《Cursed Anti-Hero Against the Gods》Ch 12 New Path


After The Blood Contract / When Duke Is Reading Farah's Message

Farah was currently extremely depressed, from what she knew, the party was now permanent even if all other conditions were fulfilled due to her blunder. Farah and Eradin were forced to be in the same party and she had to help him whenever he needed it. All because she was nervous. But then out of nowhere, she felt an extreme pain in her right arm, it felt as if a sword was being dragged through her veins and a burning sensation occurred. Quickly removing a part of her [Wind Fairy Set], Farah saw images taking shape upon her pale white skin, they were runic markings older than the ones used in magic today, they were the symbols of the Ancient Language, a language from the very first race of the Aspect Continent. Further more they were symbols she knew all too well, as they pertained to the Aspect War. Individually they represented 6 different meanings, Cursed One, Dragon, Evil, Death, War, Void. Each one took a different color. Cursed one was brown, Dragon was black, Evil was silver, Death was purple, War was red and Void was white. All different colors were now present on her right arm. Four out of six, Farah recognized, they represented the beings sealed in the Aspect War. They were so powerful that they neared the power of the ten creator gods and were forcibly sealed. Entities she would never forget, the Dragon King, Evil Emperor, the Death Sovereign and the War Amazon, they fought together but were sealed eventually. But no one knew where and the gods didn't say. However the last two, Farah only could squint her eyes in frustration, what were Void and Cursed One, even more importantly, why did such images appear for her tattoo? Was that the information Eradin had? Did he know where the Sealed Existences were? Turning towards Eradin, she was shocked speechless, his entire upper right portion of his body armor and the cloak retracted themselves, and he didn't seem to be in pain at all like she was when his tattoo showed up, but that wouldn't be enough to shock someone like Farah, rather it was what appeared on his right arm. Not just a portion, but running the whole length of his arm, from the wrist all the way to covering his back right shoulder blade, was black and green markings intertwining, they were vines and leaves began jutting out of them as well, until finally they converged into two runic symbols on his right shoulder blade, the symbol came from the ancient elf runic language meaning Cursed Sovereign.

Cursed Sovereigns were said to be existences equal to dragons. They were the peak of the races that mastered the dark attribute to its limits, second only to the gods. They were a race said to die out and go extinct, but originally they were only legends anyways, maybe Cursed Sovereign wasn't a race but a title for one that has complete and utter control over an attribute. As it stopped forming, Eradin didn't even looked worried, he simply looked at Farah and said, "Cool, I always wanted a tattoo." Then at once, his body armor and cloak parts that merged with his body during the process once again came out covering the arm.

"Do you even know what a Cursed Sovereign is! They have unparralleled control over curses and dark attribute magic! None had ever been seen, not even once! They are existences in legend and all you can say is you always wanted a tattoo! What a dumb addle-brained person i've become contracted to!" Farah really wanted to cry right now, how could such random things happen around this youth demi-god who was the same age as her. Even worse, she was stuck with him for life!


Eradin on the other hand was not concerned in the slightest, it wasn't anything new for him to be involved with curses, he was even growing fond of the ones he could use himself, but not the ones affecting him, he couldn't wait for the day he removed the gods curses and return all the pain into one massive curse on all of them, that was his goal, to create a curse so powerful even the gods would fear it. Turning to Farah, Eradin only laughed, it wasn't like he would be the first to break the blood contract.

"Hurry up and form the party before you die, and we can head into the forest while I begin to explain stuff that will shatter your beliefs in the so called creator gods."

Farahs heart immediately clenched at his words. But she went and did as told.

[Disband party of four members Y/N]


[Send party request to entity Eradin Silvermoon Y/N]


Eradin quickly accepted. "Well lets get going, the subjugation begins now, and without further procrastination on my part, i'll let you know all you wanted to hear, but don't blame me for it later, I already pledged before the heavens that what I am about to say is the complete and utter truth lest I be smited down with a hundred tribulations."

