《Gods of Tartarus: Haven Forge》Chapter 11: The Driving Force to Save the World
“Greetings! You must be that craftsmen the Viscountess mentioned.” A beast-kin girl with cat ears met them by the gate.
“Yuni, show more respect. Greetings sir, we were told that we would be working with you against the basilisk. I am Michael.” Michael was a burly man in plate armor and carried a large shield.
There were eight people in total on the team, one of them looked to be a fair skinned elf.
“I am Allenvale. A hunter, tracker, and adventurer.”
The rest of the group introduced themselves briefly.
“So then, Master Hephaestus. If we leave now by carriage, we should reach the place tomorrow morning.” Michael stated.
“Too slow.” Phaestus summoned his silver Chariot, Simon was amazed and made all kinds of comments about it.
“Wowie! This is that silver carriage I saw earlier!” Yuni was very excited.
“Two in the cabin with Simon. The rest, get in the back.” Phaestus opened the back while Dite opened the front.
The team climbed in excitedly.
“This is far more comfortable than anything I have ridden in.” Allenvale commented climbing into the front with Simon and Dite.
The Chariot roared to life and sped down the road, kicking up dust, and some thought they could hear panicked cries as it sped by.
Thirty minutes later, they arrived at the town of Gould.
“What the hell happened here? Is this the work of a basilisk?” Phaestus asked.
Much of the ground was blackened, cratered, or even had large cuts into it.
“No sir, a basilisk would not cause this kind of damage.” Simon replied to Phaestus’ question.
“This is the work of Heroes Master, urp, Hephaestus.” Michael was green in the face, slightly stumbling after he had just gotten out of Phaestus’ Chariot.
“I see no body, could they have taken it with them?” Dite asked.
“Not likely, there would have been something left. The Heroes would have harvested the best parts and left the rest.” Allenvale answered.
Michael recommended they ask the people of the town nearby.
The town itself had no solid walls, but the wooden fence would keep smaller monsters and pests out. But if one was too big, the fence would do little to stop it. They entered the town on foot and were met by a group of villagers with an elderly man at the front.
“Hello travelers, I am the town chief, it may be best for you to turn back, there is a Greater Basilisk in the area. Some Heroes came by, but they were unable to defeat it. We will be abandoning this town soon.” The town chief and others looked very down trodden.
“The Heroes failed?” The chief nodded to Phaestus’ question.
“Where are they?” Dite asked.
“They left hours ago. I don’t know where they went. The priest lost two of his team and abandoned one to die. He took the remaining two and left.” The chief looked angry as he spoke.
“What happened to the abandoned one?” Phaestus asked with concern.
“She is at my house. We treated her as best we could, but the poison is killing her. We are just trying to make her last hours as peaceful as possible.”
Phaestus tensed up. “Take me to her. Michael, you and your team, gather information on the basilisk, Simon, find out what you can.” Phaestus gave out his orders and he and Dite went with the town chief to see the abandoned hero.
The chief’s residence was modestly decorated for someone of his station. He led them into a back room. Phaestus froze when he saw the hero in the bed, breathing heavily. Dite turned to the chief.
“We may have a way to treat her. Please leave this to us and take care of your people.”
The chief face brightened at the prospect that the light brown haired girl might live and left the room. Dite quickly closed the door.
“It’s, her… Rachael.” Phaestus muttered.
The hero that laid in the bed was none other than the girl Eric had shook hands with back in Meerka. Her blue armor was nowhere to be seen, but her clothes were clean and her bandages looked fresh.
“Silence and prevent the unworthy from hearing [Privacy].” Eric casted a silencing spell on the location.
“LUNA! Please! I need your help!” He cried out. Shortly after, Luna appeared.
“Eric, is everything alright? I rushed here as soon as I heard!” She looked over and saw the hero that Micah was feeding her some of the divine water from the Haven that Eric pulled out. Rachael’s breathing had calmed due to the water.
“Please, Luna, is there any way you can remove the mark? Maybe heal her?” He plead.
“I’m sorry Eric, I can’t remove the mark. The divine water should help her wounds and restore her body. But I can suppress the mark’s power, returning her mind to her.” Luna replied.
