《Gods of Tartarus: Haven Forge》Chapter 12: The Path to Dunlap
The following morning, most people were having difficulty moving about while suffering from hangovers or lack of sleep. Phaestus and his group were gathered at his Chariot that he had summoned for their return to Alta to report their success.
“We cannot thank you enough Lord Hephaestus. Truly, thank you.” The village chief kept bowing before the man.
“It is fine.” It was then that a question came to his mind. “Village chief, did you or any of your people notice anything strange before the arrival of the basilisk?” Phaestus asked.
“Hmm. Yes. I believe some children said they thought they saw someone enter the forest a day before it arrived. They did not get a good enough look to make out any details though.”
The village chief’s report only reinforced Phaestus’ thoughts on the rumors of the church having an ability to bait monsters.
“Thank you. Here, take these two gold coins. Consider it my gift to help you rebuild.”
The village chief at first tried to turn it down, but at Phaestus’ incessant urging, he eventually accepted. After giving Michael’s party a bit of divine water to cure their hangovers, they all climbed into the Chariot, and were roaring down the road back to Alta.
Half-way through their trip back to Alta, Phaestus slowed his Chariot down when they spotted something ahead of them. Up ahead was a group of people on horseback, spread out so that they could block the road.
“What is it Master Hephaestus?” Michael asked.
“Soldiers it seems. That is the banner of Alta.” Dite replied.
Phaestus had a sinking feeling at the sight, Dite noticed. “Are you thinking what I am?”
“Yeah. This does not seem normal. Either something happened back in Alta and they were in a hurry to contact us, or this is what we are sure it is.” Phaestus replied.
“I know you could charge through with the Chariot, but let’s spring the trap shall we?” Dite said with a confident smile. Smiling himself while shaking his head, he brought them before the group.
“Is there a problem officer?” Phaestus mockingly asked the one who looked to be in charge of the group.
“Are you Hephaestus?” The man asked.
“Hephaestus? What an odd name. I have no idea what you are talking about good sir.” The man was beginning to become annoyed with Phaestus’ tone.
“Yeah, you’re him. You are under arrest, turn over your weapons and carriage.” The man replied.
Phaestus turned and told Michael and his group to stay inside while he and Dite stepped out.
“Might I know the charges?”
“Against who?”
“The city of-!”
“Dawn.” Phaestus cut off the man’s words with a smug smile on his face.
Several of the nine men tensed up and looked about nervously.
“I don’t know what you mean. We serve-.”
“The church of light.” Phaestus cut the man off again.
“He knows lieutenant!” One of the men cried, getting a grin from Phaestus.
The man in charge realized that his fool subordinate just gave them away.
“Dammit. Kill them al-AHHHH!” The man fell from his horse when a loud BANG occurred and a hole opened in the man’s shoulder.
Phaestus held a small but strange metal item in his hand, smoke lightly coming from a hole on its end. Before the other soldiers could react, Dite had jumped up onto the horses and danced from horse to horse, rapidly killing the other eight men before they could even draw their weapons. Phaestus whistled his awe at her efficiency. They both approached the leader.
“Now then. Who put you up to this?” Phaestus asked him.
“I ain’t tellin’. Torture me all you want, but you will get nothing from me.”
It was then that Michael, who had gotten out, approached. “Master Hephaestus. Let’s bring him back to Alta. We can turn him over to the Inquisitors for questioning.”
Phaestus nodded his agreement and Michael dragged the man back to the Chariot. Using his Haven ability, he removed the armor and clothes of the remaining men to his workshop and moved the horses to a grassy area inside. He thought about putting the bodies into the septic tank, but it didn’t feel right to do it. Using the [Dig] spell, he dug out a six foot deep grave and moved the bodies into it before filling it back up. Climbing back into the Chariot, they continued on their journey back to Alta.
The guards at the western gate of the city of Alta saw the silver carriage approach and allowed it through once they verified who they were. Phaestus dropped the adventurers off in two groups.
One group to head to their guild to inform them of their success and to take the traitor to the Alta inquisitors, the other close to Lady Vibel’s estate, along with the horses.
Then the remaining three, Phaestus, Dite, and Simon, headed straight to Rexar’s workshop.
“Master Hephaestus! Thank goodness you are here! Come quickly.” A human who worked for Rexar quickly took Phaestus, Dite, and Simon to the back.
