you shouldn’t have jumped at me.”
Voice knew he was just taking his anger and frustration out on Heather, but he didn’t care enough to try to stop. He continued, “If you are going to attack someone be ready for retaliation.”
Voice continued towards Susan’s as Heather grumbled about the unfair treatment.
As they walked past the training hall Voice looked at Heather, and had a wonderful idea. His lips turned upwards in an almost evil grin.
“Heather, how would you like to play a game?” Heather’s eyes beamed. “I want you to jump at me. I will try to block you. If you manage to land a hit I will grant you one wish. I will be healing you periodically, so you can’t hit me then. Ok?” Voice decided to steer the upcoming battle towards Susan’s he would declare victory if he got there.
Instead of answering Heather jumped at Voice.
Voice had been expecting such an attack, and so was ready. He was already in a stance where he had his staff going from his right shoulder to his left hip.
He easily scooped Heather up with the butt of his staff. He threw her over his shoulder, while at the same time turning around to face where she would land. Voice saw an attack coming, and barely had time to react.
As soon as Heather had hit the ground she kicked off with as much power as she could, going straight for Voice’s legs. Voice put as much strength as he could into his forearms; he lifted himself off of the ground several inches, and Heather passed harmlessly under his feet.
This might not have been the best idea he had, since his arms started burning immediately after. Heather jumped at his face. He swayed to the side trying to let his arms rest for a second. Heather’s forepaw came a fraction of an inch away from his face. He quickly got back into his original stance.
Heather did another leap towards his head. This time Voice took the top of the staff and hit Heather into the ground. The two days of non-stop training seemed to pay off. She landed with a loud thud. Voice used a quick healing spell.
As she got up Voice readied himself. Heather ran towards Voice and unleashed a torrent of blows. He had to use Sense just to keep up with her. Her attacks became stronger and quicker with every strike. She eventually did some sort of kick spin.
Voice watched in horror, and amazement, as she launched herself towards him. He brought his staff up to block her, but she somehow moved her body out of the way. Voice felt the impact of her kick. He felt like a metal pistol was driven into his stomach. He coughed up a small amount of blood as he flew backwards. He landed in a daze a dozen feet from where he started. His hp was now 15/250.
[Td] You have sustained a near lethal attack. You are dazed for 30 seconds.[td]
He tried to stand up, but a wave a nausea forced him on his stomach. He felt the pain of being hit again. He retched. Heather and Boris ran up to him. They seemed worried, and Heather had a look of apology. After several attempts at getting up Voice finally managed to get to his knees. Another wave of pain shook his body. When he finally stood up it was thanks to a nearby building. As he leaned against it he looked at Heather,
“How the hell did you get so strong!?”
Heather shyly kicked the ground. She mumbled something.
“What?” Voice didn’t have very much patience at the time so his tone was just under yelling volume.
Heather flinched when he yelled. “I said I’m sorry… I just… I got a new class today. It’s called the Berserker. I went into berserker mode to hit you. It’s like a really upgraded version of your battle rage.” She seemed to pout for a few seconds. Voice looked her over. He knew berserkers usually had some side effect after using their abilities. He saw blood dripping from her paws.
He went over and touched her. She flinched as his hand made contact. She was expecting to be punished, but all he did was heal her. She felt all of her wounds disappear.
“Thanks for the spar Heather, but never use that on me again.” She nodded her head sadly. Her master was so nice, but she had hurt him. She was awful.
Voice healed himself the rest of the way after he healed Heather. Gotta make it look like I care about the little shit. Fucking kicking me that hard! She’s lucky she is so powerful or I’d feed her to the damn wolves.
Heather saw him healing his own wounds. She felt even worse. What kind of horrible rabbit was she!? She hurt someone that put her pain and suffering above her own. Then she remembered that she got any one wish. She would use it to make him happy! She smiled as she asked,
“So for my wish, can I learn magic? Then I can be better in a fight!”
Voice inwardly cursed. Teaching her magic would cost a lot of time, and maybe even a lot of money. [i] Well I could let her learn fire or earth magic if it’s possible. I mean a giant boulder bouncing towards you is almost as scary as a bunny following up several giant fire balls, by kicking your face in.
He smiled a genuinely happy smile. He would be glad to cause such fear and mayhem amongst those that opposed him. “Sure sweetie. Whatever you want.” He was in a happy mood so he used happy language.
When the trio arrived they went upstairs to get some warmth while they rested. They hadn’t had a warm place to sleep in a while. Voice was surprised by the fact the stairs not only didn’t break under Boris, they didn’t even creak. As Voice drifted off to sleep he started to make plans for tomorrow.
