《The Demon Prince: Magic World》Chapter 7: Betrayal


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Don't be sad I'll be releasing another chapter today since I have no school or work.

Thank you and enjoy.

When Khan exited the room he saw all his classmates jaws dropped from the sight of Shiro embracing his right arm with her eyes still a bit red from crying. This was expected as Shiro was worshipped by his classmates as the beautiful ice queen. While Khan was feared by all as if he was a demon, which meant in the eyes of his classmate that Khan shouldn’t be with her.

He knew they weren’t really shocked about Yuna locking on to his arm because they were still under the impression that she was brainwashed by Khan since middle school.

Khan could hear the noise his classmates whispering to each other, but no one dared to step up to say anything to Khan. Even John stood in the back of the class with his hands in his pocket as he gritted his teeth.

The escort didn’t say anything about this commotion, but gestured for the class to follow him to the dining hall for the banquet.

Khan followed behind the class at a distance holding the hands of Shiro and Yuna. Yuna was humming happily while Shiro face was slightly blushed, but still had her emotionless face.

“For our first date can we explore the city for all the delicious food and cute clothes they might have?” Yuna pleaded with her puppy face.

“Yes.” Khan replied

“Then for our second date, can we pet all the cute animals that they might have here that we don’t have in our world?


“Then for our third date can we go on a romantic trip to a lake while having a picnic.”


“What else do I want to do?”

“Yuna, we can do anything you want to do. We can figure it out when the time comes.”

“Hehehe, you’re the best Khanybear. We’ll have so much fun together with us three, Right Shiro?”

Shiro nodded to Yuna.

When they entered the large dining hall his classmates were in awe from how beautiful it was. It was setup like romantic Cinderella ballroom with the middle of the room cleared for dancing and buffet style food tables on both sides of the room.

The girls’ eyes were still sparkling from the sight as they took as much pictures as they could. The boys ran to the buffet tables to stuff their faces in the delicious medieval style feast.

Khan wasn’t impressed by the food as he has some of the best chef cooking for him on the daily. He saw Yuna stuffing her face with food in happiness while Shiro stood next to Khan holding his hand.

Ballroom music began to play as Prince Gale Jr. and Princess Annabella walked into the room. Prince Gale wore the same robe he had earlier with a smile on his face as he stared at Yuna. Princess Annabella had a beautiful simple white ballroom dress, but the dress wore her instead of her wearing the dress because of her bodyweight and expression that was lacking as she stared down into the ground.


As if Khan didn’t exist, John appeared in front of Shiro and Khan on one knee. Khan watched as John hand reached out to Shiro.

“Will you give me the honor of having a dance with you, my princess?” John said with his flawless smile.

“Kya! he’s like a real prince. I’m so jealous of Shiro; I wish john would dance with me.” A nearby girl screamed.

“Shut up, I’m so sick of your stupid comments.” A boy from the other side of the room screamed.

“Don’t talk to her like that you unrefined pig!” Another girl screamed out.

“Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?” Another boy screamed out with his mouth full of food.

The atmosphere became hostile between the boys and the girls as they continued to yell out insult at each other.

Khan saw John’s shocked expression as Shiro pulled Khan past John to the dance floor. When they entered to the middle of the dance floor, the musicians playing in the corner of the room reset the song for them.

He placed his left hand around Shiro waist as he lifted his right hand that was clenching tightly to Shiro’s left hand. Khan put on a gentle smile when he led the first step with Shiro adapting perfectly to his movements. As they move in perfect harmony Khan couldn’t help, but lose awareness to his surrounding when he stared deeply into Shiro’s beautiful blue eyes. His face unconsciously was inching closer to her face till he could feel the tip of her nose with his.

It felt like they were dancing for an eternity, but when the music stopped Khan came back to reality. He could still feel Shiro breathe on him as they stood as still as a statue. When Shiro closed her eyes he felt the warmth of her lips. Khan didn’t resist her kiss.

When their lips parted Khan watched her smile beautifully with her cheeks blushed to a deep shade of red. Khan could still feel the warmth of her lips and body as Shiro quickly let go of Khan to run off the dance floor.

This isn’t the first time they dance together. They danced together during the 3 and half months they spent together when he joined her Dance class that taught dances for social gatherings. After their separation Khan still had to continue to practice dancing when he became Clan head.

He saw Yuna whispered to Shiro before she walked to the middle of the dance floor to join him.

“I hope you will leave a big smile on my face like you left on Shiro’s.” Yuna said.

Khan put his left hand around Yuna waist while his right hand was tightly clenched in the air with Yuna’s left hand. He felt her massive breast relaxing on his chest as he stared deeply into Yuna’s brown eyes. He couldn’t deny that he enjoyed the feeling of her breast.

“Wait.” Yuna said to Khan before he could lead off.