“Master Hephaestus. I am sorry.” Rexar showed him the destroyed prototype.
“I don’t know how this happened. We tightened our security so much that even I had difficulty getting into the shop area.” Rexar was full of remorse.
“No issue Master Rexar.” Phaestus then summoned four more crossbows.
“What? You made more of them! Thank you Master Hephaestus!” Rexar was shaking Phaestus’ hand joyously.
He called over a few of his people to get started on making up the designs. Dite noticed one of them looking a bit odd, muttering to himself. She realized what he was doing and quickly took him down, breaking his arm.
Rexar was confused as to what was happening, but the answer came with Dite’s question to the man.
“What spell were you trying cast? Answer me!” She flexed the man’s arm causing him pain.
“Explode forth and decimate mine enemies in fire and flame [F-.”
Dite didn’t allow him to finish the incantation, slamming the man’s head into the ground, knocking him out.
“I cannot believe it. He was one of me most trusted…” Rexar was in disbelief.
He had some of his men take the traitor away.
“Master Rexar. Bring anyone you plan to have working on the project. I will question them myself. Permit me to see through the veil of lies, [Truth Seeker].” Phaestus’ eyes shown golden for a moment before being veiled once more by the mask, unable to be made out by anyone but Dite who watched proudly.
Rexar understood the moment he heard the name of the spell Phaestus casted and called for all his best craftsmen who would be working on the project.
After a few hours of questioning thirty-four craftsmen, three more turned out to be servants to the church and were dealt with. There were also seven who were being blackmailed by someone, their friends or families being threatened. The Alta council members moved quickly to secure the people and their families.
They were all moved to the forest giant compound and the area was greatly fortified. The giants were mostly peaceful, but were more than willing to help protect the families of those who would change the world for the better.
“We are more than happy to help Eric.” Elder Loonta said.
“Thank you again Elder Loonta. We truly appreciate it.” Eric, disguised as Phaestus, answered.
“So now, what is your next step? Is there anything more I can help with?”
“No, now that things here are secure and manufacturing has started, Dite and I will head to Dunlap to get the next stage started. To get the ballistae to your people and get the road started. For this, we plan on taking the crown prince of Meerka with us, along with the princess. We set up a meeting later today.”
“I thank you from the bottom of my roots, Friend of Giants.”
Eric looked a bit confused as a young forest giant who was only a foot taller than himself walked over and handed him a specially carved wooden medallion.
“This is a marker that will show you as a friend to our race. If you are ever in need, do not hesitate to call upon us. We are with you.” Elder Loonta stood, kneeled, and bowed before Eric.
Michelle and the guards were shocked at the sight. Dite explained in a whisper that this was an unprecedented show of respect for him. Forest giants may be peaceful, but they are prideful and would not lower their large bodies for just anyone.
“I… thank you.” Eric bowed deeply back to Elder Loonta.
Phaestus met up with the crown prince’s party.
“G-greetings Master Hephaestus. It is good to see you again.” Lucas’ was the first to welcome him, which caused his fellow attendant, Lara to try her best to hold back her laughter.
“Good to see you all are in good health. I heard that you have not met the princess yet since your arrival here, only her brother?” Phaestus asked, showing a bit of pity for Lucas’ sake, sadly it made it harder for Lara to keep quiet. She silently shook while covering her contorted face.
“Um, yes, Master Hephaestus. We are to meet her to-.”
“HELP!” A cry came from above.
The group charged into the inn where the princess was and ran to her room. Breaking the door open they found a masked man with a knife running at her. The princess looked to be a short human, around four-foot-six, she was wearing a frilly pink dress that hugged her modest curves.
“Nooo!” She cried.
Before anyone could react, the princess swung her hand to slap her assailant.
The man’s head twisted at an impossible angle.
“Ahhh!” The princess’ eyes were shut and she shoved both her hands out, causing the man to fly like he was shot from a bow, through the wall, into the room across from the one they were in.
The princess slumped to a sitting position crying.
“Um, good luck, I guess, Prince Alan.” Phaestus said, wide eyed at what he just saw.
“Uh, yeah, thanks, I might need it…” The crown prince was stunned at her strength to break the man’s neck with a slap and send him through a wall.
Dite and Lara moved over to calm the princess while the guys moved to check for anymore assailants, after they got over their shock.
