《Gods of Tartarus: Haven Forge》Chapter 3: Starting Line
The following morning, Lady Vannil called Eric to her office.
“Take her with you.” She motioned toward Micah.
“Wait, what? Isn’t she your attendant?” Eric asked.
Lady Vannil only laughed, “She helps me out with things yes, but my actual attendant is my grandson Arthur. You haven’t met him because I usually keep him busy with studying or small things I need done. If I need more than that, I can just ask his mother to help me out a bit too.”
“O-okay, but what about a guard? She is your personal guard right?”
“Hah, I have a slew of soldiers just downstairs. If I need a single guard, I can get one.”
Eric didn’t feel right, he felt like he was separating two close friends. Micah leaned in close, bringing her face close to his.
Sad puppy eyes?!
“Am I not good enough?” She said in a cutesy but sad way.
Who the hell taught you that!?
After being stared at for a minute, he caved in. “Okay, fine.”
“Trust me Eric, you will find her invaluable. Micah has a lot of knowledge about the world and has traveled a lot before she settled here with me.”
Micah puffed out her existent or non-existent chest, Eric still could not tell which gender Micah was.
“Better to have someone who knows the world than not too. Alright. Micah, what is the job the Heroes are used most for?” Eric asked.
“Monster hunting is their biggest coin chest. Second would be body guarding, which is not even ten percent of what the get from monster hunts. Most people would rather hire multiple adventurers for a tenth of the price. The only people who use Heroes as guards are high ranking ruling class who want to show off. Last is something I have yet to fully confirm but it is that there are noble houses that are in league with the Church of Light, making generous donations.” Micah finished.
“I see, I’ll give it some thought on how to deal with the monsters, and I think I have a few ideas to try. First, I need someone I can work with in the crafters guild. I am thinking of mass producing new weapons that will make monster hunting far easier. If my plan goes well, a small group of experienced hunters would be able to take out the basilisk you told me about yesterday.” Eric said with a confident smirk crossing his face.
Both Lady Vannil and Micah looked at him in surprise, they tried to get more details from him but his response was that he needed more information about the current level of technology.
“Then you need to go to the crafters district. It is on the western side of the city, a short cart ride from here. Take Micah with you, she should know some good places you can look.” Lady Vannil suggested.
“I’ll meet you in the main hall in a few minutes Eric.” Eric nodded Micah and headed down to the main hall.
Ten minutes go by as Eric lightly chatted with Gil who was regaling Eric with stories of bar fights he had in the past.
“Oh, then there was this one woman, twice as big as a man, she was, was…” Gil trailed off in his story looking past Eric with a stunned look and a light blush to his cheeks.
Eric turns and tensed a little at what he saw. Micah entered the hall dressed in clothes that hugged their body, with leather armor covering the chest, forearms, and shins. Some of Micah’s features looked masculine while others looked feminine.
“Ready to go Eric?” Micah asked, sounded even more feminine than usual.
“I, I seriously need to ask. Are you really a woman? Or are you a man?”
Micah then gave a deep, hearty laugh that sounded like it came from a huge man that made a living chopping down trees in a single stroke. Micah then gave a mocking grin as she looked at all their shocked faces.
“You will never let anyone find out, will you?” Eric asked, which Micah answered with a cute giggle. Sighing heavily, Eric said his farewells to Gil and the other soldiers, which were still stuck in shock, and headed out of the building.
They quickly got a cart ride heading toward the crafters district.
“So what is it you are planning to make that will change how monster hunts go?” Micah spoke quietly to Eric.
“Tell me, have you ever heard of something called a crossbow?”
Micah shook her head after thinking for a moment.
“It is some kind of ranged weapon?”
He nodded.
“Yes. Is there a weapon called a ballista?”
She shook her head again.
“Okay, then those are what I am going to make then. The first I mentioned is a type of bow that can fire bolts, er, arrows. They are easier to use than a bow and have benefits over a bow, but a few flaws in the firing rate. The ballista would be better as a military weapon. It is a type of siege weapon that fires large, heavy spears. That would make it so that a military force could kill large monsters easily. But I will need to consult a master craftsmen that we can trust to help mass produce them.”
Micah was looking at him starry eyed, “THAT SOUNDS AMAZING!” She shouted, drawing the attention of the driver.
“What’s happening?” She apologized for her outburst and they got back to their quiet conversation.
“So do you know anyone here that can help with production?” Eric asked.