Eric agreed and Luna sat down next to the girl and used her divine power. The mark on Rachael’s forehead slightly faded. At first there was no reaction, but then tears began to form in her eyes, and light of life returned to them. She slowly raised her hands and looked at them.
“I’m, back?” Her face contorted into grief and she wailed out in anguish.
Luna leaned over and hugged Rachael as she cried. Micah noticed a black fury building in the back of Eric’s eyes.
After fifteen minutes, Rachael had calmed enough to talk.
“Thank you, Eric, Luna, and um.”
“Thank you.” Rachael bowed her head to them.
“How do you know our names?” Eric asked.
“I heard you.”
They realized then, the horrible truth. That even though she had no free will, she was still conscious of what her body was doing. Eric gritted his teeth for a moment but his look softened.
“What happened during the battle?” Micah asked.
“Oh, well, it was the priest’s fault. He wanted to show off by having two of his team kill a basilisk while the rest of us stood by. He kept giving direct orders, making the battle harder than it needed to be. Ryan and Laura were the ones who died. He had me do a suicide attack to defeat it, but it merely drove it away. The basilisk was too powerful.” She explained.
“Rachael, do you know who put the Mark of Domination on you?” Luna asked.
“I don’t know. I was so disoriented, and there were a lot of people. But I think the pope has something to do with it.” She answered.
They didn’t really want to ask her anymore questions as her terrible memories were plaguing her mind.
“Um, Eric, could you promise to do something for me?” Rachael asked, but Eric had a very bad feeling.
“I cannot promise without knowing. Please tell me what it is.” He replied.
She began tearing up again, “Please, I have a brother, Brian, he was brought here too with me. Please help him too. And, please…” Her words trailed off.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that.”
She looked up at him, her dead eyes returned, “Please kill me.”
“I will not!” Eric yelled angrily, magic flaring up around his body, causing all of them to recoil from the instant change in him.
Rachael saw an uncompromising look in his eyes, a look that told her to live and not to give up.
“Luna, is there really nothing we can do? Does the divine water do anything?” Eric asked.
“Well, um, it does weaken it, but not much more.” She replied.
“Could we use it like a medicated bath or something?” He asked hopeful.
“She would have to be submerged at all times for it do anything. She would drown.” Luna said.
“What about putting her into some kind of divine stasis?” He offered.
“Hmm, I don’t know…”
“It would work.” A slender woman in an exquisite red kimono and silky black hair answered.
“******, you were watching?”
“Yes Luna, I also consulted Elder *******.”
Luna tensed up, “I’m not getting another lecture am I?” She asked worried.
“Only if you continue that line of thought.” The senior goddess said, which worried Luna all the more.
“Eric, could you take us to your Haven please?” Eric agreed and shifted them all.
“Elder ****** rather liked your idea Eric and offered some advice of how to deal with it. We will put her into a divine crystal sleep. Then we will sink her into a pool of divine water. The water will weaken the mark over time while the crystal maintains her body and gives her pleasant dreams. It will not only make the mark removable in time, but also heal her mind. Luna, could you change her clothes to something that will remove curses and give a pleasant sleep?” The senior goddess explained the plan.
“Um, okay.” With a wave of her hands, the clothes Rachael was wearing disappeared.
“Kyah!” Rachael tried to cover herself.
Micah looked over at Eric only to find he preemptively closed his eyes expecting this of Luna.
“What a gentleman.” The senior goddess commented.
A moment later, Rachael was wearing a roman like raiment, similar to Luna’s.
“Wha-? This is so revealing!” Rachael’s face turned red.
“But those are comfortable!” Luna protested.
“Luna, your clothes are not the most, modest. Not all people like wearing so little.” The senior goddess rebuffed.
“It’s not my fault! I didn’t know! I-!” Luna started to panic, but disappeared in a flash of blue light.
They asked the senior goddess what happened. She let out a heavy sigh.
“More than likely, Elder ****** summoned her. Luna really needs to learn to remain calm and accept when she makes mistakes. Anyway, let’s fix this.” The senior goddess changed Rachael’s clothes to a set of fluffy pajamas.
“Waaaaahh, sooooo comfy!” Rachael had a look of bliss on her face.
“Rachael, I will promise you this. I will do my best to find your brother and save him too, just like all the other Heroes.” Eric promised.
