《The Girl with Scales and a Sword》Chapter 16 — Deeper into Treverous Dungeon
Nothing else exciting happened that day. Or night. I don’t know which it is, because I can’t see the sun or moon!
*plink* *plink plink* *pli— “Would you cut it out!?” Olbert glares at me. I hide beside Selaena.
Selaena sighs before saying to me, “Chalia, it’s a good idea to practice your telekinesis, but the sound can be a bit unpleasant for some people, so why don’t you try something else?”
I tilt my head in wonderment. What else can I do? It’s so boring just walking a lot, and I don’t even have Gus to talk to, and now I can’t even toss rocks at walls!
“Do you know how to write?” She asks, and I shake my head. I know how to read a little, because I had to be able to put the right ingredients in when helping Twenty-Six, but I’ve never written anything before. “Lets practice your telekinesis by practicing writing!”
Whoah! “I get to learn how to write?!?! So cool! But how are we going to do that with telekinesis?
Selaena laughs at me. As if knowing my question, she says “We’ll do it like this,” and forms the shape of a letter, using water magic. “Do you know what letter this is?”
“Ezd!” I reply.
“Correct!” She says, before forming a screen of water. “Now I want you to use your telekinesis to pick up a rock and move the rock through the screen of water to form the shape of the letter! For this letter, you need to start at the top left and…”
This is really cool! If I move a rock through the water screen, the water will stay away from wherever I move the rock, so I can really make the letters! It’s really hard, but throwing rocks at the wall has gotten a little bit uninteresting. Also Selaena says that this will help be get better at aiming and moving things with my telekinesis! Also, it will make me stronger, because she can make it easier or harder to push the rock through the water screen.
Suddenly Fezrah and Tim stop. “Rank 3 Venom spitter just inside the tunnel to the left,” Fezrah informs us.
“Do you know which element?” Olbert asks.
“It feels like Ice, but I’m not sure,” Fezrah replies.
“Allow me,” Selaena says, stepping forward. She opens her hand to reveal a few marble-like objects. “It’s too thin. Olbert, do you know how to make an essence siphon?”
“Yeah, hang on for a moment.” Waving his hands, Olbert makes a collection of runes appear around the tunnel, which makes it feel like there is a little breeze, but there isn’t actually any wind.
At that moment, two of the marbles in Selaena’s hand start to glow. “Indeed. Ice, but also water. It’s a toad type.”
Ooh, I remember how this works! Apparently there are many different species of mana beasts, but there are also subspecies, which can be different in what element they use and what form they take. There could be a spider and bird that are both from the same species, just different forms! I asked why species mattered in that case, and so Selaena told me it’s because knowing the species tells you how strong it is likely to be, and whether it is more of a speed type, power type, or control type of monster. As for subspecies, the best you can do is learn the basic strengths and weaknesses of each general shape and elemental type. Mercenaries need to be flexible in their combat styles.
“Alright,” Olbert spoke, “I’ll prepare a trap, and we’ll have Tim lure it out. Then we’ll have Fehl block its mouth while Tim and I kill it. “
Everyone agreed, and so it began. Olbert began by softening the floor in front of us, and then Tim yelled out in a weird way. Then it came out. It was a white frog with blue eyes, which quickly came out of the side tunnel and hopped toward us. Soon it came to the area that Olbert had prepared and sank down a bit. Making another hand sign, Olbert made the dirt harden, trapping the frog. Then Tim rushed forward as a orange film completely wrapped around him. At the same time, Selaena sent a ball of water rushing toward the frog’s mouth, but it was a little too slow.
The frog’s eyes turned white, and it looked really angry! It quickly spat out a bunch of white venom, making the tunnel suddenly get a lot colder. The venom sprayed everywhere, but when it hit Tim, it just slid off the orange film on his body, while Olbert created a large dirt wall to block it from hitting the rest of us.
Just as quickly, he lowered it back down to reveal the frog. Even though she couldn’t see the frog with the dirt wall up, Selaena had memorized where it was and sent a ball of water into its mouth, so even with the dirt wall gone, it could not hit us anymore. Meanwhile, Tim was creating large gashes in the frog’s back, which Olbert widened by sending rock spikes into them. It was an intense fight, but it went quickly, ending after the frog was no longer able to circulate its blood and died.
Everyone was smiling, except for Fezrah, who just stared at Selaena with a confused expression, only looking away and smiling when Selaena moved to look back. I’m not sure why, but it doesn’t feel like Fezrah is actually happy.
“Frost Venom Core,” Olbert said, cheerfully holding up a white and gray beast core. “It’s a level two, but rare enough to get a decent bit from researchers. Anyway, let’s keep going,” he added before nodding to Tim and Fezrah. And once again, we were off!
“Hey Chalia!,” Tim yelled back a short while later. “There are a few rank 2 wolf-beasts up ahead, want a go at them?” “Yeah!” Of course I want to! I’ve been so bored, and I didn’t even get to help out with that frog thing. “Alright, here they come!” Tim yelled out as he dodged two creatures rushing by and cut a third one in half.