They began walking into the forest. Under Eradins directions Farah began to lead him to the center of the forest where he once found the human graveyard. Then he began to talk, but the first words shocked Farah.

"Have you ever met a god? Have you ever really had the chance to talk with them?"

"No I never have, I have seen them during the Aspect War though. It was a war where the creator gods descended into the mortal plane and saved the races from the Dragon King, Evil Emperor, the Death Sovereign and the War Amazon. I participated in that war."

Eradin heard Farah say such a remark and burst out laughing. "Oh how ignorant you are, well this will be where I start my story then. I have met and talked with the "Creator gods" and they are nothing more than humans drunk on power. Before I was born into this world, I was cursed by all of them. You mentioned those legends involving a hero right. Well I was to be that hero, but instead the gods didn't like that before I was born, I entered into their domain on accident not knowing I was supposed to be the hero since apparently I didn't look like the spirit body they were expecting. I couldn't even plead my case, they simply cursed me and then threw me into the everlasting void."

Farah contorted in agony, she couldn't even call Eradin a liar as he pledged in the contract it was the truth. To think he was supposed to be the Hero of legend. But rather than admonish him, she could even validate it herself as she saw one of his curses, but that was only one, to think he had nine more afflicting him. Finally curiosity grasped her heart again, "So what happened next, what is the void."

Eradin was glad she didn't pass out and faint from what he said, it was considered heresy to talk about such things. "Can I share my status with you now that we are in a party? It'll be easier if you understand what is afflicting me.]

Farah grabbed her water pouch from her spatial ring and while taking a sip she said "Yes you can, although it is considered rude to look at anothers status."


That didn't bother Eradin at all, he simply willed his status to be viewed by her.

[Entity Eradin Silvermoon wishes to show you his status, do you accept Y/N]


Eradin remained quiet while smiling gloomily as she almost vomited the water she swallowed back up. Farah began to frantically read through all of his stats and realized just how overpowered demi-gods were, even if they were cursed. But rather than feel happy she could see ones status, Farah actually felt sorrow. To think his body was in a constant state of pain to the point it was leveling his resistances. All these curses were just disgusting, even more so, she realized why her feelings toward him felt like they were blocked and people felt innate wariness towards him, it was the effect of the [Curse of the Love Goddess]. No wonder he had lived in the forest, he couldn't escape from it like it was a prison an he wouldn't find the same place twice if he thought about it. Looking through his entire status, many things stood out, his [Blessings], [Equipment], [Classes], and[Race] were eerily similar to the names of those sealed in the aspect war, no it was not a coincidence at all, he was blessed by those same beings!

[You have gained resistance to the [Curse of the Love Goddess] due to learning the truth about the Cursed Child. You are the only person aside from the gods that is unaffected by this curse, you no longer will have emotions blocked or feel wary every time you meet the Cursed Child]

So now I can talk to him normally eh. Nice to know. "So do you mind explaining why you are related to the Aspects War?"

Eradin also got the same message about her gaining resistance and felt elated, so it seemed that the curses weren't absolute, then again the only thing in this world that was absolute was the void. "Well now that you've seen all my stats, it will be easier to explain. Once I was thrown into the void, I'll get to that later, my bad luck and get lost curses activated, the only ones active because I was still technically dead, I ended up in the inheritance grounds of the sealed gods. Usually that is horrible luck for someone only level one but I was dead at the time so its ok. They weren't mortals in the Aspect War either. They were gods that were wrongly sealed through your efforts. The way the world here works is gods rule aspects right. So if you take the evil god out of the equation what happens? Evil runs rampant through the world because he isn't there to balance it. Every god is needed, even gods of destruction are needed. They explained to me the mission of gods which you will now learn; The creator gods were originally humans. Gods are not immortal, they are not omnipotent, the only thing that can be called as such is the void. I guess it is what I will equate to a mass of energy that created everything, even the gods. And a gods goal is to return to the void after completing their mission for many milleniums which is balance. In the beginning they are what you call true gods, and they can do two things at the end of their missions, reincarnate as a human over multiple life times to regain their powers in a world disrupted because they are not there to balance the aspect they govern, or they can give their entire existence and power to a mortal to succeed the position and mission.Because their power is immortal and originates from the void as they were true gods born from it. I am one of those mortals who recieved multiple true gods existences and power, but I am a special case. That is how demi-gods can ascend, they either naturally become a god by governing some new aspect created or they inherit a position."

