《Re: Reincarnation: EVOLUTION》Chapter 6: The day of the rabbit catastrophe!


Well this sucks.

I killed and ate almost one third of the Al-mi'raj and gained only 7 levels! Also I’m so full that I couldn’t eat another bite.

“Also why the fuck they aren’t waking up from all this racket?”

If you look up you could see a magic jewel. It’s enchanted with sleeping magic.

Hmm…So that’s the case….? Wait! Why I am okay then?

My guess is that the jewel affects only magic beasts.

Hooh? And what’s the difference?

Well…What differentiate magic beasts from normal animals is that magic beasts have mana core that gives them special powers, intelligence and mutations. As you don’t have a mana core you are just an animal in the eyes of humans. And that’s exactly why you are not affected by the jewel.

Oh, I see. For now, let us identify the stone.

Magic jewel of sleep. A magic jewel created with a sole purpose of inducing a ‘sleep’ debuff to all the magic beasts in one single room. Be aware that this jewel is supposed to be recharged with mana everyday also if it will be removed from the room its effects will stop Instantly. So I should leave this place with this jewel!

Why? Because I can and because I want to! That’s it! No other reason needed for me!


The 4-th day of the 3-rd month of the summer in the year 19452 after creation.

This day will be remembered in all of the Roosters empire as ‘The day of the rabbit catastrophe.’.

This day all Al-mi'raj that were contained inside the royal academy woke up. The jewel that was supposed to keep the little monsters sleeping disappeared. Only days later it was discovered in the shower room of the girls dormitory.

The total damage created by this catastrophe is:


125 residents dead;

66 knights dead;

336 residents crippled;

251 knight crippled;

44 residents and knights permanently got a Leporiphobia;

20 knights permanently got a Herpetophobia;

483 domestic animals eaten;

654 buildings damaged;

965 chickens raped.

The historians until today don’t know the true cause of this disaster.

But there is a historic record that states that this was the first time when there was heard ‘The demon lizard’s laughter’ that accompanies many great catastrophes after that, like ‘Great forests of Orus extinction.’, ‘The sea serpents dying rampage.’, ‘The creation of the holy dynamite.’, ‘The day when the dark gods cried!’, ‘The Eclipse.’ and ‘The day when woman’s underwear was offered to the dragon.’.



This is hilarious! Who could know that Al-mi'raj would love chickens so much?

Oh dear! That was awesome! I’m so glad that I became your system!...........THIS!

What is it? Don’t tell me that one of those monsters is coming this way!

No it’s this. Due to your actions this day will be remembered with fear for generations!

This truly evil act is contributed to you! The system lets you gain ‘The path of evil.’! This will allow you to gain exp from evil deeds! Accept./Decline. Due to the fact that those pore little Al-mi'raj were gonna be used in the experiments later, by freeing them you have gained access to ‘The path of good.’! This permits you to gain exp from good deeds! Accept./Decline.

Are you kidding me?!!! Where is the ‘good’ in this destruction!!! Also I decline both offers.

What?! WHY?!

There is no good or evil! Those two things were created by people! They were afraid that something bad was gone happen to them that’s why they made ‘evil’! They wanted to something good to happen to them so they created ‘good’! Darkness is evil? Light is good? Don’t fuck with me! Those existed long before any sentient being was born!


Well shit…

What now?

Path of chaos. Only insane person would decline extra experience! And for the fact that you are batshit crazy you are awarded with ‘The path of Chaos!’ This gives you extra exp randomly! For good deeds! For evil deeds! Or just because! Knower of truth! (1/100) For the fact that you know one of the truths of the world you have been awarded with this title! This title gives you no bonus for now, as you have not fully unlocked it.

Ohhh! Shiny! This is gonna be good!

Oh add please 25 points in intellect and 20 to the agility.

For now let us leave this place, as I do not want to become a rabbit food.

With that I jumped of the roof of some random building in the city….And landed straight on the helm of the knight.


This is horrible! Those crazy rabbits are everywhere!

But I am not afraid! For I am a proud knight! Also I’m with other knights right now.

We are hunting those bests as they are rampaging in the capital.

“We should move.”-Our commander said.-“If we don’t hurry there will be more causalities.”

He is right. As knights, we should ensure the safety of the citizens.

“What the fuck!!!”-One of my comrades exclaimed-“Oh it’s just a lizard.”

Shit do not scare me like that!

I stare at the knight who is holding a tiny lizard by the tail.

Where did he get it? Shouldn’t all the animals be covering in fear right now?


The lizard hisses angrily. Well that’s a given as it is held by its tail.

However, what happened next I could not see in the wildest nightmares.

The lizard ripped out the hand of the one that was holding it, and started to beat my comrades with it. The proud knights were covering in fear from a small lizard.

The only one that was not was our commander.

However that was his mistake. Because the demon lizard stuffed the same severed arm up his ass before killing him.

I think I have pissed myself.

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