《Re:Guardian (dropped)》Re:Guardian Chapter 7


During the remaining two and a half months we had before our teachers would return, I drilled the dragons in every possible way I could think of. I might have become a bit sadistic like Goliath, kind of worried about this. But many changes happed many very good, it seems that some of the dragons were taught magic outside the basic standard magic systems; some knew ice, lightning and some developed their basic magic to the degree that it evolved into different kinds like one what levi did, she specialized in earth and trained so much that it became metal magic, I know is sound strange but she can manipulate metals like playing with clay, also when she made it into a breath attack it promoted her to a sub species of guardian dragon, an Iron Guardian Dragon, she didn’t change much but when we checked we found her scales were very tightly that would couldn’t see individual scales and it was all made of pure iron.

Ryuu, Relon and Vent also gained Guardian evolutions each a different type, Relon turned into a Fire Dragon, his body became a fierce red and also grew quite a bit which didn’t happen for use so we could tell it was a power form, Ryuu became a lighting dragon, which didn’t change his looks much but changed his color to yellow, after he developed the breath from it and it looked awesome when he was charging the electricity, the spikes on his back were all giving out sparks of electricity which got stronger until he shot it out and last Vent became an ice dragon, turning light blue in the process, his breath attack is just as intense as a fire attack it’s like watching him shoot out a blizzard that was how intense it was and it only got stronger after he evolved, beside.

For me I learned lightning magic from the dragons that knew it and trained it along with my air magic as my primary magic systems that I felt very at home with, let me say lightning breath attacks are awesome it had so much power behind it that it might give any adult dragon a hard time, after making a breath attack for both wind and lightning a popup appeared.

You have met the conditions for evolution to [Wind Guardian Dragon hatchling].

Do you want to evolve?


For some reason I felt it was lacking so this time I pressed No but instantly a new popup appeared.

You have met the conditions for evolution to [Lightning Guardian Dragon hatchling].

Do you want to evolve?


I stared blinking at them, ‘two at the same time, I think it the breaths that did that, still its lacking for some reason so no’.

And like before I pressed it and again a new one appeared but this was different

You have met multiple compatible conditions for evolution into [Storm Guardian Dragon hatchling].

Do you want to evolve?


I grinned seeing this, ‘now this looks more promising and it fits more my taste this time I pressed Yes’.

My body changed very little I the color of my scales went from aquamarine to sapphire colored, I also felt my body grow, after a month most dragons were at 2’30 when on all fours like me but I felt my body growing a lot, I only saw how much I grew after I reached my cave I stood at around 2’50 when on all fours it was overwhelming when I checked my stats which were, before the evolution, all, except luck and charisma, above 300 were now above 400 most dragons were starting to get into the high 200s this evolution quickly reopened the gap I had with them for when I started to train them. Also my air and lightning breath attacks fused to make [Storm Breath] when I used it, it shot out a huge burst of wind like a tornado clad in many lightning bolts flashing around it, sometimes I think im getting to overpowered for my own good I should train restraint next it would be bad if I blow up a village if I use to much strength.


(watch natsu’s from fairy tail fire off Fire lightning dragons roar and think of Wendy’s wind roar instead of fire and you will get what it looks like, fairy tail is such good reference for this ;D)

After use five about 10 of the 70 other dragons I trained were able to become guardian dragons the rest evolved into regular dragons that involved their favorite magic systems, even after killing chaos dragons they never got the option to evolve into a guardian so I must be for basic hatchings that branch of evolution.

At the end of the three month training, we had comfortably links pretty much every last cave in the tree within our area so we had a lodging area it was at the first day after the third month that we head it a barrage of deafening dragon roars coming from outside which quick woke every one of us.

We rushed outside and what we found was startling, outside like a swarm of black bats the chaos dragon hatchlings were swarming around the teachers who were fighting back but were on the losing end because of their large size the small fast chaos dragons could get into blind spots with so many.

Kira: everyone charge help our masters NOW’ I roared and launched myself forward.

