《Afterlife - Next World's Auction House》Day 4 - Loophole


I could hear the sound of the waves crashing into the rocks by the shore while waiting for this high elf to dismount me. I am really grateful for the Fear resistance skill I have obtained by being murdered in my previous life.

"And those are words I would probably never say out loud... However, this is not a pretty situation. Something tells me that I can't exactly lie to this chick and the fact that telling her the truth might topple the balance of this world and the entire 'game' big time, is not something I look forward to. Probably that useless self-serving God might intervene..."

"In fact, he might find it amusing..."

[Did you say something?] (Clara)

"No. But I am curious about you and how much you know about the 'game'."

[What game are you talking about? There's a limit to joking in a situation like this you know! You truly lack common sense...] (Clara)

"She doesn't know!? I don't understand. What exactly does she know then?"

[Like I promised I will tell you everything I know and in return you will do the same. If I sense that you are trying to lie to me, I will kill you without hesitation. This is not the kind of information that can pass through the world. It is forbidden by Anhur after all.](Clara)

"Forbidden? No, let's start from the beginning. When I asked about this world's creation, you asked me if Anhur granted me his blessing as well. That means that you were granted the same blessing, right?"

[Yes and no. Is not exactly a blessing per-say, since it doesn't affect any particular abilities or attributes. I call it the Blessing of Knowledge. It basically means that I was enlighten about the truth of this world.](Clara)

"The only question is, how enlightened? It would be direct interference if a God would babble about it to a human after all, meaning a violation of the rules placed down by the Administrator. Reaper mentioned that all Gods will abide by that rule because of their pride and Anhur, a God of War...I can't see him breaking or bending that rule. Then how?"

"Can you tell me what you mean by that Blessing of Knowledge? It doesn't appear in your status window."

[What!? You can see my status window? ...I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since is the only way you would know about me being a High Elf or my level. But how do you...] (Clara)

"Quid pro quo!"

[...excuse me!?](Clara)

"Oh, sorry. Is a saying from my hometown... sort of. It means a favor for a favor, or in this case, an answer for an answer. You agreed to first telling me about you. After that I will tell you about me as well."

[Understood! However, I don't have much to tell you to be honest. The first thing I remember, is waking up in the middle of the forest in the Ahrein continent. I was all alone in a clearing similar to this one, when I heard the voice of Anhur.](Clara)


"Ahrein? The continent of the Elves?"

"Voice? You didn't meet him?"

[Are you insane? Face to face conversation with a God? Is not that you are lacking common sense. It appears that is a notion that doesn't exist for you... No! I just heard him talk to me through something like a whisper straight into my head.](Clara)

"I see. And, what did he tell you?"

[He told me that I was reborn in this world that he created just now and that my purpose is to lead the people that are about to be born towards new heights, that would help us win the upcoming wars.](Clara)


[That's everything I know. That and the fact that it should happen in two years time from now. The last thing I was told, is that I have a thousand years to prepare and that in order to do so, I must improve my level daily. After nearly a hundred years, I managed to evolve into a High Elf, however, it just randomly happened one day. I can tell that you are interested in that, but I don't know the requirements for it. I thought back a lot regarding it, but the only thing I did, was to be true to the command I received. I led both humans and elves alike through those 100 years, helping them settle down and create their own homes. After that, when everyone I knew initially started dying of old age, I learned a skill that helps me mask my appearance, as well as my status window.](Clara)

"So that's why there were no elf ears... There's still a chance! No, wait! In this case, what that God did, was merely using her and by accident she devoted herself to helping people? And again, by accident, she managed to evolve? There's no way something that convenient would happen. Then, starting from the information Anhur provided, this is..."

"...a loophole."

[What did you say? Can you stop whispering things please!](Clara)

"Nothing, sorry. I was just surprised by your story, since I honestly wasn't expecting a God to share information about why he created the world, to a human he created as well. It is interesting..."

[That might be so, however now is your time to share your story. I kept my end of the bargain and now is your turn to do so.](Clara)

"...that might be difficult to d..."

I didn't manage to finish the sentence and a knife flew by my head, brushing against my cheek and cutting me slightly. Any trace of playfulness or patience disappeared from her face and now her hands were reaching for her daggers.

