《Naruto World Isekai: A new Flower Blooms in a Different World》Prologue


Julia was not having a good time. In fact, she was pretty pissed if truth be told.

Partly because she just found out she was dead. Yeah, that'd put a damper on anyone's mood. Let's go mountain climbing! It'll be fun, they said. It was totally safe, they said. Needless to say, falling off a cliff over 30 meters high tended to be decidedly fatal.

Darn cheap and faulty second hand rented gears.

The second reason why she was upset was that she had just been reincarnated. At first, she had been positively thrilled! No more student debt, magic, superpowers, no more student debt, fantasy foods, wondrous sights, and possible adventure called out to her. Did she mention no more crippling student debt?

However, all that enthusiasm ended when she found out she hadn't been given any special powers to help her survive or cope with the world. In fact, she didn't even get a damn tutorial! She was just tossed here and de-aged until she was 5 years old, and she couldn't even understand what people were saying! Nobody told her she needed to learn Japanese to prepare for her Isekai adventure!

Thankfully the Orphanage of Konoha Village took her in, assuming she was just another victim of the recent Kyuubi's attack. The people were surprisingly nice and accommodating. Child services were very well organized and efficient in a village full of assassins and would-be killers, who would've thought?

They probably thought she was either traumatized or particularly slow since she could barely talk even after living here for a few months now. It was a tad embarrassing really, not being able to properly talk or take care of herself. She had prided herself as a strong independent woman. She studied hard to get a full scholarship, moved out of home at the first chance she got and was about to finish medical school. She would've liked to think she was doing well for herself and was on the way for a successful career.


To go from all that to a bumbling idiot child was quite off-putting, to say the least.

Those who were living in the orphanage were given two choices, learn a trade and live as a civilian, or join the ninja academy. While she could always attempt to get a normal job, leaving her fate to something as vague as the manga plot wasn't a smart idea in her opinion. Even running away wasn't a true option considering the world was full of homocidal maniacs.

Her choice was obvious, especially considering she knew how the future would turn out and shit would definitely hit the fan. She could only hope she could survive the storm to come.

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