During the time I was training the other dragons I made sure they could use [Wind Acceleration] so as soon as I order it there were 70 hatchlings cutting through the air and reached the fighting in a fraction of a second, I flew toward Goliath, while the others when to their own masters, and used [Mirage Cyclone] and took out 30 or so that were coming from behind, then with a swift 90 degree turn to the left I blasted [Storm Breath] at the approaching dragons, the tornado part of the attack literally drilled through whatever it came in contact with while the lighting around it spread outwards to attack anything unlucky enough to be near it, after it ended it easily left the left side almost empty the lighting traveled at least 10 meters out of the main body of the attack, only the corpses of the dragons near the outer rim of the attack had a corpse remaining the rest were turned to dust which made me start in amazement.

Kira: this is new I didn’t know you could be overwhelmed so easily master

Goliath: any dragon could be with such numbers, anyway thanks you’ve grown strong, lets clear this place up so we can go.

She said before releasing an emerald color flame aimed at the right side, I was literally stunned at the scale of the attach, if my attach made the dragons turn to dust then goliaths didn’t even leave dust that the power it had behind it, when I looked around I saw that it wasn’t just her every last master was at this level, though the students weren’t lacking for hatchlings we had just seen that we had a long way to go before we can compete with elders like them.

After I regained my composure I began releasing my breath with more as well as the other skills I came up with.

(Look at fairy tail dragon slayer attacks those were added, dragon claw, wing attack, iron fist, and so on just the basic skills all dragon slayer use, secret attack are still not made)

It didn’t take long before the swarm to be reduced to no more than a few pack at this point the masters weren’t even fighting anymore, it was only us hatchlings, it was then that Goliath let out a roar.


Goliath: everyone, gather over here, we must form groups before we return to the academies, it will ensure our safety.

The gathered around and after a few moments became quiet.

Goliath: is this everyone, aren’t there more dragon hatchlings

Adult dragon: no the only ones that weren’t corrupt were these I’m amazed there are still so many

Goliath: I see well it looks like each academy still has 2 dragons left, quite the number, to have so many left, so uncommon.

Hatchling: it’s because of your student, he drilled us worst then master did.

She looked at me with what I think was a grin, then looks at the others.

Goliath: alright the dragons from the same academy will return as a group of their own it seems there are enough dragons to do that so there are no worries about being shorthanded.

With that the dragons broke off and small groups of two and three adults fly off in different directions with their student behind them.

The largest group was from my academy with all five of us, we are also the strongest so it wasn’t a surprise that we came out unscratched, even before I trained them they were still stronger them most.

Goliath: good now let’s go your partners should be gathering soon as well so we must be off.

She said that and began flying off with all of us behind and, unlike when we first arrived I was calmly able to accompany goliath without much stress to myself.


Melody POV

South of the world tree the small village Melody helped found had become one of the best frontier adventurer towns of the kingdom. Orario, was one of the towns most talked about and it adventurers of all over the kingdom as this area has many hunting grounds with creatures you can’t find outside the forest. This made Melody gain fame quickly was nicknamed The Valkyrie because of her power and authority in the field but also because of her kind nature when she was in town helping and training.

At the end of the three months all her teachers and friends gathered and were partying as a farewell. It was dazzling to her to have so many people think so kindly of her ever after what happened in her home town. Even though there were nice people like them there were still others that didn’t let up the chance to insult her, as the town grew it attracted many people and that bought those that discriminated with a smile on their face, though those people were “kindly” taught how to respect others by the combat teachers and were given nice discounts in all stores that knew her, so most discrimination died out as fast as it rose up.

One the last day she was walking in the east side of town, taking her time going around town one last time before she left when she saw it, in the distance five huge dragon bodies with another five small ones flying behind. As they flew overhead tears began to form up knowing she would see Kira again as. To her surprise the adventures around her said some unsettling things

Knight: what ups are dragons attacking?

Mage women: really is there something going on

She became glum hearing this adventures act like this since since they were from other kingdoms. She walked up to the knight which drew his attention

Knight: oh it’s the Valkyrie, are you going with us to help us defend town from the drago…

Suddenly the sound of a slap resounded through the street

Melody: don’t you dare touch dragons in this kingdom they are trained by people as our partners not even wild dragons are hunted unless they cause problems.