[If there is something I hate more than a liar, is someone who can't abide by their promises.](Clara)

"Technically, I didn't promise that I will tell you anything. I said I'll tell you what I can..."


[Enough! If you don't talk in the next ten seconds, I will kill you here and now!](Clara)

"Well, she seems serious enough about it. What now? I still can't tell her anything really since she genuinely doesn't know anything about this whole damn situation. And since is 'forbidden' by Anhur, I can't exactly... Wait, forbidden by Anhur huh?"

"Fine, fine. I get it! Lower your daggers already. There's a limit to how much my body and mind can take during such a small time span."

[There will be no second chances!](Clara)

"Yes, yes. However, I was being honest previously when I said that is difficult for me to say anything. Is true! Stop with the daggers already!!! Jeez... The reason for which I can see your status window, is because I have a skill called Identify that allows me to do that."

[I was told by the general, that its use is limited and it cannot be used on other people.](Clara)

"I lied about that... sorry. I didn't want to get dragged into unpleasant situations. That's how I knew you were a High Elf and your level."

[That doesn't explain why you knew that this world came into being when it did.](Clara)

"Yes...about that, unfortunately you said it yourself that is forbidden to be speaked of. Even if is you."

[So you did receive enlightenment from Anhur.](Clara)

"Something like that..."

"She's off about the God, but close about the 'receive'. However, enlightenment? I guess you could call it that."

[It doesn't seem that you are lying, however I can see that you are hiding something. I really don't like that!](Clara)

"Is a shame, but there is nothing that I can do about it. Even if it costs me my life."

Taking a bet here seems to be the only option. She doesn't seem to be a bad person, even if she's kind of ruthless and merciless. Kind of makes that beauty go to waste...

[I understand. I will stop asking, with one condition.](Clara)

"And that is?"

[You must help me prepare this world for the upcoming war. You obviously know more than me, even if there is a difference of over 900 years between our lifespans. I...this world needs your help to make it happen!](Clara)

Preparing the world for the upcoming war... To be honest I had such thoughts in the beginning, since I knew there are only two years left. However, this might tilt the balance more than it should...and I don't really know a way to keep it fair. Receiving the other 998 Gods full hate, while one of them is entertained by it, is really not the kind of future I want.

"The only thing I can provide is knowledge regarding this world and how it works. But if you plan to have me join some sort of group, please spare me from it. I work better alone."

[I also work alone, so there is no problem with that. When you say knowledge, are you referring to assimilating experience from killing monsters and the skills obtained by leveling up, but defined through specific actions?](Clara)

"That and whatever other things my Identify skill can tell you about the monsters I've met. It might come in handy regarding the Goblins and Kobolds."

[I was already told by the general and the commander, but is it really true after all? Killing monsters grants you their experience?](Clara)

"Huh!? What do you mean? Isn't that how you reached this level?"

[No. I did hunt animals and indeed while fighting bears my experience points went up faster, but I reached this level by simply training my skills over a long period of time.](Clara)


She seemed to be serious about it. No...it does make sense if you take the freaking millennium into consideration. But to reach this level of experience through training alone, just how often does she do it?

"Say...your training, how much experience does it give you usually?"

[Hmm? It depends. For example, running for about an hour gives me around two experience points, training while fighting a partner gives me about five...](Clara)

"Is fine, I get it..."

"Only training for one thousand years... But in that case... Wait..."

"But what about monsters? I can't understand how didn't you fight them until now. I mean, you must be the strongest person on this world right?"

[Monsters? Oh, you mean the Goblins and the others? They only appeared about two years ago. Every country was keeping their distance and didn't engage them the first year, while putting a gag order on the information so only the upper echelons knew. Then, last year they became very active and horrible losses were incurred. That's when it was decided to eradicate them.](Clara)

"What kind of God takes a thousand years to realize something that others did in less than 500? Are all War Gods muscle brains?"

[So, will you help me?](Clara)

"...however I can."

[Good! Now let's go eat something. Oh, also tonight we're going to the Kobold village to find out more details. Having you and your skill will be useful and I can present them as my findings. That way you won't get dragged into anything unpleasant.](Clara)

"What's with that innocent and benevolent smile!? I have already been dragged into something unpleasant!!!"

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