Alright, Chalia, let’s do this!
Everything is slowing down again. Uh, but aren’t they a little too slow? Even those rank 1 beasts that I fought in the tunnel with Gus were a lot faster than this. Oh, well, gotta do this anyhow. Jump to the right, and slash! Straight through. Next! It’s behind me. I’ll switch my grip, like Gerald taught me, and spin! *shink* Straight through the other. Victory, hahaha! *sniff* that scent though… Are these wolves…tasty?
“Ch-a-li-a!” Huh? Selaena? Why are you talking so slow? “With-draw--” “Ahh!” I forgot again!
“Ah, there you go!” Selaena cheers. “Looks like we need to get you some more ‘aura’ practice,” she then added on. “Were you thinking about… eating them?” Fezrah asks in a weird voice—and so I hide behind Selaena… “Alright, Tim, I guess she is interesting,” she then added on.
“See, see? I told you!” Tim happily shouts.
Then something catches my attention to the side and I tug at Selaena’s sleeve. “What is it Chal?” “What’s happening? I say, and attempt to point to Olbert, but then Selaena grabs my hand before I can.
“Oh, he’s reinforcing the tunnel,” Selaena says with a smile and pulls me along, but soon I hear her voice in my head. It’s kind of weird, but cool. “Can you hear me Chalia? Squeeze my hand if you can.” I do as she says. “Good. Now can you feel the strange mana in your head? It’s not a lot, but you should be able to sense it. Send some of your mana up to touch it. There you go. Just keep it right there, touch but don’t try to surround it.” “What is this?” I think “This is so weird.” “You got it!” Selaena mind-says again. “I can hear you you are thinking.” “Oh, wow, that’s creepy. You’re just like Gus!” I think. I’m not sure if I should be happy or scared about this…
“Now, what did you see, Chalia?” Selaena asks. “His magic… I don’t like it! It was red and black and grey and felt sharp.” I can hear Selaena sigh. “Alright. Make sure you stay close to me until we get out of the dungeon. Also don’t say anything about it to the other people ok?” “Oh, ok.” “Since you have natural manasight, lets start learning how to use it!” “Ok?” “The magic he was using is a type of curse magic. Curse magic should look like a mixture of red and grey, though that magic had some other kinds mixed into it. Also, the curse portion of it is what made that pricking feeling.” “Oh, ok.”
“Drop shaft!” Fezrah called out, ending our secret conversation. “It goes down to the tenth depth. What do you want to do?”
“Hey, new territory, what do you say?” Olbert said, looking at Tim and Selaena with a grin. “I’m cool with it if your guys are confident. “I could use a little challenge,” Tim answered. Sealena didn’t agree, though. “I don’t think we should do this. That is territory for high silvers, and while we all would qualify for that, except maybe Chalia here, we are not a set group and haven’t had time to build synergy with each other.” “Hmm,” Olbert sounded while thinking. “What about you Fezrah, what do you think?” “I think I agree w-with you,” she stuttered for a moment. “We have a pretty strong team and the loot will be a lot better down there” she finished. “Outvoted, Fehl! Olbert yelled before jumping into the large hole in the ground. Fezrah and Tim followed right after him. Selaena had an unhappy face right until everyone else jumped down the hole. “Grab on!” Selaena said cheerfully while opening her arm out. I grab onto her as she picks me up and jumps in, as well.
Deep, it’s very deep, but fun, as well! “Whee!” We start falling faster and faster, to the point where I can see the rock on the tunnel gradually changing color as it speeds by. “This is one of the fun parts of dungeon diving,” Selaena mind speaks to me, since the wind is too loud to talk normally. After a few minutes I feel a pressure as something starts making us slow down. When we start going slow enough, I am able to see a bunch of runes around the tunnel. Maybe that’s what slowed us down… Then the pressure goes away, but Selaena uses her magic to help us land softly on the ground.
“Blasted conjourers,” Tim says, rubbing his arm as we walk out the side of the hole. Both he and Fezrah are sitting on the ground. “Healer, help us out!” Fezrah says harshly, and Selaena does so silently. Fezrah keeps looking at me, then looking away, though. “You guys should leave,” Fezrah adds on. “What do you mean?” Tim asks. “You said we should come, yourself, didn’t you?” Fezrah sighs, but then just shakes her head, muttering something about taking jeans out of a pool.
Then Sealena turns and stares down a tunnel. “Fehl?” Tim asks. “There’s a tunnel flood!” Selaena says anxiously. “And there are people there fighting, let’s help them out!” “Uh, what’s a tunnel flood?” Tim asks. “It’s the start of a dungeon break, but if we can can kill enough creatures we can buy a day or two to gather some stronger mercenaries to protect the people living nearby.”
“Where’s Olbert?” Selaena questions, looking around. “Olbert, get your ass over here!” Tim yelled out. “You guys ready to keep going?” Olbert asks, popping out of the same tunnel Selaena had been looking at. “There’s a tunnel flood, if you didn’t notice,” Selaena mentions.
