《DIVE》Dive 10: His First Battle
Short summary of the last chapter:
Spoiler : He made some potions, then collected the weapons he had commissioned. He found out that EDI wouldn’t fight animals. He tried to trick some animals into attacking him, and ended up getting an animal tamer class.
Sorry for the chapter being a bit shorter than my latest ones. I have work tomorrow so I won’t be able to work on it. I decided to post it now instead of waiting two days.
“Show class: Animal Tamer.” Voice said expectantly.
Animal Tamer Level 1
For gaining the nature affinity, and becoming close to an animal type you can become an animal tamer.
You may tame any animal type you have formed a bond with.
There are two types of bonds: compassionate bonds, and fearful bonds.
Compassionate bonds increase defense and loyalty of the tamed creature.
Fearful bonds increase damage and ferocity of the tamed creature.
You may only have one type of bond with each creature type.
You have currently unlocked 1 type of animal to tame.
Rabbit type: Compassionate bond.
To unlock more types of tamable animals you must form bonds with them.
You may tame animals up to level two plus your total level.
This class increases in levels as you increase in levels. Once you reach a high enough level with Animal Tamer you may evolve this class according to your actions.
I can only tame rabbits? I guess they would be good for fodder.
He didn’t know how to tame the rabbits around him so he just stated, “Tame Animal: Rabbit.” He didn’t expect it to work, but he said it under his breath so even if it didn’t EDI wouldn’t laugh at him.
As soon as the words left his mouth his vision became one sprinkled with warm blue dots.
There are currently 43 level one rabbits in you vicinity. You may tame up to three total levels of rabbits at this time.
Please indicate which rabbit(s) you with to tame.
He decided to just choose the three closest to him. When he hit confirm the three rabbits’ necks began to glow a bright blue color. Around each of their necks appeared a soft blue collar.
Each had a name. The largest rabbit, only a few centimeters bigger than the others, was named Troy. He was pure white with black paws. The second largest rabbit was named Heather. She was a brown rabbit, with a single black discoloration around her left eye. The smallest rabbit was named Rabs. He was a completely gray rabbit.
“Hello master.” All three rabbits said to him in unison.
Voice had a mini freak out moment. He thought he was going insane when he heard the rabbits. Then he remembered his rabbit speech ability, but he didn’t realize speaking the language of rabbits would translate it to English.
For taming a rabbit you have gained 10% of its total level times its speed.
For taming a rabbit you have gained 10% of its total level times its speed.
For taming a rabbit you have gained 10% of its total level times its speed.
For taming your first animal you have gained the Leadership stat. Leadership will affect the total level you can tame. Leadership increases when you hold leadership over the same individuals for long periods of time. Having leadership over more individuals grants faster growth.
Voice grinned, “Well hello there my little speed machines. Let me just check something out.”
“Status Rabbit Stat Speed.” When he said this nothing happened.
Hm, maybe I can’t check the stats of others?
“So Troy, Heather, Rabs, what is each of your speeds?”
They all responded, “25 mph.”
Wow they actually said mph. Not miles per hour.
“Alright thank you.”
Let’s see, if I get 10% of each of their speed, I get a total of 7.5 mph bonus
“Show my speed.”
You are currently able to run up to 9 miles per hour unaided, for several minutes.
Ok, so I suck. I already knew that. With the bonus from the rabbits though my speed almost doubled. I wonder if vitality or endurance affects it. I mean I do level those up when I jog or run.
“Ok let’s try out my new speed.” Voice said forgetting about EDIs existence.
The rabbits took off. They were much faster than when he was chasing them.
Were they just playing around with us?
He ran as fast as he could, not caring about stamina conservation. Voice couldn’t even hope to keep up with them. They were outpacing him without even seeming to try.
He called them to a halt as they were turning around to go back to the place they had been fed. He had seen EDI and was angry at the rabbits for making him forget about her.
As he approached EDI, winded and feeling like he was dying, he was given a notification that he had could run .1 mph faster now.
“Sorry about that EDI.”
“No, it’s fine.” EDI didn’t know why the rabbits suddenly sat down and started letting Voice feed them. Then he got up and started running with some of them.
“So how did you do that? I mean how did you get them to run with you?”
“Well it seems as though I can speak their language.” Voice gave a sly grin, “I also may or may not have just become an Animal Tamer.”
EDI gasped. She knew a little more that than the other four about this game. Getting a class was nothing short of a miracle for anyone under level ten.
