《Phantom Song》Chapter 2: Meeting the King


Chapter 2: Meeting the King

"What a pointlessly large door, it has no use what so ever, other than to flaunt their power..." thought Enn to himself, as he saw the needlessly large door. The other 4 had never seen such a large door and were awestruck by how grandiose it was.

The giant door opened and the five of them were ushered into a large throne room. In the room was a golden throne and on the throne sat a old man with a frail body in his 60s. There was a red carpet leading up to the throne but next to the carpet were two rows of people. One row had men in armor with different designs, all men had a built body. Facing them were men who wore fancy clothes, majority of them were on the plump side.

"At one side are the military personnel and the other side are nobles it seems. This is going to be a bigger pain than I thought." While cursing his luck, they arrived in front of the throne. Everyone fell on one knee and the 4 Heroes out of instinct did it as well. In the whole throne room, except the guards, Enn was the only on standing with a calm face and a cold gaze. Some of the people looked with astonished gazes, while the others looked with disdain.

"Why do you not kneel in front of me, the King?" The king asked, while looking with a bit of disdain. The look was actually understandable, since his whole life everyone knelt before him every time they saw him. If Enn was thinking that, maybe he will help them, if the request is a sincere one, then now the chances were zero. One thing Enn hated from since he was a child was, when someone thought he was better off than the rest. Enn thought for a second and said with a straight face, "I only kneel before my parents or savior's of my life, since you are neither, I have no reason to kneel." The surroundings went in to a murmur , some admiring, some disdain. The king clearly had never been told that, as his face was getting a bit ugly. "And anyways, I'd like to go back to my world, thank you very much. So I'd take the first portal back." Enn said with a cold smile.


Actually he didn't wanna go back but he couldn't stand the attitude of the king. "There most likely isn't a way back. With this I can actually get myself out of here," while thinking to himself, the king opened his mouth and said in a tone that had a mix of anger in it, " The method to go back is in the hands of the Demon King." "Yea, figures..." escaped Enn's lips in a small voice. "We used the last of our resources to summon you, noble Heroes, to help us in our fight against the Demons," the King started talking again in a calmer tone, he thought for a second before continuing " We ask of you noble Heroes to help us vanquish those foul Demons and bring peace back to the land."

"I'm not interested." A calm voice echoes through the silent hall. Everyone's eyes were glued to the speaker in black. "If the Demon King has the method of going back, I'll go and ask him to borrow it. If that is all, I'd like to leave now." When the sentence was said, he looked with a bored expression and gestured to leave. Everyone were dumbstruck. They had never expected this kind of a scenario to happen.

"Ha ha ha ha, if that is so, then I will escort you out. You don't have a problem with that, right your Majesty? Our glorious King surely won't force someone from another world to fight on the front lines against their will, right?" As the laughter rang out a sturdy, built man walked out from the military line up. He had brown hair and eyes, numerous scars as well. The man eyed the King with a smile on his face. The King was clearly pissed as he gnashed through his teeth, "If the noble Hero wants to leave, he is free to do so."


"Come on, I'll take you out and show you around a bit." The man said with a smiling face while leading him out of the throne room. Everyone who were still left in the room, watched on with mixed gazes. The 4 Heroes decided to stay. It was better to have the backing of a King than none at all.

The man lead him through town to a rather large building with which had "Adventurers Guild" written on it in English. "Seems like the main language here is English. Seems like I do not have to learn a new language the moment I get here." Enn mused to himself. He had thought that while glancing around town the signs looked in English but he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him.

They entered the large building and were welcomed by teenage beautiful girls behind the counter " Welcome back, Master." Enn was confused at what was going on and looked around with a puzzled look. He saw men of all builds and statures drinking, choosing missions or turning in missions. The man snickered and said " Come on, lets go to the office in the back. I'll explain everything you want to know there." He began leading the way to the back, leaving everyone else with confused gazes.

Everyone had the same thought in their mind. "Who was that youth?" Since most of the men there get their living by killing, they could tell that the youth who walked behind the Guild Master was a professional. He had the aura of someone, who had lived through many slaughters. Everyone were wondering, where did that youth come from to have such an aura at that age.

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