Yuna moved her face closer to Khan’s face for just enough to feel their noses touch. Khan could feel her breathe, but he decided to allow her to do whatever she wanted because he didn’t want Yuna feel that Shiro was getting better treatment.


“Wait.” Yuna said again.

“What is it Yuna?” Khan asked.

“Something I wanted to do for a long time.”

Before Khan could reply to her statement, their lips connected. Yuna claim her long awaited first kiss. When their lips parted Yuna pushed herself away from Khan. Yuna had a big smile on her face with her cheeks dyed red.

“I’m sorry Khanybear. I don’t actually know how to dance, but I just wanted a kiss because Shiro got one. Now it looks like the Princess is next for a dance.” Yuna said with a giggle as she pointed behind Khan.

Khan saw Princess Annabella approaching him with a cup in her hand. He felt Yuna’s soft warm lips on the back of his neck when he was distracted by the oncoming Princess.

Yuna had already ran off the dance floor when he turned around again. Khan noticed all of his classmates were staring at him with either looks of jealousy or curiosity, but turned their head away in fear pretending that they weren’t staring. Old Sensei Jarue was giving Khan the double thumps up.

“You must be tired from your dance with Shiro. Here’s a cup of water to quench your thirst.” Princess Annabella said to Khan.

“I’m not actually tired at all, but I’ll gladly accept the water. Thank you Princess Annabella.” Khan said as he accepted the cup of water.

Khan gulped the cup of water in one go. When Khan handed the glass back to Princess Annabella she looked down at the ground.

“The truth is we’re having a secret meeting about the possible attack of rebels tonight. We heard that you were a powerful master from your world so we were hoping you would aid us against the rebels.” Princess Annabella said with her voice slightly trembling.

Khan had a bad feeling about this meeting, but he was confident in his ability to escape if the situation got bad.

“Ok show me the way.” Khan said.

He followed Princess Annabella to the door that his class had entered from. When they reached the door Shiro and Yuna ran up to them.

“Where are you guys going?” Yuna asked.

“I’m going to go to meet the king to discuss about something important. Enjoy the rest of the banquet, I’ll be back soon.” Khan replied.

“Okay, but before you go, Shiro and me had a discussion on how we skipped an important step in our relation.”

“That is?”

“It’s confessing our love before the first kiss, of course!”

“I see. we can do that later. Shiro you shouldn’t allow Yuna to push you to do things you don’t want to do. Yuna, Let’s not rush this and enjoy our time together while we build the foundation our relation.”

“No! You can’t leave this room until we all confess our love.” Yuna said with a pout.

Khan had his hands grabbed by both girls. They stared at him intently.

“I love you Khanybear!” Yuna screamed at the top of her lungs.

“I love you.” Shiro said with her voice trembling as her face burnt up to the deepest shade of red possible.

They stared at Khan with eyes of expectation. Khan couldn’t deny that he felt something for them, but it wasn’t at the level of love. He only wanted to say “I love you” when he really meant it. He didn’t want to disappoint Shiro because she mustered up courage to say it.

Behind Yuna and Shiro, Khan saw his classmate staring at then. They turned their faces when they saw Khan staring back at them. Sensei Jarue gave Khan another thumps up as he drank wine directly from the bottle. Khan wasn’t sure if it was a good idea for Sensei to drink since he’s almost at the age of 81.

Khan decided he shouldn’t waste any more time because King Gale was waiting for him. Khan looked Yuna into the eye.

“Yuna Sato, I love you.”

Khan turned his head over to Shiro, looking directly into her eyes.

“Shiro Yukimura, I love you.”

Khan quickly turned away to leave the room to avoid seeing their reactions. He could hear Yuna screaming in joy as he walked down the hallway.

They walked for 10 minutes down the hallway before Princess Annabella stopped at a double door guarded by 4 guards. Khan followed Princess Annabella into the room with the guards locking the door behind them.

In the room King Gale was sitting in a mini version of his golden throne chair at a large wooden table in front of Khan that looked to be used for strategic warfare planning.

Prince Gale Jr., John O’Connor, and Yai Udo stood next to the King. On the left side of the room, two young knights stood next to the commander of the royal knights that was at the introduction.

“Let me see this so-called Ki from your world.” The king demanded.

“I thought I was bought here for a meeting about the upcoming attack by the rebel.” Khan asked.

Khan noticed the facial expression of the two young knights changed completely from serious to nervous when he said that.

“You were, but I want to see if the stories about you from Sir John were true because I don’t want to put the lives of my men into your hands without seeing proof.” The king replied.

“Ok fine.”

Burst of static lightning formed around his body as he released his Ki, but quickly disperse. Khan couldn’t feel his Ki anymore. Khan saw Prince Gale Jr. smirking at him from the surprised reaction Khan had.

From behind, two guards grabbed Khans’ arm. Khan tried to resist, but he felt all the strength from his body gone.

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