《Tentacle Lord》Chapter 11 : the determination to grow stronger


This is the re-write of chapter 11 : the parting.

After the long night of intense night activity came to an end, the warm light of the sun slowly entered the room. My tired body refuses to moved and my eyes refuses to opened too. Just like that my consciousness almost wandered to dream world again but was stopped by a woman’s voice, softly calling for me.

“ Kagero.........it’s morning, wake up. “ (???)

With her voice as the guide, my tired eyes opened slowly. I saw a woman with white clothes sat besides me as she lightly stroked my bangs to my cheek. Her face grew closer to mine as she showed a smile on her face and gently kissed me. I was woken up completely with the soft feel of her kiss. as she straighten her position back to sitting position, she used her hand to placed her flowing dark purple hair to the back of her ear while showing me an angelic smile.

“ good morning, Tsurai. “ (Kagero)

“ good morning, Kagero “ (Tsurai)

I said that as I return her smile with my own. After that, I sat beside Tsurai as Tsurai leaned her body towards mine and I put my hand on her shoulder. Damn, I never thought that the day where I would be woken up by a kiss from my cute wife who was wearing only y shirt and then sat side-by-side on the edge of the bed would come. There was no word that could describe the happiness I felt right now.

As I sat beside Tsurai in silence I remembered about the [Letter] I got and about the abilities I got from [Brion Legacy]. I stretched my arm as I reached inside the shadow raiment and took the [Letter]. I began to read the [Letter] with Tsurai.

“ hello, my name is Brion Legastus. the one who was called the right hand of the demon lord, Noir Noxtis and the original Tentacle monster also the one who was called the “ Tentacle monster of Oblivion “. To whoever reading this, as you might already guess I am already dead and you are the next Tentacle monster. I’ll be brief and straight with you, I want you to grow stronger than anyone, that is all I asked of you. Because in time your power will be needed.

To help you to grow stronger I have left all my power as Legacy for you but to acquired my power you will need to clear the requirements I set, you will know what the requirements are as you live in this world. and I know this is presumptuous of me to ask for one more thing from you but please acquired my friend, Noir’s, scythe, Dryst, that are enshrined and sealed in the Lagera dungeon at the Demi-humans kingdom, Gazan. I don’t want my friend’s weapon to fall to the hand of the likes of heroes.

Thank you for reading and I hope you will be strong enough to face this world’s true enemy “

Me and Tsurai was surprised with the content of the [Letter]. Who knew that my power was originally belonged to the right hand of the demon lord, Noir Noxtis, the original Tentacle monster, Brion Legastus. Looks like this Brion guy were not that well known even though he was the right hand of the demon world, all the books that told about the history of the demon lord and heroes I’ve read never mention his name, there wasn’t even any information about Tentacle monster.

But that thing were not the thing that surprised me and Tsurai. Although knowing the original Tentacle monster was quite surprising what really surprising was this Brion guy himself. just who the hell was this guy ? he could give me, a summoned person, his power in the same way the hero party got their cheat.


Not stopping at only that he could even give me more cheat that he set as [Brion Legacy], this guy wasn’t he even stronger than the demon lord ? why did he settled as his right hand ? and what did he meant by “ this world’s true enemy “ ? my power would be needed ? not the heroes ? just what meaning and responsibility does a Tentacle monster hold in this world ? just what was a Tentacle monster in the first place ? a normal monster or a different existence altogether ?

It was true that the [Letter] answered some of my question but it also added more question. Burdened with more question that had no answer yet I could feel my head gonna burst. In the end I reached a conclusion to just ignored this questions, like I did before, until I got the answer or somebody who would and could answer me appeared. I told Tsurai to not mind the [Letter].