The man held his cheek but just nodded as did everyone else in the vicinity since no one has ever been able to talk back to her when she was like this, the authority she released at these moments were more than words could describe you could only follow her words without question.

With that she just ran off towards the west side were the dragons when to land in the flat planes.

When I reached the west gate she saw them five large dragons standing over five hatchlings all over 2 meters tall all of them were different colors then she remembered and no aquamarine dragon was there but her eyes quickly fell on the sapphire dragon as if a magnet drew her in. She rushed out at speed someone could only say were beyond a normal human reach.

Melody: KIRA!!!!!!!

That was the last thing she said before she hit the chest of the sapphire dragon and pushed him back over 5 meters before he fell over.


Kira POV

The moment we landed we were met with the 9 people, four were partners of the other 4 and 5 were the chairmen. I looked around for melody but only saw the surrounding dragons and people. Suddenly I sensed a surge of mana coming from town, when I looked a small blur was speeding towards me too fast for me to react and slammed into my chest and pushed me to the ground.

After I got over the daze from being knocked over I looked at who did that. Lying on top of me was Melody dressed in interesting leather armor with some small steel plates covering her chest, leg and arm up to the elbow.

Melody: I missed you so much I lived through hell with so many teachers.

Even though she was smaller she kept me pinned down

Kira: ‘what kind of training did she do that she could keep a dragon almost double her size pinned down’ I though, to get loose I transformed into a human and quickly jumped away. She was just as shocked as me, when I looked down is as I was taller than her and looked the same age, I had sapphire blue hair and a well-built frame that looked around 16 years old standing at about 1’70, and unlike before where I was dressed with simple villagers cloths now I had small plate armor over soft leather which didn’t get in the way of my movements.

Kira: ‘I guess it has been a long time since I transformed must have grown quite a bit with the evolution’ I though.

Melody: wow he transformed’ was all she said before she looked at David.

David: I see you’re all surprised, all dragons learned to do that during their training.

He then looked at Goliath and the others and nodded, the next second all the dragons were covered in mist and appeared as humans. Goliath looked the same as when I saw her, of the adult dragons the two orange wyverns were female just as well figured as Goliath while the remaining two were men, both vary handsome and not muscular or thin most women would probably fight over them if they did know they were dragons.

Of my generation they also turned into humans, Relon was like me well-built with fiery red hair then went down to his shoulders and was about the same height he wore something similar to knights armor with, Ryuu was shorter than us and thinner, looked about 14 in human years with dark blond hair cut short he wore dark yellow cloth cloths that looked to be made for fast running, Levi had dark blue hair down to her waist looked around 16 in human years was dressed like a huntress and Vent was the one that looked the oldest, he wore glasses and gave a serious look, had slightly long light blue, almost white, hair and tall and thin body frame, he wore a normal adventure’s cloths underneath a light blue cloak.

(best example for Vent, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/4/49/UryuAnime.jpg/230px-UryuAnime.jpg)

David: well now this is interesting every one of you gives out such a refined feel I can tell your training helped form that.

Melody: we don’t need compliments from someone who trains his student only a few weeks and runs off

Melody was merciless with David but I guess he did deserve it; humans are trained at their best when a proper instructor guides them if they are abandoned at the start they can’t get anywhere.

David: ya but you had the instructor here to teach you

Melody: ya and what would happen if they didn’t train me properly it

David: I made sure the choose people that wouldn’t abandon someone who trained well

Melody: that doesn’t mean you can skip out on your teachings I bet you just goofed off during the time I was training’ she continued stabbing the same wound and Goliath could only sigh which pretty much confirmed it since she wasn’t defending him.

I could only watch in them in amazement

Kira: ‘this is like a comedy routine, also what did he do to get someone so shy like melody to open up so much’ as I wonder they continued to bicker until goliath lifted Melody by the back of her shirt like a cat does to its kittens.

Goliath: that enough, we need to discuss what will happen next.

