《Gods of Tartarus: Haven Forge》Chapter 21: White Rabbit and The Traveling Mountain
Using [Mass teleport], Phaestus returned to Lady Vannil’s office.
“You’re back!” The rabbit girl hugged him again.
“T-this again?” Phaestus noticed the other girl was gone, Micah said that her parents came for her.
“You can just take the mask off. She knows.” Micah said.
“What?” Phaestus was dumbfounded.
“She is a rare albino. White fur, pale skin, and red eyes. It is said that albinos are blessed with a bit of divinity, allowing them to see through any falsehood. Ruby can see beyond our mask’s ability. She also apparently recognized us via scent. She said we smell of divine power.” Lady Vannil explained.
Phaestus looked down at the girl hugging him, she looked up at him with her ruby eyes.
“Are you two gods? Servants of gods?” Ruby asked.
“Um, no. Why do you ask that?”
“Air around you, feels and smells nice.” She said, rubbing her head against his chest.
“W-Well, I do bath regularly.” Eric laughed awkwardly.
“I think I can help explain this. Can we go to the Haven for more privacy?” The senior goddess appeared in the room.
Lady Vannil got a bit surprised but Micah and Eric were used to her popping in unnoticed and speaking up. Eric sighed and removed his mask, shifting them all to the Haven.
Once inside, Ruby was frozen staring at both Luna, who was waiting inside, and the senior goddess.
She hugged Eric even tighter, “You are servants of the gods!”
The senior goddess smiled, “I’m afraid that is incorrect young Nephilim. These two are our friends, and this place is his secret home.”
Ruby nodded accepting what she was told.
“What is a Nephilim?” She asked Eric, which he turned toward the two goddess’, “Aren’t Nephilim’s the children of angels or something?”
“Correct, she is of an ancient bloodline. I checked around the world and found that she is the only one of her kind in this world where the divine blood runs strongly in her.”
“So, albinos are possibly Nephilim?” Eric asked.
“That or gingers.” Luna answered.
“Wait, does that mean Fizzy is one?” Micah asked.
“No, she merely is a part of a bloodline. She might only be slightly better than others, but not a true Nephilim which this little one is close to. She just has not awakened to her power yet.” The senior goddess explained.
“E-Eric, a-are they, what I think they are?” Lady Vannil asked.
“Goddess’? Yes. The one in white is Luna, the other, whose name we don’t know, is the senior goddess that watches over Luna.”
Before Lady Vannil could bow before them, the senior goddess lifted her a couple inches off the ground with magic.
“Please do not bow. Most of us gods do not like being worshipped. Please, stand.” She set Lady Vannil back down.
“O-oh, thank you. Still, to meet a real god. Eric had told me that the God of Light was a false god, so I began to think that there were no gods. I am glad to know that you exist.” She bowed her head.
“Now then, shall we enjoy a dip?” The senior goddess offered with a smile.
All of them were now in bathing robes, relaxing in the hot spring.
“Wow! This is amazing!” Ruby swam around in the water happily.
The others were relaxing together.
“Eric, her mother and another who was like an uncle to her were killed.” Micah said.
“It is true, after the other girl’s parents picked her up, we found out that her parents were killed right before her eyes by the slavers as they were moving from Merluka.” Lady Vannil added.
“Does she have any other family in Merluka?” He asked.
“Not that she knows of. She said that she heard from her mother once that they had distant family in Obai, but they did not get along. We asked for more details, but it seems like her mother chose to keep those from her until she was older.” Micah answered.
“How old is she right now?”
“So young…” Eric gritted his teeth, wishing he beat the slavers down a bit harder.
Micah noticed his expression, “Don’t worry Eric, the hard labor of criminal slaves is pretty bad. It is basically a death sentence.”
“Doesn’t hurt to make sure though, I will ask the guard commander for a hand in that.” Lady Vannil said.
“Anyway, Senior Goddess, does her being a Nephilim allow her to see through our masks?”
“Not the masks. She is noticing you because of your divine auras.”
“Our what?”
