《Tentacle Lord》Chapter 16 : The Alluring Darkness (Part2)


Third Person POV

“ Enchance!! “ (Tsurai)

With that one word blue colored magic power covered Strada. The blue colored magic spread out and transformed. The shield to tower shield and the sword to five meter broadsword. As Tsurai finished her preparation the previously downed 2 skeleton snakes got up, with a dash Tsurai closed the distance and jumped in front of one of the snakes and swung down her sword. The snake was surprised by Tsurai’s speed even the woman was surprised too.

Tsurai’s sword landed right to the snake’s head and slammed the snake down to the ground. as Tsurai briefly stop in midair the other snake swung it’s tail at Tsurai but Tsurai raised her shield and defend againts the tail, Tsurai was pushed back but she landed with no trouble and without any damage.

The silver haired woman was growing more and more curious, how could Tsurai move with no difficulty ? in normal circumstances Tsurai’s movement should have been restricted by fear but Tsurai was moving as if she didn’t feel any fear at all. The woman kept inspecting Tsurai and she finally knew why Tsurai didn’t feel the fear. A thin layer of holy magic was enveloping Tsurai’s body and that thin layer was negating the effect of the silver haired woman’s magic.

Let’s return time back a little, after Kagero pursuit the skeleton snakes down the hole, Tsurai and Risala were running after them. As they reach the basement door, Risala felt the fear and recognized what kind of monster beyond the door. Risala tried to stopped Tsurai so they could devise a plan and prepare themself before entering the monster domain, but her voice fell on deaf ear. Hearing the sound of batlle and Kagero beyond the door, Tsurai didn’t stop and burst through the door. At the last minute Risala was able to cast “ Holy Sanctuary “ on both Tsurai and herself. The thin layer was the holy magic “ Holy Sanctuary “ that prevent the user to be affected from bad status.

Then we came to this situation. Tsurai was standing still and having staring contest with the silver haired woman, meanwhile Risala was in the back, casting “ Holy Sanctuary “ in the shape of a small dome covering her, Yuuna, Alice and Kagero. with the fear neutralized, Risala started healing everyone. Yuuna and Alice healed in just a moment since they weren’t hurt much, they were just unable to hold the pressure from the fear.

Kagero, on the other hand, was heavily damaged. His physical damage were healed easily with his regeneration power and Risala’s magic but his internal damage was too much, his organs ruptured and bleeding internally, bones cracked and not to mention his stamina and mana was drained clean. Even with his regeneration and Risala’s magic, this degree of damage was not that easy to heal.

“ to think you could hold your ground against a Wight all by yourself while protecting Yuuna and Alice, common senses really doesn’t apply to you, is it ? “ (Risala)

Risala was saying that as she smiled and healing Kagero. Wight, an undead monster that came to be when a female of royal blood of any races revived with black magic or had accumulated humongous amount of black magic when they were alive or dead. The stronger the female were the more amount of black magic needed to transform her to a Wight. But once they became a Wight, the female would become a different existence altogether.

The black magic not only became the Wight’s core, it also increased the wight’s strength to double or triple of their original power and give them a new skill and magic, all the while retaining their original skill and magic. The black magic also affect their looks and personality, the already stunning woman became goddess-like, even an average beautiful woman became a woman so pretty you couldn’t take your eyes off her when they became a Wight. But their beauty were leaning to a gloomy and dark beauty.


Their personality also became twisted, no matter how pure or kind they were when they were alive, the woman who became Wight soon found they took pleasure from torturing someone. The more their prey screamed and suffered the more pleasure they took from it. And although the Wight retained all their skill, magic and experience when they were alive, there was one thing they would lose, without fail and no exception, when they became a Wight, their memories.

Their original skill and magic, their new power as Wight, their experience, and the fondness for bloodshed. All this combined make a Wight, one dangerous monster. In layman terms, Wights were a cheat of a monster.

“ Tsurai, the ‘’ Holy Sanctuary “ won’t hold for long, so just hold on a little longer. We’ll retreat after I move everyone outside. “ (Risala)

“ ................ “ (Tsurai)

Tsurai didn’t answer Risala, she stayed silent while still glaring at the Wight.