Stats WindowNameVoice0fReasonClassMonster TamerHealth250Mana500Stamina290Level15Current TitleMaster Of The Green HerbHealth Regen/Sec2.5Mana Regen/Sec7.2Stamina Regen/Sec4.7Strength36Agility31Wisdom72Intelligence50Endurance47Dexterity30Luck10Vitality29Charisma19Compassion40Leadership36Logic22Piety44Unused Stat Points30Fame540
Skills WindowSkill Fusion Novice Level 3 Exp 00.00%First Aid Novice Level 4 Exp 40.00%Deception Novice Level 9 Exp 33.33%Flattery Novice Level 2 Exp 00.00%Critical Strike Novice Level 9 Exp 16.67%Automated Novice Level 7 Exp 00.00%Auto Aid Novice Level 4 Exp 40.00%Alchemical Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Speed Reading Novice Level 9 Exp 00.00%Auto Read Novice Level 20 Exp 50.00%Skill Dissembler Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Cooking Novice Level 24 Exp 99.99%Climbing Novice Level 3 Exp 60.00%Heavy Armor Apprentice Level 25 Exp 00.00%Group Skill: Key to Self-Sustained Alchemy Novice Level 15 Exp 00.00%Group Skill: Inspect Novice Level 7 Exp 28.57%Unique Skill: Skill Enhancement NoviceUnique Skill: Mana Affinity Novice
Affinities WindowNature10Light25
- In Serial67 Chapters
Law of Shadows
Mercs are causing trouble in my city. They are hunting someone, whatever the cost. It’s not like I care that some lowly humans died, but if I don’t act now it would set a bad example. So what would the hero do? Probably he would save the victims and protect them while the enemies keep coming… Yeah, as if I would ever do something so troublesome! They aren’t calling me the demon lord for no reason. I suppose I’ll just shoot the victim and be done with it. ——————————————————————————————— Reading Order of the Multiverse-Books ——————————————————————————————— Author's Comment: If you find mistakes, pls tell, thx. I don't like mistakes.[/window] Author's Comment: I was asked about reading my work on other sites. The answer is simple: Currently, I am not active in any other networks than royalroadl.com. Only here, I correct mistakes and errors. If you read it anywhere else and have to pay for it or have to deal with an annoying amount of advertisement, You Are Being Betrayed. You would do good if you make other people in that network aware of it. This is a free project of mine for the purpose of having fun. And if people try to make money with it you shouldn't bother visiting their website. I have no problem with translation and reposting of the story, as long as the person in question isn't doing it for money or stealing my identity. The only one whom I actually allowed to have my work on his website is Armaell who invested the time to compile them into pdf. (http://armaell-library.net/author/andur)
8 176 - In Serial7 Chapters
The Collector
Thousands of years ego mankind used to be protected by The Guardians. Then they decided it would be fun to make some monsters, and most people liked it, cause the gods protected them, and they liked this new kind of entertainment. And then The Guardians decided it would be fun to start killing each other. Or so the legends say. The legends and The Eternal King, how claims to be a Guardian himself. Some people even believe that. Immortality. Godly powers. Knowledge beyond any sage. It would be good if he really was a Guardian, cause it was too much power for a man. Even if he did a lot of good for the people, and his whims were not as horrifying, as those of his predecessors, it was still not so easy to stay calm when he was getting his moods. Some people challenged him. Some tried to assassinate him. Despite their greed, their noble intentions, or whatever other reasons they had, The King was as immortal as ever. He survived fire and lighting. Blades and poisons. And then the gods decided to have some fun, and poke a stick into what was left of The Guardians.
8 110 - In Serial16 Chapters
Promise » n.yt
"You and I's, promise." + Nakamoto YutaFt. NCT102819 - All rights reserved.
8 174 - In Serial19 Chapters
Promised - Tom Riddle x reader
Pairing: Tom Riddle x f!readerStatus: CompletedTotal word count: 43kSynopsis: In this story, Tom didn't grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader's sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return. Disclaimer: Please be aware that I don't condone any of this in real life. Everyone deserves to be with a Neville kind of guy, but Tom's character is fun to explore.
8 85 - In Serial9 Chapters
Skz smut
8 106 - In Serial47 Chapters
Sector B
Decha is a genius high-ranking general, called back to Austell from The Outside by the council. Theodore Chen, the director of the Crime Affairs Agency requests for Decha to do some local investigation on the recent threats targeting Austell's most prestigious University, Grandell. The job is easier said than done. Decha has to go to Grandell undercover as a student again, investigate a great number of students and pick out suspicious behavior. The problem is that Grandell has few students from the opposing Sector, the Brackets. Sector B is full of people who are of the lower class. They work as much overtime as possible to make ends meet. Decha's mission entails that Sector B residents are most likely responsible for the threats directed at Grandell. While trying to solve the mystery under the radar, he gets involved with a Bracketer woman who oddly refuses to leave his side.Decha will have to uncover hidden truths. He may even go through a journey of self-discovery and have a deep understanding of how the Sector's flawed system truly works.
8 424