《Hero? I'm assassin, but that's the same right?》Chapter 15. Mr Peanuts and the Royal Treason...


Pyro POV

Let me get you this... BONES IS AWESOME!!! He complies with my every whim, sneaky and a mage... Oh and he's quite... lazy... I mean instead of killing and then rising the undead, he just turns living into undead... Dunno how he do it, but... it's quite fun to watch.

Bones: “Master?”

Pyro: “Yes, what?”

Bones: “You... are... looking... strangely... at... my... pet...” Oh right... he actually likes those little pests... I mean mice, rats, bats in some cases and bugs... spiders too... I don't like spiders... I mean I like Arachnees and Arachnids, but it's because they are not those hairy molesters...

Pyro: “I'm curious... Is it sentient?”

Bones: “No... Master... It... Is... Not...” Figures... I mean it would be ridiculous if there were some mouse necromancer, right? (Khm... script... Pyro) Hm? Strange... I think I heard a voice...

It's not me nor Bianca, I think you're becoming crazy...

I am crazy... Anyway here's the stuff... I'm currently standing in the line to those annoying gates...

Merchant: “Oh come on! Let me through! I have papers and everything-”

Fat Merchant: “Hey! What are you doing with my wares?!”

Skinny Merchant: “... finally... free...”

Some other Merchant: “No, I don't know anything about that-”

See? Bureaucrats... rats... hey maybe-

NO!!! Don't do it!

Oh... sanity...

It's other you...

And I thought it's someone else...

Snobby Noble: “Move it peasant.”


Pyro: “Peanuts, catch.” Oh... right... the name of the skeleton rat is Peanuts... I thought it was fun, so it stuck with such name... maybe I should name those two Pinky and Brain? Or Nines and Hamster? Or was it Hamuske?

SN: “Didn't you hear me- Yayikes!” Well... let's just say that 'nuts' are different... in this case it's family jewels... RIP SoSN... Um... why are all those pricks looking at me like that?

Pyro: “Peanuts... Finish him.” Ever watched Alien? How it was 'born'? Yep the same stuff happened with noble...

Bones: “Master... Was... It... Necessary?”

Pyro: “Maybe, maybe not, but if some little shit disrespects me, it dies...” And so I continued waiting in line...

Gurad: “Next!” One problem with this city? Smugglers... There are no smugglers at all! What Capital is it, if there's no Smugglers? Or I haven't found them yet...

Pyro: “Hello...” Why is guard shaking? “Something on my face?”

Guard: “Who... What... Captain! I'm retiring!”

Guard Captain: “Right now?!”

Ex-Guard: “YES! I think I'm going crazy. There are three skeletons waiting in line.” Three? There is another one?

He means you.


Pyro: “Sorry but you are seeing things... there is only two skeletons in line.”

Guard Captain: “I guess you are just tired... wait... what did you just say?”

Pyro: “Only two skeletons, one regular and one rodent. Seriously guys... if not for those rules you wouldn't have that headache right now.”

GC: “Rules? Skeletons...”

Pyro: “Yep, If those idiots let me through I would create one inside castle, not in the open... and there would be only one... I guess... not sure about it though.”

GC: “Castle... Who are you? And where's your-” Oh... forgot to show the ID card...


Pyro: “Here. Name's Kuro. Rank B adventurer. Skeleton is ex bandit, and rat... well... his pet.”

GC: “... We need to register your pet.”

Pyro: “OK! Bones go register Peanuts as your pet.” I swear I heard someone laughing...

GC: “You are a Necromancer? Then you need to-”

Pyro: “No I am not! He is.” I said pointing at bones... seriously? Aren't they stupid? “I am a hero.”

GC: “... Can we fetch someone to bring sir Zulsky? I guess I would also have to retire soon...”

Pyro: “... Maybe let me through? I'm quite bored...” And... they all left... I think I have some jerky left... should just go with the flow... and try out enchanting stuff... I need only mana, right?

Few hours later.

Somehow my enchants are not working... whatever... at least the reception guy is here... so we can quickly get through this shit.

Receptionist Dude: “Hello Kuro. Tell me where did you get this skeleton?”

Pyro: “I created him. He's quite fun... though I don't get his rodent fetish.”

Bones: “Master... It... is... my... pet...”

Pyro: “Yeah, I got it... you could at least find something a bit more cute than this.”

RD: “Khm... Kuro... It's your summon?”

Pyro: “No! Not summon. Minion! He can do whatever I ask him of!”

RD: “... It's undead, right?”

Pyro: “Yeah... Undead... But he's my Minion!”

RD: “... Do you understand that Undead are scourge of the living?”

Pyro: “Why? I understand that zombies are quite smelly, so they can be considered as such, but skeletons? What do you have against them?”

RD: “I don't have anything against them personally, but-”

Pyro: “Then let him join the guild. I mean if he's in my group, then no one will complain, right?”

RD: “... Fine... It's easier to agree on this one, but what about rat?”

Pyro: “Mr Peanuts? What about him?”

RD: “He attacked the son of Duke and-”

Pyro: “Nah, it's that son of a bitch provoked this little fellow. Ain't that right nutcrusher?”

RD: “... Anyway I must-”

Pyro: “Wait... you say duke... he had a family, right? Can you tell me where can I-”

RD: “Find them? Why? What do you want to do with them?”

Pyro: “Easy. They Disrespected me by allowing that sorry excuse for a sentient creature walk this soil, so... I guess some compensations are in order.”

RD: “... It's you who should-”

Pyro: “Old man... If some dickhead shoves you and tells you that you're shit, what do you do?”