After thinking, she shook her head.
“Nope, here would be a bad idea. The chur-, group we are concerned about have too many allies and ears here. I think we should go to Alta for mass production. I know a few people here that would be able to help us get started, and our mutual friend back at work could get us a letter of recommendation.”
Eric felt her advice was very helpful.
Best not to do something like this in the enemy’s front lawn.
They stopped their conversation and Eric started to look around the city. He noticed a side street that had some odd lighting. It was barely big enough to fit a full sized carriage.
“Hey Micah, what is down there?”
She looked over at the street he pointed at and laughed turning back to him.
“Hmm? You interested in what is down there?” She asked in a teasing tone.
Eric was mostly confused.
Do you seriously need to tease me on everything? Let’s see, red and pink lighting. Most foot traffic seems to be male? There looks to be some ladies there, dressed… Oh…
“Is, is that a red light district?” He asked, a sinking feeling hitting him.
She had a hearty laugh at his expense.
“I am not sure what a red light district is, but from how it sounds, yes, yes Eric, that is the Pleasure District.”
Eric could feel the heat rising to his face as he tried to hide it behind one of his hands. Micah continued to laugh and giggle at his expense for the remainder of the ride.
Their entrance to the crafters district was heralded by the sound of hammers, saws, and loud, boisterous voices.
“So which do you want to see first?” Micah asked.
“Weapons, alchemists, magic, and lastly would be wood crafts.” Eric answered.
“First stop, Fizzy’s Forge Works.” Micah led them deeper into the district.
Human, dwarf, dwarf, dwarf, gnome, beast-kin, dwarf… I guess dwarves like crafting like in the stories. I wonder how people of my old world were able to think of them for stories and myths… Maybe I should ask Luna sometime.
“Here we are. Fizzy! You in here?” Micah called into the shop as she walked in.
“Cutie! Is that you?!” Eric heard a loud voice of a woman.
With that accent, I bet Fizzy is a dwarf.
Eric entered the shop and saw Micah kneeling down, hugging a stout dwarf woman, her fiery orange hair in a thick braid.
Called it. At least dwarf women don’t have beards.
“Didja friend there just think somting rude jus now?” The dwarf woman asked, turning toward Eric.
“Oh I am sure it was nothing of that sort Fizzy, he is a good guy. You have my word.” Fizzy seemed placated with Micah’s words.
“So, what brings ya to me shop? Lookin fer a weapon?”
The shop was neatly organized. Various weapons lined the walls while some sets of leather or metal armor were on tables or stands in the middle of the shop floor.
“Nope, we wanted to ask you some things, and to consult you on a business proposition.” Micah said standing.
“Oooh, really now? You’ve got me interest. The last proposition ye brought me made me quite a bit of coin.” Fizzy told one of her helpers, a gnome, to mind the shop front and led the two of them into a back room.
Fizzy pulled a couple of chairs, setting them down and settled into a stool herself.
“My friend here is Eric. He is a craftsmen, and had an idea for a new type of bow.” Micah said as her and Eric sat down.
“Do ye have a prototype?”
“I do not have it on me, but it is in a safe place. I know it works, as I have tested it quite thoroughly.”
“Does it have a name?” Fizzy asked.
“A crossbow. It is a mechanized version of a bow. It is easier to aim, something that an amateur would be able to use. It is powerful, with considerable penetrating power. There is also a larger version of it called a ballista, which can be used as a siege weapon, or to take down big game.” Eric explained.
“Alright, well, there is not much I can do without seeing the prototype.”
“We plan on bringing it to Alta, to propose and mass produce it.” Micah informed Fizzy.
“Now why would you goin do that? I can do it ‘ere.”
“There is a big problem. The Church of Light.” Micah answered.
Fizzy looked between the two in front of her.
“Now why would they be a problem?” She asked nervously.
Eric took to explaining how it would change the power balance. Making it less likely for towns or cities to hire Heroes since they are so expensive.
“The Church of Light would not take something like that lightly and would likely sabotage efforts to mass produce and sell them. But if we were able to produce them in Alta, we could ship them to various cities and towns. If we keep pricing as low as possible, we could make areas far safer by regularly hunting monsters to keep their numbers under control. Having many of them out there would also make responses to monster attacks considerably faster, with fewer lives lost.” Eric finished.
Fizzy tightly shut her eyes, furrowing her brow in deep thought.