“ yes......I’ll do that. “(Tsurai)

“ good, it’s better if we ignored this problem and focused on surviving for now. “ (Kagero)

“ I know...........but the information in the [Letter] really bothered me, what did it mean about the world’s true enemy ? and why is it your power that would be needed ? isn’t it the heroes job to save this world ? “ (Tsurai)

“ well, that’s true but we don’t even know if the information contained in this [Letter] is true or not. and even without this “Brion” guy telling me to grow strong I already planned to, since I need power to keep protecting my family. “ (Kagero)

“ as expected, my husband is really dependable. “ (Tsurai)

“ and so are my wife. “ (Kagero)

I flirted with Tsurai a little while longer. After we flirted Tsurai went to the bath first, as I wait for my turn to bath Tsurai invited me to bath with her while hiding her face behind the door. Without thinking I took off my clothes and went into bathroom, not long after I went into the bathroom a sweet moan and lewd sounds once again permeated the room. Let’s just said me and Tsurai got a little................excited.

After doing a little workout in the bathroom, me and Tsurai wore our clothes, get out of the room and entered mother and co room. As I open the door of mother’s room and entered the room Yuuna came running at me while calling my name, I caught Yuuna and carried her in my arms before she crashed onto me.

“ papa! “ (Yuuna)

“ whoa, easy there, yuuna. You could fall if you ran about like that. “ (Kagero)

“ sorry.... “ (Yuuna)

“ good, be careful from now on, okay ? “ (Kagero)

“ un! Ehehehehe........keep petting Yuuna’s head, papa. “ (Yuuna)

I petted Yuuna’s head with my arm while Yuuna was smiling happily as she wrapped her hand around my neck while rubbing her face to mine. Yuuna’s tail was wagging happily and also her ears, my daughter was so cute! Tsurai came in and stood beside me and started petting Yuuna’s chin. I looked around the room as I kept petting Yuuna, mother sat on the bed’s edge while looking at us with warm eyes, Alice sat on the chair with a smaller chair infront of her. Somehow Alice was looking at us with sad expression while gripping her clothes tightly, when I met her gaze Alice suddenly turned her head to avoid meeting my eye.

I didn’t thought about it too deeply as I turned my attention back to Yuuna. Yuuna was smiling as both me and Tsurai petting her. Then Yuuna’s nose twitched and she began to sniffed Tsurai.


“ mama. “ (Yuuna)

“ hm? What is it, Yuuna ? “ (Tsurai)

“ Yuuna could smell papa’s scent on you. why ? “ (Yuuna)

“ eh ? “ (Tsurai)

“ Yuuna could smell papa’s smell all over mama’s body even from mama’s breath, why ? “ (Yuuna)


“ nee mama, why ? “ (Yuuna)

“ eh ? w-why ? b-because we sleep t-together! When Yuuna sleep together with papa back at the dark room, Yuuna also smelled like papa right ? that’s the same as mama. “ (Tsurai)

Tsurai tried her best to stayed calm and explained to Yuuna. I already expected that Yuuna had a sharp nose but not this sharp. Tsurai hoped that her excuse would grant her exit from Yuuna’s question but unfortunately Yuuna’s curiosity won’t let her escaped so easily.

“ but papa’s scent on mama are stronger than back at the dark room, nee mama, why ? “ (Yuuna)

“ eh...t-that is..... “ (Tsurai)

With a flustered and almost crying red face, Tsurai begged me to help her with her eyes................Tsurai, I could and would protect you from an army of knights and a swarm of monster but I couldn’t help you with this, so forgive me. as I thought that I let my eyes and wry smile said what I thought and then Tsurai was puffing her red cheek while showing me her angry expression.......................cute.

“ fufufu.......Yuuna-chan, you can’t just run when Alice-oneechan still tying your hair. now come sit down infront of Alice-oneechan again. “ (Risala)

“ c-come here, Yuuna-chan. “ (Alice)

“ yes, obaa-chan. “ (Yuuna)

(Author note : oneechan : older sister and obaa-chan : grandmother)

I let Yuuna down from my arms and she sat infront of Alice as Alice continue tying Yuuna’s hair. Yuuna forgot about her question and Tsurai was saved, Tsurai’s savior was mother who was until now just laughing “ arara ufufu “ while looking at the flustered Tsurai. I already told mother and Alice about Yuuna. “ Yuuna-chan “, huh ? looks like Alice, Yuuna and mother had became close in just one night, I wonder what happened ?

