《The Demon Prince: Magic World》Chapter 8: The Demon Prince


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In the dining hall, Khan didn’t turn around because Yuna kissed him on the back of the neck, but to see Old Sensei Jarue response on the cup of water from the Princess. The double thumbs up meant that he saw poison was poured into the cup.

The reason why Khan drank the poison willingly is because he has a built up a powerful immune system from slowly building it up as a child to protect him from assassinations. His mom had the ability to heal Khan so they continuously fed different kinds of poison to Khan to get his body to become strongly immune to them.

Then he had tried all of the Ki suppressing medicine by the time he reached master Ki class. They had no effects on him because his Ki pool was abnormally large. So Khan wasn’t worried about being poison from his history with them, but if he did feel something abnormal within his body he would’ve just walked back instantly.

Even without the cup of water Khan knew this was a trap the entire time, but he is one of the most powerful being in his world. He’s confident in his power. Even if things didn’t go the way he expected he still should’ve easily been able to escape with his abilities. When he reached master Ki class he created a skill that easily sent Yaza, Sarah, Sensei Jarue, Goryuki, and other powerful clansmen to their knees when he requested to have a group battle with him against them.

John stood in front of him with his arms still held by the guards.

“You’re probably wondering why you can’t use your Ki, right?” John said with a frown on his face.

“I am.” Khan replied as calmly as he could.

“I can’t use Ki so I transferred to your school for Shiro hand-in-marriage because she both extremely beautiful that no other can compare to and she also priestess with a powerful bloodline I want for my children to build a powerful family.

I saw her constantly staring at you while ignoring my advances no matter how I had tried. So I did my full research on you using my father’s connection and wealth. I found out that you’re an expert class Clan leader who’s immune to all drugs with negative effects.

You don’t understand how far I fell into despair when I found out how powerful you were, but my lucky father is a genius who turned our company around from a small Texas oil company to a massive empire that’s slowly conquering the oil industry.

He used billions of dollars to obtain for me the legendary Ki medicine “God’s Soul” that only peak master Ki class can consume, but still had a high mortal rate. Your body won’t recognize it as a poison because it doesn’t harm your body, but the next time you activate your Ki, it’ll drains all your Ki for a certain period of time to reform your body, making you stronger than ever. Of course, since you’re still an expert class you will die instead because your body won’t be strong to supplement the needed Ki for the medicine, which then allows the medicine to eat away from your body for a slow gruesome death.

I spent millions to have this medicine grounded into dust so I could carry it every day with me, scheming on how to get you to ingest it. This is all to protect Shiro from a monster like you”

Prince Gale Jr. happily skipped up to them after John finished his heated speech.


"Are you happy my Prince? I did what you asked and told him my evil plan before he dies. Now I've completed all the task we agreed upon I'm sure you will give me your full support so you can win Yuna's heart while I win Shiro's.” John said to the Prince.

“Yes you have my support. You always have to tell the victim your plans and such to push them in further despair.” The Prince laughed hysterically.

“You’re pretty fucking stupid.” Khan said to the Prince from the statement.

The guard was about to smash his right fist into Khan’s face in retaliation from the remark, but the Prince stopped him. The Prince punched Khan in the face multiple times while Khan pretended to be hurt. He felt barely any pain from the punches even without his Ki, but it was probably a better idea to get hit from the Prince instead of the royal guard who was wearing a metal gauntlet.

“Ha I bet you probably want to cry to your mother now!” The prince gasped for air after throwing a few punches.

“Prince we should toss Khan into this dungeon you talked about before. The sooner we get rid of him; the better, so we can avoid any inconsistently that might pop up when questioned about this event from Shiro or my classmates.” John said.

“Ah true I was having so much fun, but I am getting hungry.” The prince replied with an evil grin.

“I’m hungry too my son, let’s Begin the operation by beginning with killing the two rebels.” The king said.

Khan saw the commander had a sad expression when he killed the two young royal knights by piercing them in their chests with his sword.

He then saw John walked up to Yai and hit her in the stomach and face to make sure there we visible markings that showed of an attack. Following up John’s attack the commander inflicted non-lethal wounds on John and the Princess.

He then proceeded to smash a huge hole into the wall of the castle with the war hammer that was laid on the wall. Khan knew what they were doing was fabricating the rebel attack by creating the scene themselves to make it look like there was an attack that actually happened.

“Have fun in the demon prince tomb.” The prince said to Khan with a hysterical laugh.

Khan watched as the royal commander swung the war hammer at his legs. The pain was extreme, but he didn’t utter a sound.

Khan was dragged through the castle. He saw all the guards and maids turned a blind eye when they saw the commander proceeding to forbidden zone of the castle with him being held by the two guards behind him.

When they approached the massive double doors, they had two guards force one of the heavy doors opened. They entered the room with the guards closing the door behind them.

In the large stone room there was only a large stone coffin without a lid to it. When they dragged Khan to the coffin he saw that it wasn’t a flat bottom coffin, but rather the bottom went downwards like a slide into a tunnel that Khan couldn’t see anything, but darkness.

The knights gently dropped Khan to the ground as they dropped to their knees with tears dipping off their faces.

Khan felt the pain from his legs slowly disappearing as the commanders had his hand covered in white light over his legs.

“I lost two good kids today. It’s shameful on how I’m the commander of the royal knights, yet I couldn’t do anything to save those kids.” The Commander said with a sad expression as one tear fell from his left eye.


“You’re from the rebel forces?” Khan asked calmly.

“Yes I’m with the rebels since the civil war started acting as the commander of his royal guards.”

