《Tentacle Lord》Chapter 13 : Question and Answer


After devouring the golem, I stored the leftovers of the golem’s body inside shadow raiment, as expected I couldn’t eat the golem completely. I walked towards Tsurai and mother after I was done, as I reached Tsurai and mother the first thing I got was a hug, Tsurai came running and hugged me out of the blue.

“ welcome back......Kagero. “ (Tsurai)

“ yeah, I’m back, Tsurai. “ (Kagero)

I said that as I hugged Tsurai back, feeling my hug Tsurai began to hug me more tightly and accidentally pressed the wound on my back.

“ ouch! “ (Kagero)

“ ! ah, I’m sorry! “ (Tsurai)

In panic, Tsurai let go of me and started to worriedly look for wounds on my body.

“ where are you hurt ? wait a second, I’ll cast healing magic on you. “ (Tsurai)

“ no, it’s okay, it’s just a little scratch, I’ll be fine. “ (Kagero)

“ but......but..... “ (Tsurai)

“ don’t worry, I’m used to pain and my body heal a lot faster than normal, so it’s okay. “ (Kagero)

“ no, it’s not. “ (Risala)

Suddenly mother stood beside me and squeezed the wound on my arm.

“ ouch!! “ (Kagero)

I unintentionally yelled because of the sudden pain.

“ Kagero, I know you don’t want to make Tsurai worry but being honest to your spouse is the secret for happy marriage and don’t get used to pain, only pervert do that and I hardly want a pervert as a son-in-law, do you understand ? “ (Risala)

“ b-before that, c-could you release my arm because i-it really really hurt, mother. “ (Kagero)

“ hmm ? I can’t hear you. I’ll ask again, do you understand, kagero ? “ (Risala)

Mother’s hold on my arm got stronger as she showed me a scary smile, no matter how much defensive ability I had, I could still feel pain if my wound were being squeezed.

“ it hurts! Yes, I understand! I’ll be honest and won’t get used to pain! So please let go of my arm, mother! It really hurts! “ (Kagero)

“ good boy. “ (Risala)

Mother then released my arm.

“ now sit down and take off your clothes. Tsurai, help me treat him. “ (Risala)

“ ah, yes. “ (Tsurai)

After releasing her grip on me, mother forcefully took off my clothes, revealing the bruises on my body. My body was painted black and blue saves my face and lower body.

“ “ A little Scratch “ huh ? well, I guess it’s already a miracle you only suffer this much damage after fighting the obsidian golem. “ (Risala)

Mother said that as she examined the wounds on my body. Tsurai, on the other hand, was showing an angry expression after looking my wounds, when I thought i was about to get slapped and lectured, Tsurai pinched my cheeks with both of her hands.

“ Kagero, Promi...no..swear to me that this is the last time you lie to me and you won’t lie to me anymore.......please. “ (Tsurai)

Tsurai looked straight to me when she said that, she looked like she was gonna cry any moment with tear on the corner of her eyes. if she asked me like that, I couldn’t help but complied because she was truly worried for me.

“ hohay, ah Swhear. Ah whon’t hlie tho hyou hanimhore. (okay, I swear. I won’t lie to your anymore.)

“ thank you. “ (Tsurai)

I said that with my right hand holding Tsurai hand on my cheeks, our eyes were locked on each other and the distance between our faces grew shorter, just when we were about to kiss mother interrupted.


“ .........I don’t mind if you guys suddenly went to your own world and forgot about me..........but please save it until we got back to the castle. “ (Risala)

When mother said that with flat expression and without even looking at us, the pink world around me and Tsurai got destroyed and it became awkward, we stayed silent. Tsurai began to cast healing magic on me together with mother and I sat still, all the while both of our faces felt like burning with all the blushing. Unable to endure the heavy silence, I opened my mouth.

“ M-mother! “ (Kagero)

“ yes ? “ (Risala)

“ d-do you trust me already ? because you’ve been acting like before you know about my secret. “ (Kagero)

“ hmm, about that... “ (Risala)

The reason I asked this was not only to escaped the heavy, but also because mother’s tone when she was talking to me had became normal again.