“Alright, I see what ya mean. That would be dangerous to cross the church. Ye make a good argument Eric. Fine. Charlie! Could ye bring me some paper and a quill?” Fizzy shouted.
The gnome came in shortly after she called out.
“Thank ye dearest.” She took the items and began writing.
“I’ll pen ye a letter to me father, Rexar. He is in Alta, and would be able to help ye both in this. He would also be your best bet to mass producing that, crossbow and such. Just stay away from me brother Luxa. I’ve been gettin’ some strange news about ‘im. Seems like he got light headed.”
“Understood. Thank you so much Fizzy!” Micah said as she moved over, giving Fizzy another big hug.
Fizzy handed the letter to Eric and followed them out front. Micah continued out the door in a good mood.
“Hey lad.”
Eric turned back to Fizzy.
“Take care of Micah for me. She has a bad habit of runnin’ inta trouble.”
Eric smiled and nodded, following after Micah who was stretching her arms above her head.
“Hmm! I really need to visit Fizzy more. Next is an alchemist right? Then to old man Wrinklebottom’s.”
“Wait, you’re messing with me again, right?” Micah just smiled and led him off to the next shop.
Eric stood outside the shop, just staring that the sign board.
“Hey old man! You in here?” Micah headed into the shop.
His name is seriously Wrinklebottom?
“Oh, long time no see little lady.” A high pitched, yet elderly voice answered Micah.
“I’m bigger than you old gnome!” The old man laughed as Eric enter the shop.
Wrinklebottom wore a simple, dark brown robe. He had a warm smile on his wrinkled old face.
“Oh, who’s this now? Finally got yourself a man?”
Wait! Could this mean Micah is a-.
“He is joking Eric. He doesn’t know what I am just as much as everyone else.” Micah read his mind, which caused the old gnome to burst out laughing once more.
“True, true, last time Micah came here, she had a beard!” Wrinklebottom laughed again.
Well he is a jolly one, at least his laugh is not annoying.
“You just thought something rude, didn’t you lad?” The old gnome said looking at Eric.
“I vouch that he a good man you old gnome. Cut him some slack, only I am allowed to mess with him.” Micah said with a mischievous grin.
The gnome fell to the floor laughing hysterically.
WHY? Am I really that easy to read? Eric thought, a frustrated look on his face.
“Hahahah, heh heh, oh, you really know how to make an old gnome like me laugh little Micah. Now, what can I do for you two?”
Micah explained that Eric was looking for some information on a new invention, and came to him for a consultation.
“Hmm, okay, no problem. Ask away young man!” Wrinklebottom gave him a toothy grin.
“You know of the spicy peppers right? Good. You know its effects if it is inhaled or gets in the eyes? Great. I am looking for something that can cause those effects, but in a more potent fashion.” Wrinklebottom answered Eric questions mostly with nods, hearing him out with a very business-like face.
“Hmm, the strongest I can think of would be that spice that the dwarves of Dunlap love so much. I think it is called, hmm, vulta powder?”
Micah confirmed, remembering the mistake she made a year ago sneaking some of Fizzy’s food as a prank.
“I felt like I was going to die…” Micah mumbled.
Perfect! Not Micah’s suffering, the potency.
“Where can I get a lot of it?” Eric asked, which the old gnome shook his head,
“Not here in Meerka. Only a limited supply is shipped here, and it is bought up pretty quickly. Your best bet would be to order some from Alta. That is where most shipments of vulta powder arrive from the Kingdom of Moona.”
Eric looked to Micah, who knew his question immediately.
“The Kingdom of Moona is where a majority of demon-kin live. You can find quite a few in Alta, but most live in Moona. It is a really peaceful place, and the royal family there are very protective of their people. They actually hate both Goun and Dawn a lot. Goun likes to use them as slaves, kidnapping any they can get their hands on, or buying from pirates who raid their ships. Then there’s Dawn. They treat demon-kin like one would treat a monster, just something that needs to be slain or enslaved.” Micah had a burning rage in her eyes as she spoke about the two nations.
The old gnome took Micah’s hand and gave a calming smile.
I wonder what might have happened to him, er, her, er, them…
Micah apologized, and Eric continued the conversation, “So if Alta is a good place to get it, then Alta is definitely where we need to go Micah. A bit more research, and we should be good to schedule a trip. How long would it take to get there?”