???: I totally agree.

The sudden voice called out from behind everyone. When we looked, Angela stood there with a glowing orb above her.

Angela: its good to see everyone again, isn’t that right Kaiser.

Everyone stood frozen at the mention of the god’s name.

Orb: ya I guess’ he said as if embarrassed

Goliath: is that Kaiser, it really has been a long time

Kaiser: ya but we can talk some other time, we need to get this done quickly, you ten kids Angela has something all hero’s need.

When he mentioned that all ten of use were hero’s I was shocked

Kira: wait I thought I was the only one

Kaiser: you’re the only one everyone saw as a gods hero because of your color as a lizardling all of your friends are my under my guidance

When he said that I looked at them and they all nodded and smiled warily.

Angela: ok now please take these, it will teleport you guys to the towns were you will start you adventure.

She then hands every one of us a small crystal ball as small as a golf ball.

Kaiser: keep these safe it will teleport you but it is also a way to communicate with me as well for me to advise you in some things that you might not know.

Angela: I would suggest you get read, since you are all powerful compared to normal humans and other beings you will be sent to frontier villages in almost unexplored area, up to now all lived normal lives with a few game feature like being able to see your statue but now it will become even more like a game as you will get quest to complete.

Kira: a game is there a reason it will be a game.

Kaiser: yes almost all gods are bored so when they got the opportunity they brought all of you here to entertain them.

His response made us silent, as we though there was some kind a deep reason but just to entertain them.

Kaiser: I know what you’re thinking, if its for such a reason why did you remove us from earth, remember I said when we got an opportunity that means the earth itself wanted to get rid of you who was destroying it.

I understood it and I could guess that it would get boring living so long.

Alice: if it’s something like that it not like we could argue with it also it was boring for us on earth as well, I’ve always hated the boring life I had

Kaiser: well at least you understand also I would take this chance to stock up on necessity and tools you will need you’re going to a place with low development until it becomes safer, the area is dense forests with a high density of monsters there which makes development harder, I’m sure you can understand your training now right melody kids, the dragons where taught as fighters you kids were taught as developers and trainers it’s to make these towns flourish, now off you go.

Without giving us a chance the orb dissipated which left Angela rubbing her forehead.

Angela: I sorry for his abruptness but I think you should go shop, I hope to see you soon.’ She said and vanished like the orb before her.

We stood confused for a bit before melody broke the silence.

Melody: we should go here a map of town for each of you there are many shops we need to go to ill get medical plants and tools

Kira: I’ll go to, I need tools as well

We all split up in pares with our partners, each pare when their own way to buy tools for themselves, me and melody went to her house which was fitted with many tools you would need for tailoring, blacksmithing, and other crafts some of which I also knew but I was a dragon I crafted different things then her.

After finding out this was a world like a game we also discovered the inventory which is like an alternate space used to transport objects but you still have to bare the weight of the items but since we were both absurdly strong we were able to store all of her things except those built into the house.

We then went and bought lots of medical plants I had learned to process into many medicines and potions I also bought the tools to work with them since melody didn’t learn to do this craft and didn’t have the tools.

After an hour we had gathered everything we needed and waited at the west gate with everyone chatting on what they wanted to do after we get there. It was around this time that the crystals Angela handed us began to glow even through the pockets they were stored in its still shined brightly. Then a popup appeared

All hero’s brought here from earth have all reached the required age to become independent, you will all be examined and sent to a village that properly fits your physical prowess those who are born into partnership such as dragons they will go to the same place as there partner. If one person from your chosen god is powerful enough to protect everyone in a more dangerous area they will be taken to that space.

You as a dragon are superior to normal dragons as is your partner to half-elves at your level, you and your partner as well as those who are under the dragon god Kaiser will be sent to the frontier village Orilon in the Krelk Forest.

Warning: as you are a dragon within the town you will be regarded as a monster if your true form is revealed without having high familiarity with most of the residents.

After reading the message a new one appeared

You will be sent to the town in 1 minute.

After that we waited in silence until everything around us ten disappeared

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