“Well, um, because of the water here, the two of you have been absorbing divine power. You, uh, might becoming pseudo Nephilim’s, kind of, yeah…” Luna seemed a bit nervous as she was speaking.
She is definitely hiding something. It’s not the water.
Before he could ask for the real reason the senior goddess stood up.
“Sorry, Eric, we must leave. Elder Oribaba just called for us.”
“Oh, okay. Here, take these to her please.” Eric summoned a package of sweets he prepared for the elder goddess.
“Thank you Eric, she will appreciate these.” The senior goddess smiled pleasantly.
Luna followed after her, looking a little pale with an apprehensive look on her face.
Yup, she is getting lectured again.
With that thought, the two goddess’ disappeared.
Ruby was relaxing on Micah’s lap while she held her.
Those two seem… really close.
Micah noticed Eric looking at them and knew what he was thinking.
“I-I can’t help it, she is soooo cute!” Micah cuddled Ruby, causing a pained smile to come to her face.
“Ruby, are you okay?” Eric asked.
“It’s not big sister Micah. I just, Mama would hold me like this often. I wish, I wish I could have protected mama and uncle. Madam Inquisitor, why did they have to die?” She looked to Lady Vannil with tears in her eyes.
“There are bad people in this world little one. Regrettably, they sometimes get away with doing such horrible things. Thankfully, there are good people in this world who would not allow such things to go unpunished.”
“Like big brother Eric and big sister Micah?” Ruby asked, looking at the two of them.
“Yes, just like them.” Lady Vannil smiled.
“Ruby,” She looked up at Micah, “What do you want to do now? We can look for your family in Obai if you want.”
“I can’t stay with you?”
Eric could visibly see that Micah was being overwhelmed by the cuteness of the little rabbit girl in her lap.
Yeah, that is hard to resist…
“Little Ruby, you don’t want to meet your mother’s family?” Lady Vannil cut in.
“Um, but I don’t know them. I really like big sister and big brother, I can’t?” She asked, tilting her head adorably.
Yup, Micah is done. Lady Vannil! Please rescue us from adopting this adorable little creature!
“Hmm, how about this then little Ruby. You travel with them all the way to Obai, you meet your family, get to know them, and if you don’t like them, you can stay with these two. Sound fair?”
Ruby thought for a moment, before agreeing with Lady Vannil’s suggestion. Micah seemed a bit dejected but accepted the idea as well while cuddling Ruby.
“Very well, I will pen a letter for you to use.” Lady Vannil said.
Micah took Ruby into the house to take a bath together, leaving Lady Vannil and Eric together.
“I am guessing that there is an additional reason for asking us to do this? Other than trying to keep Ruby, and probably Micah, from crying.” Eric asked.
“Yes. Some rumors coming out of Merluka. Something about the church gaining influence amongst some of the nobles. Could I ask you to look into it, subtly? Do not forget that you are a noble of Dunlap, anything you do could spark a war.”
“Sure, I will take a look. I will also consult an acquaintance to see if they know more.”
They got out of the hot spring and headed into the house kitchen after he changed them.
“Haaaaah, that was great. This food is great too. What did you call these again?”
“Chips, they are just potatoes that are sliced thin and either fried in oil or baked.”
“Mmm, truly tasty. And this, you called it coffee right? Did you get it from Moona?”
“No, this is stuff from my world.”
“Well it is better than the stuff from Moona then. It is not as bitter.”
Eric smiled, “That is probably because I added a bit of sugar and cream.”
“Huh, I am surprised no one has thought of doing that. Granted, sugar is an expensive commodity.” Lady Vannil commented.
“Has anyone tried sugar beets?” He asked.
“A what?”
Eric went on to show her a sugar beet from his garden.
“They are not too difficult to grow, and you can grow a lot of them.”
“Hmm, would you permit me to grow these? My family has a number of territories under us that have been struggling financially. This help them out.”
“I don’t mind. If you speak to Douglas in Lenmos, you can purchase the seeds from him.”
