《Re: Reincarnation: EVOLUTION》Volume 1. Interlude 1: A cold blooded prophecy.


What just happened?

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait!

Why am I here? Why am I sitting in the cage right nooooooow!?

Let us remember what’s happened?

You let the rabbits lose on the capital.


Then killed a couple of knights and afflicted some with a phobia.

That’s right.

After that, you found a butcher shop, ate some chickens and evolved.


And after that you were caught by a sexy f-cup witch one-san.

I remember that.

That’s it.

WHY!? How come I can’t remember how I got here?!

Well she did cast a sleeping magic on you.

I totally need some kind of magic resistance.

You totally need.

Shit! What the fuck do I do now?! How do I break out of this cage!!!!!

“Wait!”- A sudden thought.- “A cage? Isn’t it just a metal cage?”

I do remember that I did tear apart a knight that was wearing an iron armor.

Maybe I can break it?

No, wait….

Let’s doooooooo this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(At the same time on the other side of the continent.)


It was a nice morning, the birds were singing, the sun was shining and there wasn’t even a speck of clouds in the sky.

But instead of enjoying all that, I am here… In the grand cathedral of our great sun god.

“Praise the sun, captain.”- The robed priest in front of me said.

“Praise the sun.”- I replied with a face like I just dined with shit.- “What’s going on? Why I am here on my day off?”

Yeah I am a captain. A captain of a paladin squad that serves the holy church of sun god Ra. And today I should have enjoyed my day off with my family!!!


“The Oracle have spoken!” –With a fanatical face he shouted.- “And he requests your presence!”

“What is this about?”

“I… I don’t know…”

Tha heck?

Fine what ewerrrrrrrrr… let’s just get this over with.

Ten minutes later I was standing in front of a massive double doors, made from white marble incrusted with different jewels and gold.

“Shit, I really hate being in presence of that…thing…” –I complained whispering….

A second later after my whisper the doors opened. What was before my eyes was a green hall with a white floor, with pink carpets, with golden paintings on the walls, with a big-ass blue chandelier on the ceiling and even bigger golden altar at the far end of the room.

(Don’t mind it, the sentence is made like that on purpose. Also the altar looks something like this: http://www.imagebam.com/image/cc4a33806221553 )

By the altar, there was a beautiful woman in her thirties, waist long blond hair braided in one long pigtail, in erotic nun robes (Like these: http://www.imagebam.com/image/b0cb3c806221523 ), a skin so white that it was almost transparent with almost no imperfections on it, big blue eyes, five big white fluffy wings on his back and a golden halo above her head.

Her personality was actually very good.

Now you might ask why I’m addressing her as him and a thing?

First of. It’s a tradition, from the generation of the tenth oracle all of them are addressed as ‘him’, doesn’t matter which gender it’s always ‘him’.

Then…He…She…That thing!!!! Weights more than 300 kg!!!!! And she is levitating two meters of the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to barf!!! I want to barf so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“*Cough*”- I kneeled right in front of her.

“Ah…”-Her voice was like a thousand canary birds singing in unison in an orchestra. –“Maxwell it’s good that you have come.”


She wasn’t an angel, no she was a human.

Yes a human.

You see when a human is closest to god he can receive maximum of five wings and one halo without becoming a higher being. And being an oracle that thing is closer to god by a big margin than a pope.

“I have come as soon as I could your holiness.”- With a passive face, I declared.

This is difficult. If I don’t leave soon the expression my face will be something in between of a face when you see a man fornicating with a male horse, when you yourself are a straightest of men, and seeing a god incarnate…

“Yes, wonderful. How are the kids?”

“Little Anthony just started to walk, your holiness.”

“Ah! Wonderful!”

“If you would excuse me.”- I will not stand it much longer!- “Why did you summon me your holiness?”

“Yes. About that.”- Her facial expression warped from a face when you want to cuddle a kitten to the one when you want to announce that of a Human Resources Department chief before dismissal of an employee of the month.- “I have received a message from god this morning.”

Yes. I know ‘Human Resources Department’ meaning. As I am a reincarnated soul.

(I will not explain how, what, who or why wright now because that is a story for another time. (This message is for the most annoying and obnoxious type of readers there is!!!))

Moreover, this is getting serious.

“A message from all powerful Ra?”

“That’s right.”

A good two minutes have passed before he spoke again.

“THE Eclipse is coming!”- The eclipse?- “You! Only you and a champion of ********* the god of thieves possess the power to prevent coming of Chaos!”


“Before a child and a first born dragon babe spill their blood on a sapphire star,….”


“You must seek out your second love and help them…”

Is she talking about…

“…to fulfill their one life dream,…”

Now I am certain!

“or the World you know will turn to ashes!”

(Back to our MC POV!)

“I forgot that I am cold blooded!”

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