《Gods of Tartarus: Haven Forge》Chapter 20: A New Curse
“Damn guards! How the hell did they find us out!?” One of the slavers was on the coachmen’s seat, whipping the horses to keep running.
A woman was next to him. “It was that fat idiot! He decided tried to rape some woman and got caught, and they interrogated him. Damn idiot couldn’t keep in his pants until we got home. If he was that desperate I would have shut him up myself!”
She then heard something in the distance behind them. “What the hell is that sound, give me the reins and see what it is!” She ordered.
The man handed them over and climbed up to look over the side of their enclosed carriage.
“It’s, a silver carriage? It is moving really fast.” The man reported.
“A fast moving silver carri-, SHIT! That must be that new Duke of Dunlap we heard about! We better hope that we are not his purpose.”
“We are his purpose! I see Meerka guards inside it!”
“Shit!” She pulled back on the reins to bring the horses to a stop.
“What are you doing boss?! They’re going to catch us!”
“We can’t outrun that thing, prepare for battle you lot!”
“Milord! They are stopping!” Phaestus brought his Chariot to a stop.
“Create a shield to protect my ward [Aegis].” Phaestus casted a protection spell on them all to defend against projectiles.
Phaestus summoned a long sword and a tower shield for himself and gave Dite her blade that was a two handed, mithril bastard sword and a small buckler that strapped to her arm. They came within speaking distance of the slavers.
The guard captain was the one to speak to them. “Slavers from Goun. We know that you have illegal slaves within your cart. If you give up without a fight, we will guarantee your lives.”
“Hah! Lives of hard labor in some mines. No thanks. How about this? You let us go and we don’t kill them.” The slaver woman motioned toward their carriage.
“Phaestus.” Dite whispered to him.
“Yeah. I will take care of it.” Phaestus planted his shield in the ground.
“Guards, keep your eyes forward on them.” He whispered.
“Hey, that masked one just hid behind his shield.” One of the slavers said to the slaver woman.
“Don’t worry, them goody-two-shoes won’t try anything crazy. See, he’s back.”
“What’s he saying to the guards?”
The guard called out again, “You just lost your insurance, give up now or die.”
“What he say?” One of the slaver men asked.
The slaver woman’s eyes widened, “Check the merchandise!”
One of her men went a looked inside it. “Gone…”
“Damn! That masked shit did something!”
“This is your last chance. Surrender or die!” The guard captain called out.
“They are going to run. I will show them the folly of that.” Dite crouched, disappeared and reappeared in front of the slavers.
“Wha-?” One of them said before his weapon was sliced into pieces.
She danced around them destroying their weapons one after another.
“Bitch!” One of them tried to grab her but was met with a metal fist to his face from Phaestus.
Within the span of a few seconds, all the slavers were disarmed and on the ground.
“Damn it! What’d you do to our merchandise!?” The slaver woman cried, getting Dite’s boot to her face.
“That was not merchandise, those were people.” Dite said coldly, a deadly glint in her eyes, causing the slaver to freeze up.
The guards came over, shocked over how quickly the two of them moved.
“Milord, I have never seen anyone move that fast. You truly live up to your legend!”
The guards began arresting the now docile slavers, loaded them up into their own enclosed carriage, locking them in.
“Thank you again milord. We will transport these criminals back to Meerka to get their just punishment. But I have to ask, where are the slaves?”
Phaestus smiled and opened the back of his Chariot, where three individuals sat. All three were young girls, one was an elven girl, the second was human girl, and the last one was a rabbit beast-kin. Her bloodshot eyes had no light in them, even after being rescued. She barely registered being rescued.
“Thank you milord. Let’s head back to Meerka.”
After a few hours, they finally arrived at the eastern gate. The guards took the slavers off to be turned into criminal slaves and planned on sending the illegal slaves to the inquisitor’s office to investigate their origins and try to get them back home. Phaestus and Dite went with them to see an acquaintance of theirs, Lady Vannil.
They removed their disguises secretly and entered the Inquisitor Office as themselves.