“Oh come now, you would bully a poor old woman in having to purchase them?”
“Hah, need I remind you that you are a Duchess? Lady Vannil.”
“Heh, looks like nobility fits you well.”
They both had a competitive grin on their faces.
The following morning, Phaestus and Dite met Lady Vannil outside the Inquisitor Office.
“Lord Phaestus, we truly appreciate you volunteering to take little Ruby with you to Merluka.” Lady Vannil said.
“It is no issue Lady Vannil. We were heading that way anyway.” Phaestus replied.
“You truly are a kind person Lord Hephaestus.” Gil said.
“I am still new to being a noble, so I am still establishing myself to other kingdoms. Not to mention I wish to grow Lenmos more, giving my town a more diverse population where all people of any race is welcome.”
“Hah, that sounds like a great place milord. I prayer for your success.” Gil bowed his head.
Ruby walked up and hugged onto Dite, who squirmed a bit in joy.
“Thank you for the letters Lady Vannil. We will be on our way now.” He moved next to Dite and Ruby and casted his [Mass Teleport] to take them to Lenmos.
The door to Phaestus’ office opened, “Master Hephaestus, is that you?” A maid opened the door, peaking in.
“We’re back for a bit Laura. Can you let Milly and Miu know that we will be having lunch and dinner with everyone tonight. Also, notify Douglas and Ella that I have returned.”
“Understood Master Hephaestus.” Laura left the room with a bow.
“Now then, guh, seems like paperwork is already piling up. I will start on this, Dite, could you show Ruby around in the mean time?”
“Of course!” Dite excitedly took Ruby’s hand and led her out of the room.
Half-way though his paperwork that needed his attention, a knock came at the door.
“Master Phaestus, it is Ella and I.”
“Come in.”
Douglas and Ella entered the room and joined him at his desk.
“How have things been Douglas? I did not have much time available when I brought Lanu back, but I will be here for a day or two before we will be heading out again. Feels like I am making no progress in my trip…” Phaestus mumbled to himself.
“Well, the mountain giants arrived shortly after you left. Progress on the waterways is progressing extremely well. We are estimating that they will have the river re-routed to our city by tomorrow. After which, we will follow the designs that will be inside the city. The formation of bricks has been a little slow due to carving them from stone. Do you happen to know any spells that might help?”
Phaestus thought for a bit when Micah entered, with her mask in one hand.
“Eric, I have been thinking, you were able to make those custom runes for your robe right?”
“Have you tried with spells? You said you understand the language of magic right?”
Phaestus perked up.
Why did I not think of that? Micah! You beautiful woman!
Shortly after, they were outside before a few large stones with a number of dwarves who were stone masons.
“Hmm, how to word this. Let’s try this with the smaller rock first. Cut this stone into bricks of stone 12”x12”x2” [Form Plate].”
The magic activated and the smaller rock was evenly cut into stone plates of the dimensions he chose, the waste falling off around them. The group of dwarves were in awe, the head mason picked one of them up.
“Hmm, this is great work milord. Could you do bricks like this too?”
He showed him a typical sized brick that one could hold in their hand.
“I will try.”
Using a new idea and turning to a large rock, “Cut this stone into bricks of my desire [Stone Mason].”
His magic activated again and the large rock became a large pile of neatly stacked bricks, the waste fell off around the sides.
“Oooh! That is amazing milord! You lot, get these bricks out for usage!”
The stone masons began moving the bricks and plates onto a cart for them to take to their work site.
Hmm, I feel like I can make this better… The waste, hmm… Oh! I know!
Phaestus pushed the waste together and casted the spell once more with a tweak.
“Mold this stone into the form of my desire [Stone Mason].”
The stone waste shifted and molded itself into the shape of the bricks he made a moment ago.
“Wh-what? Milord, what did you do?”
Phaestus smiled, “I redid the spell to suit our needs better.”
“A-amazing! Now if only we could learn this spell ourselves we would be set!”
The head mason said.
That gives me an idea.
Phaestus looked around to see Wanda and Al nearby.