Rachael teared up again and thanked Eric.
“Alright, time for sweet dreams.” With a wave of the goddess’ hand, Rachael floated into the air and was laid down on a clear, blue crystal.
“Goodnight Rachael.” Eric said.
She smiled, closing her eyes, and the crystal closed around her. Eric asked about the pool of water.
“Oh, I know the words of a spell called [Dig]. I never understood it, so I was not able to cast it. I think it went, Diggy Diggy hole, Dig me a hole.” Micah said.
Eric laughed when he heard the incantation and told Micah that he would tell her later why he found it funny. Moving over to an open area near his driveway, Eric casted the spell digging out a pool sized pit. The senior goddess hardened the sides and added more of the blue crystal to cover the surface. She then filled the pool with water from his infinite well. Rachael’s crystal was lowered into the water to lay at the bottom.
“There, all done. Now then I-.” The senior goddess froze up when she saw Eric’s face.
“E-Eric?” Micah was taken aback.
He put his mask back on, “Sorry, but I am in need of a priest, for I am soon to sin.” Phaestus had a demonic face of fury.
The door to the back room of the town chief’s home flew open.
“Oh, Master Hephaestus, we finished our investigation…” Michael, his group, Simon, and the town chief froze.
“Simon, when is the basilisk due to return?” Phaestus demanded to know.
“U-um, a few days. It just ate a lot and took some damage, it will need to heal first before it will hunt again.”
“Good.” Phaestus took out his advanced crossbow, some vulta powder bolts, and steel tipped bolts.
“Here are my orders. Standby here until I return. If the basilisk comes back, execute the plan, if it fails, run. Your lives are more important. If it works, kill it. Do not hunt for it until I return, is that understood?” He commanded through gritted teeth.
The group nodded quickly.
“Town chief, who would know where that priest and other Heroes went?” He demanded.
“Um, it would be Tray, he was the one who contacted them.” Phaestus demanded to know where he was and went to see him, everyone else followed at a distance.
“What do you think is happening in there?” Yuni asked.
“Nothing good I am sure, did you see that look? I would rather face down a Chimera than that.” Allenvale commented.
It was then the door blew off its hinges, a man skipping across the ground.
“Gah!” Phaestus stepped out.
“Do you have any idea who I am!? I am a servant of the God of Lig-.”
A boot to his face cut him off. Phaestus stomped on the man’s leg, breaking it.
Another boot the face. “I want to know one thing. Where was the priest going?”
Magic was burning around Phaestus’ body.
“I will nev-.”
Phaestus beat the man ruthlessly, until he was begging him to stop.
“Tell me what I want to know!” Phaestus ordered.
“Okay, please, stop, I will tell you…” The man meekly tried to crawl away from the enraged man.
A long spike appeared and Phaestus drove it through the man’s other leg into the ground, pinning him there.
The spike disappeared and the Chariot appeared.
“Master Hephaestus, what happened in there?” The town chief asked.
Climbing up, “She wanted to die. Those bastards did so much to her that she wanted to DIE!” Phaestus gnashed.
“But why?” The chief asked.
“Many do not know this, but the Heroes are slaves. They have their minds suppressed, their bodies controlled like puppets. I will not stand by and let that bastard escape!” Phaestus climbed into the Chariot along with Dite and they sped off to the west, to the worried looks of those left behind.
“Dammit all! Useless, all of you! If only you followed my commands, this never would have happened!” A man in priestly robes was kicking two young men in blue armor and masks that covered their eyes.
The three were inside of a private room inside the town chapel.
“This will hurt my promotion! Dammit! Why did it have to be a Greater Basilisk? How can I recover from this?” The two young men stood silently.
Then, the area around the priest turned completely dark and he was alone.
“W-what? What is this? Where am I? You two, come out! Now!” The priest gave out orders but there was no response.
There was a sound of stone moving and light poured in from above.
“Greetings priest. I have some questions for you.” A man in a mithril mask looked down on the priest from above.
“Who are you?! Where am I?! I demand you get me out of here!”
The masked man laughed. “You are in no position to give commands. Your slaves are not within your reach, and you are running out of time.”
The priest’s face contorts and he realized his magic was being depleted.
“You, you’re stealing my magic? Do you know who I am?!”
