《Afterlife - Next World's Auction House》Day 4 - Guild master


In the middle of the room where the commander and the general were staying beside the table showing the map of this region, me and Laura were facing them only about one meter away.

However, when the voice reached my ears from behind the them, I instinctively looked at the desk in the back of the wide room. There was a woman's voice coming from that spot...

The voice was feminine, however it had strength in it. Both strength and confidence! I have heard similar voice tones back on Earth as well, belonging to celebrities. There is no one that doesn't recognize the voice of Morgan Freeman for example. That is because when you reach a certain height, there is always a tag that comes attached to fame and the obvious exposure to the rest of the world. Most crack under that kind of pressure...

However, this voice didn't show any signs of it. On the contrary, it seemed that she quite enjoyed herself.

When I looked passed the two and towards the desk, a flawless beauty dressed in full white garments, with black hair starred right back into my eyes.

I was amazed for a second, first of all by her attire. I could swear for a second that she was wearing jeans, however it seemed to be something different. And the blouse she was wearing felt different somehow as well. What surprised me even further, was the same model of cloak I was wearing, only that hers was pure white.

[Black wolf, isn't it? Your coat...] (Guild master)

"It is. And yours?"

[White wolf. Is certain levels more rare and difficult to catch, however its materials are quite good.] (Guild master)

"I don't doubt it."

She looked straight at me as if she was measuring my skill level or like she was actually seeing my status window. I was calm though, knowing that is should not possible...unless she has a skill like me, but those are incredibly rare from what the general told me...

[Level 8 Scout, huh? Only two levels more and you should be able to promote to the Hunter Job with ease. Actually, it seems that only about a level... You are quite interesting indeed, just like Charles said.] (Guild master)

I panicked for a second since she didn't have a way of knowing that. It should be impossible after all, since I had one of those people with the Eye of the Truth skill check my status. They couldn't unless I willed it so, like I did with the orb when registering as an adventurer.

[Sorry if I was rude! I was simply intrigued. My name is Clara Works and I am this guild's master. A pleasure...](Guild master)

"Michael Corbett. But you knew that already, didn't you?"

There was something off about this woman, so I took a couple of steps in her direction and she did the same. Soon, I was able to see her stats. It was... most unexpected.


Clara Works





Job Name




High Elf















998 years

















Skill List Name Level Proficiency Dual weapons mastery ??? ??? Grand precision ??? ??? Increased critical hit ??? ??? Camouflage ??? ??? Assassinate ??? ??? Track and Kill ??? ??? Radar ??? ??? Wind attribute grand magic ??? ??? Bountiful catch ??? ??? Whisper of the living ??? ??? Silent strike ??? ??? Blink ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ... ... ... ??? ??? ??? Blessings granted by the world: Blessing of experience Blessing of War Blessing of Wisdom Blessing of the world Blessing of Life Equipment ??? ??? ??? "Poker face! Need to keep my poker face and stop the corners of my mouth from twiching! I don't even know where to start complaining from! What's with those stupid high attributes? Isn't she also almost level 25? And why the fuck is her Intelligence, Wisdom and Magic way higher than her actual Assassin required attributes? What the hell is this monster? Final boss!? With so many skills is likely she forgets to use more than 75% of them. And what's with the question marks? Why can't I see those? That means nine other hidden skills... nor can I even see her equipment? What's this scary person? And the extra blessings??? I changed my mind about seeing elves okay!? Just get me out of here!!!" Blessing of the world


Granted to the Elf people.

It allows all elves to wield magic attributes and hear the voice of all living beings.

It also grants insight regarding the power of another, by measuring the quantity and the quality of mana. Blessing of life

Granted to those few Elves that are chosen by the world to help its people by guiding them through the ages.

This blessing grants immortality!

This makes one impossible to die of old age, although death trough abnormal means is still possible.

Requirements: race evolution. "Immortality... that useless game God went brain dead for sure! How can you reach such a thing so simple through race evolution? I mean, she is a High Elf and all, but still... Wait, does that mean that I can evolve into a High Human as well? I wonder what are the requirements." Race evolution


"Again with the question marks, of course... Kind of annoying, but I guess either I'm being obstructed, or I'm at a level that's not high enough to learn about it. Let's hope is the latter."

[If you stare so much, I might ask you to take me out to dinner first you know...](Clara)

"Apologies. It is our first time meeting and I was surprised by your beauty. Not to mention, a High Elf is probably that much harder to encounter."

I purposely said the last part in a very low voice that only her, which was not even half a meter away from me could hear. Her eyes widened and for an instant her hands seem to reach for the daggers on her waist.

I could feel cold sweat down my back and forcibly stopped myself from gulping, but forced a smile instead. I wanted to pay her back for surprising me previously regarding my level, now that I knew it was due to a blessing she had. However, that reaction was more than I bargained for... Don't tell me she's a maniac...

[You truly are interesting...and reckless. I find you more and more likable by the second.](Clara)

"If you keep complimenting me like that, I might end up to be the one to ask you to at least buy me lunch first."