“Wanda! Come here, I want to test something.”
Wanda and Al were present to observe the spell creation.
“Y-yes Grand Master Hephaestus! How may I serve you?!” Wanda bowed before him.
I guess spell creation is a big deal, and how is she not falling over with those massive things? Oh right, Micah told me about the gravity canceling enchantment on her robes.
“Stand up and hold still.” She did as he asked.
“Pass my knowledge and understanding of the spell in my mind to the one before me. [Spell Knowledge Transfer].”
“WHAT!?” Wanda cried at the name of the spell.
“So, do you know the [Stone Mason] spell now?”
She muttered something he could not hear.
“Wanda?” He asked.
“AMAZING!” She jumped on him, knocking him over and smothering his head in massive mammaries.
Phaestus was panicking, trying to get her off of him when Al drop kicked her off of him. He sat up gasping for air.
“Are you alright Lord Hephaestus? If you wish to execute her, I would be more than happy to do it.” Al said helping him up.
“T-that won’t be needed.” He looked around, seeing the envious faces of many of the men present.
You guys might be envious, but I almost died of sweet smelling divine softness. I honestly would not recommend it.
“Al! That was so mean!” Wanda cried, while still sitting on the ground.
“You almost killed Lord Hephaestus with those useless sack of meat you are so proud of. I am thinking of chopping them off now.” Al said, his ears and tail dancing playfully.
Heh, he is messing with her, but she thinks he is serious.
“Anyway, Wanda, did you learn the spell?” Phaestus asked.
“I did! That is so amazing! A way to learn a spell without the need of crafting a grimoire! Please teach me that spell and you can play with my body all you wa-.” Dite kicked her in the head and continued to while saying she wouldn’t allow it even over her dead body.
Wait, is, is Wanda? Oh dear, she’s a masochist. So much makes sense now.
Phaestus asked the head mason to bring some of this people that were the best at casting magic to be taught the spell. He brought five others along with himself. Phaestus transferred the [Stone Mason] spell to each of them.
“I cannot believe it, I fully understand the spell and everything! This is great Lord Hephaestus! We will follow you for the rest of our days!” They cried out.
“Just make sure the expansion projects go well okay?”
The cheered once more their commitment to him.
“Um, big brother, could I see the giants?” Ruby asked Phaestus.
“Sure, Douglas said that they should be finishing up the path to just outside the city. Let’s go.”
A little less than a mile outside of Lenmos Phaestus met with the team leader of the mountain giants, Rorroco, a ten foot tall giant. She was large with darkly tanned skin, obsidian colored hair, and eyes like emeralds.
“It is good to meet you brother. Are you here to see our progress?” Rorroco smiled, speaking in tongue of Mountain Giants.
She wore something that was similar to a cloth bikini where the bottom was like a loincloth. She had a set of fur bracers and boots that were a dark brown.
“Yes, also this one here wanted to see. Her name is Ruby.” Phaestus said moving Ruby forward.
“What a cute beast-kin! Would she like to watch from my shoulder?” Rorroco asked while kneeling down.
Phaestus translated for them and Ruby was now watching the giants work from Rorroco’s shoulder.
“Uwah! This is such a great sight!” She had a grand smile, bright as the sun on her face.
Dite fidgeted a bit wishing she could be up there too.
Oh, oh yeah, I have to try that. How to word it though.
A smile came across Phaestus’ face. “Hey Dite. Lighter than a feather, soaring through the sky. [Fly].”
After casting the spell, he picked up Dite in a princess carry and flew into the air, up next to a very surprised Ruby and Rorroco.
“Big brother! You can fly!” Ruby got too excited and almost fell, but Rorroco kept her stable.
“You truly are surprising brother.”
“UWAH! Eric! Eric! This is so amazing! We’re flying! We are flying!” Dite was so excited that she forgot to address him as Phaestus.
“U-um, miss Rorroco. That is just a nickname for big brother…” Ruby tried to cover for Dite’s mistake but Phaestus was not worried.