“There is no one else my prince.” Lucas said.
“Where is the prince from Dunlap?” Phaestus asked.
“B-brother, he, he went to a meeting, sniff, with the council.” The princess answered.
“And what of your guards and attendants?” Dite asked.
“Guards were dead, her attendants were locked in the room across from hers.” Lucas replied.
The princess was now sitting in a nice chair with a few maids and a butler around, tending to her.
“Oh, right.” The princess stood up and gave a formal curtsey.
“I am Princess Delenia Stone Dunlap. First princess of the kingdom of Dunlap, here to have a marriage meeting with my future husband, the crown prince of Meerka. I wish to extend my sincerest thanks in your assistance.” She looked over at Prince Alan and blushed a little.
Prince Alan followed suit, bowing, “I am Prince Alan Veil Allucart, crown prince of the kingdom of Meerka, here to have a marriage meeting with my future wife, the first princess of Dunlap.”
“NIA!” A fancily dressed dwarf came charging into the room, almost bowling over Lucas.
“Nia, are you alright? You didn’t get hurt did you?” He said looking her over desperately.
He turned to the party of people. “Which one of you was it? Huh?! I will kill you if you harmed Nia!” The dwarf was furious.
“Quite the doting brother you seem to be.” Phaestus commented with a smirk.
“You wretch! I will-.” Princess Delenia put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed.
“Ouch! Um, Nia, you are hurting your big brother.” He was sweating as he saw the pleasant smile on her face, but felt the dangerous aura behind it.
“Big brother Alfa, these people saved my life. I will not allow you to disrespect or threaten them. Is that understood?” Prince Alfa became quite reserved and apologized as her command.
Phaestus thought of wishing Prince Alan good luck again, but he didn’t want to risk the princess hearing him and turning her attention to him.
After things had calmed down, they sat down Phaestus discussed his plan.
“And that is everything. Master Rexar now has his workshop secure and is working to make the weapons. We want to go to Dunlap to have them being made there as well, as soon as possible.”
Prince Alfa took everything in. “And you said that your test was a success?”
“Correct. A Greater Basilisk, easily dispatched with not a single injury, life lost, or even the use of a single antidote.”
“That is amazing. I will speak for Dunlap and say that we accept your proposal Master Hephaestus. I heard everything from the Alta council this morning, so I know you are not lying.” Prince Alfa said.
“Are you sure you should do that brother?” The princess asked.
“Yes, I am sure, I know father will accept this offer. If we leave immediately, we can get back to Dunlap quickly by ship. The mountain path is would be safer from sabotage, but it would take over a month to return. A ship would be slightly faster, but more open to sabotage or interference by the church or Goun. Bah, I wish that forest path was already made!"
“Maybe we can be of assistance then.” They all turn to the two new people who appeared in the room.
Both wore robes and masks similar to the ones Phaestus and Dite wore. Though no one else could make out their features, the two of them could. The taller one wore a red hooded robe with golden trim and a black mask like obsidian. The other wore a white robe with golden trim and a white mask like pearl.
“Who are you?!” Lucas demand, pulling out his sword.
“We are companions to Master E-, I mean Phaestus. You may call me Black, and she is White. We are masters of magic and have the ability to transport all of you to Dunlap immediately. But this will be a one-time thing, as the object we will be using will break.” Black explained with a pleasant smile.
“Truly! Then we accept!” Prince Alfa said excited.
“Very well then, prepare what you need and we will meet at Viscountess Vibel’s estate in an hour. Until then, I must confer with my companions.” Phaestus gathered his robed companions with him and vanished from sight.
“What the hell is going on?!” Eric cried, pulling off his mask and hood.
Black and White removed their masks, revealing it was the senior goddess and a worn out looking Luna.
The senior goddess smiled pleasantly, “This is a request from this world’s god. He got it approved by Elder ******. He is busy trying to keep the curse of Tartarus from getting worse, so he asked if we could help.”
Eric turned to Luna, “Um, Luna, are you okay?”
She laughed meekly, “Y-yeah, I will okay, it was my fault anyway.”
“Do you want some ice cream? I still have some.” Eric asked which perked up her mood.
“What is ice cream?” Micah asked.
Oh, this is going to be a treat.
Eric thought as they headed into the house.