“ ...............Tsurai?......why aren’t you answering me?......please answer me, I really don’t like it when you stay silent like that.....especially at this situation..... “ (Risala)

“ ................... “ (Tsurai)

Tsurai kept silent and aimed her sword at the Wight. Tsurai canceled her enchance mode and focus all her magic into her sword.

“ ......Tsurai, I know you are pissed about the Wight harming Kagero, Yuuna and Alice but the Wight is not something you can fight alone. We should run and wait for Kagero to recover before we attack the Wight, so please lower your weapon and help me carry everyone out of here, okay? “ (Risala)

“ ..........sorry, mother. FIRE!!!! “ (Tsurai)

A blue dragon came out from Tsurai’s sword and headed for the Wight. Looking at the blue dragon the Wight only smile, the 2 snakes rushed to the Wight and used their tails to cover the Wight.


With a deafening sound, the blue dragon clashed with the two snake’s tails and the result was one of the two snake’s tails destroyed while the other sustaining medium damage while the Wight was undamaged.

“ tch......saved by the beasts, huh? Why don’t you come here and face me, bitch? I‘ll teach you what happen when you’re messing with someone’s else husband. “ (Tsurai)

The Wight smiled when she saw Tsurai annoyed face and said.....

“ oh, so that guy was your husband? He is quite dangerous but I just loooove~ breaking strong man like him. So I’m not gonna kill you, I’ll slowly torture you and make you watch when I violate your husband and kill those three whores behind you. “ (Wight)

“ ...............bitch, I’m gonna kill you. “ (Tsurai)

At this time, Tsurai’s face already devoid of any emotion and expression, all that remained was a bone chilling coldness and piercing glares. Tsurai began her chant.

“ woven from thousand lights of the heavens, rain down upon my foes......... “ (Tsurai)

Even with Tsurai chanting in front of her, the Wight paid it no mind. The Wight calmly raised her arm and pointed at Tsurai.

“ let’s see who’s gonna kill who, sow. Go, my children. “ (Wight)


The two snakes that covered the Wight, both rushed toward Tsurai, baring their fangs at her. Tsurai dodge them and used their heads as platform to jump higher into the air.

“ Holy Judgement! “ (Tsurai)

Up high in the air, Tsurai yelled the name of her magic and a huge white magic circle appeared on the ceiling of the basement, right above Tsurai. A thick beam of light came out of the magic circle but it didn’t hit the two snakes, the huge beam was absorbed by Strada.


“ Enchance! “ (Tsurai)

A blinding light came out from Strada at the same time Tsurai yelled. Everyone in the basement, with no exception, was covering their eyes because of the light. In the blinding world a figure descended from the sky, with a pure white claymore and tower shield. As the figure descend to the ground with high speed, the figure raised her sword and swung it at one of the two snakes, with a loud sound the claymore and the snake’s head clashed.


As the light fade out, everyone opened their eyes and was surprised by what they saw. One of the two snakes was stumbling as it tries to stood with a long wound on it’s head and standing in front of it was Tsurai. Since the skeleton snakes were undead, they didn’t feel pain but that’s it, they still could be stunned with delivering enough force to their head and that was the reason why the skeleton snake was stumbling. The other skeleton snake swung it’s tail at Tsurai but it was easily deflected with a bash from Tsurai’s shield and the skeleton snake’s tail was partially turned to dust, like it was forcefully exorcist.

“ that sword and shield......I see now. “ (Wight)

The Wight was shocked when it saw how easily Tsurai damaged her skeleton snakes when she was could barely harm them just a second ago. But the Wight soon knew why Tsurai could do that after it observed Tsurai’s pure white claymore and shield. from what it saw since the start of it fight with Tsurai, the Wight roughly guessed that Tsurai could enchant her sword and shield with an element and Tsurai did yell “ Enchanced “ when she wanted to enchant Strada with magic element.

