《DIVE》Dive 11: His First OP
Short summary of the last chapter:
Spoiler : Voice tamed three rabbits, killed some demon wolves, added EDI as a friend and made some more potions.
Long chapter this time as I don’t think I’ll be able to post tomorrow. Enjoy!
He decided to try out alchemical fusion. He carefully dried out another potion, now his book had originally said it took about a day to make the green healing powder, but it only took him twenty minutes. He didn’t know if it was his alchemy skill, his affinity with the green healing potion, or just good luck, most likely though it was that twenty-four hours of heat brought out the most power from the potion.
No matter the reason, it was good enough for him. He dried and powdered the best potion he had. He had two potions that healed 122 hp. He evaporated both of these. He had one bag of green healing powder, but it wouldn’t be as powerful as these would.
He spent ten minutes evaporating each potion. Since he had only evaporated one potion before, the process was not that detailed. He carefully watched every step. He turned on the heating apparatus. The potion started heating from the middle. The heat slowly expanded outward. As the center of the potion began to boil and steam, he noticed the edges of the potion did were not yet even boiling.
On the second potion he noticed that there were a few specs of something floating on the top of the potion when heated, but before it started boiling.
When he was done he identified the powders.
Green Healing Powder Bag
A bag filled with a very rare powdered form of the low quality green healing potion.
It is rare because the level of mastery needed to make it would indicate the use of better materials.
This powder heals a base amount of 50 hp.
Heating the entire potion at once would increase the potency of this potion.
The materials used to create this potion were unpurified.
For studying the potion making process you have gained one intelligence.
Alright, so I need to find some way to purify the potions, and to heat the potion all at once. The main problem is this stupid game, won’t let me get any outside information.
One of the powders healed 366 health, while the other healed 369 health. The second one was made unnoticeably better.
Voice thought about it and decided on a plan he thought had the best chance of success.
He went to Susan. “Hey Susan I need a favor.” He didn’t have time to beat around the bush, so he was upfront.
“Oh? Well what is it that I could do for you?”
“I need something enchanted. I also need to find a book on refining potions.”
Susan was surprised with Voice’s brusque attitude. He was usually more docile, but she saw the flame of passion for research in his eyes. She decided now was the time to send him to her friend, even if it was odd that he had three bunny rabbits following him around like a mother hen.
“Alright, go to the library and ask for Lydia. Tell her I sent you. As for the enchantment, I can get whatever item you want enchanted. Just give me the item, and tell me the enchantment you want on it, and I will make sure it gets done.”
“Oh, well see I don’t have the item right now. When I bring it to you could you get it enchanted then? Of course I’ll be paying the full price of the enchantment, no need for you to owe anyone a favor.”
“Sure, just bring the item in when you get it.”
Voice ran off next door. When he arrived at the blacksmith’s he politely tapped Evan on the back.
“Hello Evan! Your weapons saved our lives. I can’t explain how grateful I am to you.”
Evan smiled and wiped his char colored hands on his apron. He was glad he could be of help to Voice.
“Yep, my work is good I agree with ya on that. I don’t think that’s the reason ya came over for though.”
“You’re a smart man Evan, and a very skilled blacksmith. That’s why I need you.” Evan felt a little uncomfortable. He never really cared about anyone else’s orientation, but he was straight. More to the point, he was MARRIED. Voice knew this.
Why would he try to get me to forsake my wife? No there I must be mistaken about something.
After a brief ‘unintentional’ pause Voice continued.
“Sorry about that my throat went dry for a second. Anyway, I need you to make me something. I don’t know if you have the ingredients, or the skill, but you are my best and only hope.”
The only reason you are my only hope is that it’s free.
Evan felt gratified at having Voice relay so heavily on him. “Sure I’ll try my best. What is it you need?”
Voice brought out a large piece of paper from his backpack, as well as a quill and some ink. He started by drawing a circular shape, with a long rectangle attached to it. He explained it to the blacksmith.
“This is just a regular iron frying pan. Many cooks use them; but what I want from you is slightly different. These are the dimensions I want it to be, but I also want the top of the frying pan to be made of copper. The biggest problem is getting the copper to bind to the iron. Also I want to give you these.”
Voice handed him all of the wolf materials. He figured they wouldn’t sell for much so it would make him look good. “They are the result of my first hunt with your weapons. Take them as an additional thank you. I’ll come by later for the frying pan.”