Wrinklebottom answered, “About a week and a half by river. Nearly three to get there by caravan. Though if you rode horses yourself, you could save about a week at most.”
Micah asked if Wrinklebottom could have someone get a schedule of the next ship heading out to Alta for them, and he was happy to oblige. Then the two of them were off to their next destination, the magic shop.
Micah opened the door and headed into the shop.
Wanda’s Wand Shop? Well… no, no, no, can’t think anything negative, I’ll get called out again.
Eric headed into the shop to see a woman with a pointed wide brim hat, fast asleep at the counter, drool pooling under her face.
“Oy, Wanda, wake up.” Micah said, getting no response.
Getting a little annoyed, Micah flicked the woman’s forehead.
“Ouch! That hurt Micah!” The woman cried, holding her now red forehead, tears welling up in her eyes. Wanda wore a tight fitting light blue robe that seemed to defy gravity to hold up her gargantuan chest.
“How do you even stay in business Wanda? I could have walked out the door with all your stuff. Actually, you know what, next time I come here and I find you like this, I am taking all your stuff and your hidden stash of snacks.”
“That’s so mean!” The woman protested, her insanely large chest bounced around as she slapped her counter in anger at Micah.
A young boy, around sixteen, entered the room.
“Oh, welcome Mr. Micah, or should I say Miss Micah this time?” The boy’s expression was very flat, showing very little, but his fluffy, cat like ears were pointing straight up, flipping a bit back and forth.
“Al!” Micah hugged and petted the boy’s head.
“Good to see you to Miss Micah.” Al said, his face stayed flat.
“Al, why are you letting her sleep on the job?” Micah took a step back.
“It is much easier to get work done if she is sleeping. I just finished organizing the items in the back.” Al’s tail flipped back and forth happily.
“What can we do for you Miss Micah? Need some more scrolls of -.” Micah shouted over what Al said and covered his mouth.
Now I really want to know! Eric thought, choosing to keep quiet as not to draw Micah’s teasing.
Eric walked up to Al to ask if he could browse some of their grimoires.
“Of course sir, but please understand that we only have a limited amount right now as Miss Wanda has been having a hard time getting reagents and support to make them. If you do not find what you are looking for, we will accept an order at no additional cost to you. We will also be sure to notify you once we have your order ready. We will provide shipping to you at no additional cost.”
Holy… This guy is amazing!
“Thank you very much for your kind thoughts sir.” Al responded, his tail and ears flipping happily.
And there’s the mind reading again… Well at least no one called me rude this time.
Al led the two of them into a secure back room a few heavy duty locked cabinets. Al unlocked a cabinet after murmuring a passcode and using a key.
“Ah, if the passcode is not said, the cabinet would release an intense spell that would knock a thief unconscious.” Al explained as he opened the cabinet, answering Eric’s curious look.
There were only four items in the cabinet.
These look like, heavy duty folders…
Micah stepped up to explain. “This is a grimoire Eric. I don’t know the whole process, but they use a combination of reagents to make it so that the scroll within it saves the knowledge, incantation, and understanding of the spell cast upon it.”
“Correct Miss Micah. One passes a bit of their magic into the page, which causes all of information to pass into the person. Please be cautious when buying grimoires sir. Always make sure they have this mark on the page.” Al showed him a stamp that showed a circle with two intersecting triangles in the center.
“This mark is one used by an approved grimoire distributer. These markers are only given out to those approved by the Casters guild. It is a very stringent and strict approval process. You can verify it’s validity by channeling a tiny amount of magic into it. Please do so with this example slip.”
Eric took the slip from Al and put a tiny amount of magic within it.
This mark is an official mark of the Casters Guild, guaranteeing the legitimacy of this product.
The words played through Eric’s mind.
“Neat. Thank you Al. So what spells do you have available?”
“We only have simply support spells right now. This one is a [Cleanse] spell, next is the spell [Identify], next is the spell [Create Water], and the final spell is one called [Tinder]. Do you have any questions on any of the spells?”
Eric already knew [Cleanse], so he asked about the other three.
“[Identify] allows you to gain basic to advanced information on an object depending on the user’s knowledge level. It is useful for plants, herbs, metals, and other materials. The limitation to the spell is that one must touch the item. So if an item is poisonous, be sure to wear gloves. The next spell, [Create Water], allows a person make clean, drinkable water. It is a useful spell for survival. Lastly, [Tinder], it is a weak fire spell. It is useful for starting campfires, forges, candles, or oil lamps.” Al finished his explanation, which Eric thanked him.