“ a Magic Knight.....How rare. “ (Wight)

Magic Knight, a knight with the power to enchant element magic into their weapons and armor, compared to other variation of Knights, Magic Knight have the lowest defense and offense but their true worth became apparent when they enchant their weapons. An enchanted weapons and armors were stronger than a normal weapon, all the more when the enchanted magic were the weakness of their enemies.

“ you enchant the sword with Holy magic, didn’t you? “ (Wight)

“ that’s right, a swing from this and you’ll be exorcist on the spot. so prepare, Bitch. I’ll exorcist your ass. “ (Tsurai)

“ we’ll see about that. Go. “ (Wight)

The two snakes rushed to Tsurai and the third snake beside the Wight also rushed to Tsurai. Tsurai ran at the snakes and jumped as she swung her sword at the first Snake, Tsurai’s sword landed right at the snake’s head and a long wound was carved on the snake’s head. The second snake strike with it’s mouth wide open, ready to swallow Tsurai in one bite, but in the end it got half of it’s face turned to dust with a bash from Tsurai’s shield. The third snake slammed it’s body toward Tsurai but Tsurai put up her shield and only being knockback a few meters while the snake got a part of it’s body turned to dust.

As she landed safely on the ground, Tsurai stood with ease and smiled fearlessly as she ran toward the snake again. The three snakes swung it’s tail at Tsurai but it was useless, to an undead like them Strada with holy magic enchant were not something they could touch, much less defend from, one touch from Strada would be lethal to them. With a swing from Tsurai’s sword the three snake’s tails were cut easily, like a hot sharp knife cutting through butter.

Without stopping Tsurai jumped and bash one of the snakes head with her shield. as she pinned the snake to the ground, Tsurai swung her sword and with a slash the snake was decapitated. Tsurai didn’t wait for the other two snakes to react as she ran at one of the snakes, the snake threw it’s body at Tsurai, planning to body slam her, but in front of Tsurai it would only be seen as throwing it’s body to be cut up and that was exactly what happen, with a slash from Tsurai the snake got cut in half. Tsurai didn’t stop there as she decapitate the snake, when it fell on the ground.

Seeing the other two snakes decapitated so easily the third snake lunged at Tsurai head first. Standing calmly on top of the decapitated snake, Tsurai only jump a little. As the third snake’s head was directly below her, Tsurai thrust her sword and buried it deep inside the snake’s head and stood on top the snake. The snake spams a little but soon become silent.

“ that’s it for your snakes but don’t worry, I’ll let you see them again.......in the after life. “ (Tsurai)

Tsurai said that with a calm but fearless smile while standing on top of the corpses of the two skeleton snakes. The Wight only smiled when it saw Tsurai said that, even if the Wight wanted to say something, it couldn’t. Why ? because the Wight was truly shocked as it saw how easy Tsurai slain it’s three skeletons snake.

Even if Tsurai’s sword was enchanted with holy magic, the wight’s skeleton snakes were not something that could be defeated so easily, especially by human. but the human girl in front of the Wight, Tsurai, did indeed defeated the three skeleton snakes. Even after personally witnessing how soundly Tsurai slain it snakes, the Wight was still couldn’t accept it, the Wight just couldn’t believe that Tsurai, a human, could have so much power.

Looking at other perspective Tsurai’s current strength may have been already outside the realm of humanity but who was Tsurai? She was the wife of Kagero. she was one of the few people that had eaten Kagero’s tentacle meat, the meat that were comparable to the meat of mythical monsters, incomparable to any other monsters meat. Other monsters meat could only gave bonus stats from 1 to 10 to one random stats but kagero’s tentacle meat gave bonus stats from 4 to 7 to all stats! By just eating kagero’s tentacle meat once would give anyone a huge boost in stats!

If eating kagero’s tentacle meat just once would give a huge boost, then how about eating it for a week, like Tsurai ? Tsurai had been eating Kagero’s tentacle meat for more than week, just think what kind of change her stats underwent, although no one nor herself had realized it. The reason why Tsurai, herself, and no one had realized it was because Tsurai haven’t battle anyone or anything strong enough to made her realize how much her strength had grown......until now.