Evan was happy Voice gave him the first trophy he ever got while hunting. He thought about the frying pan. It would be difficult to make the iron bond to the copper enough so that heating it wouldn’t destroy the bond right away. He was thinking of ways to do this as Voice walked away.
Voice went out and collected a few dozen more green healing herbs.
Why the hell haven’t I found any more healing potion ingredients? I mean the freaking ranking of the ‘common’ ingredients seems to be too far off. They aren’t common at all.
After collecting fifty total herbs he headed to the lab to store his stuff. After storing all of his items he headed to the library.
The library was an intimidating building. It was a pure white building that stood at three stories. The bottom story supported the top two with its regularly placed columns. It had two sets of windows, the top two floors, and on the left and right most sides were two things that seemed to look an awful lot like watch towers connected to it.
The bottom floor had columns lining it, about ten feet past the columns the library had an entrance. The building was easily two hundred feet long. All in all it reminded him of the Lincoln memorial, only with two extra floors and missing the impressive statue of a president.
When he got up the stairs he examined the columns. They looked quite sturdy. He went inside the library and was dazzled by its magnificence.
When you entered you could see all three floors with clarity. All of the walls were lined with books, the entire two top floors were composed of four really long bookshelves, one for each wall, a walkway that probably measured ten feet, and a really nice looking white wooden railing.
He went up to the librarian.
“Your pets will have to stay outside sir. “
After he told them to wait outside the librarian asked, “What do you want?” She asked in a very abrupt manner.
“I’d like to borrow a book. I was told to ask for Lydia.”
The librarian smiled. “You know, Lydia doesn’t have time to help every small time adventurer type out there.” She said the word adventurer in almost disdain.
“I know, but I think she might help me, my master told me to ask for her.”
Voice saw a strange light in the librarian’s eyes for a moment. “Alright, I’ll take you to her room if you can do me a favor.”
Voice was dubious, “What kind of favor?”
“Well you see, my frail little arms can’t make it up the carry the books to where they need to go. I need a big strong man to help me.” She gave a suggestive look to Voice.
“Sure, just show me to where the books are.”
You have accepted this quest.
Success: Getting all of the books to the proper shelves.
Difficulty: Low
Failure: Not getting all of the books to the proper shelves before the library closes, damaging any of the books, losing any of the books.
Reward: Being led to Lydia’s room.
Failure leads to decrease intimacy with the librarian, as well as not being led to Lydia’s room.
“So where are the books, and when do you close.” Voice asked eager to start.
“Follow me, and we close in a few hours.”
He followed her to a bookshelf that looked like any of the others.
“Just finish taking all of these books to the right places. The library is organized according to the author’s last name, within each of those sections it is organized according to the name of the work, then the date the work was published.”
As he went to take a book off the self an inventory menu popped up. The book case had several hundred books! Some had stacks of two or three, but there were hundreds of stacks.
Voice gulped. This was only a low level quest. It shouldn’t be that hard to do.
Voice looked through the self and grabbed the first twelve, alphabetically speaking. He ran to the door, he figured that he would find the authors with the last name A there.
He was right. He put back about five books, but the other seven weren’t there. Not like the space was empty, but all of the other books had tags at the start of the section of each author saying which one it was.
He had a really bad feeling.
If this is what I think it is imma kill that librarian bitch.
Voice ran past the librarian, she had a wicked smirk.
FUCK. I knew it!
He ran up to the second floor, thankfully the A’s started on the immediate right.
There is some way that the floors are separated.
He finished putting the books in his bag up, but when he finished with the third floor he started reading the titles of the books. After just getting through the first 1% of books he realized the pattern for the third floor. They were things about weapons and armor, specifically the creation and research of.
He did the same with the second floor. The second floor took an hour to figure out. They seemed to be biographies, but also there were a few random books thrown in. He had to actually read one of the smaller ones to figure it out.
The second floor was fiction.
The bottom floor had things pertaining to general information: what does a cleric do, or how to bake a cake, or the key to meditation for beginners. Things that newbies might not find interesting, but might have some way to help them in the future if they didn’t bypass that knowledge.
Voice decided to bypass that knowledge.
By the time he had figured out the pattern the librarian told him she was closing.
“Look hun,” she said, “I can’t reward you for the quest but how about you come in tomorrow to try again?”
Voice thought he had heard almost the same thing before. After a second’s thought he remembered. Susan had spoken those same words to him.