“ ouch........it hurts, Tsurai. “ (Kagero)

“ ...........punishment, for not helping me. “ (Tsurai)

“ .....sorry. “ (Kagero)

Tsurai was pinching my arm with all her strength. It’s not that painful but I could still feel it. seeing us mother just laughed again while covering her mouth with one of her hand.

“ arara ufufu. “ (Risala)

“ and mother! Please don’t just laughing! Why didn’t you help me faster ?! “ (Tsurai)

“ it’s just your flustered face was really cute, Tsurai. So cute I wanted to saw it for a little while longer, I’m sure Kagero know what I’m talking about, right~ ? “ (Risala)

Mother showed a playful smile and winked at me.

“ well.......yes, it was cute. “ (Kagero)

“ you too kagero ?! “ (Tsurai)

“ well, what can I say, you really are cute. “ (Kagero)

“ m-mou!! “ (Tsurai)

Tsurai’s face became redder by the second, kuuuuuu so cute!

“ arara ufufu, I knew my son would understand, looks like I could count on my son to help me tease Tsurai. “ (Risala)

“ yes, mother. You can count on me if it about teasing Tsurai. “ (Kagero)

Me and mother was showing an evil grin while looking at each other and Tsurai was raising her voice to complained with a red face. even though the atmosphere inside the room was merry, one person was showing a sad and lonely expression, it was Alice. With sad expression she tied Yuuna’s hair to twintails.

“ .....there it’s done. Do you like it, Yuuna-chan ? “ (Alice)

“ it’s really cute! Thank you.............Alice-oneechan ? “ (Yuuna)

“ ...........eh? “ (Alice)

.........Alice was crying. Tears came out of her eyes and flowed down to her cheeks and fell to the ground. Me, Tsurai and mother was stunned seeing Alice cried.

“ Alice-oneechan, Do you hurt somewhere ? did Yuuna do something wrong ? “ (Yuuna)

“ .......eh?.......no....this is......why?........ “ (Alice)

Alice looked at me with tears still flowing from her eyes. as she saw me, Alice stopped for a moment and then covered her face with her hands.

“ .........why?.........even though.........I already decided.........why?....... “ (Alice)

“ ..Alice-chan...... “ (Risala)

“ ................I’m sorry! “ (Alice)

After saying that Alice ran out of the room.

“ Alice-sama! Wait! “ (Tsurai)

“ Tsurai! Alice-chan! Wai-ow!...........Yuuna-chan. “

“ obaa-chan...sob...did Yuuna do something wrong ?....hics....Alice-oneechan was crying..... “ (Yuuna)

“ no, you didn’t do anything wrong Yuuna-chan. “ (Risala)

“ ......hics......really ? “ (Yuuna)

“ yes, Yuuna-chan didn’t do anything wrong. “ (Risala)

In a second Alice ran out of the room, Tsurai ran after her. Mother was about to stood up and ran after Tsurai and Alice but she stopped when Yuuna crashed into her and hugged her waist while she was on top of mother’s lap. Yuuna who was crying like Alice because she thought it was her fault that Alice cried was calmed down by mother. In that situation I froze, I didn’t know what to do. I knew why Alice cried but I just didn’t know what to do.

“ ........kagero. “ (Risala)

“ ....yes. “ (Kagero)

“ you know about Alice’s feeling for you, right ? “ (Risala)

“ ............. “ (Kagero)

“ I don’t know if you just ignored her feelings or if you really don’t know about her feelings but I won’t reprimand you for it, since it is not my place to. “ (Risala)

“ ..........thanks, mother. “ (Kagero)

“ but at least can’t you give her feeling an answer ? “ (Risala)

“ ........ “ (Kagero)

Answer, huh ? I could just reject Alice but I knew that doing that won’t resolve this. If the answer mother meant was “that” then it would require me to........no, there must be some other way but what ?