Khan heard the noise of the one of heavy stone double door slowly opening up behind them. The commander stopped healing his leg and carried Khan into the coffin.

“Kid, don’t worry about what the Prince said about the demon prince tomb. It’s all just a legend used to scare traitors. I was going to use this tunnel for my two men to escape so there will be provision at the bottom of the tomb. I’m sorry for everything and if you do survive remember that the King and the Prince aren’t the real enemies that control this kingdom.” The commander hastily whispered into his ear as he pushed Khan down the slide.

Khan slid down the dark tunnel not worrying about the Ki medicine known as “God’s soul”.

The reason why he was so confident about his survival from the medicine was that the medicine fed off the Ki of the body to do the reform. It wasn’t related to what Class you currently are, but how much Ki you had. The reason for John’s statement was the common logic that usually the higher the class the most Ki your body had because all advancement would immensely increase your Ki pool depending on what class you advanced to. Khan probably could’ve taken the medicine before he even reached master Ki class because of his abnormally large Ki pool that other Ki users couldn’t compare to.

Khan knew the information about “God’s Soul” because his father wanted to impress his mother before they dated by becoming stronger so he did his research on the medicine, but couldn’t get the medicine because he was only at Expert Ki class and his clan wouldn’t have been able to purchase the medicine because of the extremely high cost.

Khan was considering to use this medicine when he was at peak expert Ki class, but the La’Ameraza Clan don’t produce as much income as they used to because they are a legitimate business and also pay all their employees well, reducing the net income they received each year. His clan’s wealth couldn’t measure up to someone who owns 20% of the oil supply in the world.

Then Khan wasn’t worried about Yuna and Shiro for two reasons. First is that Old sensei Jarue is there to protect them. He has been peak expert Ki class for a long time now, but was never able to advance to master Ki class. Khan pleaded him to be Shiro bodyguard when she first appeared at school. Sensei Jarue said yes without any hesitation because of the special bond he built up with Khan's family because he is Yaza's martial art master.

Using their connections to the school this was no issue. Probably the only thing that can kill him at this point is old age unless he declared war on the whole castle, but he’s probably wouldn’t do that…hopefully. Khan became nervous as he thought of that possibly.

Second reason is that Yuna and Shiro have knowledge in self-defense. Yuna has been learning martial art since they were kids from Khan. Shiro is the heir to the Yukimura Sword art, but not only that, shes the current clan leader of the Yukimura Clan with knowledge in tactics and management. She can easily protect herself from John, but she might have to protect Yuna from the Prince.

When Khan finally reached the end of the slide he dropped to the floor on top of the provision the commander had talked about. He could hear the smashing of bones once he landed on top of the provision. He pulled out his phone that had no service to light up the room. All over Khan were hundreds of skeletons scattered throughout the room with highest concentrations of them were in the other side of the room where the door was.

In the middle of the room sat a large ancient skeleton on a throne chair. Khan was amazed on how the skeleton was still intact after all these years.

Khan wanted to check the provision for any light source in case his phone died, but suddenly his body stopped listening to him.

Fog begins to form out from the body of the skeleton. The temperature dropped quickly till he could see his breathe. Khan’s body shivered from the cold as it walked toward the skeleton.

Khan couldn’t regain control of his body no matter how he concentrated or commanded it to. When his body reached the skeleton, it looked like it was staring back at him. His hand moved toward the ring on the right hand of the skeleton.

His hands picked up the black ring. Khans’ arms lifted to bring the ring into eye level. He watched as his left hand put the ice cold black plain ring onto his middle finger on his right hand.

Khan’s consciousness faded as he blacked out.

When his eye opened he was standing in total darkness. He couldn’t move or feel his body. Khan wanted to scream out, but couldn’t say anything.

In front of Khan appeared a hideous man with only trousers on. He had a large muscular body that had battle scars on every inch of his body. He was missing one eye while he stared at Khan with his other.

“I am known as The Demon Prince from my enemies and my family. I was once the greatest general and royal prince of the Halekin family. I led our armies in endless battles conquering half the continent on this side of the gate. I pushed the beast into the southern mountains and kingdom of Romati into the northern mountains where the gate to the savage land lays.

When I came back I was betrayed by my family because of my immense power and hideous appearance. I was loyal and loved them to the deepest part of my heart because they were the only ones that loved me before I became the monster I am now. I didn’t retaliate for years after their continuous attempts to get rid of me. In the end the hatred that built up in my heart led me to go berserk killing half my family causing me to lock myself up in this tomb. Even after death the ring wouldn’t allow my soul to leave my body.

The ring is a legacy I received from someone during the war. Now you will inherit it to free my soul from this everlasting hell, if you can survive.” The man said emotionlessly to Khan.

Khan came back to reality, but nothing happened to Khan after the vision. He regained control to his body and the temperature risen back to where it was with the fog gone.

“Are you going to be my new master?” A sinister voice echoed in his head as he tried to pull off the ring from his finger.

Khan dropped to his hands and knees with tears pouring down his face as dark visions replayed of all the ones he loved were killed and tortured in gruesome ways. It became worse as he became the person watching from 1st person view with no control over the body to commit all the hideous crimes to the ones he loved.

This cycle repeated itself endlessly. Khan would black out and then woke up with the visions appearing once again until he blacked out again.

When Khan woke up for the hundredth time, he saw Shiro and Yuna both staring down to him with their eyes red. Khan wanted to ask if this was a dream, but couldn’t muster the energy to do so before the visions came back to attack him again.

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