I already have my Haven, so water will never be an issue for me. The other two sound useful.
“How much for [Tinder] and [Identify]?” Eric asked. “[Tinder] is a large silver. [Identify] is two large silver. So a total of three large silver will be your cost sir.”
Checking his coin purse, he had the one gold from Lady Vannil, twenty-one silver of two sizes, and several copper coins of two sizes.
“Micah, do I have enough here?” After checking his coin purse, she pulled out the three large silver.
“Here you go Al.”
After double checking the amount, “Thank you very much for your purchase sir.”
He bowed in appreciation and handed the two grimoires to Eric.
“Is it okay for me to use these now?” Eric looked to Al who nodded, expressionless.
Eric opened the folder and saw a page with a circle of magic in the center of it, and the guild marker in the bottom right corner. Eric went to activate the main circle, but he noticed Al’s ear flatten.
Oh right, have to check first.
He activated the guild marker and heard the message. Al’s ears were perked up and his tail was swishing back and forth. Eric smiled at Al’s professionalism, and then activated the main circle.
Reveal which is unknown [Identify].
He did the same thing with the next spell, Become a tiny ember and fly forth [Tinder].
“Awesome, two more spells. Thank you very much Al.”
Al gave a quick bow, “You are very welcome sir. We are also willing to buy back the used grimoires for one small silver each.”
Eric agreed, since they were used up, the magic circles gone. Al took the blank grimoires and returned two small silvers to Eric. They headed back out to the front room to find Wanda asleep again. Al walked up to her and chopped her on the head with his hand.
“Ouch! Al that hurt!” She cried, tears welling up in her eyes.
“Miss Wanda, I am waiting to schedule the assistance for crafting more grimoires. We just received the materials this morning and I know you have not processed any of it yet.”
Wanda complained that she was tired from staying up late last night working.
“You were not working Miss Wanda, you were out drinking at the tavern. I had to come get you, and pay your tab.”
Wanda fell silent, unable to say anything.
Al turned back to Eric and Micah.
“Miss Micah, Mr. Eric, thank you for your business. Again, if you need any specific spells made, please submit a request at no additional cost.”
Eric thanked Al once more and they headed out of the shop.
On their way to the wood working shop, Eric just had to ask. “So, Micah, who actually owned that shop? Also, was Charlie Fizzy’s husband? Or is that just how she is? And, could you teach me about the coin system?”
Micah chuckled, “I know, it is hard to tell with how much of a difference of business capability there is between the two of them, but the owner is indeed Wanda. She is actually one of the best grimoire crafters outside of Aletarra. All those cabinets in that room were most likely full two days ago. Al was paired with her because she is bad at prioritizing things, and business, and drinking, aaannnd her funds. Yeah, she is pretty useless beyond scroll crafting… Anyway, onto to Charlie and Fizzy, yes they are a married couple. I remember how angry Rexar was when he found out she accepted to marry a gnome. I remember her saying ‘But dad, you know how bad I am at cooking, he is a great chef! And he is very sweet and adorable!’ They argued back and forth for two days.”
“How’d they win him over?”
“She had him cook a meal for them,” she stifled a laugh, “he cried at how delicious it was.”
Eric and Micah had a good laugh as they arrived at the last stop, the carpenter, which seemed to be a slightly bigger building than others.
“Before we head in, let me show you.” Micah pulled out five coins. “This is a small copper and a large one. These two are the most used coins by regular people. One large is equal to ten small. Same goes for the large and small silver. Ten large copper make up a single small silver, and ten large silver make up one gold. Silver are typically used by merchants, while gold is often used by nobles, wealthy merchants, or high ranking adventurers. There is one last coin, I have only seen it once. It is the royal gold. They are a large gold coin that has an inlay of platinum. A single one of those is worth one-thousand gold coins. They are only used by a country’s government or massive merchant purchases.” Micah finished the explanation and she called into the shop.
“Hey Buulgi, it’s Micah, you here?”
A deep, gravelly voice rumbled from the back of the building. The person spoke slowly, dragging their words a bit.
“Ooooh, Miiicah. It haaas beeeen sooo loooong. Pleeeease, come on baaack.”
They headed to the back of the large building where a giant man was sitting down. He was at least ten feet tall with dark, grayish skin, with fur along his arms and legs.