“Last time I heard those words I got a reward anyway.”
The librarian smiled. “You can’t expect everyone to do the same thing now can you?”
Voice decided he would continue tomorrow. He was going to log out for a while to compose himself. It was already midnight here. That meant it was about six his time. He was going to spend a little time with his mom.
When he logged out he arrived in the house he bought. He liked that house.
I wonder if I can invite people here. Oh well that’s a chore for another day.
As the pod lid opened up he looked at his clock. It was two twenty four.
I thought I got in there at noon. My mind must be playing tricks on me.
He looked again and saw it was a little before two thirty. He did the math in his head.
They LIED to us. Ugh… it’s still at a five times faster speed. But then why would the developers lie about that. It doesn’t make sense.
He regretted not having a way to contact Bit-Bee. She would probably know the answer. Brenton sighed.
Brenton went into the living room. He saw a note on the coffee table.
‘Went out for lunch with your aunt. Be back to night, warm up dinner it’s in the fridge.’
Brenton decided to get back into DIVE. When he logged back on it had been about half an hour. He went to Susan. She was sleeping in her bed upstairs. He politely knocked on the door. When he didn’t get an answer, he decided to just go back to work on his potions. He with this time dilation he only needed sleep after extreme bouts of concentration. At least that’s what it seemed like.
He went to Susan’s true lab. He gathered his materials from the chest, and he started making the potions as usual. This time, however he experimented with the speeds at which he made the potions. It seemed that if he took one minute and seven and a half seconds, 1.5 times his quickest available speed, he would gain the best potency per second. His speed had increased with his change in title. He was now a Night Owl.
He found this out after experimenting with 50 potions. He had enough healing ingredients to make 51 more potions.
His automated skill raised a level, as did his critical strike, oddly though his alchemy didn’t rise any more. After it got to novice 11 99.99% it just stopped. He had made a handful of potions then noticed he should have leveled it up by then.
He was very confused, maybe it’s a glitch? I’ll have to talk to a gm when I’m done. Fucking buggy game.
After making his 80th potion it was finally time to start the main event. He used his best 52 healing potions for drying. He kept careful watch over each one, but couldn’t figure out any more ways to improve the process yet. The 42 dried powders took him 7.5 minutes each, for a total of about five hours. He had the automated skill on while this was going, since he had to stay here or the potion would probably fail. His automated skill was now at level six.
He basically had two sets of potions. The first 18 healed an average of about 173, and the second 24 which healed about 203 hp. None of them got as high as the two he made earlier that day; but they were all made on autopilot and he didn’t watch them for mistakes, mostly just for experimentation.
After drying all of the powders he had a stack of 42 wrapped healing powders in his inventory. He started to make the next 20 potions. He started making them the same way as usual, except with three differences. First he did not use any common weed. Instead he added two bags of healing powder with the green healing herb leaf. Secondly, he added an entire bottle of healing potion into this mixture to help make the green healing goop. Third, and finally, he took enough time to watch how each of the ingredients interacted with each other.
When the green healing powder mixed with the healing potion it seemed to suck it in like a sponge. When crushed with the pestle is seemed to expel the potion.
So when the green healing powder comes into contact with healing potion it changes properties?
He had an idea after noticing this. He would try it after the first potion was done.
After he finished making the potion he was gratified at the result. His first potion could heal a whopping 354 hp.
I’m going to make so much money. Perhaps I ought to try selling these potions myself.
He tried touching the powder to common weed, since he thought that was what caused the sponginess. Nothing happened so he surmised it was the inherent quality of the potion.
His alchemy skill increased after that.
Ah, I guess it wasn’t a bug. Maybe I just really have outgrown the basic healing potions. That’s a bummer though. But at least my new potions are mega awesome.
He continued making his new potions. He decided to call them Over Potions, because they are so freakishly OP.
The potions kept getting better and better as he went, until he had a perfect recipe for making them. The last few potions healed more than 500 points each.
As he created his new fusion type potions he noticed that his Alchemical Fusion skill was shooting through the roof. It leveled at the same insanely fast rate as his alchemy skill. By the time he was finished alchemical fusion was at level 5, halfway to level six, and his alchemy was at level 13.
He had some insanely good potions. After he was done he had to think. If he sold them all he could make a fortune, but most likely he would get some pretty nasty negative repercussions. If he got rid of them some other way, such as a mass donation to the church or army, he could get a lot of intimacy.