RD: “It depends on-”

Pyro: “Situation, right? So in my case I have no beef with that moron, as he's already dead, so now I want compensation from his family for the time I wasted because of that shit. Oh and if you can't, then tell the king to organize a meeting. I will not tolerate anyone being a hindrance in my... training...”

RD: “Training? Wait... You wanted to say something else?”

Pyro: “... Would you believe me if I said that only my minions will fight demon lord? I don't want to do anything.”

RD: “...”


Pyro: “What? Not like you want to fight him anyway...”

RD: “You... fight with minions?”

Pyro: “Yeah... undead army...”

RD: “I give up...”

Pyro: “Glad that you have some common sense.” … I guess I need to levelup charm a bit... Seriously though... why is it only Greater when everything else is Legendary... except luck...

Bones: “Master... Can... I... Keep... Peanuts?” What pea...

Pyro: “Sure. Just call him Mr. Peanuts. Easier to understand this way.” maybe I need to change the name of this rat? How about Nutcrusher?

So... let me tell you this... I fucking hate those nobles... yeah... maybe, just MAYBE, not necessarily mind you, those nobles are useful, BUT! They piss me off... So let's make an example out of that Duke fellow...

Pyro: “Hey King! I have a beef with some duke, so can you organize some sort of deathmatch?”

King Gustav: “*Sigh* Kuro...”

Pyro: “What? It's fault of his son, so I need the compensation. As I had a beef and his son is... well... dead... I need to destroy their family, besides... You will get more money in the treasury...” Uh... I need to levelup Smooth Talker...

KG: “Kuro... You... do you know what you just did?”

Pyro: “Um... If it's enemy nation can we use some necromancy or use them as sacrafices? I mean they are not residents of your kingdom, so we can-”

KG: “NO! You have just killed the son of Duke Mossberry. He is the-”

Pyro: “Some prick, who have some sort of strong artifact and/or connections? Oh and a lot of wealth?”

KG: “No artifact, but on other things you're right. No I mean he is-”

Pyro: “Oh come on! I can easily kill-”

Purple Lady: “Hero KURO! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY COUSIN?!” cousin? oh...

Pyro: “... So... I can't kill that prick? *Sigh*... and I already decided the way I would kill him...”

KG: “Honey... it's”

PL: “Father! I understand that-”

Bones: “You... are... the... relative... of... enemy... so... you... are... enemy... of... master...” I like where this is going, but...

Pyro: “Um... Bones? It's okay buddy... we don't kill the king and others, but... wait... Did you call that Duke Moss-something?” I hope this works...

KG: “Yes, what of it?”

Pyro: “Just that some prick had an idea of enslaving the heroes or something, and used... Bones how did your group was named?”

Bones: “Blood Throats...”

Pyro: “Oh yeah... so... there was some dude called Rat, and I need to find him... also those bandits had some sort of document with some goods listed and some Moss dude being buyer.” pathetic, but... I'm unprepared... and I really want to kill that prick...

KG: “... Is that true?”

Pyro: “Dunno. I hate politics and this is politics. I would prefer just to purge everyone not related to heroes and be done with it.”

KG: “Why? Why do you not value human life?”

Pyro: “... Did you kill bandits, king?”

KG: “... Yes. I fought and killed a lot of them. Why?”

Pyro: “And how did you look at them?”

KG: “They are lowlifes, which enjoy pillaging, killing and raping innocents, so-”

Pyro: “They are trash, right?”

KG: “If you want in simple words, then yes, bandits are trash.”

Pyro: “And what about other races? Different than humans, and I'm not talking about bandits.”

PL: “They are all savages! They need to be ruled by the better-”

Pyro: “Yeah, got it. So in my case, or better yet from the world I came from, Nobles were purged. There was only one royal family remained, and they were more like dolls than anything. But even they were killed by the time of my birth.” What? More or less true...

KG: “Your world... who rules over the countries?”

Pyro: “In some democracy, in some consortium, in others it's military, in some cases it's scientists or scholars, while some are not ruled at all... And the last one is the most fun and profitable. I mean I was a mercenary back there, so I killed... hm... I think it was 3 rulers and around 10 candidates... but I didn't kill them alone, and it was in times of war.”

PL: “King slayer...”

Pyro: “I would call myself 'Liberator' but... as I said I was just a soldier, mercenary, whatever you call it. I got paid for it. Well actually I also was protecting some of the rulers, when there was a contract.” Which is bullshit. “But after second one I stopped accepting contracts on protection.” Bullshit, I stopped after first one. Not my type of job.

KG: “You were... Ahem! Back on topic. Why would you want to kill Duke Mossberry?”

Pyro: “Well... disrespect from his family, so it's an honor thing. But now knowing that you are relatives I will not presume this, but I will warn you. Most of the times it was relatives who wished to kill those rulers or candidates. I actually was working on one of the contracts, where mother wanted to kill her own child, who was the rightful heir to the throne. Well more like he was supposed to be Ruler of a corporation, but that's details. Anyway that child was killed, and then the contractor was killed too, by her twin sister. So... I don't trust nobles.”

KG & PL: “...”

Pyro: “Um... What?”

PL: “My cousin... he always talked about me not being fit for the throne...”

KG: “... So... My brother actually wanted to usurp the throne?” um... I wanted to point that out! Oh well... at least he thinks that his brother is plotting against him... would be fun...

PL: “... I... can't believe it... they wanted to get rid of us?”

KG: “So it was them who poisoned Anna...” … who's Anna? Wait... what are they talking about?

You just made them being suspicious of the relatives.

Nai wa!

Always wanted to say that!

Due to your cunning and charisma you gained a title.

Distrust Gardener.

Even if it is a happy family you will make even mother suspicious of her newborn child.

Charisma +5, Illusion affinity +5, Skill Poker Face.

Uh... so the son won't be the last to die?

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