“Swwwweeeeeeet! So sweeeeet!” Micah cried while wiggling adorably.
The tiredness of Luna seemed to have melted away with the ice cream she enjoyed.
“Quite a pleasant flavor. I will have to ask ****** if I could get some of this.” The senior goddess commented.
She got a little excited when Eric told her that there were many flavors other than plain vanilla. “Truly? Well then, I must reward you. Are there any flavors you desire? I will bring some back for you.”
“Wait, you can do that?”
“Only in this case. I will have to take some to Elder ***** as payment, but it should not be an issue for food items.” Senior Goddess explained, taking another happy spoonful of ice cream.
Eric made a list out of food stuffs and special seasonings he was out of and promised to make food for both her and Luna while making a portion for the elder goddess. The senior goddess thanked him and said she would see what she could do. Eric even went as far as making a beef wellington as a pre-payment for the Elder. Every time he had made it before, he failed or it was very mediocre, but with divine cooking tools, nothing burned and was always cooked to perfection. He did a side of lightly pan fried, fresh vegetables and put it aside for the elder goddess and the rest of the group enjoyed the meal with rave results.
“Very well, I will be back shortly.” The senior goddess left to see the elder goddess to get permission and see a god of Eric’s old world to get the requested items. Eric in the meantime headed back out for the meet up at Lady Vibel’s estate.
Phaestus explained the situation to Lady Vibel.
“I thank you, Eric. Your actions will change the scope of this world for the better. With the Church of Light no longer getting requests for monster hunts, they will only have donations to be able to survive. But they will not take this lying down. We have things secure here in Alta now, and Dunlap has no tolerance for their believers. I wish you the best of luck. I will be sure to write to Ash to update her on what is happening.”
“Is Ash, Lady Vannil’s name?”
“Hahahah, yes, her full name is Ashley Godheart Vannil.”
“Godheart?” He asked.
“Yes, no one ever learned the truth, but it is said that she is the child of a god. But who knows, she at least doesn’t.” Someone knocked on the door, letting them know that everyone was gathered and ready to leave.
Eric smiled and put his mask back on. Time to leave.
“Simon? What are you doing here?” Phaestus asked the gnome.
“Oh! Master Hephaestus! You will not believe this, but Prince Alfa is also researching basilisks! He heard about the egg and invited me to Dunlap as a royal researcher! Can you believe it! People here thought me mad, but the prince gets it! So I will be given a facility and team to research and study the monster. I am so excited!” Simon was practically hopping for joy.
Phaestus happily smiled for the gnome. Everyone was gathered for the trip, along with their carriages and guards.
Black, White, and Dite appeared next to Phaestus. Black leaned in and whispered something to Phaestus that seemed to make him really happy.
“Alright everyone! Gather together as we will be leaving now!” Phaestus called out.
Everyone moved a bit closer to the carriages and horses. White stepped forward and handed Princess Delenia a glowing orb.
“Now then Princess, when we give you the signal, think of the entrance to the city of Dunlap, imagine yourself standing outside of it. Do not imagine your room or inside the city, as everything here will appear there, okay?”
The princess nodded firmly. Black and White began a chant that caused a magic circle to appear below their feet, as they chanted, the circle got bigger and bigger until it encompassed the whole group.
“Shift us from our place to where we desire to go. Instant and fast, bring us to our final destination. Now princess! [Mass Teleport].” White called out.
In a blinding flash of light, they were no longer surrounded by a green lawn, walls, and mansion. But they were now before a large gate in the side of a mountain with a group of extremely bewildered gate guards.
“P-Prince Alfa? Princess Delenia?! What is going on here?!” The guard cried in a panic.
One of the others rushed through a small door to get the guard captain.
“Oh my!” The orb that was in Princess Delenia’s hands cracked and broke in half.
She dropped it in surprise and it turned to dust when it hit the ground, blowing away in the wind. The guard captain came rushing out and got an explanation from an apologetic Prince Alfa, who felt bad for causing so much chaos. Shortly after, the two royal parties got into their carriages, Phaestus and his group got into his silver chariot, and they were led inside.
The dwarven city of Dunlap was built within a dead volcano. Air shafts, with runes, made sure that fresh air was always brought in and bad air was expelled. The buildings within were mostly made of stone with little to no wood.
