《Reborn in The Marvel World》Chapter 20 Zen vs Zola: We Both Have Had it Tough


Zen Pov

It is day 2 of the freshmen tournament there will be four matches today. I see Benny sneaking in. He is up early. I ask where he was at he responds.

Benny: Playing with my new toy.

Zen: What the hell is that supposed to mean.

He just smiles

Benny: Nothing alright let get Decklyn up and head to the arena.

We get Decklyn up and we head to the Arena. We meet Sei and Amy there. We all take are seats. Strangely Alberto sit next to Benny fanning him He is also staring daggers at him, but Benny is just smiling away. Is that a packed lunch? What is he your wife. What the hell did you do to Alberto, Benny. The next matches start. I see the sign it is me vs Zola. I have not really talked to Zola. Zola is an alien, like his mom he has green skin, but he has purple hair and yellow eyes. Both Zola and I go to the ring.

Zola: That pretty funny you hitting Torin in the face yesterday.

Zen: He deserve it.

Zola: If you did not hit that prick I would have. He has been getting on my nerves lately.

Zen: I can tell your strong when you fought Mike Davis. It was good swordsmanship. You should be in the top 10.

Zola: I like to be low key. Beside my Mom training is toughest in the universe.

Zen: I admit being low key is a good thing but there is no way in hell that your mom's training was harder than my mother training. I nearly died several times.

Zola: Oh, I did die I had to be resuscitated.

Zen: Oh. When I was three and my mom taught me how to swim, by throwing me off a cliff in lake full of alligators. I had to learn how to swim while fighting alligators.


Zola: I wanted to go fishing when I was 5, so my mom through me in a pit of space Mongolian death worms. When I finally got out I ask why she did it. She said I wanted to help you get the bait.

Zen: Most kids get flu shot. I got snake bites, hundreds of snakes’ bite so I be immune to different types of poisons.

Zola: Most kids learn how to ride bikes. I learn how to drive a spaceship threw a meteor shower.

Zen: I wanted puppy, she said ok. My mom did not buy me one instead she had made me fight a pack huge giant wolves so I could get a pup.

Zola: For my birthday, I got a sword, but it was stolen and I had to fight a ton of mercenaries just to keep my present.

We both sigh inwardly.

Zen: You have had it tough

Zola: So have you

I think the two of us have bonded over our traumatizing childhoods that would crack a normal person. We are fighting in the space environment. We are teleported into an abandon ship. The ship has no gravity. So, when I come here I am floating. Wow these environments sure are life like. I have no time to enjoy the scenery when Zola fire rocks? I see Zola has a gun and a sword. The gun is an element gun. Than he fires wind and shoots a tornado out of his gun and using it as a propulsion system. He attacks me with his sword,

Zen: You’re not the only one that knows how to use a sword KUROHIME!

I copy Zola shooting a darkness beam out of Shiroyuki. Kuro is not only one that Byakko gave effort to help. Our sword clash. Zola sword is fucking sturdy.


His gun is like a flame thrower I manage to use Kurohime as a shield. Than Zola kicks his foot off the wall and then slashes his sword down



I instantly phase through his sword now that he is close up it is time to attack.


A sonic wave fuse with darkness hits Zola and he is stunned and discombobulated. This is my chance to attack and I rush him. As I get close he snaps out of his confusion and uses his element gun to hit me with lighting. It fucking hurt. I did not expect him to snap out of it so quickly. Than Zola hits a button and turns the gravity on and we both fall to the ground. hard.

Zola: That last move surprised me.

Zen: Your good you snapped out of confusion in a short minute. I guess I can't go easy on you. I unbuckle the hidden weighs on the ground. hey huge thud comes from them

Zola: You had waits on this entire time.

Zen: Yep

Zola: hahahhahahahahahh

Zen: What so funny

Zola: We are a lot a like you and I

Zola takes off his belt and you hear a thud come from it. We both had the same idea. Than he starts to smile and he read's his sword and begin to attack. He is a lot faster now but so am I and we begin crossing blades. He is a way better swordsmen than Delta and he is only 14.



Both of our attack hit and there is a huge explosion. The smoke clears and we are both cut and bruised but neither of are willing to give in we keep fighting and both are swords get fling into the wall behind us. I am tired and so is Zola.

Zola: I like you I have not gone all out in a while I guess I will use my strongest attack on you.

Zen: I will as well.

Time to show him an attack for another world. It a little different but it is similar. I made this attack when I got Byakko. Sei thought it was stupid. DON'T DISRESPECRT MY IDOL! I may not remember my name from my past life but I do remember this. I use to read a lot of Comic books and Manga and watch anime. I still do. I am glad they have the stuff in this world beside DC. It I have ever had a chance I would do this technique. I put my hands behind my back


Zen: kameh hameh HAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Yep the Kamehameha wave it is a little bit different I fuse darkness with my Qui so it is black instead of blue but it can get the job done. FEAR THE POWER OF A FORMER NERD MUHAHAHAHAHAH! are two attack collide and they look like neither have the upper hand I decide to add a little extra power.


My last gets bigger and it defeats Zola attack. and He is hit and is crash into the wall. He wants to get up but he can't move. According to the rules if you can't get up after 10 seconds you lose. The countdown begins. It reaches 10 and he is defeated.

A.I : The winner is Shadow Tiger. He will move on to the final four tomorrow.

Zola: I can't believe I lost. That was good match Shade. You can't lose now I will only except losing to the champion. You got that.

Zen: Yeah Yeah I got it.

I help Zola up and we are both teleported. We head back to the arena. The next will be and interesting one it is Amy vs Sei who will be the winner


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