“How did you manage that?” EDI also wanted a class, even if it was the same one as her party member.
“I don’t actually know, I just sat down and the rabbits started coming to me. Once I fed them I got the class.” Voice thought it best not to tell her everything. Just in case she would get any ideas that would be harmful to him.
“Anyway it seems like I can tame three rabbits as of now. “
Voice wondered if the level limit was just for the animals he tamed or if the limit was imposed on growth as well.
Might as well try it out. Worst case scenario is I get one level three rabbit.
“Alright guys,” Voice speaking to his rabbits, “How should we go about leveling you up?”
Troy volunteered the answer. “Well we can gain a little bit of exp from eating vegetables, but if we kill a wolf we gain a lot of exp.”
Voice decided to go with the former, seeing as he thought EDI wouldn’t want to kill the wolves.
“So EDI do you know anything about the game? When I got off all I really did was watch the video of ShortDwarf, and LastingBeauty.”
EDI couldn’t watch the video. She wanted something to talk about with Voice. She decided to bring forth some of the knowledge she had. “Well I was studying in the library quite a bit, is there anything in particular you’d like to know?”
Once again Voice was reminded that he hadn’t been to the library to buy the alchemy books.
Damnit man, you keep getting sidetracked. You’re as bad as that damn alchemist.
“Well, I what I was really wondering is why you didn’t want to fight any of the animals.”
EDI was slightly flustered. She didn’t know how Voice knew what she thought. She responded, “Well, it’s not very fair to the animals or NPCs is it? I mean monsters can respawn. They learn and adapt, even if they are killed, but animals and NPCs are different. When they die they lose everything they gained while alive. Isn’t that too unfair?”
Voice realized what was going through her head. She thought that if she made the animal restart from level one she was killing it. She didn’t really feel like she was murdering things that kept their lives.
“So what about monster hunting? Or player killing? Are those ok?”
EDI didn’t spend any time thinking about it.
“Yeah, I mean the only thing players or monsters lose is a little exp. It won’t even make your level go down if you have more than 50% exp to the next level.”
Voice let a wicked smile escape, but only for a second. Before EDI could figure out what had happened, he returned to his impassive inquiring face.
“Alright, well I’m going to make a guild at some point. If I make it a rule to not kill NPCs or animals, would you like to join it?”
EDI thought about it. She didn’t really want to join a guild, but she wanted a friend. She wasn’t good in social situations. It took all the courage she had just to talk to this man. The only reason she did is that he was helping all of the wounded NPCs in town.
“I don’t know if I’d fit in with a guild though, sorry.”
Voice was slightly disappointed that things didn’t go his way.
But she’s still here, so I might have a chance to convince her later. I just need to make her WANT to become my guild mate.
“Well that’s fine. How about we find some monsters, know of any around here?”
EDI hesitated, “Well I do, but they are in the forest, and the lowest level is about level five.”
Voice thought to himself for a minute.
“What kind of monster?”
“They are possessed wolves. They are the weakest of all monsters, but also have great numbers. They usually travel in packs of four to six.”
How much about this game does she know?
“Well, if you are willing to let’s try and take some out. I have a plan.”
After listening to his plan EDI decided to try it. Worst case scenario Voice had given her several high level healing potions.
They went into the town and casually walked to the east gate. Well Edi casually walked. Voice was having a foot race with his rabbits.
Voice wanted to level his speed, vitality, and endurance as much as possible. He tried several different running styles to see which best increased the stats.
A series of rapid dashes was the best way to increase his speed. He would go as quickly as possible from one side of the road to the other. He would tag the house, then cross the road to tag the other one. This depleted his stamina quite quickly, which increased his vitality nicely.
He found that a slow jog increased endurance the most, but only if you kept that pace for a long time. He would conserve his energy and keep going for as long as possible, that was until he ran out of stamina. This depleted large quantities of stamina, but since his stamina was constantly recharging he could keep this pace up for a very long time. The massive amount of stamina used was converting to vitality at a good rate.
So his conclusion was: Dashes increased speed, jogging increased endurance, and everything increased vitality. He also thought that he should have other ways to raise endurance. Maybe by getting hit a lot, or taking some sort of damage he could raise it.
He raised his vitality by two, endurance by three, and speed by .1.
His max stamina was getting very high (in his opinion) so it was getting harder and harder to raise his vitality. He would need to find some way to make his stamina decrease faster. Maybe by putting more weight on while running?