“Eric! It has been so long!” One of the soldiers approached him and gave him a happy handshake.
“Hey Gil! It has been a while. How have you been?”
“Good! By the way? Who is the lovely lady with you? Your girlfriend?” Gil asked teasingly.
“She is my wife, as well as Micah.”
“Whoa serious-…”
The whole room fell into silence as all the soldiers realized what he said.
“SERIOUSLY!?” Their shout shook the building.
“A-are you r-really Micah?” Gil asked in shock.
“I am, Gilly the Filly.” She said with a mischievous smile.
“THAT SMILE! IT IS MICAH!” They cheered, finally having the answer to the great mystery, some even cried tears.
“Amazing Eric, we honestly kind of felt that if anyone was going to figure out, it would be you.” Eric laughed at Gil’s statement.
“Oh right. Hey! Someone go get the pool, we finally have a winner!”
One of the soldiers brought out a small bag of coins. Eric opened it, seeing it was filled with nothing but gold coins.
“That is a lot of coin.” Micah commented.
“We’ll buy something nice later. Here Gil.” He handed him a single gold coin.
“Buy some good food and drink for the soldiers here.”
They all cheered out as Lady Vannil walked up to Micah, taking her hands and smiling warmly.
“You finally found your happiness my dear. I am truly happy for you.”
“Thank you Lady Vannil.” Micah stepped forward and hugged her.
A guardsmen walked in along with three girls. “Is Madam Inquisitor here?”
Lady Vannil pulled away from Micah, wiping a tear from her eye. “Yes, I am right here. What is it guardsmen? Hmm? Illegal slaves?”
“Correct Madam. The slavers have already been captured and are being dealt with. All that is left is helping these three.”
“Very well, do you have the usual form?”
The guard pulled out a two documents. They both signed them and each took a copy.
“Thank you guardsmen, and please give my thanks to your commander for your excellent actions.”
“Actually Madam, the ones who saved them were Duke and Duchess Hephaestus of Lenmos.”
“Truly? I have heard many good things of those two. Thank you, I hope I may have the chance to meet them myself.” She said, none the wiser that the two were standing behind her.
The guard saluted and left the building.
“Now then, are you three hungry?” Lady Vannil asked the three girls with a kind smile.
A couple of them nodded while the rabbit girl barely moved.
“Then come this way. Gil, have the cook send food for six up to my office.”
“Right away madam!” Lady Vannil directed the three girls, Eric, and Micah upstairs.
Within a few minutes, food was wheeled into the room and it was placed before them.
“One moment.” Lady Vannil took small spoonful’s of their soup and small bites of their bread. “There, now you know it is not poisoned or drugged. Eat up.”
Oh, that is why her plate has little less than the rest of us. Eric thought.
“Now then, Eric, which form do you like more?” She asked with a teasing smile.
“Her real form is best. She can be so adorable when she gets excited about something.” Eric replied proudly.
Micah got a bit embarrassed a punched him on his shoulder.
“See?” Eric commented causing Lady Vannil to laugh.
“I know, I remember how she was when I was a young girl. She made some of the most adorable faces when I dressed her up in fancy dresses. She was so innocent back then.”
They shared a laugh at Micah’s expense.
Oops, I know that look, I am sleeping alone tonight…
Lady Vannil noticed the changes in their look and laughed when she realized that Eric messed up.
“U-Um, Madam Inquisitor ma’am.” The elven girl spoke up.
“Yes little one? What is it?”
“U-um, is what the guard said true? You can get us back home? You can get these off us?”
“Yes young lady. We should be able to get them off. Micah, can you take a look please?”
Micah nodded and went to each girl, looking closely at each collar.
“These are higher grade ones, but they can be removed. Sadly it may take weeks to properly break them without risk.”
Two of the girls teared up.
Hmm, I wonder.
“Micah, if I was to use my special storage ability, do you think I could remove them without issue?” Eric asked.