When facing the twisted beast she was still weak. the horde of monsters couldn’t make Tsurai use all her power. she couldn’t fight the obsidian golem because Kagero forbade her. she was in total disadvantages when facing the Yatagarasu with the Yatagarasu flying around and her blade couldn’t reach it. But facing the Wight, Tsurai could finally drew out all her power.

But still even though Kagero’s tentacle meat was the cause of Tsurai explosive strength growth rate, without Tsurai diligently training the resulting power-up would be extremely unstable. And everything have it’s pro and con, Kagero’s tentacle meat miraculous bonus point comes with a risk, a huge risk.

The stronger the power contained inside the meat the bigger the chance for the consumer to turned to a monster because of over eating the meat. A normal person would have already turned to a monster if they ate Kagero’s tentacle meat for more than a week. No matter how strong one was eating Kagero’s tentacle meat for three days straight was their limit.

If they kept eating without waiting for the excess magic and power from Kagero’s tentacle meat absorbed completely by their body, they would definitely turned to a monster or even Twisted beast because of the excess magic and power from Kagero’s tentacle meat. Although there were exception like the heroes and others.

But that was not the case for Tsurai and Yuuna. For some reason the two of them were fine even after eating Kagero’s tentacle meat for more than a week. Tsurai may had more resistance towards Kagero’s tentacle meat or other monster’s meat because the blood of heroes flowing through her veins but Yuuna was the real mystery. Yuuna seemed to be a normal [Kyuubi] but that may not be the case........

Back to the battle, after a brief silence between Tsurai and the Wight, the first to open her mouth was the Wight.

“ well well, I never thought you would be this strong. “ (Wight)

There was no fear in the Wight’s eyes, the Wight was smiling and clapping her hand as she said that. The Wight’s eyes were shining with joy and excitement, like a child looking at her new toy.

“ it’s been a while since the last time all my skeleton snakes was killed and this is the first time all my three snakes were killed just by one person. I’ve truly underestimated you too much, human. “ (Wight)

The Wight said that while smiling but her tone was a little more serious than before.

“ but~ “ (Wight)

The seriousness in her tone vanish and her sinister playful smile came back.

“ looks like the holy magic that covering you not gonna last any longer, the moment the holy magic gone...........hehe, let me see your futile struggle and how you beg for your life after you despair~ “ (Wight)

The Wight said that with a playful and innocent smile on her face but even her innocent smile could not hide the sinister tone of her voice. The Wight slowly floated away from the dragon’s head and waved her hand toward Tsurai.

“ go and rip her apart. “ (Wight)


With a deafening roar the skeleton dragon rushed toward Tsurai. With every step the dragon took the earth tremble beneath it, Tsurai ready her shield and wait for the dragon to enter her range. Although it was risky to wait for the dragon to approach her, Tsurai couldn’t afford to battle the skeleton dragon for a long time because what the Wight said was true. The Holy Sanctuary, the holy magic that enabled Tsurai to ignored the Wight’s fear and fought the Wight, was nearly gone.

The moment the Holy Sanctuary gone it would definitely mean the end of her fight with the Wight and possibly her and her family lives, no matter what Tsurai could not accept that kind of ending, that’s why she needed to kill the skeleton dragon in one move. even if Tsurai was able to kill the skeleton dragon in one move, Tsurai still have the Wight to deal with but killing the dragon would at least diminish the Wight’s threat a little and provide enough time for Tsurai and her family to retreat.

After finishing her plan and the Skeleton dragon entering her range, Tsurai mad her move. Tsurai rushed to the dragon and jumped right in front of the dragon’s face. Seeing Tsurai suddenly jumped toward it’s face the dragon opened it’s mouth without hesitation, with it’s mouth wide open the dragon tried to swallow Tsurai but before it could do that Tsurai already made her move. Tsurai channeled all her holy magic to her sword and aimed it at the wide open dragon’s mouth.