The second way just felt so wrong though. Even if he only sold these for 20 copper a piece he would still walk away a rich man.
It was about two pm when he finished his work. He had not even noticed the time change.
He identified the new Over Potions at every step. This was the final potion he made:
Over Potion *UniqueMaterial QualityLowWork QualityExpertBase Restoration55This potion was created by the overworked player Voice0fReason. This is just about the highest level potion you could make with these ingredients. It is quite an amazing feat.
This potion was made by an expert craftsman. This potion gains an unparalleled amount to restorative powers.
His identify had somehow gained a massive amount of exp from identifying this unique potion. It jumped from level 2 to level 9. Voice guessed that extremely high level items gave more exp for identifying.
When he went outside the lab the sun hit his eyes. He was momentarily blinded. After his eyes adjusted he noticed Susan smiling at him.
“You pulled another all-nighter huh?”
Voice just nodded his head. He had decided what he was going to do with the potions. He hated himself, but at the same time it would probably grant the most long term benefit.
He had all 20 OPs in his inventory. He walked up to the church. He wearily opened one of the massive stone doors.
A priest saw him, and immediately ran to him. The priest was a tall skinny fellow with a light red to pink robe.
“Blessings of Mar upon you child, I see compassion in your eyes, but you look so weary. How can I help you? It is my duty to help the downtrodden.” The priest’s voice was close to angelic. It had a deep rumbling sound, but left a slight ring in the ear after hearing it.
Voice managed to mumble, “I’m here to donate potions, where do I go?”
The priest thought to himself, this man is in so much obvious pain yet he seeks to help others? Truly, he is a gift from Mar.
“Right this way child. Might I ask what kind of potion you will be donating?”
He thought he saw a smile on the man’s face.
“Only the best potions you have ever seen.”
The priest doubted this. The local alchemist Susan donated her potions here about once a month. Usually they were only beneficial, occasionally they were a bit mischievous, but they were always powerful.
The priest led Voice to a large healing cauldron. Voice knew the name of this because on the side of the cauldron it said ‘Large healing cauldron’.
“Is there any potion already in there?” There looked to be water in the cauldron, but Voice wanted to be sure to get as much credit as he could for donating these 20 potions.
“No it is merely purified water, it hasn’t even been blessed yet.”
He took out his potions and poured them in the cauldron. He managed to take out all twenty within seconds and pour them in. The water in the cauldron turned a deep green color. At first the priest looked very confused, then angry at the fact that he had been tricked, then finally astonished.
The priest had been granted the power to see auras by the goddess Mar. He could see the power and effect of the potions once they were no longer in anyone’s inventory. The aura was a pure bright whitish pink. Pink indicated healing, Mar had pink skin, and most health potions were light red to pink. This man’s health potions looked green though.
But after he poured them in the cauldron the cauldron’s aura had changed from clear, the color of water, to a bright pink. The more he poured the closer the aura came to the lovely color of the goddess’s skin. When the man was done pouring the potions he called for the high priest.
Voice heard the priest call for the high priest. Either I’m in trouble or my reward is fucking phenomenal.
The head priest was a tall, slightly muscular man. Voice had not expected that. He was wearing a very light pink robe.
What’s up with these guys and pink?
After a hurried conversation with the priest that brought Voice here, the high priest beckoned Voice to follow him. Voice was getting a bad feeling but followed anyway.
The high priest went up the stairs to Voice’s right, as Voice followed the exited onto a balcony. The balcony was really just a Juliet balcony that over looked a large swatch of the city.
Someone below shouted. After a few seconds the entire area was covered in people. Even guards seemed to stop what they were doing to listen.
After casting a brief spell on himself the head priest started, “Today, this young man has donated many potions to the church of Mar!” There was a light applause. Voice felt his cheeks reddening.
“He has donated a total of twenty potions! These potions were made of only green healing herbs and common weed, but the total healing amount equals more than 10,000!”
The crowd was dead quite for a second. Then they looked at Voice and one man started to cheer. At once the entire area was so loud with cheering that even if you were in the opposite end of town you could hear it. In fact it was so loud the castle guards thought there might be a monster attack in the city and set out to find it.
When the roaring stopped, a full five minutes later, the head priest continued, “Do you not think it fitting for this man to be rewarded!?” Again the roaring, this time however it was only for a few moments.