“ ............I’m sure you already know the answer I mean, the answer to keep Tsurai and Alice by your side. “ (Risala)

“ ........ “ (Kagero)

“ I know that this is not something you could decide just like that and sometime this answer will make someone sad especially if love was involved. “ (Risala)

“ ............ “ (Kagero)

“ I’m not encouraging you to do it but keep in mind that you have two girl or maybe more that are madly in love with you. if you could share your love to equally to many woman at once like my husband did then it’s not a problem if you keep many woman at your side, of course the woman I’m talking about are woman that are in love with you, rather than rejecting them and hurt them. “One man could share his love to many woman at once but it doesn’t work in reverse” this is something my mother used to say. “ (Risala)

“ .................... “ (Kagero)

“ I don’t know about your world but in this world you could have more than one wife, as long as your wives okay with it and if you worried about what Tsurai thinking, I’m sure she will understand if you explained it to her. but make sure you treat your wives evenly if you decided to do it. “ (Risala)

“ ............thanks, mother. I’ll think about it. “ (Kagero)

“ don’t mention it, it’s mother’s job to help their son, right ? don’t worry about Tsurai and Alice, I’ll handle them for now, so you should better think deeply about what you will do about your relationship with Tsurai and Alice. “ (Risala)

“ ..............yes, I will. Now if you excuse me. “ (Kagero)

After that I went outside the castle while thinking what to do. A harem, that was the answer mother meant. If it was the real world it would be something that could be done but only in certain countries but in this world a harem maybe something common judging by mother’s word.

Harem, huh ? a dream-like situation where one guy get to have a lovey-dovey relationship with multiple woman and girls at the same time with no schoold**s-like plot happening. A luxury only chosen people could have, the eternal dream of man. And now I have the chance to made my own harem and yet I only felt anxiety and worry.

Unlike in the anime and LN where a harem would be created even without the MC knowing it and the girls in the harem would already gave their consent about being one of the harem member and the harem itself. But building a harem in the real world wasn’t that easy, there has been many example of bigamist in my world and almost all of them couldn’t treat their wives evenly, eventually destroying the harem itself.

Will Tsurai still love me if I took Alice as my second wife just a day after our marriage ? even if Tsurai still love me and accepted if I made a harem, could I treated Tsurai and Alice evenly ? I was plagued by those thought and without me noticing I reached outside of the castle. As soon as I stepped outside of the castle the monsters inside the kingdom smelled my scent and came towards me in horde. I could see four species of monster in the horde of monster : Goblin, Giant Tarantula, One Eyed crow and Giant Chameleon.

I smiled as I looked at the swarm of monster infront of me, I took out my scythe and transformed my left hand to claw. It’s becoming a habit of mine to fight with scythe in my right hand and my left hand as a claw. I lunged head first towards the swarm of monster. I forgot about the questions that plagued me and immersed myself inside the vortex of blood as I killed and devoured the monsters one-by-one.

Losing myself in the killing, I fought from morning until night without stopping. As I became aware of my surrounding, I realized that I wasn’t standing on the ground anymore, I was standing on top of a mountain made of countless monsters corpses. The surrounding area was dyed in black as different colored bloods mixed as one big pool of blood. At that time I realized that I really have changed, I felt nothing as I saw corpses, dismembered body or torn flesh be it humans or monsters corpses, it could even be said I indulged in the smell and sight of this mountain of corpses.

This was bad. Slowly but sure I’m beginning to change into a true monster, who likes bloodshed and devouring. I need to be careful so I didn’t change into a battle-freak monster. After that I devoured all the monsters corpses and used water magic to wash away all the blood on the area and myself.

[Claw Tentacle]

[Tongue Tentacle]


[appraising Eyes]

[Fast Strike]

[Vacuum Claw]

[Attack Perception]

[Far Sight]

I returned to my room, took off Shadow raiment and sat down on the bed. After the battle end once again I remembered about Alice and the my mind became burdened by the question once more. while I’m thinking Tsurai entered the room with sad face. seeing me inside the room Tsurai tried to look okay as she showed me a fake smile. Tsurai took off her clothes piece by piece.

