《Reborn in The Marvel World》Chapter 19 Alberto Sanchez From Now on Your Days Will Not Be Easy


Benny Pov

Zen comes back just before the start of the second round. He looks please with himself. The first match is Amy vs Clara. When Clara name come up Zen eyes get colder.

Zen: Looks like Amy will have smooth sailing for next round.

He says that under his breath but i catch it. What is that supposed to mean. Amy gets into the ring, but Clara never shows up and Amy wins by default and make it to the next round. The ref said she fell down stairs into a knife. What bullshit. Who do I know that has Assassination skills and is not afraid to use them. I look at Zen. He acting like it has nothing to do with him but I know that is not the case.

Zen gets mad about 3 things. Someone stealing his money, He unconsciously gets mad when someone messes with Sei. The last thing that makes him mad is when someone drinks his apple juice. That is the one I don't understand. He gets angry when someone drinks his apple juice. He got 5 gallons of the stuff in the fridge back in our dorm. The guy loves the stuff. He drinks 3 cups a day.

After that it is Torin vs Joey Rand. Joey rand is a descendent of the Iron Fist and is a master of Kung Lun. The guy also smokes a little too much weed. Torin is still angry about his battle with Zen and takes it out on Joey. Joey is defeated in minutes. Not to be out done in the Next match Zen vs Flynn Macfly he take him out buy phasing his fingers in Macfly throat causing him temporarily to stop breathing and he is knocked out. Zen gives the finger to Torin. Than he run his pointer across his neck in a slow fashion.



Tommy takes on James that was probably the best fight of the second round. James manages to win, buy shooting several sleeping darts out of his gun. James uses a shield and a pistol. I know weird combination but it works for him. Sei use water to trap Sara. Not only can she not use her screech she can't breathe and she surrenders. Than Decklyn manages to beat Ethan with his Devil eyes. Zola is and Alien and son of Gamora. A member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. He easily defeats Mike Davis. The last match of day is Alberto Sanchez vs Yours truly.

Alberto is weird kid in my class. He the only one that does not share a room in our dorm. He also never talks. He is smart I will give him that. I think he is gay. Alberto always waits for people to finish showering before he goes in. I don't have a problem with gay people. Whatever floats your boat. Whatever. I use watch to activate my suit. I design it in a robotic class. I decided to get robotic look my suit is mostly black and has little bit of scarlet red. It also has a white spider on it chest. I gave it a robot look so I can add some cool stuff. Alberto Super Hero name is Druid he can control plant life. He also uses a spear. His costume is orange shirt and brown pants with a green overcoat and a hood. Now that I am looking at Alberto closely he kind of looks like a girl and pretty one. I must be imaging things. I am glad no one can see my expressions under my mask. Zen and Decklyn would never let me live it down if they found out I thought a boy was pretty/ I quickly shake that thought out of my head.


Ref: The environment will be jungle

Benny: Looks like you have the advantage.

Alberto: .........

Benny: I get it you’re not talker I understand.


Benny: Are You going say anything like have nice fight, or prepare for battle, or you will be defeated buy the power of flowers something along that line.

Alberto: Como

Benny: No habla Ingles

Alberto: Si

No wonder he has not been talking the whole time he can't understand English

Alberto: Un poco

Benny: Ok you understand a little a bit do you have anything to say

Alberto: Estas molesto

Benny: Ok you think I am annoying. Well that is not very nice all I am trying to do start a friendly chat before are little duel.

Alberto: Estupido


Why does it feel like I am talking to girl? I see his face and it is really feminine. light tan skin with green eyes and long brown hair wrapped in a ponytail. The Ref teleports to jungle and we begin our fight. Alberto is not wasting any time and uses the trees around to attack me. I see it coming because I my spider sense and avoid it. Then I shoot web rockets out of my suit and launch it at Albert

Alberto; RAIZ

She summons roots and knocks down all my rockets. Something strange is happening she is looking at my wrist. Now that I mention it he has a strange fetish for wrist he is always looking at someone wrist.

Benny: Do you have a wrist fetish or something

Alberto: ESTUPIDO!

He takes out his spear and he begin his assault. He actually has really good spear technique. If I did not have my spider sense would have been hit multiple times.


I hit Alberto spear and send electricity in my web through it and he drops his spear. This is my perfect chance to strike. I grow out my nails and do a venom strike. I aim for his chest. He avoids it at the last minute but his shirt gets ripped and what I see shocks me. His or should I SAY HER chest is wrapped around in bandages and the bandages are coming off I can see everything. Hey they are nice size bigger than Amy not as big as Sei. How do I know this Instinct? So, Alberto was a girl is her name even really Alberto. OH, CRAP CAMERAS I quickly tackle her. I am not trying to pop a feel ok. I doing this for her this is not for me at all.


Alberto: PERVATIDO !

You don't need to know Spanish to know what she is thinking right now. Her face is all red and She is struggling

Benny: In case you want the whole school to see your chest I suggest you stop struggling


Benny: How was I suppose.... Wait you can speak English?

Alberto: Of course I can speak English usually people stop talking to me when I don't talk back . Your first idiot to try to keep talking to me even when I started speaking Spanish.

Benny: Surendar

Alberto: What why would I do that. I need to go on in the competition I am searching for someone and this is easiest way to sech the freshmen.

Benny: I guess I will be getting up now

Alberto: NOOO!

She quickly embraces me wow this feels kind of nice. So, this is what breast feel like softer than I expected. I did feel bad about taking advantage of this situation but not anymore. I think I am getting a nosebleed

Alberto: Fine I surrender.

A.I: Druid has surrendered the winners is Arachnid

After that I use my webbing to make Alberto a shirt. She is staring daggers at me. I don't think I can call her Alberto anymore. We both get teleported and she starts to walk away

Benny: What is your real name and why are you here?

Alberto: Why do you care

Benny: I have already stolen second and don't your name

Alberto: YOU!. Fine show me your wrist first

Benny: Why?

Alberto: Just do it

I show her my wrist

Alberto: No scar. Fine I guess I can tell you my name it is Amara Santiago. I am looking for the person who shot my twin brother. Alberto Sanchez. He is in a coma and will probably never be able to walk again. I just know that the sniper has a scar on his wrist and was wearing a Avengers Academy uniform.

Benny: You have different last names

Amara: I was raise by my dad and Alberto was raised by my mom. They are divorced.

Benny: Sniper it was probably that guy from the Nightmare incident.


Benny: Calm down I did not see his face. all I know is he helped three members of Hex get on the island. Than he killed them to keep their mouths shut. I also believe there is more than one mole. I have one more question why are you dressed as a boy.

Amara: My Dad would not let me enter the island. He thinks I am in a all-girl high school. Alberto was already enrolled here so I took his place. I paid off his roommate. YOU TELL ANYONE THAT I AM A GIRL AND I WILL MUDER YOU IN MY SLEEP!

She stomps off and walks away. Looks like I have found something interesting to play with. I go over to Zen and Decklyn. They step two steps back from me.

Zen: I did not know you felt that way about dudes Benny

Deck: Why did you not tell us you were in the closet we would treats you the same.

I guess How they saw it on the screen is me getting embraces by a man while enjoying it and then he decided to surrender. Ok this looks bad

Benny: I am not gay

Zen: Are you catcher or the pitcher

Deck: Alberto looks like a catcher, so Benny obviously, the pitchers.


Amara, you owe me. My days won't be easy because of this. If mine are not yours won’t be either this is a promise.

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