He turned to Voice, “Thus I grant you Mar’s blessing.” A bright white pink light suddenly began glowing on Voice’s right hand.
You have given a massive amount of healing potions to the church of Mar at once.
For doing so you have been granted the Many Blessings of Mar.
Many Blessings of Mar (minor)
For continued good faith towards the goddess Mar you have been granted her blessing.
At this time you can cast low level priest spells.
If you continue to show good faith you rewards will increase.
You have gained the title Blessed of Mar.
This title is automatically equipped. This title does not interfere with other equipped titles. This title cannot be unequipped by the player.
All followers of Mar will recognize you as an ally. You receive max intimacy with all priests of Mar.
All followers of Davros recognize you as an enemy. You receive max hostility with all priests of Davros.
You gain 50 fame from becoming the Blessed of Mar.
You have generated the Piety stat for becoming the Blessed of Mar.
You have gained 10 piety for donating such a large amount of potions at once.
You can learn all Novice level priest spells. You must still meet the piety, intellect, and willpower requirements to use them.
The people are inspired to collect all green healing herbs and common weed in the area.
Green healing herbs and common weed have become extinct in the area. You must wait for one month (real time) before you can harvest them again in this city, or you must plant at least one hundred of them in the city and surrounding area.
Voice’s mind latched onto the last notification.
I guess that means I can’t make any more potions here.
Voice was rather calm. He decided this was just what he needed. He needed a reason to explore the world and this was it.
Except what really happened was Voice had to use anything he could to convince himself this wasn’t a complete shit event. He decided that if he stayed too much longer he would probably lose his mind. He would only stay to get that damn book from Lydia, and then leave.
After the priest went back inside he handed Voice a book.
“Take this, Blessed of Mar, and know that the church will always be on your side.”
Voice took the book and read the title.
‘The teachings and scriptures of Mar.’
He decided to read it once he got to Susan. He would have to explain the bad news to her. He thanked the priest and left.
Once he arrived at the alchemy store he located Susan. He decided to have his rabbits try to help comfort her.
She was in an upstairs room that looked to be a bomb shelter.
He found her face down in a small crated. She wasn’t moving at all, so he thought she was dead.
Well that’s great, looks like I lost my alchemy ‘teacher’.
He turned to walk away, and all of the sudden he heard a gasping sound.
When he looked back he was Susan smiling, and covered in soot.
“So what were you doing?” He asked not really wanting to hear the answer, but knowing he needed to ask to seem concerned.
“I just used a modified ‘water breathing’ potion, to take all of the oxygen out of a bucket of water. By adding it to the water, and adding some random ingredients and electricity, you can cause it to produce gas.”
Voice remembered an experiment he did in high school like this. You add salt into a glass of water and put a battery in. The water splits into hydrogen gas around the negative lead, and oxygen on the positive lead.
“Well,” Voice interrupted, “I think the random ingredients probably had salt right?”
Susan thought about it and said yes.
“The salt plus water, plus electricity is what you actually needed. The other ingredients were not important.”
Susan was intrigued; she must have enough information to understand him about this.
“Well then, I’ll try it again later. Anyway I saw that the gas was being created at two different places. I captured the two gases, when I put them together I thought they might turn into water again. They didn’t though.”
Voice knew what was coming next, “You added heat didn’t you?”
Susan was delighted and sullen. She was delighted that he understood her research so perfectly, and sullen that he said that like he was scolding a child.
She continued anyway, “Yes, I added heat. The result is what you can see here, but I wonder what happened to the water.”
“The water is still here Susan, it’s just scattered around the room.”
Susan had her doubts, but he seemed to be right about everything else.
Voice saw her look of doubt and continued, “Well you did a nice job. You only had unrefined tools to work with and you basically made rocket fuel.”
Susan didn’t know what a rocket was, but she was beaming at having been praised for making fuel for it.
“Thank you! I’ll get started on another experiment right away. Oh wait is there something you needed?”
Susan forgot that he probably had the item to be enchanted.
“I just wanted to let you know that I inadvertently caused all the green healing herbs, and common weed in the area to be picked. They won’t be back for about half a year.”
Susan was shocked, but quickly got over it. Her research was the only thing important right now.
“Anyway, I just came to let you know that, and that as soon as I find a few books on the green healing herb, I’m going to leave. I need to figure out some more about alchemy and then I’m going to go adventuring. This is the third day that I’ve been here; it’s time that I move on.”