The masked man’s face turned cold, “Yes, I know who you are. Scum who treats people like tools, and discards them when they are no longer of use to you. The place you are in will first absorb your magic, next it will tap into your strength, and lastly, your life. You will answer my questions, or die, slowly.”
The priest attempted to cast a spell at the masked man but the moment he activated the magic, it felt like some unseen monster swallowed it instantly. Seeing he had no other choice but to cooperate with the laughing masked man, he replied.
“O-okay! Ask!”
“How often does the church summon people from other worlds?”
“Once a year!”
“Next, who is responsible for the Mark of Domination?”
“Wha-, how do you know about that?”
“You’re running out of time.”
The priest felt himself weakening. “The pope! He is the only one who knows how to apply it! It is a special spell given to us from the god of light!”
“How many Hero parties are there?”
“Uh, I believe four to five. The strongest is always with the Pope.”
“Very well, thank you. Your path to salvation is before you.”
A door appeared at a wall in the hole.
“T-Thank you!” The priest ran toward the door, thinking of what kind of horrible things he will visit upon the masked man, but his surroundings changed around him.
“What? NoooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” The priest ran right out of a window and plummeted to his death.
Eric watched from within the Haven with Micah as a group of people found the priest’s body, broken on the ground.
“They will most likely judge it as a suicide.” Micah commented, looking at Eric with sad eyes.
“I am glad the senior goddess was available to help with the other two heroes. Now that they are healing the in the pool, it will make Rachael happy.” Eric watched on the chaos that was unfolding in front of the Venta branch Church of Light.
“Eric, let’s stop looking at this.” Eric dispelled his outside view after taking one last look of disdain.
They were in Eric’s room, sitting on the edge of his bed.
“Eric, what is going on? I have never seen you like this. If it is too painful-.” Micah started.
“A close friend of mine, from childhood.” Eric began telling her. “Her name was Allison. We never had any thoughts of romance, but we were close friends. Her father died when she was young, but we were able to work through it together along with her mother. My family was close to her family, so we supported them as best we could. But then, just after she turned fifteen, her mother got remarried. I never got a good feeling from her stepfather whenever he was around. But my friend, Allison, I noticed she began to change. She became withdrawn, skittish, depressed, and lost the brightness she once had. My family tried to help her, we tried talking to her mother, but her stepfather would not allow it. He was a horrible, controlling man. Well, at one point, Allison said that she wanted to die. I panicked and brought it up to my parents who called for help from the government, sadly, they were too slow to react… Allison took her life. The autopsy showed that she had multiple injuries from abuse, evidence of her being raped, and lastly, she was pregnant, with her stepfather’s child.”
Micah was horrified and continued to listen, as the pain on Eric face grew more apparent.
“It came out that he took advantage of her and her mother, convincing them that if they said anything, he would make the other suffer. I should have been stronger, I should have brought her to our home, even if I had to use force. Or maybe kill the bastard myself.”
Micah could see how much it was hurting him and hugged him tightly. “What happened to the man?”
“He got life in prison, but somehow, the prisoners heard what he had done and made his life a living hell in there. He was eventually found dead, beaten and broken. I was, not happy to hear about it. I wanted my friend back.” Tears ran down his face.
“If only I was stronger! If only I was bigger! She would not have had to die!” He cried out.
Micah pulled him onto the bed and wrapped herself around him to comfort him, to ease his suffering even a bit. Micah felt that there was nothing she could say to comfort him, so she began to sing a lullaby. Eric hugged her tightly as she sung.
The song was soothing and calm. “Glide little sparrow, it late in the day, it is time to turn in, and sleep the night away. Sweet dreams will come to be, of warmth of mother’s love, for in the morning we will fly free.” She sung the song in her native language, but he could understand every word. Micah continued to sing until Eric had calmed down and fell asleep when his emotional strength was expended.
Eric cracked open his heavy eyes, they burned.
Something smells really nice. Also, what is so soft on my face? I can see a little light above and below.
He felt around a bit and felt something warm and soft near his waist.
“Hng.” A feminine voice could be heard.
Wait, is this, Micah?
“Hmm? Eric? Are you okay now?” She pulled away and shifted so she was face to face with him.
“I’m sorry about that Micah.”