It took the party thirty minutes to get to the gate, mostly because Voice kept insisting on running, or jogging ahead. EDI would relax until she got sight of him again, and start walking.
When they got to the gate he made the party, just him and EDI, check and make sure everything was okay before proceeding.
He noticed that his health and health regen hadn’t gone up since the start of the game.
Hm, I wonder why they are the same level. The only stats I haven’t leveled up are agility, luck and leadership. Since I got leadership recently I doubt that raises health. Agility probably only increases dodge chance, like in most games.
Voice got a few looks from people while heading to the east gate. Some of it was probably because of his odd running. Some might have been because of the three rabbits running with him. He blamed most of it on the title Bunny Lover.
He didn’t bother to unequipped it since it made his rabbits like him more. The more they liked him the more they would be willing to do for him.
He wanted to raise their levels, the best way to do that would be to kill these wolf monsters. He was lucky that the lowest level monster was a demonic wolf. The rabbits would gain exp faster that way.
After they had checked their gear Voice had to eat. So he asked EDI to eat with him. She had below twenty percent so she agreed. After they were done eating she had 100% satiety, and Voice had 93%.
The forest was only a dozen yards away from the wall. Enough to be able to see if something came out, but not so far as to make it a hassle to get to.
When they arrived at the edge of the forest, they started to execute the plan. Rabs ran into the forest. Several minutes later Voice heard him yell: “Here I come! Get ready!”
He burst through the trees and continued to run. Only half a second later a pack of three wolves followed him. Rabs was tasked with getting the smallest number of wolves as he could, and bringing them out of the forest.
Troy and Heather ran straight at the wolves. As soon as they were about to enter the strike zone they took off in different directions. One wolf followed Troy, another continued to chase Rabs. The last started snarling as it noticed Heather had run back to Voice and EDI.
The demon wolf prepared to kill this low level pray. They began the next part of was to have Heather run around and get any wolves attention that were not chasing Rabs and Troy.
She ran at the wolf at three quarters speed. As soon as she was within the threat range of the wolf, she kicked it into high gear. The wolf, ready for the speed she was showing, narrowly missed as she ducked under his legs and bit his tail.
The wolf yowled, not in pain but in frustration. Ever since he was a pup, many years ago, he had never had his TAIL bitten! He turned towards the little whelp ready to tear its little head off. Suddenly it felt something hit the back of its head.
The wolf turned around only to have a metal object thrust at its left eye. It quickly turned its head away.
“Tsk.” EDI had missed. She was supposed to blind the wolves while the others kept its attention. Voice wacked the side of its face. A trickle of blood fell out of its nose. It became infuriated.
All the wolf could see was red. It had been enraged. Did these humans think they could just come in to his forest and attack him? HA, they would be food for his pups.
Voice kept aiming for the wolf’s skull. Every time the wolf looked elsewhere it would be hit. EDI wasn’t much help. She kept trying to hit its eyes, but the most she got was a scratch along its nose.
Voice knew that irl you if you could hit an opponent’s head hard enough or often enough in a short amount of time they would fall unconscious. That’s what he was aiming for here. While hitting the distracted wolf he kept an eye out for the other two rabbits.
While they were racing in the town one had gotten ahead of the others and got lost. It asked Voice how to get back. It was peculiar since it was nowhere near him. Voice asked how it could talk to him. Apparently since he had ‘tamed’ the rabbits they could communicate telepathically. Voice could only wonder what other secrets the class description had kept from him.
Back in the present, Voice made sure to help the other two rabbits to run interference for each other. Sometimes getting in the path of the other wolf, sometimes letting the other take the agro of both. It was a pretty solid strategy since they seemed to have greater speed and stamina than the demon wolves.
Voice had another opportunity to hit the wolf, this time he felt that if he hit the back of the head he might do a little more damage. He activated critical strike and swung.
The staff connected with the back of the wolf’s head with a resounding CRACK.
Voice got a popup that said critical strike has added 20% damage to the result.
As he was thinking how odd it was he was able to somehow know where to hit he saw Rabs running over. It looked like Rabs was going to fall over any second.
“Finish the wolf off,” Voice directed EDI. With a nod she went to stab its neck with her two Sai. She stabbed it twice, once with each Sai, and looked for Voice. He was attacking the wolf chasing the small rabbit.
After he gave the order Voice took off for Rabs. Heather seeing her tamer running to help her friend, joined him. They made it seconds before Rabs collapsed on the ground panting like he hadn’t had oxygen in days.