“Hmm? What a blind spot! Yes! That would work perfectly! Please, hurry!” She lightly pushed one of the girls in front of him.
The girl was a bit nervous.
“Don’t worry, all you should feel is the collar disappearing.” Eric reached out and touched the collar, only for it to disappear.
“What?” The girl felt her neck. “It’s gone. It’s gone!” She said excitedly.
She lunged forward hugging him, thanking him and crying tears of joy. The human girl came up anxiously. Eric smiled and removed the collar like he did with the previous. The rabbit girl slowly approached with Micah’s ushering. He reached up and removed the collar as well. She slowly reached up and felt around her neck.
“Gone.” A small glimmer of light returned to her eyes, “Ma, Mama! UWAAAH!” She cried out, collapsing.
Eric brought out the three collars and looked them over.
“Micah, this collar is different.” Micah kneeled down and hugged the crying girl.
“What do you mean?” Lady Vannil asked.
In an instant, Eric’s face contorted into rage and quickly relaxed as not to scare the girls.
“Take a look at this.” He showed Lady Vannil the inside of the collar that had a familiar symbol on it.
“It can’t be.” She said in fear.
“What is it Eric?” Micah asked.
“They found a way to use the Mark of Domination on the people of this world.” He showed her the inside of the collar that had the same symbol as the one on the foreheads of the Heroes.
“They have created a Collar of Domination.” Eric summarily named.
“This is dangerous Eric. If things like this are being made, things will get bad quickly.” Lady Vannil said.
Micah re-entered the room after she finished calming the girls and putting them to bed. They were too emotional to answer questions, to they would try again in the later.
“I understand that these things will be dangerous, but you make them sound like this will turn the world on its’ head.” Micah commented.
“Nothing like that. But evil people will take advantage of such things. This will lead to a hidden epidemic of the people being forcibly enslaved, having their wills stolen from them. Even illegal slaves can run away from their masters if they have the will and capability to do so. This evil thing removes that completely. I can only think of one place that would make something like this.” Lady Vannil said.
“The Church of Light.” Eric stated.
They knew that Dawn, the seat of power of the church, had a close relation with the slaver nation of Goun, but it seemed to them that they had taken their relationship to the next level.
“I will take this and notify the King. We will also need to notify our allies as well to keep a sharp eye out for these.” Lady Vannil said.
“We can take care of that Lady Vannil.” Micah said.
She looked at them questioningly.
“Eric. Let’s surprise her.” She said with a sly smile.
Eric laughed and shifted their clothes to their robes and donned their masks.
“What is this?” She asked in surprise.
“Greetings Lady Vannil, allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Duke Hephaestus, Lord of Fire, Apex Slayer, brethren of giants, and sworn enemy of the Church of Light.” Phaestus bowed.
“And I am Lady Aphrodite, Duke Hephaestus’ companion and beloved wife.” Dite smiled.
“I, huuuuh, color me surprised.” Lady Vannil shook her head while smiling.
“So you were the one who dealt such a heavy blow to the church? You made them good and angry.”
Eric removed his mask and pulled back his hood. “I am thinking that these collars are their way of recouping some of their lost coin since people no longer need the Heroes to deal with large monsters. Not to mention the fact that the rumor of them being a part of leading monsters to attack has hurt the faith people have in them.”
“That it did Eric. People have been going to church less and less here. Their donations have dropped and the Heroes have become more of a spectacle now.” Lady Vannil commented.
“We have actually been successful in saving a few Heroes. We are working on a method to break the mark, but right now it is a slow process.” He explained.
“Anything is better than nothing. You going to take the messages using your Chariot?” She smiled.
“No, I will just teleport to Alta and Dunlap. Though I will have to travel to Merluka and via my Chariot.”
“I see, you can only teleport to locations you have been huh?” Lady Vannil observed.
“Then, could you do this old woman a favor?”
“I have been wanting to try out one of those hot springs in Dunlap? I heard they are great on old bones like mine.”
“He has a private one. Eric, could we head in please?” Micah requested.