“Don’t be. I understand the pain of being powerless and losing someone you loved.” She hugged closely to him and put her forehead to his.
“Like you, I never got over losing my mother to those slavers. For so long I merely ran and hid, helping some slaves here and there, but never really doing enough. I wanted to do more, and you gave me that goal Eric. Goun is strongly tied to Dawn, if we take down the Church of Light, would you help me to free all the slaves?”
Eric stared into Micah’s ruby eyes that were a few inches away from his.
“I promise, I will help you.”
Micah smiled, and kissed him.
They laid together for a bit longer before getting up and heading back to the town of Gould.
“Master Hephaestus. Is, um, everything okay now?” Michael asked worriedly.
“Yes, everything is fine now. I apologize for the trouble. Any sign of the basilisk?”
“No sir. Yuni and Simon went out to scout the nest this morning. They got back a little bit ago and were just recovering.” He led them to well they were at.
“Oh, Master Hephaestus, um…” Simon looked to Michael who nodded assuredly.
Simon sighed in relief. “I am guessing you want to know what we learned. This is another case of abnormal migration. This is what my research is about, trying to find what causes it.”
“Not for food or being driven out of their territory?” Phaestus asked.
“No sir, basilisks are territorial to an extreme level. They may leave their territory to get food, but they take it back immediately. If something attacks its’ territory, it would rather die than give it up and run. They settle in one territory and stay there all their life.”
“So could it be that it is just settling now?”
“Not in this case. If it were a basilisk pup, it is possible, but this is a Greater Basilisk, newly mutated. You see, every twenty years, they molt and mutate into a stronger form. They start as a pup, then an adult, next is a greater, and last is a king or queen class. So they live for around eighty years at most. The king and queen class basilisks are like a cataclysm type, their eyes can completely paralyze others, sometimes stopping the minds of any who see them. It is a guaranteed instant death. One of those have not been seen or written about for nearly two hundred years.”
“Thank you Simon. But is there any way to lure one?”
“Hmm? Not that I know of. I researched many things years ago, but I myself could not find any way to cause one to abandon its’ territory.”
It was then that Allenvale spoke up, “It is an unconfirmed rumor, but some have said that the church may have a way.” Some of the other adventurer’s spoke up hearing the same thing at one point in their careers.
“Damnable church again.” Phaestus voiced his disdain.
“Phaestus, I will check into the rumors when we return to Alta. I have a few good sources.” Dite chimed in to calm the man.
“Thank you. Simon, when do you think would be a good time to attack the basilisk?”
“Night time is a no go, they have great night vision. Hmm, I would say high noon. Their eyes a bit sensitive to sunlight, so it would make it harder for it to see at that time.”
“Then we will attack tomorrow. Michael, have everyone get some rest, also, whoever is your best archer, have them use these.” He handed over some vulta powder arrows.
“Have someone who is inexperienced with archery practice with the crossbow. This weapon is to make it so that regular people can defend their homes from large monsters.”
Michael accepted the orders and handed out his own. The hunt that could change the power balance of the world would occur the following day.
A short distance into the forest, a large hole was dug into the side of a hill, leading downward into the darkness. Within slumbered a massive white lizard, it was as big as a carriage, with spines running down its’ back. It had large clawed feet that could tear a chimera in half with a single sweep. It slept soundly, thinking of its’ frustration of being driven away while it played and hunted. This was the Greater Basilisk, one who was nearing the apex of its power and growth.
The monster’s nostrils flared up as it smelled something.
Meat. Fire. Fire means man. Man means food. Food means I must hunt. This is my territory!
The blackened eyes of the Greater Basilisk shot open, revealing its’ demonic red iris’. Letting out a roar of excitement over the hunt, the Greater Basilisk charged out of its’ hole.
Upon getting outside it swept its’ paralyzing stare around the area. It could change its view from front to back, allow it to 360 degrees around it.
Nothing. Sniffing the air. This way! The Greater Basilisk charges off in the direction of the smell of meat and smoke. Its’ eyesight was hazy because of the sun being so high in the sky, but this invader was close, and it was a Greater Basilisk, it knew it had no equal.
Breaking through a tree line into an open area, the Greater Basilisk roared and cycled its’ eyes around, searching for its’ prey. Nothing. But meat is here. Fire is here. Where is man?
