《Re: Reincarnation: EVOLUTION》Chapter 1: JUST WHO DOYOU THINK WE ARE!!!?????


So that we had made that clear, it’s time to hunt!

….What does paramecium even eat? If I remember correctly it’s bacteria, algae and yeasts?

But before that lets try one of the skills….Splitting!

To activate the skill splitting you have to have enough DNA material. 1 evolution XP equals one copy.

Fuck! And copy?

Yes. The copies created by this skill don’t have consciousness but are making simple decisions and can be controlled. Copies can be used to collect DNA material.

Ok so I have to hunt first I guess?


(A hour later.)

Congratulations! You have unlocked a new title! Ego legionem! Ego legionem Vos have partum tibi est mille exemplaribus. Et unde hoc titulo meruit. Cum haec exemplaribus tuum post tua non erit pereat evolutione. Illi commoraturus intus vestri corpore. Postquam mortem viri tui et exemplaribus summa possideas similis unius puellarum tuarum satus super.

This is one overpowered title! But why Latin?

Information classified. [window]

Whatever, stupid thing.

I look at the swarm of my copies. What can I say? I got carried away and created a thousand copies of myself. I could evolve already, but then I would not receive that title. So I guess all is well that ends well right?

Then I give my copies only one command.


[window] You have reached a designated amount of evolution exp. Would you like to evolve or jump to another evolutionary branch?

That was fast! Not even 10 seconds have passed!

Did my copies eat themselves?

Well whatever. Can I see my evolution options?

Direct evolution: Colpodea, Litostomatea, Nassophorea.

Available evolution branches: Fungi, Plantae, Parasitorum.

I don’t want to remain a microbe and I definitely don’t want to become a mushroom and a plant!

Haah I guess parasitorum.

Available evolutions of the parasitorum branch: Casculus, Horeoda, Furiks.


Ok I have no idea what those are, so I would like to have an explanation please.

Casculus A worm parasite. Casculus parasites attach themselves to the fish scales and slowly eat them. To eat one fish this parasite needs approximately one year. It can grow at least 5 cm long.

Yeah. Thanks but no thanks. Next!

Horeoda A bug parasite. Parasites on the fish roe and lays its eggs inside then dies.

Yep next!

Furiks A worm parasite. In the egg form is been consumed by mammals then the parasite hatches inside of the stomach of its host. The furiks then resides in the stomach of its host and eats whatever the host eats and enhances its strength or makes its way through the stomach walls and eats its host from the inside. Can grow up to 1 meter long.

Definitely this one!

The next moment I black out.


(Some time later.)

When I woke up I could see a blurred world outside.

Blurred? Am I inside an egg?

Then I should try to hatch.

I attacked viciously the egg shell from inside but to no avail.

Furiks is unable to hatch before been svaloved.

What?!! How long do I have to wait till someone swallows me?!!!!

“#^@^%*! *&&%* #@*& &@[email protected]%*% @^*?”-A loud voice rang out.

What the heck?

“&^^%#^&* ^$&#(^(%*&*#. ^^$&#^&&$( #*$^(#^($.”-There is at least two beings there.

Why I can’t understand them? Do I need to learn the language or I can buy a skill to understand it?

Suddenly I felt that I am been raised in the air and then the darkness came.

Wait did I was just swallowed? Let’s try to hatch!

With no effort I broke free of my restrains.

Then what I saw was….Well…What I saw were a pink fleshy walls all around me covered in slime. A yellow liquid in which I was swimming.


Nope no nope. I definitely won’t eat here!

Let’s escape through the walls.

I swam next to the stomach wall and started to attack it. But nothing happened.

What the heck?!! How am I supposed to escape the stomach?!!!

Haaaaah… Let’s look at the status for now.

Status Race: Furiks (Evos) Locked Titles: Ego legionem. Main attribute: None Secondary attribute: None Level: 1 Evolution stage 2 evolution XP: 0/20/22 Strength 0.005 (Locked) Intellect 5 Agility 0.01 (Locked) Endurance 0.25 (Locked) Locked (Locked) Locked (Locked) Locked (Locked) Locked (Locked) Stat points 0 Skill points 0

Still a weakling! Then skill list.


I think I know where this is going…Show me the last two skills.

JUST WHO DO YOU THINK WE ARE Force your way down a path you choose to take and do it all yourself! Pierce the stomach with your drill! Just who the hell do you think we are?!!! WORM BODY You can’t be killed!! Nope not immortal. If there is a piece of your body left, and if it will not spoil after 24 hours your body will be regenerated.

Yep. The one who made those descriptions most definitely watch anime or at least reads manga.

(Oh no! he’s on to me!)

Right no time to delay.


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