Farah went numb upon his explantions, no wonder he wanted her to have an oath, if anyone from the church heard him say this, he would be executed as a heretic. But she didn't have time for questions as he continued in an increasingly spiteful explanation about the gods. " Your so-called creator gods are ten such humans that inherited said powers from true gods, and there are more gods than just them and the sealed gods. However, the only true gods that were left had been the ones you all sealed. I'm sure you know this but it is in not just humans but instead any living thing not directly born from the void like a true god to have emotions such as greed. So these bastards cooked up the horrendous plan that you participated in and sealed the last true gods not understanding that once you remove the one that governs an aspect, balance is disrupted. Haven't you wondered why dragons are persecuted for no reason and hate all the races, or why evil actions are rampant, people die more because of evil actions but also die less because of longer life spans due to death being unregulated, war is all over the place because there is no god controlling it. That is my mission, I am the inheritor of the Sealed Gods but also the cursed hero, rather than be the hero and serve the corrupted gods as intended, I am the anti-hero who will get revenge and instead kill them when I fully learn to use my hidden strength. What happened in the forest was me rampaging because a portion of the power was unlocked before I was strong enough to control it. My body is not born like every other person in this world, I am a special case. That dragon you fought, the Dragon God, I have inherited its strength and its body morphed into this form. I merged with the Spirit of the Death God so I am strong enough to move in this body. The Heart of the Evil God replaced the Dragon Gods missing heart and Blood of the War Goddess replaced its blood. You saw their blessings and the effects they provide. I am the child of the sealed gods who have returned to the void. I have three choices. Give the power I steal from the gods I slay to a worthy mortal or return the power to the void, or use it for myself. Frankly after the shit thats happened, i've lost faith in everything and plan to return all the power to the void and make the world a place where the mortals govern themselves and don't rely on gods for balance. I shall become a new god with the body of a true god, once my mission is complete, just like any other god I will return to the void as is my mission. Now you know the truth, I am not what you think a demi-god is, I am a variant. My race is Child of the Sealed Gods because I was born from their body parts, that is why their items can fuse with me. There is nothing else that I can say, you know everything and you've seen my status so you know everything about me. Since we are in a permanent party anyways, I will not force you, but if you'd be willing, I need a guide, after all I am still cursed to have no direction sense."

The story finally ended, Farah couldn't believe that what she had heard was the truth of the world. To think gods were just higher existences that weren't omnipotent and worked for a giant mass of energy. To think that there were more than the ten creator gods, to hear that they were originally mortals. She participated in a war to seal the last true gods who were betrayed, she learned the way to ascend. To think that the gods she believed in were corrupt. Even worse, to think they abused their power because they were corrupt and cursed the hero of legend that was supposed to arrive and unite the continent under their blessings. Just where did the world go wrong to have such misguided beliefs. But the worst feeling of all that she had was depression, but not for herself, but the fellow person next to her that was the same age yet could enjoy none of the things she could; To be cursed to the point he couldn't even walk in a single direction for an extended period of time without her help guiding him. Just how much mental strength do you need to suffer through all of that and act like nothing is wrong. To level up resistances was not an easy thing, and only the rich could afford a ring like hers. It just wasn't feasible how Eradin was so calm to her. Even with his blessings, she wouldn't want to be in his position, not even the slightest bit, he couldn't even hear music, that was how bad he had it.