All of a sudden something hit its’ forehead. What? Ah. AHHHHH. BURNS! MY EYES BURN! BREATH! I MUST USE POISON BREATH!
The Greater Basilisk inhaled to unleash its’ deadly attack. AHHHH! IT BURNS! COUGH! HACK! CANNOT USE BREATH! The Greater Basilisk tried to roar in defiance, but its’ coughing and struggle to breath made sound more like a desperate whimper.
It tried to smell its’ enemy, but the burning was now in its nose. Run. I must run. Get to nest. Nest is safe. In nest I am powerf-. Crunch. The Great Basilisk felt an impact on its’ head, right between its’ powerful, disabled eyes. Wha-? Was the last thought to run through the powerful creature’s mind, before the darkness of death embraced it.
Michael was breathing heavily, as he wrenched his two handed halberd free of the Greater Basilisk’s skull.
“We, we did it.” He muttered in disbelief.
“We did it?” Yuni who was with him echoed holding a crossbow.
The group of adventurers cheered out in celebration. Phaestus and Dite approached. The two of them were holding strange tubular rods, but they were both smiling at the success.
“Master Phaestus! This is amazing! It worked! It was so easy!” Yuni cried as she jumped at and hugged him, rubbing her head against his chest.
Dite looked disapprovingly at first but relaxed, she felt that this was a true victory that deserved to be celebrated. Simon was busy examining the monster.
“Master Hephaestus, this will change the whole scope of the world. It honors us to be a part of this. If you ever need assistance, do not hesitate to call on us, we will happily serve you.” Michael said as the rest of his group happily agreed and saluted him.
“Thank you. For now, keep doing what you are doing, because now, you guys will be busy, as the first adventurer group to ever take down a Greater Basilisk without the help of Heroes. Well done.” Phaestus said, causing the whole group to cheer again.
The adventurer’s harvested multiple parts from the monster, eyes, teeth, poison gland, heart, many other parts, and the core. The core they gave to Phaestus, which he graciously accepted. Once they were all done and Simon finished his observation, Phaestus cleaned up the corpse by sending it somewhere. They figured that he had a legendary storage skill, far above [Closet] since he could store away such large things like his Chariot. The only thing they planned on taking back with them was the head of the Greater Basilisk to prove it was dead, until Allenvale came running up with a new report.
“Eggs?! Is it true?! Master Phaestus, we must take them with us! There has never been a case of retrieving such things!” Simon said as he charged off in the direction of the nest.
Deep inside, they found three eggs. “Hmm, these two are no good. They are unfertilized, but this one is! If we hatch this and maybe train it, we could learn so much about them! Maybe even domesticate them.”
“Caution Simon, exercise caution. This is Class-A dangerous monster, even as a pup.” Michael commented.
“I agree with Michael, Simon. It would be best to not try to domesticate something like this. What do you think would happen if someone like say, Goun, heard of such a thing?” Simon tensed up to Phaestus’ question.
“Yes, you are both absolutely right. Yes, domestication is completely out of the question. We will only use it to learn from.”
Simon looked a little pale once he realized from Phaestus’ comment that a country like Goun would happily use such monsters as weapons of war. Phaestus said he would hang onto the egg unto they returned to Alta where he would turn it back over to Simon, once he had a safe location to hatch and observe it.
When they arrived back in Gould, they were met by the town chief and many of his villagers.
“We heard the sounds from the forest. W-what happened?” The chief asked, which Phaestus answered him by dropping the head on the ground nearby.
The villagers were startled at its appearance at first, but as news sunk in, they cheered loudly with happiness and relief. The chief thanked them all for their help along with others joining in. They were told by the villagers that a celebration would ensue, and they would be the guests of honor.
The whole group ate and drank through the night around a bonfire in the town square. Dite pulled Phaestus up to dance along with the music that they played, only for most of the people to have a decent laugh at the poor craftsmen’s expense at his poor dancing skills.
Hours late into the night, things began to calm down. People began passing out drunk, like an odd gnome sleeping soundly on his back, or too full to move like a cat beast-kin woman. Many headed to their homes to get some sleep as the sun would be rising in a few hours.
Phaestus sat upon a log that was turned into a bench, Dite walked over and sat down next to him.
