《Naruto World Isekai: A new Flower Blooms in a Different World》Chapter 1. Learning Chakra


Chakra, the fundamental force which powers all the superhuman feats in Naruto. Made of a combination of physical and spiritual energy within Chakra Coils, they flow along the body in a metaphysical circulatory system called the Chakra Pathways. By manipulating this energy, usually via hand signs, the user can release it through pressure points called Tenketsu to perform Jutsus, the ninja equivalent of magic.

Oh, and because it's a life force energy, if you run out of it you died.

This was something basic that she remembered from going through the Naruto Fandom Wiki page. Understandably it was also the reason why she was scared to test anything out at the moment. When your body was tired you would feel the exhaustion slowly set in. When you're working out you can clearly feel the burn and gauge your fatigue, and if you try to use too much force, you would instinctively hold back in order to not injure yourself. Hell, your brain had a limiter built into it to prevent you from using every bit of power your muscles could put out to prevent tears.

Julia didn't know if Chakra was the same.

It would be too lame and sad if she ended up killing herself like a dumbass because she wanted to try out the cool ninja magic before she was ready, but she also didn't want to wait another year before she could enter the academy at the normal age of 6. Well, that and because she was utterly bored and curious. Being an adult within a 5-year-old's body wasn't fun. She couldn't even watch any cartoons!

What was the point of being a kid again when you couldn't even laze around and watch mindless television?

Which is why she now found herself sitting in the "playroom" with a bunch of kids, staring at a particularly bright red building block in her hand as if it was a snake. She took a deep breath before welding her eyes shut and tried to move some of her Chakra to her pudgy hand.


It wasn't hard really. Whereas other kids would have needed help, she was an adult with the mental discipline and focus that came with it. Plus, sensing her own Chakra wasn't difficult at all, as in it literally took no effort. She was actually hyper-aware of it, every subtle shift and swirl, even the flow of it in the air around her. It was because unlike the others who were born with it and had it inside them all their lives, her world didn't have a speck of it.

It was strange at first, feeling something within you that was startlingly foreign and yet felt so warm and familiar. A gentle stream within her chest traveling throughout her body. Unlike her pulse which came in strong intervals like waves with every beating of her heart, Chakra was a steady and continuous flow.

She gently coaxed it to follow her will, and bit by bit it slowly builds up within her hand holding the wooden block. Noticing how she was decidedly not dead, she slowly opened her eyes and a bright grin light up her face. It was so strange and weird, but she could "Feel" the block in a way that she couldn't quite understand at first. Her energy slowly caressing it in invisible waves. It was weird how her senses extended outside of her body because she knew even as it was leaving her hands that it was still a part of her.

With bated breath, she slowly turned her hand over, mentally willing the block to stick to her hand as if she was spiderman.

A loud thud and an aching pain on her foot was all she got for her efforts.

Still, she didn't give up and kept trying. Her new title as the weird kid was only further cemented as she continuously picked up and dropped the same red block for the next hour, all while unknowingly smiling like a loon.

Chakra was like a muscle, you needed to keep using it to build it up, and the younger you started the better the results.

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