Speaking in the language of giants, “You already know about me right?”
Rorroco smiled, “I do. Delvirra is my elder sister. All giants know the truth of you brother, and we all support you. Not a single one of us would betray our brethren.”
Phaestus explained it to the worried Ruby who went back to smiling adorably. Their group moved over to where the rest of the giants were working.
“Sister, brother, welcome. We are about to break the dam to allow the last section to fill up. Tomorrow we will begin work in the city.”
They watched as the four giants stood on both sides of the fifty foot deep, one-hundred foot wide ravine. They channeled their magic to the land and the dam of hardened land shifted upward like they were raising a flood gate.
Water began to flood down the ravine filling it quickly. Ruby watched excitedly.
“Phaestus, you will teach me flying magic, right?”
“Of course. I remember your dream was to fly through the sky with me one day. Guh, but using it for long is pretty tiring. It uses a lot of magic, even for me. Sorry but I have to bring us down.” Phaestus landed back on the ground and put her down.
“How long were you flying?” She asked.
“Hmm, around thirty minutes. If I remember right, you capacity was about a quarter of mine right?”
“So that gives me about seven minutes. Mmm! I can live with that.” She said balling up her fist excitedly.
“Big sister, big brother!” Ruby came over to check on them. They assured her that they were fine and continued to watch the ravine fill together.
“Well that wraps this day up brother.” Rorroco said.
Two hours had passed and the ravine was completely filled.
“The water is so clean!” Ruby was by the edge of the water, looking in and watching the fish.
“Hey brother. You’re married right?” Rorroco asked.
“Yes, to Dite here.”
“Hmm, ever think of getting a second wife?”
“Cough, hack!” He coughed up the water he was drinking and looked up at her in confusion.
“Um, what are you talking about Rorroco?”
“Well, a powerful man such as yourself should have at least two wives, maybe three.”
“Sorry Rorroco, but I don’t have an interest having more wives, just Dite.”
“Hmm, well, if you change your mind, I am single, and still a virgin.” She said with a wide grin, causing him to blush and tense up a bit.
“Is everything okay Phaestus?” Dite asked.
“Hmm, how to say this, she kind of proposed and I declined.”
Dite stepped up and began complaining to Rorroco who spoke back in long drawn out words.
“Big brother, why is big sister upset?” Ruby asked.
“Um, well, Rorroco seems interested in being my wife along with Dite.”
“Hmm!? I’m going to get another big sister! Wait, she’s a giant, so a bigger sister!”
Phaestus could not help but laugh and more clearly explain to Ruby. After nearly an hour of the two ladies going back and forth, they all returned back to the city.
The following morning, Phaestus was touring the town with Douglas, Dite, and Ruby.
“Um, Lady Dite, did something happen? You are not normally this clin-, I mean, affectionate.” Douglas commented on how Dite was hanging onto Phaestus’ arm.
“Nothing to worry about Douglas, she is being jeal-, I mean protective of me.” Phaestus smiled.
“Oh! Lord Hephaestus! Good to see you!” Rorroco appeared from around a building.
“Um, Dite, you’re hurting my arm. Hey Rorroco, how are things progressing?”
“Good, good. We made some progress into the town proper. My people are working with a civic team dwarf who knows a bit of mountain giant. I think they would be good without me around.”
“Hmm? Heading home so soon? How unfortunate.” Dite said flatly, holding onto his arm more tightly.
“She won’t understand my words, but I am thinking of traveling a bit.” She replied.
“That sounds good. Just be careful. Stay away from Dawn and Goun please.” He replied cheerfully.
“Worried about me? I appreciate that brother. See you later.” She said with a smile and walked off.
They took a couple of steps before Phaestus stopped.
“Dite, you understood her words?”
“Hmm? Well, just a little. I have been listening to you speak it so much I can recognize a few words.”
“And the real reason?”
“Guh, I think that’s the first time you ever read me so well. Fine, Fizzy’s husband knows quite a bit of the giant language and has been teaching me some.” She said pouting. He just smiled and they continued their tour.