“Eric, this is Buulgi, a forest giant. His race usually range from twelve to eighteen feet tall. He is one of the shorter ones that like to live in cities. They are pretty common in Dunlap as they have a large village south of the capital city in a safer area of the Great Na’Eer Forest. Buulgi, we have some questions about wood, could you answer my friend’s questions?”
“With pleasure.” Buulgi replied, his voice much clearer to Eric.
Wait, he can speak normally?
“Hello Buulgi, thank you for your help. I wanted to ask if you may know of woods that are strong, but flexible. Also any that are light but solid.” Eric asked.
Buulgi looked at him with surprise for a moment before answering with a gravelly laugh, “Hah, hah, hah. I never expected a human to know the language of the forest so well. But yes, I know a few wood types that would fit your requirements.”
Buulgi stood, his ten foot size was quite impressive.
“E-Eric, you can speak his language? Is that a blessing from the gods? You can understand the ancient language of spells and now this?” She whispered to him.
Shit! That was a different language? Hmm, I guess no point in hiding it I guess.
“Okay, yes. It is.” Micah started to comment how amazing it was when Buulgi returned holding a couple boards of wood.
“How about these?” Buulgi asked.
Eric took one of them, it was very light, even with its length.
“This is Ren wood. It is light as a leaf and solid like bronze. Special tools or great strength is need to process it.” Buulgi explained.
Eric attempted to bend it but putting his full body weight on it.
Not budging in the bit, fantastic.
Eric swapped with the other board.
“That is Luke wood. The wood is durable and yet flexible.”
Eric found the wood had some weight to it, but when he flexed it, it was almost like handling thick rubber.
“Sorry Buulgi, this is too flexible. Sorry my explanation was not good earlier. I need something that is a bit more solid, that will spring back into place.”
Buulgi thought for a moment and seemed like he thought of something. Getting another board he returned and handed it over to Eric.
This one is a bit heavier, should not be bad.
After trying to bend it by hand and failing, he tried his full weight, it bent a bit and returned to its’ shape as soon as he removed his weight.
“Buulgi, could you do me a favor? Hold the board vertical and pull it a small amount like a bow string and release it.”
Buulgi nodded and did as he was asked. The board bent as he pulled at its center and released it causing a wooden like twang.
“Ah! That is perfect Buulgi! What is that wood called?”
“This is Nackle wood. We use it for our furniture since it doesn’t break under our weight and is comfortable since it does give a little.”
“Do they have these woods in Alta Buulgi?”
The giant nodded in answer. “Do you plan to go to Alta Eric?” Buulgi asked.
“Yes, we plan on making an experimental weapon and most of the materials and labor we need is in Alta. It is for dealing with dangerous monsters like chimera and basilisks. If everything goes as I plan, casualties should be reduced to near zero.”
“Truly? One moment.” Buulgi heads inside of a nearby large building.
He came out shortly after, handing Eric a stone the size of a plate.
“This is a special marker of giants, the symbol means ‘Helper’. Use this when you go to get the wood in Alta. In exchange, I would like you to please send some of those weapons to my village. The forest giants in Alta will be able to help you with the shipping. My village is always under attack by monsters, we are able to defeat them, but with great losses.”
Eric looked from the stone to Buulgi, “Why would you give something like this to me on just what I have mentioned?”
Eric thought about all the help and referrals the people have given him so easily.
Why are they so trusting of me on so little?
Buulgi gave a gravelly chuckle, “It is because you are with Micah.”
Micah perked up hearing her name. She had felt left out since the Eric and Buulgi had been speaking in nothing but Forest Giant.
“Any friend of Micah is a trusted friend. Micah has helped many people over the years. You take good care of Micah, or you will make a lot of enemies in this world.”
Micah, at her end of her patience cut in, “OKAY! What are you two talking about? You keep saying my name!”
Buulgi gravelly laughed.
“It iiiiisss oooookay liiiitttle Miiiicah. Juuuuust saaaaying hoooooow gooooood a peeeerson yoooooou aaaaarrrrrrrre.” Buulgi gave a large grin.
Micah looked like she was skeptical of his answer.
“He was just warning me not to hurt you as I would make a lot of enemies in the world, not that I ever had any ideas of that sort.” Eric said.
Micah laughed, “Okay. That I can believe. Thanks Buulgi.”