Heather ran around behind the wolf and bit its tail. This wolf seemed to understand this trick and kicked her with one of its powerful back legs before she could even attach herself to the tail. She flew several feet in the air before landing with hard thump. He turned around to finish her off, but was interrupted by a sudden massive headache.
Voice had hit him in the same spot as the last wolf. It didn’t knock the wolf out this time, but it did stun him for a second allowing Voice to get another hit off in the same place. He would have used critical strike again but hi stamina had been drained to only 40 points. Each swing of his staff took stamina.
Using the critical strike skill earlier was stupid. Voice berated himself. He had to make sure to keep the wolf’s attention until EDI could get there. It wouldn’t be too hard to do that, but staying alive while doing it could prove to be challenge.
As the wolf was recovering from its stunned status, Heather had gotten up. She looked dizzy so Voice told her to stay out of this for now. The wolf turned to rip the throat out of the one that attacked him.
The wolf pounced at Voice. Voice was expecting to die, or at least get seriously maimed, but was saved when Rabs tackled the wolf midair. Rabs fell on the ground, unable to move. With his stamina all used up he had used several points of health to pull that off. If he tried to move anymore he would likely die.
Heather had returned to her senses after seeing this. She jumped and landed on the back of the wolf. She immediately sunk her oversized teeth into its spine. Blood sprayed her face and pelt, but she powered through the rancid taste and smell and held on.
The wolf bucked, as if he were a bull trying to free himself of his rider. A sharp pain caught his left eye. EDI had finally made it over here, and landed her first successful attack of the game.
With only one eye, and low health, the wolf was enraged. It grabbed the rabbit with its teeth and threw it at the woman that had stabbed him.
He was met with a strong strike to the back of his head. Now that Voice knew the weak point of the wolves, he was determined to take advantage of it. With his dexterity that was much higher than a level one should have(his opinion) he was easily able to hit the same area with precision.
The wolf shook his head, only to feel the sharp bite of iron in his right eye. The wolf was bleeding from both eyes now, his vision was completely black, and his sense of smell blocked by his own blood congealing in his nose. As he had no hope at victory at this point he decided to run. Before he made it more than two steps, a familiar thwack hit the back of his head.
He convulsed for a second and then lay still. He was no more.
He gave each of his rabbits a small sip of his health potion, and finished it off. When his group had full health he signaled Troy to bring the wolf over. When he didn’t get a response he became worried.
I JUST tamed him; he better not be dead already.
After not being able to contact Troy, Voice started looking around the area. He saw Troy, about a hundred feet away. Running at full speed it took Voice about four seconds to reach Troy. Troy had claw marks on his face, and a large scratch across his back, as if the wolf’s tooth had grazed him. Voice saw the wolf go in for the kill, since he was still several feet away he did the only thing he could think of to save his investment.
He threw his staff at the wolf, only aiming long enough to make sure it was headed in the general direction. The staff missed the wolf, but provided just enough of a distraction to it that Troy was able to dodge to his left toward Voice.
Or at least he tried to. The wolf, although slightly distracted, still managed to know the little rabbit against one of the trees. Voice spotted four more wolves coming out of the forest a few hundred feet away. They weren’t headed this way, at least not yet, but Voice knew he had to finish this quickly or his whole party was at risk of dying.
He angled his body towards his fallen staff. The staff landed right behind the wolf, so as Voice went to pick it up he hit the wolf in the nose. The wolf retaliated by sinking his painful teeth into Voice’s left calf.
Voice screamed in pain. This felt completely real! How could the dwarf and narcissist do this?
In the corner of Voice’s eye he noticed his health was only at 23 points.
What kind of overpowered level five fuck? I get killed in two attacks? That’s hardly fair.
As he thought this EDI had caught up to him. Along with Rabs and Heather she distracted the wolf. The other wolves smelling blood started to come over. As Voice scrambled to drink a health potion he noticed Heather bite down on the wolf’s back.
She’s really good at doing that.
Rabs, having the same idea as Heather had at first, grabbed onto the wolf’s tail.
EDI used both Sais to stab at the wolf in any place she could. She barely managed to land a hit. She hit the wolf in the ear, penetrating its eardrum and entering its brain. The wolf convulsed and was still.
Voice saw the other wolves hesitate for a split second. That’s all he needed. He got up, grabbed Troy and ran for the city. If EDI couldn’t make it that was her fault. His other two bunnies noticed what he was doing and followed suit.