“ .........Tsurai. “ (Kagero)

“ yes ? “ (Tsurai)

“ .........how’s Alice ? “ (Kagero)

“ she is......fine. “ (Tsurai)

“ .....is that so. “ (Kagero)

That’s good, I’m glad if Alice already fine but I couldn’t dragged this situation for long.

“ ....you know, Kagero.... “ (Tsurai)

“ yes ? “ (Kagero)

“ .....I heard from mother.....about making Alice-sama as your second wife..... “ (Tsurai)

“ ............ “ (Kagero)

So mother already told Tsurai, at first I wanted to kept it a secret from Tsurai at least until I reached my answer but since Tsurai already knew time to come clean, I guess.

“ .................truthfully I’m still unsure about making Alice my second wife since I don’t know if I could treat you two evenly or will Alice accept being accept being my second wife. “ (Kagero)

“ ................... “ (Tsurai)

“ I don’t even know why I’m considering to making Alice my second wife. “ (Kagero)

“ ......Kagero.....you know that Alice-sama is.........about you...... “ (Tsurai)

“ I know how Alice feels about me but it still not a good reason for me to suddenly ask her to be my second wife. If I do ask her to be my second wife just because I know Alice has feelings for me it would make me feel like I’m just using her feelings. “ (Kagero)

“ .............. “ (Tsurai)

“ I didn’t even planned to take Alice as a hostage in the first place, I took Alice as a hostage because of you told me to. “ (Kagero)

“ ...........I’m sorry. “ (Tsurai)

“ ah, I’m not blaming you. I just wondering why did you asked me to took Alice as hostage back there. So could you tell me the reason now ? “ (Kagero)

“ ............It was to save Alice. “ (Tsurai)

To save Alice ? from what ?

“ Alice had a unique magic and the kingdom are using her magic for their own gain. For just what is her unique magic are and how the kingdom was using her are better if you ask Alice personally, since it is not my place to say. All I could say is that all the wealth the kingdom of Laturey had is thanks to Alice’s unique magic. “ (Tsurai)

“ .........is that so. “ (Kagero)

Unique magic, was it ? was it similar to my skill to generate precious stone ? so the reason why the king sent that suicide army back in the house of Trista was not because he wanted to save his daughter but just because he didn’t want to lose his golden laying hen ? if it’s really like that then I couldn’t return Alice back to the kingdom, if in the end she would only be used by that damn king. Well, I didn’t planned to return her anyway.

But then if I didn’t return her would I marry her ? besides do I really have to marry her ? wouldn’t a comrade worked too ?................it wouldn’t, huh. To stayed as just a comrade and saw your loved one flirting with another person would hurt even me. damn it! Is there really no other way than making Alice my second wife ? it’s not like I hate Alice but if I take Alice as my second wife when not even a month has passed since my marriage with Tsurai, it would felt like I took Tsurai’s love lightly and betrayed her.

“ Tsurai, could you wait a bit more ? I need more time think about this. “ (Kagero)

“ yes, I’ll tell Alice too. “ (Tsurai)

In the span of the conversation Tsurai had finished changing to only a y shirt and panties, looked like it's already became something like a pajama to Tsurai. Tsurai untied her hair, her hair swayed in the air as she made her way to me and sat on my lap. Tsurai then used her arm to linked my arm around her. Tsurai entrusted all her body weight onto me and leaned her back to my chest. As she relaxes in my arms I also relaxes as I hugged her and sniffed her scent.