“ let’s just say.........I’m 60% convinced that you aren’t Brion, Because of two things. “ (Risala)

“ two things ? “ (Tsurai)

“ one, that Brion guy never fight while smiling like a battle-freak, no matter who he fight. “ (Risala)

............did I really fight like a battle freak ? I did admit that the stronger and the more the foes were the more excited I became but I didn’t think myself as a battle freak.

“ second, how you and that guy fight was too different. He always tried not to kill his enemy and if he really need to he will kill them painlessly, except the heroes. After fighting him many times in the past, these two things are what I could learn about him. “ (Risala)

So that Brion guy won’t kill anything but the heroes ? did he had some grudge against the heroes or something ? as I was deep in thought, mother stopped her magic and stood up.

“ ...........Kagero, I’m going to test you now. “ (Risala)

“ test me ? “ (Kagero)

“ yes, if you pass this test then you are not Brion but if you fail then you are him and I will kill you without hesitation. “ (Risala)

As mother said that she whipped Krena, I knew she was serious when I saw her face.

“ wait, mother! I’m telling you, Kagero is n-! “ (Tsurai)

“ okay, I’ll take that test of yours, mother. “ (Kagero)

When Tsurai tried to convinced mother, I stopped her.

“ kagero, what are you...! “ (Tsurai)

“ it’s okay, I’m going to convince mother once and for all that I’m not Brion. “ (Kagero)

“ but.....! “ (Tsurai)

“ ........Tsurai, please don’t interfere anymore. “ (Risala)

“ !.........yes. “ (Tsurai)

With one word from mother, Tsurai stopped and hold my hand, seeing that mother smiled a little.

“ don’t worry, I’m just gonna say something, that’s all. “ (Risala)

“ something ? “ (Tsurai)

“ ..............Wersta orphanage. “ (Risala)

The moment I heard the name Wersta orphanage I could feel something bubbling up on my chest, a really hot feelings, it was.....anger. I didn’t know and never heard of Wersta orphanage but this anger I felt was indeed real. I became confused as I put my hand on my chest.

“ ...............I see, so that’s what’s going on, you are........ “ (Risala)

I couldn’t fully hear what mother said since she was muttering, mother closed her eyes and put Krena back to her waist as she sat down and cast healing speel on me again.

“ ......mother ? “ (Tsurai)

“ don’t worry, I’m already convinced that Kagero is not Brion. “ (Risala)


“ then can you tell me ? about Brion and the war...... “ (Kagero)

“ I will but this is hardly a place to speak so let’s head back to the castle first. “ (Risala)

“ ah....yes. “ (Kagero)

After that mother stayed silent and focused on healing me, even after healing me and on the way back to the castle mother didn’t speak a word and neither me or Tsurai spoke too. When we arrived at the castle, we went straight to where Yuuna and Alice were, my room.

“ papa, welcome back! “ (Yuuna)

The moment I opened my room’s door Yuuna came running and jumped at me while spreading her hands, yearning for a hug. I caught Yuuna and held her in my arms.

“ have you been a good girl, yuuna ? “ (Kagero)

“ un! I stayed inside the room like papa said! so pat me, papa! “ (Yuuna)

“ is that so, good girl. “ (Kagero)

I petted Yuuna’s head as she requested, ah~ I just couldn’t have enough of the sensation of her hair and ears, the feeling of her silky hair and fluffy ears was enough to made me forget about any wounds or fatigue.

“ ehehe. Papa, more! pet Yuuna more! “ (Yuuna)

“ yes yes, Yuuna is a good girl so Yuuna will get petted more. “ (Kagero)

“ ehehehe! It feels good when papa stroke my head. “ (Yuuna)

I petted Yuuna’s head again as Yuuna snuggled in my arms, when I became aware of my surrounding my eyes met with Alice’s who was sitting by the window but when Alice saw me, she quickly looked down to avoid eye contact with me. me and Tsurai sat on the bed with Yuuna on my lap, mother was sitting on a chair in front of the bed and Alice by the window, even with the awkward mood between me and Alice, I have something I really need to know.