Giving the big guy a thumbs up. They concluded their research and headed back to the Inquisitor office. Micah made sure to tease Eric again about the Pleasure District too.
- In Serial584 Chapters
Only Villains Do That
While waiting on an Akihabara train platform one day, ordinary high schooler Yoshi Shinonome was suddenly plucked from his normal life in Japan and whisked away by a beautiful goddess to Ephemera, a world of magic and adventure, to serve as her Hero and drive back the evil Dark Lord. This is not his story. Standing nearby at the moment Yoshi was isekai'd was a man named Seiji - a rude, cranky, misanthropic musician who was not at all pleased to find himself also snatched up and transported to Ephemera by the goddess's wicked sister, Virya. According to this self-proclaimed Goddess of Evil, the whole fantasy adventure thing was a game she and her sister played to stave off the boredom of immortality, and since the good goddess, Sanora, had picked her Hero...well, Virya needed a Dark Lord. A grown man with his own career and ambitions, Seiji has no interest in playing. Unfortunately for him, the call to adventure was not a request. Now, he must conquer Ephemera and defeat the Hero...or Virya promises to make him beg for the release of death before granting it. Playing along for his own survival, Seiji nonetheless is under no illusions who his true enemy is, and it's not the naive young would-be Hero from his own world. Placed in an impossible position, Seiji must make enough progress toward world domination to keep his sadistic patron goddess off his back, but not so much that he can't strike an accord with the forces of Good and convince the Hero Yoshi that it's the goddesses who are their mutual enemy. Forced to embrace Evil without being too evil, Seiji walks the razor's edge, building his forces and biding his time till he can get revenge on the goddesses and be free of them, his only certainty that he will not be getting out of this with his hands clean. A Dark Lord's gotta do what a Dark Lord's gotta do. Updates Tuesday and Friday. Most Patreon tiers get to read one chapter in advance of the public release!
8 932 - In Serial7 Chapters
Numbers Continually Going Upward
The world has very politely ended in the most webfiction way possible. Everyone is now leveling up in various things. Problems are arising. Some or all of those problems may be based around how to have a community barbeque when the nearest cow has been teleported to a few thousand miles away, along with the nearest supermarket. Join our protagoinst as he attempts to be a cool person, while everything falls apart. _____It turns out that any attempt to write a parody of the litrpg genre through overuse of the concept of leveling up inevitably fails when it turns out that *that is what the genre is based on*. Still, this was a fun little candy project of mine, and I might write more of it.
8 225 - In Serial108 Chapters
The Toys of the Fool
Sequel to 'The Unfortunate Fool', 25 years; a century has passed in the world of Royal Road and things have changed quite a bit. The game now even more popular than before having several billions of users online at a time is at it's peak, the continent united as one as the Ahreupen Kingdom under the rule of Emperor Weed. In the mist of this, six new players have joined this game under the request of an old man to find his granddaughter who is hiding in this game with no return. Soon enough they catch the attention of a certain Independent Guild under the leadership of a certain person.
8 541 - In Serial97 Chapters
Dungeon Story
An unnamed soul wakes up to find themselves in a white room with an being that claims to be everything. With that said the being informs the soul that they died and will be reincarnated as a dungeon core in another world, the kicker being that the soul can only pick some of their memories to be reborn with. Without any hesitation the soul asked to keep all their memories pertaining to fairy tales, folk tales, myths and legends. This is a tale of an dungeon who's a little bit to enthusiastic about bringing these stories to life in another world where dragons and magic already exists and the Adventurers who dive into its unknown depths.
8 136 - In Serial20 Chapters
Demon Slime | Demon Slayer x Rimuru
3 years after the defeat of Yuuki...In this timeline, Rimuru is bored and getting increasingly impatient. In a hope to satisfy this eternal boredom, he ends up, with the help of Ciel-sensei, dimension-hopping into the world of Demon Slayer. How will things play out in this new world and how will the story of Demon Slayer change?(Rimuru is very heavily nerfed, at least for now).*I DO NOT own Demon Slayer or That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. The characters and plot that are depicted in this story either belong to Koyoharu Gotouge, or Fuse. All art in this story also belongs to its respective owners and I do not own them in the slightest.
8 166 - In Serial15 Chapters
Energybound-English Version
If Lloyd sees himself with Nya instead of jay in season 5 and from there a lot will change until the last season today that I write this which is Seabound that since I have not seen it complete I will still give myself some freedoms .
8 161