The populace was mostly made up of dwarves, gnomes, some humans, and many half-breeds. There were even some large people that Dite said were mountain giants. She explained that mountain giants could only be seen in mountainous areas as they preferred it. She said that they were very similar to forest giants and got along well with their fellow giant brethren.
Phaestus noticed a lot of eyes on his Chariot, many were of curiosity, others of awe, and a few of envy, but no one made a move to approach as they were currently in a royal procession to the palace. The palace itself was in the center of the city, it looked to be a large blackened fortress that was brightly lit by various light sources.
They got into the palace grounds and disembarked their carriages. There were a number of disappointed groans when Phaestus put his Chariot away.
“Master Phaestus, White and I must be off for some other duties. So will be on our way.” Phaestus thanked them.
“This a fake, to mimic teleportation. [Transport].” Black casted her spell, which only Phaestus could understand the words, and disappeared in a flash of light.
As they walked through the castle, Phaestus noticed that much of it was built quite large. Dite explained that it was built so that they could welcome giants as well.
The group entered the throne room and walked up to the end where a strong, gray bearded dwarf, and a large thirteen-foot tall woman, sat in exquisite chairs with crowns upon both of their brows.
“Prince Alfa, Princess Delenia, welcome back. You have returned far sooner than expected, was there an issue?” The king asked.
“No and yes father. We met with Prince Allucart of Meerka and the meeting went quite well. He has sent word back to his home that they will accept the proposal, and that he would return with us back to Dunlap.” Prince Alfa answered to a now surprised king.
Prince Alan stepped forward and bowed. “Greetings your majesty, I am Prince Alan Veil Allucart, Crown Prince of Meerka, here to accept your proposal and happily accept betrothal to Princess Delenia.”
“I REFUSE!” The king cried, jumping out of his chair, only to get smacked down by the queen.
“That is enough Reginald. This is for her and our own countries good.” She spoke to the flattened king in the giant tongue.
“Iii apooloogiize Priince Aaalaaan. Heee iiss tooo proooteeective.” She spoke again, directly to Prince Alan.
The queen looked a bit troubled because of the speech barrier, which Dite nudged Phaestus to give a hand.
“Your majesty, if you wish, I can help translate for you if it is too much trouble.”
The queen, ministers, and even the king looked at him in surprise.
“You speak the Mountain Tongue? And so well? Heheheh, even better than my silly husband here.” She laughed elegantly.
“What? He speaks the language better than I? But I am the king!” He complained.
“Hush dear.” She shushed him. “Please do, sir?”
“Hephaestus your majesty, but please, call me Phaestus.”
“Very well Sir Phaestus. Please translate for me then, I have little faith that my husband would do so properly.” The king began to sulk at his wife’s berating.
Phaestus translated for the queen.
“Thank you for coming here and showing us such great trust Prince Allucart. We will do everything in our power to have you feel welcome among us. We may not be family yet, but I believe that through the marriage of you and Princess Delenia, we will forge a powerful bond and alliance. We will come to your aid in your time of need as best as we can.” The queen spoke.
“I thank you your majesty, but there is another reason I have come here, it is in support to a plan by Master Hephaestus here, please, if you would Master Hephaestus.” Prince Alan passed the conversation to Phaestus who went on to explain his plan to create a path through the forest, there were some protests, saying it would be impossible, until he brought up what had happened in Gould.
“We had great success, against a Greater Basilisk, with not a single life lost when we ambushed it. With this method of attack, ambushing should have zero casualties, forewarned attack few, with only leaving being surprised by the monster itself being the worst.”
The queen, king, and their ministers and nobles were amazed at the news.
“How can we help then?” The queen asked.
“I have plans, designs, and a couple of prototype crossbows. I would like for Dunlap to do the same as Alta and create these weapons and spread the tactic across the world. This will make creating a secure path through the Great Forest of Na’Eer possible. I will not guarantee that the path will always be safe without regular patrols, but if we surround it will durable walls, we will be able to have a direct path to Meerka.”
The king and queen thought for some time. “We will have to consult our advisors. We will get back to you in the morn-.” The queen noticed the wooden medallion around Phaestus’ neck.
“S-sir Phaestus! I-is that what I think it is?!” She pointed at the medallion.
“Oh, yes, it was given to me by Elder Loonta of Alt-.”
“We will whole heartedly support your plan!” The queen jumped to her feet excitedly.