“ so, what do you want to know, kagero ? I will answer to the best of ability. “ (Risala)

“ first, please tell me about the war of the four races with the demon lord, Noir Noxtis. “ (Kagero)

“ so you even know the name of the demon lord, well no matter. The war of the four races vs the demon lord was caused when one individual, who later became known as the demon lord, was going around the four nation while destroying the shrine, church or any religious building while claiming that the gods were just playing with all living things in this world. “ (Risala)

“ wait, gods ? “ (Kagero)

“ you don’t know about it ? there is a big church in the kingdom, Right ? that’s the church of the god that the whole human race worshiped, the god of creation, Creaza. “ (Risala)

“ I thought that the church was worshiping the heroes, am I wrong ? “ (Kagero)

“ not quite, the heroes are seen as the god’s apostles and are worshiped and target of admiration but not as much as the gods. “ (Risala)

“ hmm.... “ (Kagero)

“ continuing the story, after his act of vandalism and blasphemy against all the gods of every races, he soon became the most wanted man, chased by all the races. Usually when you are chased by the whole world that would be the end but without anyone knowing when, how and why peoples who shares Noir Noxtis’s ideal began to show up one after another. Noir Noxtis suddenly changed from a lone rebel to a leader with forces strong enough to rival the might of the four nation combined. At that moment Noir Noxtis became known as the Demon lord.

When Noir Noxtis, the demon lord, came to an existence five individuals became known beside him, the demon lord’s five general, the Thorns. The Vampire Princess, Lystra Ronblade. The God Eyes, Osta Senital. The Black Dragon, Ikris Zentra. The Queen of the Divine Beasts, Saika Ninetails. And the last one is The Tentacle monster of Oblivion, Brion Legastus.

With his five generals, his act of vandalism and blasphemy changed to mindless massacre, not satisfied with just destroying religious buildings he also killed all the peoples around the church or shrine he destroyed. The four races tried to stop him but it was useless, not even the combined might of the four races could match the might of the demon lord’s five general. As the last resort we, Humans, summoned the brave warriors from different world, who are blessed by the gods, to help our world, they were the Heroes party.

After the heroes party had been summoned me, my sister and other adventures and nobles went with the heroes party as they fought in the front line as the spearhead of the four nation army. After years long of battle we finally defeated the demon lord and his five generals and peace returned to Regrest, The end................or I hoped so. “ (Risala)

..........eh? you mean it didn’t end there? Also mother didn’t mention that the heroes went back to their original world, did they stay here or are they......

“ mother, what happened after that ? “ (Kagero)

“ .......first, lets have a quiz. “ (Risala)

“ quiz ? “ (Kagero)

“ do you see something wrong with me ? “ (Risala)

“ ? “ (Kagero)

Hmm......I didn’t see something wrong with mother.

“ let me give you a hint, the start of the war with the demon lord was more than 50 years ago and I participate in it from the start to the end. “ (Risala)

Hmmm ? the war began more than 50 years ago and mother participate in it from.......the start ? wait a sec.......the war began more than 50 years ago then that’s mean mother has been living for quiet a while......but wait........if it’s true then mother was already more than 60 years old .......but.....that’s impossible.........I mean mother looked like she was 25 years old.........what the hell.

“ looks like you figured it out Kagero. “ (Risala)

After revealed a little smile when she looked at me, somehow her smile looked lonely in my eyes, without waiting me opening my mouth to asked her, mother began to spoke.

“ .........after we defeated the demon lord, me and the other people and the heroes all heard voices in our head, the voice congratulated us for defeating the demon lord and they also said that they were rewarding us with the gift of eternal youth. at first we didn’t believe it and just thought of it as an illusion because of the euphoria after defeating the demon lord and so we returned as heroes. But as you can see the eternal youth was true and at that time I never thought that the whole world chang so much after we defeat the demon lord. “ (Risala)

“ .....what kind of change ? “ (Kagero)

“ everything............after the other races witnessed the power of the heroes, they began to fear the heroes, knowing this the king of that time used the heroes to extort the other races. With that the relationship between human and the other races became worse and full of hatred, even until now the hatred still exist and with human started to capture and enslave members of other race the hatred became stronger.