“ nee, kagero. “ (Tsurai)

“ hm ? “ (Kagero)

“ I saw your fight with the monsters at the castle gate. “ (Tsurai)

“ from where ? “ (Kagero)

“ from the castle roof when I was with Alice. “ (Tsurai)

“ sorry, I showed you something savage. “ (Kagero)

“ no, that’s not what I mean. “ (Tsurai)

“ what do you mean then ? “ (Kagero)

“ ...........Kagero, you are strong. “ (Tsurai)

“ ? what about it ? “ (Kagero)

“ you slayed a black snake, a rank B monster, in just two weeks after you arrived here. After that you slayed a Twisted beast which the hero party couldn’t even scratched and you even treat an army of monsters and Knights alike like it was nothing. Not even cutting your limbs was enough to stop you. “ (Tsurai)

“ now that you listed it like that, many things have happened in these one month, huh ? “ (Kagero)

Killing and devouring monsters and humans alike, being tortured, kidnapping a princess, killing a twisted beast, got an oppai loli as daughter and a big boob reverse trap as a wife. Many things have happened in just one month since I was summoned here. This makes me wonder would I really have a peaceful life here ?

“ but the day where you encounter an existence that your equal or stronger than you will surely come. “ (Tsurai)

“ I know. “ (Kagero)

“ and there will be time where you will struggle against them, all the more so when you fight as a lone man. “ (Tsurai)

“ what are you trying to say, Tsurai ? “ (Kagero)

“ what I wanna say is that you need to realize it already, that you are not alone. “ (Tsurai)

Tsurai changed her position, she still sat on my lap but now she was facing me and looked straight to my eyes with her arms on my shoulder.

“ please stop fighting on your own. I don’t want to keep standing behind you while you get hurt for protecting me and our family. I had enough of being the protected one, I may be weak but I want to fight with you. I want to protect you and our family. So take me to battle with you, let me grow stronger with you, strong enough so I could proudly call myself your “wife” not just a “woman you protect. “ (Tsurai)

..................“woman I protect”, huh ? it is true that I tend to fight alone since I didn’t want Tsurai to got hurt but I guess just being protected didn’t sit too well for Tsurai. Considering the future it was true that I alone may not be sufficient and it would be too dangerous for Tsurai and the other if they were somehow separated from me while still being weak. Still I didn’t want to let Tsurai or the other endanger themself by going to battle.

“ what if I refuse to let you come with me ? “ (Kagero)

“ I’ll follow you with or without your permission. “ (Tsurai)

I guess it’s impossible to changed her decision then only one thing left to do then.

“ then I let you come with me if you agree to my conditions. “ (Kagero)

“ what the conditions ? “ (Tsurai)

“ first, you will listen to what I tell you and never acting without my orders in battle. Second, you have to put your and our family safety first and foremost, if the battle became too dangerous you will run and take our family with you to safe place even if it’s means leaving me behind. third, you will not act alone and be reckless, you will always talk to me or our family whenever you decide to do something or acquired something from the enemy, information and threats alike. This are my conditions, if you couldn’t swallow these conditions, especially the second and third one, then I will not let you come with me. “ (Kagero)

This conditions would cut the danger when Tsurai came to battle with me. I especially hope she would always abide by the third rule since I have witness many situations in the 2d and 3d world where the heroine tried to save her loved alone without telling anyone how she would do that and in the end putting her and her loved one in danger and get NTR in the worst case.

“ well, will you swallow these conditions of mine, Tsurai ? “ (Kagero)

“ ......uhh, are these conditions really absolute ? “ (Tsurai)

“ yes and if you go against it even just once then I would never let you come with me anymore. “ (Kagero)

“ ........okay, I will always abide by the conditions, so let me go with you. “ (Tsurai)

“ deal, then let’s rest now. we have many things to do tomorrow. “ (Kagero)

“ eh ?.......you’re going to sleep ? “ (Tsurai)

“ well yeah, I am exhausted from the fight today. “ (Kagero)

“ .........but....... “ (Tsurai)

I was about to stood up, I saw Tsurai fidgeting like she wanted to tell me something. Noticing what she wanted to say I smirked.

“ hoho, Tsurai do you want to tell me something ? “ (Kagero)

“ ....that....you know......I want to...... “ (Tsurai)

“ what’s that ? I can’t hear you. “ (Kagero)

“ ......I want.......to....... “ (Tsurai)

“ hmmmmmmmm ? what do you want, Tsurai ? if you don’t say it I won’t know what you want. “ (Kagero)

“ uuuuuuhhh......... “ (Tsurai)

Tsurai’s face glowed redder with each passing second and my smile became wider as I kept teasing Tsurai.