“Um, dearest, I really think we should-.”
“He bears the sacred marker of a friend of forest giants! You, please come here, now!” She beckoned Phaestus up to the podium.
He looked to the king who just nodded, resigning himself to his wife’s choice. The king told the guards to allow him to approach. Phaestus stepped up before the queen who leaned forward, putting a single finger to it.
“Reveal the name of thy holder.” The marker hummed and the marker spoke in the language of forest giants.
“The person who this belongs to, Eric, or also goes by Hephaestus, is recognized as a friend of giants by Elder Loonta. Please give him your support and welcome.” The messaged ended and the marker went silent.
“Dearest, what did it say? I don’t understand the forest giant dialect.” The king asked.
“It said that he is a friend of giants, he is someone we can trust. The magic of the medallion also matches that of this man.” The queen lightly smiled at Phaestus.
“I had no idea it had that kind of function.” Phaestus said surprised.
“We giants rarely choose to recognize someone as a friend, an equal, it is only done with someone of a truly good aura.”
“Aura?” Phaestus asked.
She explained that giants could see the flow of magic of the world and in people. People who were evil or did misdeed would corrupt their aura, turning it black and disgusting like their hearts.
“Delvirra, I think this conversation would be best in a less formal atmosphere.” The king commented.
The queen and Phaestus looked below the podium where everyone was still kneeling. The two of them apologized and moved on to a less formal meeting in a large meeting room that was just off the throne room. The only people who were in attendance were the king and queen, a couple of ministers, Phaestus, and Dite.
Phaestus explained to them what had happened in Alta, with the sabotage, and the attack on the Princess. The king flew into an uncontrolled rage and tried to charge out of the room to wage war on the Church of Light, but the queen picked him and sat him on her lap, holding him to her chest like one would to a doll. The king practically disappeared into her sizable chest with a look of pure bliss on his face.
Phaestus almost burst out laughing, seeing how the king seemed like nothing more than a plaything to her. They worked out the remaining details of weapon production and distribution.
“You should go see Ooolba. She is the elder of the forest giants to the south, through the mountains to the entrance of the forest. She is the oldest of their people, and I am sure she would love to meet you.”
“I will. If can get a few prototype ballistae made, I would like to deliver them myself. I can get there quickly and transport them safely.”
“Then I will be sure to have our people prioritize them. We will be making this a national effort.”
Phaestus thanked the queen and he was escorted to an extremely fancy room in the castle along with Dite.
“Hmm. It only has one bed. We can just head to the Haven anyway.” Eric commented, now that it was the two of them.
Just before he shifted them to the Haven, Micah tugged at his robe.
“Wait. H-how about we just stay here tonight?” Eric tried to turn but she pushed his face away.
“Sorry, I’m just, really embarrassed right now.” Eric could not see completely, but her face was practically glowing red.
“C-could you, change us into those comfy pajamas?” She asked.
With a thought, they were changed.
“N-now, let’s get some sleep.” She pushed him lightly toward the bed.
“I really don’t understand, you were fine before.”
“S-shut it, I was concerned about you more than anything. T-this is different. Now get in and close your eyes, don’t you dare open them.” Eric closed his eyes and climbed into the bed and laid on his back. He could feel that the light was turned out, then he heard some rustling and she climbed in with him.
“Seriously, do not open your eyes.”
“As you wish.”
Micah won’t get that reference, wait, I haven’t showed her movies yet! Oh, I bet I will see some adorable…I-is she… IS SHE NAKED!? I-is this, the night? Hmm? Nope, it is not the night, sigh…
Eric could hear her steady breathing like she was asleep. He cracked open one eye, only to see two ruby ones staring into it, a mischievous smile on her face.
“You peeked.” Yup, I am going to pay for that…
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8 166 - In Serial22 Chapters
Your Sweet Heart
Having had a tragic childhood, and wanting nothing more than a girlfriend, Belly swears to one day make Cassandra, the girl he loves, proud. However, that path is not going to be an easy one for someone like him. After finally awakening his magic, he manages to enroll himself into a prestigious knight academy, Arpie High. As Belly continues trying his best to make new friends and prove that he isn't worthless, he finds out about the horrible life Cassandra has been going through all alone, and the two eventually start living together. Belly is determined to not only save her, but to also save everyone from her father, The Demon King Allister.
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