《Tentacle Lord》this is not a chapter. just a poll.


Hello everyone ! Your cute little Erogami here !

Now, like the title say, this is not a chapter. I just want to poll your opinion and the poll conclusion will determined just how I will write my story.

First let me say that there were some individuals that said my story flow was too slow and I should just skipped some of the battle scene. And that is exactly what I did in the chapter 11.

But then there were some individuals that said my story was better when I didn't skipped anything. I am confuse, do I keep skipping like the chapter 11 or back to how I write my story like chapter 10 and below, where I keep the skipping to minimum.

I could just write my story however I want but still your opinions are important things that would make my story even better. So, tell me is it better if I keep skipping some of the battle scene and other scene like chapter 11 or keep the skipping to minimum and showed you down to the detail of the story ?

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