“Looks like the bath house is getting built.” Phaestus looked happily at the stone building that was halfway done.
Fizzy came walking out of the building. “Oh, Phaestus, good ta see you. Here to see our progress?”
“Please.” He said with a smile.
Fizzy led them to a backroom. “Here it is Phaestus. The water boiler you proposed. It took us quite a bit of time to work it out, but we finally got it made. Your idea of using runes to act as the magic and using a core to keep it supplied with magic was great. With this, we can have hot water here at all times, well, so long as we recharge the stone. That might be a problem though.”
“Why not have a voluntary magic donation?” He offered.
She asked what he meant. “Well, keep two stones. Have a sign up front requesting that if a person has magic to spare to recharge it a bit. Add in a discount for bathhouse usage for people who donate. Keep it so that it is a flat discount no matter how much they donate. I am sure that people will enjoy feeling clean and will want to make sure that there is always hot water.”
“Oh! That is a good idea Phaestus. We will be sure to add that into the plans.” Douglas chimed in.
“That truly fixes the problem, thank ye Phaestus.”
“You’re welcome.” The two smiled at each other.
He gave some additional advice for simple, cheap runes to help maintain cleanliness and temperature before they left.
“Grand Master Hephaestus! It is a pleasure to see-.” Wanda got drop kicked by Al before she could jump Phaestus like last time.
“That hurt Al! That was so mean!”
“Must we repeat this each time you see him Miss Wanda?” Al had his usual flat expression.
“Thank you Al. I will upgrade your souvenir to one that royals get.” Phaestus said, causing Al’s tail and ears to flip very happily.
“What brings you here today my lord?” Al asked.
“I wanted to check on the how things were going with the [Stone Mason] grimoires.”
“One moment sir.” Al went into the back and returned with three grimoires. “As you can see my lord, we have been able to replicate them. We also have ten scrolls for single uses. For the usage of the spell, we plan to charge two gold coins for it.”
“Sounds good, you are better at determining the pricing than I am, thank you Al.”
His ears and tail flipped happily.
“I came up with a couple others. [Carpenter] and [Cement]. I figured these spells would be useful for construction. I would appreciate it if you could get four of each of these spells made into grimoires and handed over to Douglas, he will get it out to the necessary people. Douglas will pay you for them on delivery.”
“Understood. But it may be sometime before they are done.” Al’s ears and tail lowered sadly.
“No issue.” He cast his [Spell Knowledge Transfer] twice on Wanda and once on Al.
“Oh, a new spell called [Full Rest]?” His ears and tail stood up straight.
“The spell can be cast on yourself or another. In exchange for a bit of magic, you can give your body and mind a full night’s rest. Just don’t do it more than two full days, it will be unhealthy for the person.” Phaestus explained.
“Understood my lord. I will have them done within the next couple of days.” Al bowed, but Wanda got upset?
“Demon! Monster! Please let me bear your children!” She cried, getting a cold look from Dite and a bop on the head from Al.
She squirmed happily on the ground. Unable to take the sight, they said their goodbyes to Al and headed out.
“Oh, brother, what brings you here?” Rorroco was resting her feet in the new section of waterway in the city.
“Are you doing this on purpose Rorroco? Dite… that hurts, ease up or I won’t let you hold onto my arm for the rest of the day.” Phaestus asked the giant while chastising Dite.
“Maybe it’s fate?” Rorroco said playfully.
Phaestus sighed. “So, just relaxing?”
“Nope, my brethren said I was getting in the way and kicked me out. So now I really have nothing to do.” Rorroco laughed.
“So you will be traveling soon?” He asked.
“Probably.” She replied.
“Well, good luck to you then.”
“Thanks! I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said with a smile.
Is she seeing us off before she leaves? We were planning on heading out tomorrow ourselves. Um, Dite, why do you have such a worried look on your face?
They headed back to the estate for a good rest and to spend time with the people of their house before heading out the next morning.
“Morning, I’m coming with you.” Rorroco stood before them with a bright smile on her face and a backpack on her back.