As if that still wasn’t enough the heroes also changed after the defeat of the demon lord, they started to lock themselves in their castle and only cared about making descendants but somehow it was difficult for the heroes to have a child so there are only a handful of child that have blood of the former heroes flowing in their veins, like Tsurai and her brothers. “ (Risala)

So there were other descendants of the former hero party, huh. I better look out for them. But wait, if the former hero party didn’t leave this world then where the hell are they ? before I could asked, mother began to speake again.

“ but well, there are other reason why there were only a handful of the descendant of the hero party. “ (Risala)

“ what is it ? “ (Kagero)

“ the member of the heroes party began to disappear one after another. “ (Risala)

“ disappear ? “ (Kagero)

“ yes, the first to disappear was the cleric, the second was the mage, followed by my husband the martial artist and hero was the last one. I still don’t know why they disappeared. “ (Risala)

They disappeared ? just like that ? how ? why ? it’s weird for the heroes to disappear with no clue, just what happened to the former hero party ? as I began to think about the former hero party, I felt a really scary aura and it was coming from mother, I could see black aura oozing out of her.

“ m-mother, what’s wrong ? “ (Kagero)

“ oh, nothing. Talking about the hero party remind me of my IDIOT husband. Do you want to hear the story, Kagero ? “ (Risala)

Somehow I really didn’t want to hear about it, so I thought I would decline it.

“ s-sorry mother but I do- “ (Kagero)

“ it was after we get married..... “ (Risala)

..........guess I really have to listen.

“ unlike the others members of the former hero party instead of locking himself inside the house, my husband began on a long trip and only came home every once in a while. At first I tried to be a good wife and wait for his return but days turned to months and months turned to years, every time he came home he never touched me or my sisters, the only time we ever had sex was on ours first night. “ (Risala)

“ woah! Watch it, mother! Yuuna is here! “ (Kagero)

I said that while covering Yuuna’s ears but it was no use, the black aura keep pouring out from mother and getting bigger with every word.

“ still I waited, I waited for him to touch me again but he still didn’t touch me no matter how long I waited! So I resorted to using force, if he did not want to touch me then I’ll be the one to touch him. “ (Risala)

Mother eyes has became dangerous, her eyes were blank like a yandere and the black aura kept getting bigger and bigger. Tsurai, Yuuna and Alice became scared stiff and came close to me. (Author note, Yander : an overly obsessive girlfriend)

“ one day, when he returned home, I spiked his drink with sleeping drugs. After he was down for the count, I dragged him to my room and......had my way with him. “ (Risala)

Mother was smiling when she said that but her smile was nothing but terrifying with all the black aura and blank eyes of her.

“ I unleashed all my pent up sexual frustration that has been piling up over the years at that moment and accidentally dominated him, tehe. “ (Risala)

Mother once again revealed a smile but it was still scary, even I began to tremble.

“ when my sisters found out about it, it was easy for me to calm them down since they were also the same as me, just some sexually frustrated MILF. After calming them down, we all indulged in a foursome. “ (Risala)

............okay, now it’s started to felt uncomfortable to hear this.

“ after that one night, my husband never left the house again and Tsurai and her brothers were safely conceived. “ (Risala)

Is it over yet ? please just over it. I couldn’t listen to this anymore.

“ .........but. “ (Risala)

.........far from over mother black aura suddenly changed color to red and vein popped on her forehead.

“ that damn idiot husband! He disappeared when I was pregnant with Tsurai! Just you wait! When I find you, I will punish you, you Idiot jerk husband! “ (Risala)

After that sudden outburst, the aura around mother disappeared and her eyes went back to normal.

“ I guess, that’s enough for today, I’m sure you need time to digest the information you just hear, so it’s better if we stop now and go to bed. “ (Risala)

Mother forcefully dragged Yuuna and Alice back to their room, I still wanted to ask mother about something but since I didn’t wanted mother to released her black aura again, I gave up and went to sleep with Tsurai.

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