Susan didn’t expect that. She thought he would help her with chemistry, and in return she would help him with alchemy. She would be sad to see him go.
Ah, maybe I can give him a gift to help him on his way?
“Well I’m going to get the thing for you to get enchanted. It’s not really that important anymore, but it might still help something.”
He went to the blacksmith. When he told Evan that he was leaving Evan planned something similar to what Susan was planning.
The pan was superb. The blacksmith had somehow gotten the copper to perfectly bind to the iron. Voice got his pan and returned to Susan.
Heat Sapping Frying PanMaterial QualityMundaneWork QualityExpertCooking bonus10%Durability50/50This frying pan was made by an expert craftsman. This pan grants a 10% bonus to cooking skill. This pan has had its durability increase by 25.
“I’ll go right now, what enchantment do you want?”
“I need the iron part to keep its heat for as long as possible, while the copper part has to spread the heat as evenly as possible, here you go. How quickly can you get it enchanted?”
“Well it shouldn’t take too long. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”
When she left Voice went to look through the store ledger. The first potions he made were sold for about 10 copper a piece. As his potions had gotten better they sold for an insanely higher amount. The final potions he sold Susan sold for a grand total of 1 silver a piece. That was almost 7 times what he had been paid. He decided he would try his hand at mercantilism when he was done studying this plant.
After about twenty minutes Susan returned, huffing. She handed him the pan.
It shouldn’t have taken that long, and why she is out of breath?
Enchanted Super-Heat Sapping Frying PanMaterial QualityMundaneWork QualityExpertEnchantment QualityMasterCooking bonus50%Durability50/50This frying pan was made by an expert craftsman. This pan grants a 10% bonus to cooking skill. This pan has had its durability increased by 25.
This Item was enchanted by a master enchanter. This pan has had its cooking ability increased b by 400%
“So Susan, tell me how much did my potions sell for?”
Susan replied, “I think the first ones had an upsale of 100%, after that it went all the way past 600%. Why do you ask?”
Voice did not expect her to tell the truth. She was so openly admitting to ripping him off.
“Why did you buy them so cheaply then?”
Susan gave a small smile, “Well the higher the upsale is more exp for mercantilism I get.”
A light bulb went off in Voice’s head.
Ah, so if I buy some really cheap things I could probably make a nice profit by deceiving people about it.
“Would it be ok for you to teach me a bit about that?”
“I’m not really that great at it,” seeing his sad expression she relented. “I’m not really that great at it, BUT if you go to the castle you should be allowed to at least visit the merchants’ guild. They taught me, if you have any talent they should teach you as well.”
Voice was determined to do this after the study in the library. “Ok thanks for the information. I’m going to go to the library to try to finish something.”
Susan debated telling him that whatever task he was doing was just to see his reaction. She decided not to.
Best to not anger him.
Voice went to the library with an empty inventory. He had spent some time during last night thinking about how the library worked. There was no place for things like alchemy research. Thinking about that he realized the top floor was probably all research. Most likely what he saw was just the smithing section. He figured out that the top floor had to be organized by section of interest, then author and title of book.
He went back to the librarian. “Alright let’s do this.”
The librarian smiled, “You know you only have a few more hours than yesterday. Do you still think you can do it?”
He had eight hours before closing. He said yes and accepted the quest.
Voice expected a trick, and was gratified at finding out he was right. He was also upset, the books had more than octupled from yesterday. Yesterday there was about five hundred or so books. Today there was more than 4000. He went to work immediately.
He first categorized all of the books. The smallest amount went to the third floor, so that is where he would start. He needed to return 563 individual titles to that floor. He stuffed his twelve slot inventory full of books and ran up the stairs.
By the time he made it up to the third floor he was completely winded. His stamina had reached 0, but he had kept going, losing him a tiny bit of health.
It took him a few minutes to find all the sections, but after that it was quick work. He took a little bit more time than needed to put the books on the shelves, so that he could restore his stamina and health all the way.
When it was fully restored he ran back down and grabbed another bundle of books. Thankfully the weight increase was over his entire body, not just his back, or else he would be having a lot more trouble.
By the time he had finished running up to the third floor and back eleven times, and returning all of the books a little over an hour had passed. He still had over a three thousand books to put away, and only seven hours to do it.
He took another bundle of 12 titles, since books with the same title stacked it was about 58 books total, and ran up to the second floor. He repeated this process until midnight. He averaged about a two hundred books every thirty minutes.