“It came to pass…” Dite lamented.
“What do you mean you are coming with us? I’m sorry Rorroco, but you won’t fit in my Chariot, not to not to mention we will likely be heading overseas to Obai.”
“What’s going on big brother?” Phaestus explained the situation to Ruby.
“Then, can’t you make a spell to make her smaller?”
That’s pretty genius. Pfft, Micah! What is with that face?! Proud? Devastated? Happy? Depressed? I never knew such a conflicted face could exist.
“Oh, little Ruby had a good idea. I heard about you being able to do that. Please do, then there won’t be any issue!” Rorroco said.
“I could just leave you behind.”
“I am confident in my running, I am sure I could keep up. Not to mention I can run for three days straight, while you have to rest.” She had a smug grin on her face.
“To be honest Master Phaestus, it might be more trouble to have her sprinting after you than anything. But you could use your authority to make her stay, but if she disobeyed that would basically make her a criminal.” Douglas said.
Phaestus scratched his head in frustration. “Gaaaah, fine, FINE! But if you cause me any trouble I am taking you to your sister in Dunlap.”
“Yay!” She struck a happy pose.
“Are we really taking her?” Dite asked sadly.
Phaestus pretended he didn’t hear her question since she really wasn’t asking him directly.
“Hmm, let’s see. Change my size and my things to my will [Resize].” His magic was consumed and he grew up to thirteen feet.
“Oh ho! At this size we could easily bear children!” Rorroco said hugging onto him.
He tried to break free, but cast the [Resize] spell once more making him as small as a doll. Rorroco seemed disappointed as he landed on the ground, which Ruby picked him up and held him.
“So cute! Big brother is cute now!”
“Uh, Ruby, could you put me down please.”
There is no arguing with that. At least she is holding me carefully.
He shared the spell with Rorroco, who cast it immediately, shrinking down to five-foot-nine.
“Whoa, this feels weird seeing things like this.” Rorroco said, wobbling a bit.
“Word of warning though Rorroco. I found that when I got bigger, my strength did not increase, it remained the same. So you might still have your normal strength as if you were still a giant.”
“Truly?” She walked over to wagon and easily picked it up. Ruby clapped excitedly while Dite looked like she had a headache.
“A-anyway, Douglas, if there is a problem be sure to contact me through the emergency crystal. I will return as soon as possible.”
“Thank you Master Phaestus, I will handle what I can and call if I absolutely need you.”
Phaestus summoned his Chariot and they all climbed in. Dite and Rorroco got in a bit of an argument of who would sit up front with Phaestus but Ruby made the decision for them by taking the seat herself. Shortly after, they were on their way south to the kingdom of Merluka, capital city of merfolk.
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A working title, formally 'A Forgotten Grimoire'. Ash, an orphan by age 8 and on the run by age 14.After fleeing from his vicious uncle and supposed caretaker, Lord Hendrik, he leaves behind the only place he had ever called home, a place now warped by misery and torture. A boon granted, by fate or pure chance, the boy stumbles upon something ancient and long forgotten. The boy must learn, grow and become more than he ever thought he could be.He must do more than simply surive if he wishes to make his own way in the world.****************Synopsis will likely end up being changed.Disclaimer, I'm a terrible 'writer', my grammar is poor to non-existant and my vocabulary is almost in the negative. I just wanted to tell a story that was floating around my head. Comment all you like, call me names and mock my scribblings, I'll surely weep myself to sleep over them.
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8 59 - In Serial23 Chapters
A Curious Case of Mobs Extra
A depiction of a life of a guy name Mobs Extra in a mishmash western eastern fantasy world with a slightly RPG like system.A story of transmigrated ordinary office guy into an ordinary young boy with average cultivation talent in a mid-size sect. With a passion of reading cheap online free novels, Mobs steer the ups and downs of the cultivation life in the sect without forgetting to avoid the plot armor of those guys called "Main Characters".A story of a world thousands of times bigger than our earth. A world of unknown and unexplored. A world of wonders and marvels. A world of cultivations, magics, and magical beast. A world of might and strength, a world of plot armor and the death of extra characters as a stepping stone for them to grow and for plot progress.P/S: I'm not an English speaker and grammar is not my main strength. Do comment on my mistake and I will edit it as soon as possible. The chapters are never been read by editors, only me reading it 6 to 7 times to find mistakes and awkward sentences. So the mistake will be plenty. Comment for mistakes and criticism are encouraged. P/S 2: No promise on update!!!