When he arrived at the town gate he saw the archers atop the wall shooting towards where he just came from. He heard howls and smiled to himself. EDI came in seconds after he did. Panting she opened up the trade menu with Voice. He noticed that he had one wolf pelt, ten wolf claws, and three wolf meat. She gave him the wolf she had, and let him have the third.
After the trade was done EDI spoke.
“Wow that was more fun than I was expecting. Maybe we could do that again soon?” She looked at him with upturned eyes. She had heard that this was a good way to convince men to do what you wanted.
It worked he said yes, and asked if she received a level. To her surprise she did. In fact she received two levels.
Voice said he did too, and the rabbits each got three levels. Since they killed wolves the rabbits got a lot more exp than usual.
Voice got a few notifications once he finished.
For successfully making a plan, and carrying it out under difficult conditions you have gained 10 leadership.
For making a plan to destroy an opponent you have gained the logic stat.
Logic will help you create better plans. It will also you’re your plans more effective.
For defeating an opponent that was much more powerful you have gained 10 fame.
He also gained one vitality, two endurance and two strength from the battle.
When his health finally returned to maximum he received the notification:
For an intense battle where you put your life on the line, your health regeneration rate is now equal to one percent of your total health. The rate of regeneration will increase with your total health.
To raise the percentage further you must be put in life or death situations, and must take sever damage.
Voice bid EDI farewell and dissolved the party. As he walked away EDI worked up the courage and yelled, “Do you want to be friends!?”
You have received a friend request from player: EDI. Do you accept.
Voice chuckled. Everything was going according to plan. He would soon have this new world eating from the palm of his hand.
“I accept.”
He noticed that Troy was still breathing, so he made Troy drink a health potion. Once his hp returned to maximum Troy seemed fine. Voice also gave the other two a health potion. No sense wasting the investment now. When he had finished healing them he got a notification.
For effectively utilizing those that follow you, you have been granted 10 leadership.
For increasing the potential of those that follow you, you have been granted 5 leadership.
He went to Evan to sell his stuff. He had three wolves worth of materials to get rid of.
On the way Voice collected all of the water lily pads he could. He was going to stock up on stamina potions seeing as he almost died since he could kill the enemies fast enough.
He found a total of eighty two water lily pads. It helped that the ingredients seemed to regrow after only a day. After he figured that out he went to all the places he had gathered them before.
He went to Susan’s secret lab before selling the wolf material. He sat down and used the rest of the green healing herbs that he had to make healing potions, except one. After that he had leveled up his alchemy.
He carefully noted each stroke of his pestle as he made as he created his stamina potions. After the first fourteen he had a method down that made stamina potions as potent as his healing potions.
After that he went into full Auto mode to level up his skill. He made sure to use two critical strikes per potion since he didn’t have a time constraint. The end result was that his average stamina potion restored about 106 points, where as his health potions restored about 115 on average.
His health potions would have healed more, but his alchemy skill leveled several times while making the massive amount of potions, even his critical strike leveled up to level 4. He leveled up Automated, but it took an entire hour of automated potions.
When he was done with the potions he remembered alchemical aid. He decided to research how to properly do it later. He cursed himself for not thinking of using auto aid. It could have saved him a lot of suffering.
His highest stats were leadership and compassion, and his highest skill was alchemy.
Should I start an alchemist’s army?
Stats WindowNameVoice0fReasonClassAnimal TamerHealth130Mana110Stamina180Level3Current TitleBunny LoverHealth Regen/Sec1.3Mana Regen/Sec2.0Stamina Regen/Sec1.8Strength13Agility10Wisdom20Intelligence11Endurance18Dexterity25Luck10Vitality18Charisma11Compassion35Leadership35Logic10Fame320
Skills WindowIdentify Novice Level 2 Exp 35.00%Skill Fusion Novice Level 2 Exp 75.00%Identify Skill Novice Level 4 Exp 80.00%Herbology Novice Level 1 Exp 40.00%Gardening Novice Level 6 Exp 60.50%Plant Location Novice Level 2 Exp 50.00%Alchemy Novice Level 6 Exp 99.82%Planting Intuition Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Alchemical Fusion Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%First Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 60.00%Deception Novice Level 3 Exp 75.00%Critical Strike Novice Level 4 Exp 64.75%Automated Novice Level 2 Exp 75.00%Auto Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 60.00%Alchemical Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%
Affinities WindowNature10
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