Eric smiled and with a snap of his fingers, they moved into the Haven.
“Whoa, ho, ho! This is heaven! Ahhhh, I feel like I just got twenty years younger!” Lady Vannil happily cried.
“I know right! I always feel great after relaxing in this. It also makes your skin and hair silky and soft.” Micah commented.
“Heheheh, my husband is going to be a happy man when I get home tonight.” Lady Vannil had the face of a carnivore.
“Take is easy on the guy okay? He is just as frail as you isn’t he?” Eric requested.
Micah laughed and responded, “That’s right, you never met him. Her husband not only does not look his age, he can outdo most people a third his age. He is actually quite strong.”
“Really? What does he do?”
“He doesn’t have an official position, but he trains all knights of the kingdom. What was his nickname again?”
“The Bronze Bull, Demon Trainer, Breaker of Wills. The only one I like is the Bronze Bull one, for reasons I won’t say.” Lady Vannil said with a dirty smile on her face.
Sheesh, you are practically advertising your reason for liking that one you dirty minded old woman.
“What was that?” Lady Vannil asked, hearing the voice like an echo through water.
Eric closed his eyes and focused his attention outside the Haven.
“Looks like the girls woke up.”
They got out of the water, he changed their clothes, and shifted them back.
Lady Vannil had the three girls sitting at the table again. The rabbit girl seemed to be very clingy with Micah and Eric.
“Well then, I have a few simple questions for you three. Where is your home?”
The elven girl said she had just moved with her family to the town of Lenmos with her family. “The slavers grabbed me when I when I left the town to watch the giant’s work. My family must be really worried.”
The human girl spoke next, saying that she was from a farming family in Meerka. “My family lives just outside the northern walls.”
“Not to worry you two, we will get you both home. I heard that Duke Hephaestus is here in town and that he has the magic to teleport, if I can get in contact with him, I will see to it that you are taken home immediately.” Lady Vannil spoke.
“T-The Duke! I might get to meet him! I heard that the he and Lady Aphrodite are so beautiful that they need to wear masks to keep people from fainting! Do you know if that is true Madam Inquisitor?!” The elven girl asked excitedly.
“Pfft.” Lady Vannil had to stifle her laughter.
“Sorry, I have only met him briefly earlier, so I will send my friend Eric here to get him. Could you please?”
Clever, and wipe that smile off your face.
Eric stood up to leave but the rabbit girl held his sleeve.
“Are you leaving?” She looked up at him with tears in her ruby red eyes.
Just like Micah’s eyes.
“Don’t worry, I am sure we will see each other again.”
She nodded and clung onto Micah tightly.
Micah seems to be enjoying that, maybe she has strong maternal instincts…
Eric left the room and headed out of the building, letting Gil know he was contacting a noble for Lady Vannil and then doing a few other errands. Eric moved out of sight and shifted into his Haven.
Thirty minutes later, Phaestus arrived at the Inquisitors Office.
“Excuse me sir, can I help you?” A soldier by the entrance asked.
“I was requested here by Duchess Vannil to assist with some illegal slaves. I was told that one was one of my people.” He showed his marker of his rank and house.
“Understood sir! Please, this way.” The soldier led him into the building.
“Whoa, so that is the Apex Slayer…” The solders commented as Phaestus walked by and was lead upstairs.
The soldier knocked on the door, “Madam Inquisitor, Duke Hephaestus has come at your request.”
“Let him in please.” She said through the door.
The soldier opened the door and moved out of the way. Phaestus entered the room.
“Your back!” The rabbit girl ran up and hugged him.
“U-um, yes. I see you remember me from earlier when I rescued you.”
“Hmm?” She looked at him confused.
“Duke Hephaestus, this girl here is from your town of Lenmos. I heard that you can teleport. Could you return this girl home please?”
“A simple task.”
Micah managed to pull the rabbit girl off him.
“That man is a noble, it’s okay that you like him, but don’t be too familiar okay?” Micah said, confusing her more.
