《Liberty in the Overlord Universe》16. Hoarding


Chapter 16

Both Sis and I participated in different World Championships and won the tournament. I won on Asgard (as I was able to freely enter with my Race) and sis here in Vanaheim. While we both got the job class, we left it empty on purpose. We might need it later but for now, we didn’t want to sacrifice the classes that he had gotten and earned for so long.

We didn’t know exactly how much experience our ring had stored up but we knew it was a ridiculous amount. Sometimes when the server lags and has to update, I feel a little guilty for no reason…yup, absolutely no reason. We didn’t do anything on a scale that might lag out the entire server with numbers…nope. We didn’t kill hundreds of Raid Bosses and farm them for exp and experience non-stop. Not us.

Anyway, while our employees were making our guild beautiful, or rather creating an entire miniature world inside the place, we were starting to create the bulk of the NPCs that would keep the wheels of the guild turning.

First was the food source. Fish would be no problem as we set a specific amount of POP level 1~5 different types of fish inside the lakes of level 9. Which was separated into 2 parts. One part was indoors where it was luxurious and like a giant hotel, and the other was pretty was a city bordering a beautiful harbor.

Meat was also solved the same way through POP monsters. While they would not leave anything now, in the New World they would drop all their meat and other parts that could be well used.

For crops, we relied on to begin mono cropping with the help of low level Farmer NPCs and a few Nature’s heralds so they can grow the plants almost instantly. In order to reduce the risk of wiping out the plant species, we added a barrier that prevents any bacterial being from leaving or entering the space. I’m actually amazed that there was actually such a function to begin with but I’m not one to complain. We just needed to make the farm area ridiculously large enough to be able to feed hundreds of people many times over…which was much easier than we expected. Turns out modern technology mixed with magic in a game that defies reality can create a system that pretty much generates an almost endless amount of food at will.


Finally, perhaps the most important part. The administration and the brain of the guild. Nazarick has Demiurge, Albedo, and maybe Pandora’s Actors working part time on this job when they are not running about doing jobs for Ainz’s master plan or his errands. We wanted to separately create a few NPCs that would only be doing paperwork and making the hard choices…and enjoy them.

Enter…the 5 Elders. To sum it up, they were our paperwork bitches. Each of them holding an intellect equal if not superior to that of Demiurge…we made them that way. Not only did we max out each of their intellect and luck, but we changed all of their personalities and input. They would be the perfect council…never selfish and always putting the guild and us first before anything. Since we didn’t know their name, we called them 1~5, from shortest to tallest. We’ll assign them nicknames later on in the New World, or they can choose themselves.

While they really can’t do anything now, they would surely be useful later on…or forever in fact starting with the transfer. They’ll be taking care of the ‘real’ enemies; paperwork. Piles upon piles of that useless garbage handled by those who actually love to do it…perfect idea if I may say so.

Not only that, but 5 brains that can match Demiurge’s (All of their karma are slightly different in order to get different views), this will be great.

Of course, not everything was done but it looked as if Society was almost self sustainable. We created a method to stay alive and well no matter where and when that ?? drops us at.

I don’t want to think of the Worst Case scenario but what if even with all the exp in the ring we still don’t manage to hit the level we need? How would be have to go?

Of course, we can wait for eternity and wait for exp to store up and go naturally but judging by how our characters are ridiculously slow to level up (even with the title), evolution might prove itself true before that happens (in the New World).


During the 3 years, the guild Ainz Ool Gown was up and running. As expected, the ‘infamous heteromorphic guild’ that PK(s) humanoids became quite an issue. Most people in the server seemed to actively hate them, like for real, but perhaps they didn’t realize that they can flip the logic.

Like how countries start war to keep peace, Ainz Ool Gown kills Humanoids to protect heteromorphic players. They are only able to do this since they are strong…well at least defensively.

Not really compared to us. Sis and I can wipe out all of their defenses in one go…almost all of it by just jump-starting the ‘Ahura Mazda’ (World Item that is very devastating to anyone with a Negative Karma) the moment we walk into their base. If anyone is still alive then take the Guild Ring while they are still alive by activating ‘real life mode’ while in game and not be limited to drop loot. Next, we summon an almost infinite amount of fodder to commit suicide as we walk through to disable or find all the traps. Then we kill Yuri, Sebas, and Touch Me if he’s online. That’s all there is to Ainz Ool Gown if you know how to properly do it.

Well, that was mostly how we’ve been raiding guilds when we wanted to save time. If it was a big guild of at least a 100 people, then we bribed one of them offline to give us the layout of the guild. Afterwards, we would storm them.

If it was a smaller guild, we would first try and contact one of the informat guilds but they didn’t have reliable information regarding small guilds most the time. Especially if they were kind of strong. Man, I wish the NewsCoo was still here. A shame that the CEO (Morgan) was an underground emperor.

If we couldn’t get any information, we usually got the information ourselves. Either by paying mercenary guilds or mercenary items to flood into their base. Then we’ll look through the cracks to see how their defense is before going in ourselves. We might not be the ‘Strongest Admirals’ or the’Twin Monarch’ now, but damn did it feel good to walk out of a burning guild with an additional World Item.

Then finally, the day came when we hit a slight road block.

Diana: Crap

Me: Why?

We were looking at our dad’s computer to located all the World Items. Most of them held by us now but still almost half of them lay scattered throughout the many guilds in the worlds.

Diana: No more small guilds anymore, the remaining world items are all held by the larger and stronger ones now.

Me: Is it worth it?

Diana: Well, it’s not like we’re going to lose but…man, is it worth it? If they used World Items in their defense like we did…

Me: We can just take our own World Item.

Diana: That we can but it’s still risky.

Me: Which place has the most then?

Diana: As of now? Seraphim with 3, Ainz Ool Gown in close second with 2…which isn’t much honestly. A few other guilds have 2 as well but I feel like they’re going to be raided or something soon. But those of these guilds are powerhouses in their own rights. Nobody would be in their right minds to attack them…unless it’s an all-in. Well, escape for us of course.

Ainz Ool Gown would eventually get a total of 11 World Items, yet, that would never come to be true in this world. Since we took most of them already before they got their hands on it.

Me: Then there’s a simple solution. Let’s forge an alliance with Old Bones.

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