《Rain Revert》Chapter 23: [ Rain's Performance ]


Zarda noticed Rain’s happy expression and felt curious. “Did something good happen?”

Rain shook his head with a wry smile, “It’s just that being hug by you in the center of a battlefield… not really romantic, I guess – though, I would be done for if Lafetti saw us…”

Zarda chuckled. Just like what he said, at the center of a battlefield, Zarda and Rain were extremely strange. They were actually having intimate actions.

Obviously, many Lamias had already noticed it but they didn’t say anything and just, from time to time, cast envious glances. And as natural as the sun goes down during dusk, Lafetti noticed the two and couldn’t help but become extremely annoyed. If not for the incoming many monsters, she would have already rushed back and snatched Rain away from Zarda…

Damn it! Poor ants, they had become a stress reliever for Lafetti…

Screams and curses came out from Lafetti’s mouth as she continued to rampage in the entire battlefield.

Rain who was quite far away from her, still felt chill crawling down his spine and started trembling…



“Can I confess my sins right now?” Rain muttered while crying bitterly.

“What?” Zarda asked, confused.

“You see, Father, no- Chief, Bless me for I have sinned…” Rain put his hands together and prayed.

“What are you doing?” Zarda was confused at the same time funny from watching Rain’s time after time’s strange antics.

Rain didn’t answer and instead point towards the direction where Lafetti was at. In that direction screams, monster wails and curses rang out like Christmas bells during Christmas seasons but it was never as pleasant as hearing Jingle Bells.

Instead of fireworks, countless monsters parts flew up in the air, as if a raging butcher was massacring the poor monsters…

“See, I would be butchered tonight, certainly… that is why, Fa– no, Chief, before I leave the world, I want to ask, can I still go to heaven?” Rain was sure that Laffeti would become a berserk demon tonight and his pure body would bear the brunt of it…

Zarda fight the urge to laugh but she didn’t let go of him and instead, pull him closer. With her chin placed at the top of his head, Zarda muttered, “Indeed a raging demon…” agreed.

“I’m sorry for your loss…” Zarda sighed but a smile was splattered on her face. She looks like she was enjoying Rain's plight.


“Chief, I don’t want to die, I still want to find Laputa and say, Heidi, the Alps – Ah wrong series, anyway, Chief, can’t you do something to help me? This is your fault anyway… my body won’t last long…” Rain sighed bitterly. He can now see what he would end up with in the evening... that battle that seems like the final battle of Perseus and the Kraken...


Zarda liked hearing Rain say some weird or strange things, though she never understands about what he was talking about - as what Lafetti had once told her, Rain prone to say some incomprehensible things he can only understand…

But hearing him say things she doesn’t know greatly amused her, so she sometimes plays along with him.

“So, why don’t you sleep with me tonight?” She displayed an enchanting smile that could make any man her slave.

Rain’s expression immediately turned serious and he turned his head and stared right at Zarda. “Chief…” he called out with an extremely serious face – though it only made him looked somewhat cute…


“… Can I ask something, are you a herbivore or a carnivore? My body doesn’t have meat anymore and you still want a piece of it? Do you want to kill me…?”

Zarda couldn’t endure it anymore and suddenly laughed out loud. Her laughter that sounds like the angels singing voice caused the Lamias who were fighting to be extremely surprised to the point that some warriors unconsciously halted their movements and was sent flying by the Giant Ants attacks.

Hearing her laughter, Lafetti’s rage almost went off the ceiling! Just what are they doing during a battle!!?

If they still won’t stop, I will certainly rush back immediately! Damn, Rain! Dare to flirt with another woman, let’s see how you make your excuses later!!

“Chief, you made her become even angrier…” Rain’s face was as if he had eaten a disgusting bug.

His head hurt. Just imagining what Lafetti would do to him give him Goosebumps.

“Well, indeed, I’m not planning to sit back and lie down without doing anything… I haven’t tasted meat for quite a long time, poor me…” Contrary to Rain’s worries, Zarda was in high humour.