“ mou, I don’t care anymore! Bakagero! “ (Tsurai) (author note : Bakagero is a pun from Baka(idiot) and Kagero)

Tsurai stood up and lied on the bed without looking at me. I smirked once again and then lied beside and hugged her.

“ sorry. You were just so cute I had to teased you. “ (Kagero)

“ ..............it was embarrassing, you know. “ (Tsurai)

“ sorry, I won’t do it again.................so, shall we.... “ (Kagero)

“ ........nn. “ (Tsurai)

After that me and Tsurai once again enjoyed the evening with some nightly activities.

In the morning, after I woke up the first thing I did was took a bath and then made new equipments for Tsurai and mother. At first I only planned to make equipments for Tsurai but mother came to me this morning and said she also wanted to came with us.

“ if my son and daughter are going to a battlefield then it is my duty as a mother to come with you. oh and it’s futile to try changing my mind so just give up, ufufufu. “ (Risala)

Just like her daughter mother was also stubborn or should I say like mother like daughter. In the end I had to agree to mother request.

Now let told you about Tsurai new weapon, a pair of sword and shield I named Strada. The outer layer of the sword and shield were made from steel and silver combined and the inside layer or base was made from my tentacle. The arcane eater for the shield and magic shooter for the sword. And with [Weaponization] I could integrated my skills and tentacle ability to the weapon I made.

The shield was to protect Tsurai from physical attack and absorbing magic attack all the while boosting Tsurai defense with [Physical Resistance], [Physical Augmentation] and [Attack Perception]. The sword was to gave Tsurai boost in attack with the skills [Fast Strike] and [Strong Swing]. I also gave the sword to gimmicks, the first one was the function to fired the magic that the shield absorbed and the second was to used the absorbed magic to enveloped the sword, giving the sword longer reach, more power and elemental attack.

And I also made new armor for Tsurai but rather than armor it was more like a clothes. It was a tight shirt coupled with sleeveless jacket and a elbow length glove and a hot pants with knee high boots. It maybe had the form of a modern clothes but it was definitely stronger than most armor thanks to the material it was made of and the effect of the shield’s skill. I also integrated [Auto Repair (Equipment)] skill I got from devouring a part of the shadow raiment. The skills I got from the shadow raiment were.

[Auto Repair (Equipment)]

[Dimensional Pocket]

At first the skill integrated in the clothes and Strada were a lot more than this but the equipments proved to be quite hard to wield if it have many number of skills integrated in it. When Tsurai tested Strada for the first time she said that her strength and stamina was sucked in an abnormal amount by the clothes and Strada. Looked like it uses the strength and stamina of the wielder to utilize the skills and abilities I integrated in the weapon, the more skills and abilities I integrated the more strength and stamina it uses to wield the weapon. Because of it the number of skills I could integrated in Tsurai’s and mother’s equipments were limited, at least 10 skills was the max for now.

Now for mother’s weapon, since mother requested a whip I made her one. It was mostly made with web and layered by a rough snake scale for durability and damage I named the whip Krena, the skills integrated in Krena were [Fast Strike], [Physical Augmentation], [Vacuum Claw] and [Intimidation Eyes] and for her armor I gave mother a china dress with black stocking and high heels the skills I integrated in the clothes were [Mana Regeneration (weak)], [Physical Resistance] and [Auto Repair (Equipment)]. As mother tested Krena I started to wonder why mother, who job was a Cleric, uses a whip than a wand. Unable to hold my curiosity I asked mother and her answer was....

“ arara, in a battlefield there are some bad kids that just need to be spanked and a whip worked better than a wand for me. ufufu, care to taste my spanking, kagero ? “ (Risala)

As mother said that as she whipping Krena while showing a smile................I think I just gave a wrong weapon to mother. But well with this we were ready to wiped out the entire monsters living in these kingdom.

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