Perhaps it was pity, or maybe because of her sense of duty, maybe it was because she wasn't affected by the [Curse of the Love Goddess] anymore, or the fact that what she heard was the truth and she could feel perhaps even the slightest amount of anger towards the gods Eradin had. Perhaps it was all of those reasons together and not one; but Farah stroked the arm with her new tattoo and made up her mind after a few minutes of silence. Understanding what the symbols on her arm represented dawned on her mind which probably influenced her the most. Cursed One represented all of Eradins pain and suffering while the rest of them represented the things that gave him hope. Perhaps that tattoo was put on her arm to tell her to become one of those symbols, become another symbol of hope he could rely on to finish his mission and live a life a peace before dying and returning to the void. To become the unwavering beacon of hope that would guide his path straight forward towards his destiny that was forcibly changed to something so unreasonable. This was what Farah felt resonate deep inside her.

With conviction befitting one who was supposed to be a leader and a noble of a high elven house, Farah decided to look at a person for the first time for what they were, not what they had become. He was just a simple teenage boy the same age as her that wanted to enjoy all the same things anyone else their age would. In her eyes as of now, he wasn't the unique race called the Child of the Sealed Gods, he wasn't the Cursed Hero, he wasn't a Cursed Sovereign or a Variant Demi-God. He was a simple living entity like her that wanted to live life. Not worry about revenge, anger or the mission granted to him which forcibly changed his destiny to that of suffering. Although she knew that anger and revenge clouded his heart despite the calm outward appearance, at the end of all that pain, she for the first time, saw an entity that wanted to live for the sole reason of living before they ended up dying.

Farah stared at Eradin, she finally mustered up the courage and walked in front of Eradin stopping right in his path. "You are just a grown up child, that is what I have learned after all this, to think you can't even walk in a straight line for an extended amount of time without me guiding you like the child you are. It's no wonder your bad luck kicked in and made it so the duration of our blood contract is infinite, because you need to have something to rely on, and I am the only one that is crazy enough to do it. So long as you hold up your end of the blood contract, I shall be your guide for now and forever, even in death I shall lead you to peace of mind and make sure you don't get lost in the eternal void while looking for a place to sleep for eternity. That is my conviction you are now stuck with because you are unable to do anything properly and just had to end up with such a large To-Do Bucket List before you die in some stupid manner due to that horrendous luck. Who is supposed to make sure you can even finish all those things without getting lost. The answer is me, the one that will be known as the crazy elf that became corrupted and led the Cursed Hero in is heretic quest to slaughter all the gods and make the world a place that the mortals have to govern themselves without the gods balancing it behind the scenes. So lets go to the training dummy, a.k.a the demi-god you are to kill."

Eradin could only listen in shock at what he heard, he knew it was a bit much to ask of her, even so, he was desperate on the inside to have at least one person he could talk to normally, and after the [Curse of the Love Goddess] no longer affected Farah, that feeling in his heart grew even more. It was a dying hope that was reignited, and then it flared up into an inferno within his chest as he heard her statement. He was no longer on a path of solitude, he would have his one new friend that chose to suffer with him instead of leaving after the truth came out. Once again Eradin was thankful for always covering his eyes for he didn't want Farah to see his eyes slightly tearing up on his supposed to be emotionless body that only craved violence and slaugher.

Simultaneously for Farah and Eradin, messages appeared.


[Even the God of Crossroads and Destinies and the God of MisFortune can't completely consign you to failure with their Curses due to the power of chance and probabilty, just because they have power over these aspects that doesn't mean they have complete control of it or they would have complete power over every living entity. Due to such an encounter that changed your fate to a different one of the myriad fickle fates: Reward has been attained: [Eternal Guide Obtained: Farah Elenwith] [Luck has increased by +2]

[Abyssal LIfeform: The power of the Abyss from which Abyss beasts, Darkness, Death and curses originate from has accepted you as one of it's lost children. You shall not be harmed by the power of the Abyss and instead be healed and strengthened by it.]


[Title Gained: Cursed Childs Beacon of Dark Light: You who has pledged to be the Cursed Childs guide for eternity into places you as a mortal shouldn't go and you the one who shall soothe and calm him should his anger that should never be unleashed in the mortal plane erupt shall undergo changes to allow you the abilites to comply with your vow. One more title can be equipped because this one is always assigned to active.]