The rabbit girl whispered something to Micah that caused her to get a panicked look on her face and whisper something back to her.
Phaestus cleared his throat. “Anyway, what is your name young lady?”
“Lanuf… Um, Lanu milord.” She stumbled over her words with how nervous she was.
Phaestus smiled warmly at the girl. “Okay, come stand next to me and I will take you back to Lenmos.”
“T-Thank chu…” She bit her tongue and turned a bright shade of red with embarrassment.
“Now then, Shift us from our place to where we desire to go. Instant and fast, bring us to our final destination. [Mass Teleport].” In a flash of light, the two disappeared.
“AH!” Douglas fell over out of the chair he was in.
“Oh, sorry Douglas.” Phaestus helped him up.
“Gahah, welcome back Master Phaestus. What brings you back so soon?”
“This one here.” He pointed out the little elven girl Lanu.
“Hmm? An elven girl? She a little too old to be your daughter, w-wait! Is this the missing child?!” Douglas cried.
“You know about that?”
“Of course! I rallied half the guard, adventurers, hunters, and giants all searching for her! Where did you find her?”
“Slavers from Goun grabbed her. They made it a short distance out of Meerka before Aphrodite and I caught up with them with some of the Meerka guards. The slavers are getting their just desserts. I was called to bring this one back home.”
“Understood, I will call for her parents right away!” Douglas ran out of the room and their butler, Allen entered.
“Welcome back Master Hephaestus. I just had some snack prepared, please enjoy them down in the reception room.”
“Thank you Allen. Let’s go Lanu.” He said with a smile.
Ten minutes later, an elven couple came running into the room “LANU!”
“MAMA! PAPA!” Lanu ran to them and the three of them embraced each other.
“I’m so glad you are safe.”
“Lanu, I’m sorry, I should have kept a better eye on you.”
All three of them were crying.
It took five minutes before they calmed down enough to speak.
“Milord, Duke Hephaestus, we cannot ever thank you enough for what you have done for us.” The father got down on the floor and bowed before him.
The mother could not since Lanu was sitting on her lap.
“It is nothing to worry about. I was lucky to be there at just the right time.”
“Either way, this is a life debt we will fulfill someday.”
“U-um, mama’s cooking is really good! I can clean really good too! Papa knows plants and gardening!”
“Lanu! I am sorry milord.” The mother said.
“Hmm, that might not be too bad of an idea Master Phaestus. We could use some more help around the estate. Our cook Miu has been asking for help, and our gardener Fen has been looking a bit overworked at his age. Also, we can always use another maid.” Douglas cut in.
Phaestus thought for a moment, “I have no issue with it. That is if you have not already found gainful employment here in Lenmos.”
“T-truly milord? Milly?” The father turned asking his wife for her thoughts.
“Mmm! This is an opportunity of a lifetime Harold! We would happily accept milord!”
“Very well, but before we finalize things.” He casted the [Truth Seeker] spell. “Answer this question first. Are any of you an ally or agent, knowingly or unknowingly, of The Church of Light?”
The husband and wife glanced at each and firmly answered in unison. “Absolutely not.”
“Thank you.” He smiled at them.
“Next is a warning before you accept. This is something I have not publically announced, but have told my trusted allies and those of my household. I am an enemy of The Church of Light. My continued efforts will likely continue to antagonize the church, eventually bringing their ire. It may get dangerous, but I am taking precautions to prevent any tragedy from occurring. If you are scared in the least bit, I would recommend you find a different place of employment, I will even help to-.”
“No need milord.” The couple answered in unison.
Wow these two are in sync.
“Milord, you saved our beloved daughter. As we said, we owe you a life debt, and we elves take that seriously. You must not know this, but an elven child is truly precious. A general rule for children is that the longer your life, the harder it is for a child to be born. My wife and I are over two-hundred years old, and Lanu is our only child. No matter the danger, we will fulfill this debt.” Determination burned in both sets of eyes.
Phaestus smiled in defeat, “Very well. Welcome to House Hephaestus.”
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