“ your outside skeleton armor maybe strong but how about your inside? FIRE!! “ (Tsurai)

All the holy magic gathered inside Strada came out with brute force and exploded inside the dragon’s mouth. Blown away by the blast, Tsurai landed several steps away from her original positions.

“ ugh! “ (Tsurai)

As Tsurai landed on the ground the Holy Sanctuary magic that covering her body vanished, with the effect of the Holy Sanctuary magic gone the Wight’s fear rushed inside Tsurai’s body. Feeling the Wight’s fear for the first time, Tsurai was paralyzed. The bone chilling fear permeated Tsurai’s entire body and drained her of all her strength, with her strength leaving her body even standing was hard for Tsurai but still Tsurai stood and even tried to walk toward Risala and Kagero using Strada as a walking stick.

Tsurai was sure that the dragon was already dead after receiving her move head-on, that’s why Tsurai turned her back toward the dragon and tried to walk toward Risala and Kagero, to retreat while the Wight still stunned by the fact that her dragon was killed in one move. the dragon still on it’s feet but it stood still with no sign of movement whatsoever and it’s head was covered by white smoke, because of this Tsurai was sure that the dragon was dead. As Tsurai walked toward Risala and Kagero, she suddenly hold Strada and turned around.


Tsurai hold Strada above her with both of her hands to defend against the skeleton dragon’s tail that abruptly striking down to her. Tsurai was bewildered when the supposedly dead dragon swung down it’s tail at her but after the smokes surrounding the dragon’s head vanished Tsurai was surprised, the dragon’s head was still intact and only partially cracked.

“ ........how? “ (Tsurai)

Tsurai powerlessly muttered that while withstanding the dragon’s tail that pressing her.

“ come on now, do you really expect my dragon to fall that easily? Foolish human, remember your place. Although I indeed surprised by how easy you wiped out my skeleton snakes but still don’t think you can do the same with my dragon. Now then I’ve grow bored of you so just obediently lay on the floor. Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. I’m just gonna make you see how I tortured the three sow behind you and make your husband my playtoy~ “ (Wight)

The Wight said that with an innocent smile on her face, the Wight was sure that Tsurai was going to listen to her words and do what she said. “ human will even sacrifice his loved ones to save himself. “ this was the conclusion the Wight came to after “playing” with many human before, the Wight enjoy just how easily the brave humans that came to killed her break to tears and groveling on the ground begging her to spare their life after they felt despair. even with their loved one as price the human would comply with smile on their face, after killing their loved ones the Wight then would tortured them too and enjoyed their expression filled with terror and fear.

That was what the Wight thought what Tsurai would do but then the Wight was once again surprised because Tsurai was not lying on the ground, she was staring at the Wight with rage on her eyes. after listening to what the Wight said Tsurai was enraged and her rage turned to strength. Tsurai withstood the dragon’s tail and even pushing it little by little. When the Wight saw Tsurai’s eyes the Wight felt a really uncomfortable feeling and waved her hand.

“ I don’t need a toy that doesn’t do what I tell her to, crush her. “ (Wight)

With the Wight’s word the Dragon roared, the dragon put more power to it’s tail. Trying to crush Tsurai once and for all. With the dragon’s tail came crushing down on her with more power, Tsurai’s leg gave out and she fell to her knee but still her eyes still didn’t lose any tenacity and the will to fight. Just when Tsurai’s hand was about to gave out something coiled on her waist and forcefully pulled her before she get crushed by the dragon’s tail.

After the forceful pulling end, Tsurai landed on someone’s arms, As she open her eyes the burden on her body disappeared without trace, droplet of tears form on the corner of her eyes and a smile surfaced on her face.

“ well well, you certainly have take a good care of my wife while I’m knocked out now, aren’t you? “ (Kagero)

Standing inside the holy sanctuary dome and carrying Tsurai in his arm was Kagero.


I'm truly sorry for the late upload, my father's condition been worsening this days and currently in hospital right now. with my father condition I just haven't had the time to write but I finally got the time today and here you go chap 16, Please enjoy :)

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