“Oh, wow, we should help out!” Olbert practically shouts. “Come on!” And so we start running down the tunnel, well, for awhile, until I freeze. A part of the tunnel is full of that yucky red, grey, black magic stuff. I’m scared! I don’t like it! Selaena stops with me while the rest run though, and the magic comes off the tunnel walls and sticks to Fezrah and Tim.
“Curse magic?” Selaena mind-asks. “Mhmm” I nod. “Move use your telekinesis to move a rock at the place where the magic stops.” I do as told and move a rock around a bit. “Ok, that’s good. Grab my hand.” She tells me. Then all of the sudden, we end up a bit past where I moved the rock! How did that happen?! Anways, we are running again, with Selaena using some yellow magic to help us move faster and catch up a bit.
“Woah,” I gasp, as we enter a big room. There is a line of twenty people fighting monsters and trying to keep them from getting through the tunnel we just came from.
“Ah, more people, good.” One of the fighters glances back at us, then freezes seeing Selaena, who winks at him. He shakes his head, before introducing himself. “My name is Vellon, and I’m currently in charge here. What are your specialties?” he mind asks while splitting through a creature that has four clawed feet and a big horn. “I’m an earth mage, Tim’s a Berserker, Fezrah’s an assassin, and Fehl’s is a water-earth healing mage.” Olbert answered.
“Olbert-if you would help clear out the dead creatures, Tim-help out the far right line for now, Fezrah-stay back and clean up anything we miss. We are keeping up now, but this is just the start, it’s going to get worse. Feh-l,” he almost chokes saying, “Help wherever you are needed. Oh and what about the girl?”
“She’s our luck charm,” Selaena answers with a smile. “And can offer aura suppression. She can solo standard rank 2s”
“Well, if you want her fighting, the best place would be with the line to the far right. We’ve used warding runes to divert the small mobs to be shredded over there, giving the stronger of us space to work on the big guys.”
“Alright, Chalia, go ahead and help those people over there. Come back and find me if you get tired, though. If something is too strong for you, let someone else take care of it, ok?”
“Ok!” I’m excited and kind of scared. Let’s do this! Kill. They are looking at me. They are looking at me again! Why is everyone looking at me?
“It’s an aura, don’t worry!” Selaena mind speaks. Most people stopped looking at me. Most... Oh! I have work to do! Let’s kill some monsters!
Let’s start with this cat-horse-looking thing! I run up and slash it it, the sword goes straight through. One down! Next is a weird blob thing. I carefully run past it, slashing my sword through it! And. Um. It’s still alive… Slash! Slash! Slash! My sword cuts, but it’s still alive! And, why are people laughing? “Chalia, when we get back we need to do a lot of studies ok?” Selaena mind-talks to me. Why is she laughing too?! She’s trying to hide it, but I know she’s laughing! “You're fighting a slime, and you can’t kill a slime by cutting it. *breath* Trying channeling fire magic into your sword and then cutting it.” Oh, ok. *Fwoosh* My sword is on fire! Hahaha!
Woah! It’s amazing! I try again, and when I slash it, the whole thing just burns up! The slime is completely gone! But everyone is laughing harder now…
“Chalia, has anyone told you you’re adorable before?” Tim asks, killing three monsters with an axe swing. “Mhmm,” I respond. “Ahahaha! Well it’s true!” “Oh.”
Tim smiles at me, before continuing to kill monsters. People are so weird.
“2B, Clear!” Vellon shouts out. A huge explosion happens right after. “Continue! Rank 12 wood splitter in C8! I want all lightning mages to pound that water shifter in A2! Now!”
So much stuff going on. So many pretty lights. It’s exciting!
At least that’s what I thought. It didn’t stop! I feel like I have killed hundreds of creatures, but they just keep coming! And there are even more now than there were before! It’s ok, though. I’m good at doing hard work! And Selaena keeps checking in on me, so I’ll be ok!
Speaking of which, she keeps healing people. I’m not sure why she isn’t attacking anything, but I’m sure she has a good reason. Tim keeps rushing in and killing a whole bunch of creatures, then he runs back for a break before attacking again. It’s pretty interesting, honestly. And Fezrah has been getting a lot of work too! There are so many creatures that a few get past our side, and once in a while one of the bigger creatures gets by too, but she always takes them out fast! As for Olbert. Uh, actually, where is Olbert? I don’t know where he went!
Oh, there is another beast! I slash it in half before jumping toward my next prey. Uh, um, I didn’t mean to jump that far… It’s turning back toward me, but this one is acting weird. It’s even slower than the others… No, actually, they all got slower! What just happened? I don’t know, I guess I’ll ask Selaena After— After… I uh, huh? Why is everything so…blurry? Um. “Realm…Back…Dragon…take back…Realm…” Take realm? Take back… Take? Dragon back… Oh, back realm take! I withdraw my dragon realm. Oooh, I’m flying now! “Again…back…” But I just did? I’ll try again… “Realm!!” Ahh! My ear! That hurts my… “Selaena?” Why is she carrying me? And I feel so sleepy…
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