“The main test has been complete. Do you think it will go smoothly?” She asked.
“No. The church will find out soon of our success here. They will most likely connect the dots with Rexar’s workshop soon enough. We may need to get more help.” Phaestus stated.
“From where?”
“I think we should head to Dunlap. Get the people there making the weapons too. From what I heard from Rexar, there is no branch of the Church of Light there. They were driven out completely and kept out after that catastrophe sixty years ago. Since then, if a person is found out to be light headed, they are driven out.”
His face became conflicted.
“Is something wrong?”
He shook his head. “No, from where I am from, you were always free to believe what you wanted. In most cases I would also support this, but you saw the look in Luxa’s eyes. The eyes of the people of the church in Meerka. They did not look upon others benevolently. They look upon others as if they are lesser, that they are superior in every way. Luxa looked like he did not even care or acknowledge Rexar as his father. Blind fanaticism is something I cannot support as it always leads to extremists, who will do the most insane things in the name of their god. I had a small conflict in my mind about oppressing others because of their religious beliefs, but it is extremists I will crush. Those who see the lives of others as nothing, I will carry the weight of their deaths on my shoulders.”
Dite looked upon Phaestus with warmth and hugged him. She assured him that she would stay with him no matter what happens and protect his heart so that he himself does not become that which he hates. Feeling her warmth, the two of them vanished for the night.
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Eightfold Warrior : Green Sword Honor
Joey has lost most of his memory - and there's an alien in his head. And it's fighting other aliens. Who want to get at it by killing Joey. I plan to post Thursday and Sunday, twice a week. Please leave a comment saying hello even if you're not absolutely sure this webnovel is for you. I love to hear from readers.
8 158 - In Serial15 Chapters
Dark Winter
It is always darkest before the dawn. After the divorce, Katie Fox was forced to live with her mother in New York after the judge ruled that her father, a former Army Ranger, wasn’t stable enough. They called him ‘that crazy bunker guy’ or ‘that paranoid freak.’ Whatever they called him, Christopher Fox was a Prepper. He taught those willing to listen how to survive in a catastrophe and how to prepare for the end of the world. More than that though, he was her father and she would rather spend her life in his underground bunker than another minute in that New York highrise. So, she ran away. The date is November 28th, Black Friday and hell has been unleashed on the world. A freak storm mixes with a deadly virus that turns its victims into mindless hunters of flesh. Katie will have to use everything her father taught her to survive and reach the safety of his underground bunker. Note from the author: Thanks for stopping by! The plan is to upload a chapter every Saturday or Sunday (as my schedule allows). Hope you enjoy the story!
8 163 - In Serial12 Chapters
Try Again
How do you picture the phrase, incapable of dying? Invulnerability? Invincibility? Immortality? Whatever word you choose, it seems like a useful ability to have, right? While others might think it would be great to never die, I think it might just be a curse. Would you choose to be incapable of dying if it meant that every time you were going to die you just restarted your whole life all over again?
8 133 - In Serial11 Chapters
Fantasy Tech Online
Jace is a pro gamer and PvE master. When a new vrmmorpg comes out, he naturally buys the vrpod to play it, but not everything is as it seems and when the game decides to virtualize humanity, the veteran player must find a way to deal with this new reality. Note: This is my first attempt at a story so don't expect too much, I'll try to post a new chapter every week but there's no guarantee.
8 197 - In Serial15 Chapters
Jesus X Reader
(Y/n) has been looking for a boyfriend for so long. She has tried everything: dating apps, talking to random people, dating her friends exes, asking out ALL of her friends, and even banging deer in the woods. She was so close to giving up on love entirely, BUT there was one person she didn't expect to meet...
8 83 - In Serial53 Chapters
Why Did I do This to Myself?!? (One Piece Fanfic)
This is a story about a average anime nerd and a stupid decision that most would make if they got the chance.To go into there favorite anime/manga. Which just so happened to be one piece...A dream come true right? You fool! Its fun in concept but in reality its going into a world that could kill you in an instant.Lucky for the idiot that made the decision was they were born a infant when they swapped worlds. Other good news, they know who they've been born as. An OC they made. The bad news is that there a punching bag OC.Lets boogie.Started: 09/21/2021Ended: 00/00/0000
8 116