8 236 - In Serial53 Chapters
*Notice* This version of this novel will be removed some time in August. It will be re-upload with a revised version. *End Notice* Six have passed years since Mientheoderic'Cyan arrived at the Dias Brotherhood. Duty wise, he is now apothecary, healer, and combat chanter. Personally, he is timber bonded and sweetheart to the Brotherhoods only priestess, Kiao. He's been able to maintain his friendship with Soletus'Sheldmartin, the Arch Monk's grandson. However, trouble still has the ability to find him. On the eve of completing his first mission official mission, he starts learning his edict phrase, a chanter's most powerful. And then the real trial begins. Kiao'Meadowlark knows something is wrong with her bond partner. She felt his anguish from a long distance, something she hadn't felt before. And her suspicions are confirmed when First Warden Kellas'Rook comes back with half his band. Her friends and Mien aren't with him. He claims insurrection, First Warden Oeric'Sheldmartin believes he is lying and wants to find his son. She soon finds herself teaming up with a man she doesn't care for. However, he is the only person to help her get what she wants and as well as uncover the truth of what really happened with Kellas's band. Updates every Thursday However, After I get done posting pt3. I’m going to take a short week break for extra prep time for pt 4, and pt 5. There will be a two week break between pt 4 and pt 5. This novel is a sequel to Hy'Ruh-Ha Can also be found at https://brotherhoodarchive.com/ It's is also on Web Fiction Guide http://webfictionguide.com/listings/edict/ You can also find art for this story and my artwork in general at https://www.instagram.com/lady_j_ander/ You can also vote for it on top web fiction http://topwebfiction.com/vote.php?for=edict
8 196 - In Serial20 Chapters
Morning ℂoffee ♨
"His eyes are like the dark abyss of space, when he meet her suddenly his dark space was fill with light."Sebastian and Naomi are two completely different people. Sebastian a wealthy, well known, giant of a man. He is the sole owner of his company, rated the sexist bachelor in the whole world. But, he is also cold, ruthless, and unforgiving. Naomi a shy but sassy, full figured black woman. At first glance she is a normal middle class every day person, but that is far from true. This black haired beauty holds a secret that she keeps close to her. Can these two very different people, form very different class ever over come what is going to be thrown at them? Or will they both fall in a hail of bullets?Cover By: kreachermuch (Awesome much!)#424 In Romance#4 in interracial Romance
8 197 - In Serial108 Chapters
Your Majesty Is Annoying
It was already her eighth suicide attempt.Empress Medea did not die again this time, but this time it was a little strange."Memory loss?"Emperor Lyle was amused with Medea's words."You've been tormenting me terribly this whole time, and now you've lost your memory?"Even if I had postponed it, the appointed night of union came back every two weeks. It was useless.I didn't even want to give it to you.But if there was anything Lyle overlooked, it was that there really was another kernel in the shell.Namely, Oh Soo-yeon, an ordinary Korean office worker.Absurdly, she died from drinking too much and entered the novel.Medea was an extra dying in the very beginning.So what happened to the heroine Seira?Originally, she should have gotten together with Lyle.The couple's night came amidst confusion.For some reason, the mysterious fragrance of Medea stimulated Lyle's heart."Your lips can't be this sweet..."As of that day, His Majesty's annoying obsession began.Was it really okay like this?[Offline purposes only/Story not mine)[Novelupdates] ⬆️⬆️⬆️[Somethings might have change. No major changes so don't worry. Don't want it then go to the website above, after all, this is just an offline reading purposes only]
8 197