That means I have to pick up the pace. Since I don’t have to go up to the third floor anymore that should speed things up, but I still need to make sure to watch out for any more tricks.
He started picking up the pace. He ran faster, harder and for longer periods. The entire second floor took him another four hours. Some of the books were very hard to read, so he had trouble figuring the authors out.
He kept it up though. He would run up to the second floor, find the place for the books, put t hem away, and return for more. The entire exercise was grueling.
His health was dropping rapidly. By the time he had done one thousand books, he had to sit down for a couple of minutes to recuperate.
Once he was fully ready he continued. Up the stairs, put away the books, down the stairs. It was taking too long, so eventually Voice started skipping steps. Instead of running all the way up, he would dash up two or three steps at a time. Still it took longer than he wanted, and he was getting tired more quickly. He snatched food off a platter when the librarian offered it to him.
He kept it up until there were only three books for the second floor. Not wanting to waste time he filled the rest of his inventory with first floor books.
As he continued he was left with less and less time, but the books declined faster. By the end he had only one book left.
‘General knowledge of the unknowable.’
Seeing as how it had general Knowledge he thought it was on the first floor. He had ten minutes to put this book away. He looked for the author’s name, but only found a scratched up marking where it should have been.
Fuck it. I don’t care if this is some sort of test if I finish she has to pass me on the quest.
He asked the librarian, “So, where does this book go?”
She smiled and told him that she didn’t know the author’s name, or the contents of the book.
Voice cursed.
Yup, imma kill that librarian bitch.
He sat down and tried to figure out what floor it went to. It was most likely not the first floor. The title was the only thing legible. All of the pages were filled with weird symbols. His ten minutes were up before he could find out what kind of book it was.
The librarian took the book from him. As she did she handed him another book. “Here take this book. You don’t have to return it, I made a copy. But you still can’t see Lydia yet.”
The book was titled, ‘All one needs to know about the leaves of the green healing herb.’
It was weird that the book had lower case letters in the title like that, but he decided he didn’t care.
The thing that bugged him though, was that he couldn’t find where that last book went. Despite this the librarian gave him the book he wanted.
“Thanks, I’ll be back tomorrow to finish the quest.” Voice said with no intention of coming back tomorrow to finish the quest.
You have gained 7 vitality from running being extremely active for a long period of time.
You have gained 8 endurance from enduring harsh conditions for a long period of time.
He went back to Susan’s for the last time. He read the book by candlelight. As he sat huddled over the book he read a lot of information, most of which he already knew. He did come across a very interesting bit. Apparently the reason he never found any seeds on any of the plants was because the seeds were actually integrated into the leaves. It was the seeds that provided the healing, the leaf could technically be discarded if one could harvest the seeds from it.
As he read that he received a notice.
You have gained 1 intelligence for learning about the Green Healing Herb’s leaves.
He also received:
You have mastered the Green Healing Herb’s leaves. You have found all prevalent knowledge of the leaves. Not many can say that they know so much information on anything. You have gained 50 fame for being the first to learn all information on the Green Healing Herb’s leave.
Any potions you make with Green Healing Herb’s leaves will now be labeled ‘Made by the Voice0fReason, the foremost expert on Green Healing Herb’s leaves.
Too bad I can’t find any anymore!
Stats WindowNameVoice0fReasonClassAnimal TamerHealth130Mana120Stamina250Level3Current TitleBunny LoverHealth Regen/Sec1.3Mana Regen/Sec2.0Stamina Regen/Sec2.6Strength13Agility10Wisdom20Intelligence12Endurance26Dexterity25Luck10Vitality25Charisma11Compassion35Leadership35Logic10Piety10Fame370
Skills WindowIdentify Novice Level 9 Exp 15.56%Skill Fusion Novice Level 2 Exp 75.00%Identify Skill Novice Level 4 Exp 80.00%Herbology Novice Level 1 Exp 40.00%Gardening Novice Level 6 Exp 60.50%Plant Location Novice Level 2 Exp 50.00%Alchemy Novice Level 13 Exp 88.24%Planting Intuition Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Alchemical Fusion Novice Level 5 Exp 77.77%First Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 60.00%Deception Novice Level 3 Exp 75.00%Critical Strike Novice Level 6 Exp 75.00%Automated Novice Level 6 Exp 25.00%Auto Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 60.00%Alchemical Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%
Affinities WindowNature10
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