“Chief, you should not talk so vulgar… I’m still minor, woah!” As Rain was talking, suddenly a Giant Ant landed in front of them. It seemed like it gotten past the guards successfully.


Rain immediately stepped forward while unsheathing his sword.

He didn’t panic nor become flustered but instead, he instantly adopted a calm demeanor by relaxing his nerves. In that instant, his senses slightly heightened.

He didn’t know if it was because he’d been used to fighting in life on the line from the experiences he had these past few days or from his status growing steadily, but recently whenever he’d faced danger, Rain’s first reaction was not to panic.

Rather, he swiftly thought about how to resolve the crisis he was in, and this time was no exception.

[ Agility EX ] [ Strength EX ]

In a blink of an eye, Rain felt like his body was so light and buoyant, and everything seemed so effortless.

He narrowed his eyes and tackled Zarda sideways, successfully avoiding the giant ant’s sharp leg that had swept towards them.

[ Rapid Dash ]

Rain became a silver flash, shooting towards the giant ant.

With [ Agility EX ] together with [ Rapid Dash ], Rain only needed to lightly touch his feet on the ground, and he already shot towards the monster with an unbelievable speed.

This method of attack was not only several times faster than normal, and also did not take much effort.

In a blink of an eye, he had already struck the giant ants head. The giant ant let out an ear–piercing cry as it tried to attack Rain with its leg but Rain had already pulled back his sword and landed on the ground, slamming his palm, he screams [ Bone Spikes ]!

Three bone spikes shot from the ground, piercing the giant ant’s lower abdomen, causing the giant ant to slowly fell to the ground.

He didn’t end with that, Rain surveyed his surrounding and as expected, not too far away, a Lamia was sprawl on the ground, heavily wounded and was being besieged by three Giant Ants. The others tried helping her but they clearly can’t make it in time.

That should be the place where this giant ant passed through…

With his [ Strength EX ] still activated, Rain jump and with an ‘Aaaaahhhh’ cry, he kicked the dead giant ant as hard as he could, sending it flying.


The dead giant ant managed to hit the two giant ants that were going to attack the heavily injured Lamia, sending them a bit away from her but one still remained. Rain estimated that he can’t make it in time either as [ Agility EX ] and [ Strength EX ] only last for a minute…

And the time is almost up… gritting his teeth, Rain clenched his sword tightly and ‘Woosh’ throw it like he was throwing a stone at a bully’s car on the night, wanting to break his windshield.

The thrown sword, miraculously pierced through one of the giant ant’s eye, but it was still not enough to kill it. However, Rain’s actions bought enough time. The other Lamias managed to catch up and protect the heavily injured, dragging her to the back to be healed.

Seeing her, still alive, Rain unconsciously relaxed his body and slightly lowered his shoulders. Although he did quite good back there, he would obviously get nervous and stiff when monsters were jumping to kill him.

However, his performance was seen by many people and they couldn’t help but be amazed.

Delight, surprise, shock, and moved colored the faces of those who had seen it.

Even Zarda’s eyes sparkled. Of course, she can easily kill that monster like swatting a fly but she didn’t move and instead watched what Rain would do and she wasn’t disappointed… In fact, Rain went above her expectations…

Saving the Lamia doubled his full marks…

.. And what kind of skill was that?

His speed and strength were quite unbelievable… and that Bone Spike, that looked like high Bone Eaters use…

How did he… Zarda wondered while wrinkling her brows.

This human is really not simple, she thought to herself as she saw him walking towards him. “How did you do that?”

“… …”

Seeing Rain didn’t respond and seemed to be ignoring her while having a long face, Zarda felt quite disappointed as she thought that he didn’t want to disclose his secret.

I guess it’s only natural…

But when Rain finally arrived in front of her and saw Zarda’s somewhat down expression, he was surprised. “What? Did something happen?”

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