[ [Level Dropped to 18] [Experience is now linked to the Cursed Childs Experience] ]

[Race Change: High Elf --------> Abyssal Elf]

[Class Change: Elven Wind Dancer -----> Dark Priestess of the Cursed Child]

[Titles Lost: Wind Companion / Aspect War Veteran]

[Title Gained: Companion of Darkness and Fire] [You can communicate with Fire and Darkness Spirits]

[Abyssal LIfeform: The power of the Abyss from which Abyss beasts, Darkness, Death and curses originate from has accepted you as one of its lost children. You shall not be harmed by the power of the Abyss and instead be healed and strengthened by it.]

[Stat Changes: [Str: 180][Endurance:185][Agi:223][Int:196][Def:190] ] [Hp/Mana will not decrease to that of a level 18]

[Skill Changes]

[Elven Wind Dance -----> Shadow Dance] [Wind Step -----> Abyssal Step]


[Lost Magic: Wind Magic / Lightning Magic]

[Acquired Magic: Dark Magic / Fire Magic / Abyssal Magic]

[Skill Gained: Soothing Song of the Abyss Mother] [A song said to calm even the most violent of abyssal beasts]

[Skill Gained: Blessing of the Abyss] [Bless the target with the power of the Abyss. Increase Defense and Endurance by 10%]

[Skill Gained:Abyssal Aura {Passive)] [Aura that can be used to heal a target with the power of the Abyss given that they have the affinity to recieve it's blessings instead of its curses. Or cause defects to one that has not been accepted as a child of the abyss]

[Equipment Change]

[Wind Fairy Set -----> Abyssal Nymph Set: Intelligence and movement speed increased by 10% in combat. Mana Regen increased by 5/sec]

[Cloak of Eternal Wind -----> [Cloak of Eternal Night: Allows you to blend into your surroundings until virtual invisibility, Cursed Child can always see you]

[Wind Fairy Long and Short Sword Set -----> Long and Short Swords of the New Moon: Coated in Abyssal Aura decreasing opponents attack speed by 2% and increasing yours by 2% every second for 5 seconds]

[Tome and Staff of the Abyssal Night: 10% Increased Chanting Speed, 5% increased Intelligence]

[Abyssal Elf: +5% movement speed / High Darkness / Fire / Abyssal Affinity]

[All Element Resistance has raised to 4/10]

[Name: Farah Elenwith] [Active Title: [Companion Darkness and Fire] [Cursed Childs Beacon of Dark Light] ] [Race: Abyssal Elf] [Level: 18] [Exp:23%/100%] [Dark Priestess of the Cursed Child] [Titles] [Companion of Darkness and Fire] [Cursed Childs Beacon of Dark Light] [Hp: 2350][Mana: 1730] [Str: 180][Endurance:185][Agi:223][Int:196][Def:190] [Skills] [Shadow Dance 1/10] [Magic Perception: 9/10] [Prescence Detection: 9/10] [Night Vision:Max][Bow Mastery 5/10][Etiquette:Max][Horsemanship:Max][Aerial Riding: Max] [Abyssal Step: 1/10] [Magic] [Abyssal Magic: 1/10] [Darkness Magic: 1/10] [Fire Magic: 1/10] [Equipment] [Abyssal nymph Set: Intelligence and movement speed increased by 10% in combat. Mana Regen increased by 3/sec] [ Long and Short Swords of the New Moon: Coated in Abyssal Aura decreasing opponents attack speed by 2% and increasing yours by 2% every second for 5 seconds] [Tome and Staff of the Abyssal Night: 10% Increased Chanting Speed, 5% increased Intelligence] [Cloak of Eternal Night: Allows you to blend into your surroundings until virtual invisibility, Cursed Child can always see you] [Traits] [Highborn: Bonus of +10 mana every level] [Abyssal Elf: +5% movement speed / High Darkness / Fire / Abyysal Affinity] [All Element Resistance has raised to 4/10] [Blessings] [Abyssal Lifeform] [Abnormal Statuses] [N/A]

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