Well, a tit-for-tat might've been the most stupid thing I could do against this 'final boss', however I think I might've caught onto her weakness. Boredom! That's why, I took the gamble to mention her evolved race status...which now in hindsight, was a terribly stupid idea!

[Hahahahah! Laurence, Espada and lil' Missy over there. I have decided! For the raid on the Kobold village, only me and Michael here will go. I hope there won't be any complaints.] (Clara)

[Truly, if you were to go guild master, the matter might be settled fast indeed. However...] (Laurence)

[Yes, yes, I know. We'll only do some scouting to find out their power and then return and report. We'll be leaving tonight. Now then, I'll take this charming young man and go buy that lunch he asked for. Oh, is just morning though... I guess breakfast is fine also, right Michael?](Clara)

"Hmm!? That's fine, but the raid on the Kobold village?"

[I'll tell you the details while we eat. Let's go! Also, Laurence, let's give those two some time to talk. They both have been through enough to deserve some.] (Clara)


[Understood! I have already approved of a compensation for the rescue of those three. One more time, you have our gratitude Mr. Corbett. Regarding the collection, it should be good tonight. We look forward to extra information if you have any as well.](Laurence)

"Actually, I managed to draw the layout of the first floor until it reaches the Kobold village. So I can..."

[LATER! Let's go eat first! I am starving!!!] (Clara)

A high elf was hitting the floor with its right foot, displeased about the fact that she was being ignored and hungry, just like a child would. It was quite a sight to be honest, but scary at the same time since I was wondering if she would make the building collapse. Especially when one knows her full strength. Well...not her full strength, which made it even worse.

"In that case, I will let you guide me Ms. Clara. I am new to this city after all."

[Yes. I am curious about that as well... And drop the 'Ms'. I am not that old.] (Clara)


When I tried to joke about that, I felt a huge murderous intent and I smartly remained silent. I figured that talking about the age of a woman is taboo, even in the case of one that doesn't actually age...

Thinking about it, isn't this chick as old as the freaking world itself!?

She left the room and signaled me to follow her with her finger. I greeted the general and Laura on my way out and Charles bowed his head to me. Oh his face there was an expression filled with gratitude. The commander followed us soon, but stopped by the reception desk, while myself and the high elf walked out of the building and started walking towards the south of the city where the port was.

"So, do you have a place in mind for breakfast, Clara?"

[Hmm... Yes, we're going to a clearing near the port.] (Clara)

"Clearing? Are we not going to a restaurant or some inn?"

[Why? I cook better than them anyway. Oh, that's right! You should consider it a privilege. You'll eat a meal cooked by such a beauty after all. There are millions that would kill for that, you know.] (Clara)

"I see..."

[What's with that weak response!?] (Clara)

How do I say this? Unexpected? I guess that's an understatement though... I was prepared for a different personality from such a stupidly strong person. Instead, she's very...girlish?

"I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover... Homemade food from a beautiful fantasy character elf-girl. I could definitely live with that!"

I followed her and we left the city and the port, by walking inside a small forest extending along the coast of the ocean. That made me realize that this wasn't exactly a lake, but more of a... Wait...From this forest, you could easily reach the entrance to the dungeon since it was pretty close by. And she was surprisingly silent silent as well...

Soon, we reached the clearing she mentioned previously and stopped. She turned around, looked straight at me with a serious face and then I saw the blue morning sky...

"...the sky!?"

I realized I was on the ground while she was staying on top of me, looking straight in my eyes with murder intent. This would've been a pretty hot situation and a rather interesting development...if not for the daggers almost digging in the skin of my neck.

"It seems we have different notions of breakfast Ms. High Elf."

[I thought I told you to drop the 'Ms'... Who are you?] (Clara)

"You already know though."

[The only people that knew I am a High Elf died over 900 years ago. I will ask again, one last time: who.are.you?] (Clara)

"So you have been on this world since the creation of it..."

[Creation? How do you know about that? Did Anhur offer you his blessings as well?] (Clara)

"Anhur? Oh, this world's God? No, why?"

[...this guy! Can you be a bit more self aware please? Or are you doing it on purpose?] (Clara)

"Well...how long do you plan to keep me pinned down here? Is not like I mind, honestly. The view is quite exquisite."

[...you should only be about level 8 almost 9. How are you not scared? I am after all...] (Clara)

"Almost level 25? How in the world did you reach that level? Haven't dungeons been added only recently?"

[There you go again!!! How do you know my level? It should be hidden even from a crystal orb, unless I grant it permission. Yet you say it like is normal!] (Clara)


[I would very much like not to kill you if I could. But if you don't explain properly, I have no choice.] (Clara)

"Hmm...First, can you do something about the daggers? Is not like I could outrun you..."

[Agreed... But you must talk! Tell me everything!] (Clara)

"I will what I can. However, I would like to hear about you first."

A look of contemplation was on her face, while she was appraising me. In hear head, she was most likely thinking something among the lines 'I can kill him after if I don't like his answer, so there shouldn't really be a problem...' , after which she seems to have reached a decision.

[Since you know that much already, I guess is fine...] (Clara)

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