《The Last King》Intermission-2


Author's Notes: WAIT!! . . . now, before you read, i simply want to warn that there is a bit of, uh, sexual content in this one. I wanted to make this intermission since a while back, and it was only now that i thought the time was right to post it. Since im inexperienced in writing scenes that have a sexual nature, tell me how I did. Remember to rate, review, and comment on whatever you like. Point out any mistakes you find please :)


In a frozen city, a large castle stood, forlornly, as the desolate cold winds echoed throughout the land.

Within the entire city, countless people were frozen like statures. These were people who were judged guilty. Of what, it was never known. Surprisingly, very few were women or children. There were many survivors who had escaped, but the reason of their survival was something that was a mystery.

The phenomena that had turned the city into its current state came without warning, and there was no explanation for why some were affected while others were not.

Inside the castle, only two people remained unharmed. One was a handsome black haired youth with a cold, arrogant look to him. He had a mysterious aura to him, as if there was nothing in the world that could possible hold him down. He seemed completely cut off from the rest of the world, pristine and untouchable to others.

This youth sat on a tall throne made of gold, and beside him, looking at him with infinite softness, was a woman with snow white hair and bright red eyes. This woman held a fae-like beauty, her face youthful but her body containing the charm of a mature woman. The aura of seduction that she emitted was not deliberate, but rather seemed to seep out naturally from her body as if she could entice all the men in the world with a mere glance. Her smooth, milky skin and full pink lips were a wonder to behold

The two seemed to fit perfectly together, their attractivness and otherworldy auras complimenting each other in a way that made one believe they were a match made in heaven.

" Have you finished venting you rage now, my dearest one?" The woman loooked tenderly at the youth by her side, smiling lovingly.

" I suppose. Though leaving their pitiful souls intact was too merciful for the likes of them." The youth spoke, his voice enough to send shivers down even the bravest of men.

It was indeed this very youth who had cause the disaster to befall the city. Using a Forbidden Spell, the entire land became frozen, even time seemed to slow to a crawl inside.

" You could have let them live. You're just making more work for me, you know. Killing others is such a distasteful thing." She sighed.

the youth laughed, "Coming from a person with your particular occupation, those words ring a bit hollow."

The woman smiled. Indeed, from her, such words seemed utterly laughable. In truth, killing millions would not affect her in the slightest, but the work that came after? That was truly tiresome to deal with.

This was the 18th nation that he had subjugated. Now, in this world he was unrivaled. Having put the entire world under his will, he had long set out to destroy the things that were previously so corrupt he thought unforgivable. This city was the last one, the place where he decided his conquest would truly end. Now that he had won the world and destroyed the sinners that he believed needed to be punished for their crimes, he could finally rest.


"Well, now that we have the place to ourselves . . . " The woman smiled coquettishly, a smile that had only ever been shown to him, with a bright gleam in her eye.

The woman lowered her face and kissed him. He returned it with a fervor, rising from the throne and deepening the kiss, a look of lust and passion upon his face that made the woman strangely happy.

She loved him. When thinking of him, her heart beat, and when they were apart, it ached. She had never known such a feeling, but when she was with him she had wanted to hold hm close for an eternity and not let go.

To be embraced by the one she loved like this, to be desired by him, she felt a certain joy that welled up from her deepest being and became incomparably tender.

She became lost in the kiss, opening herself to him as his tongue dominated her mouth, breathing him in. She let out a deep sigh from the back of her throat, content.

When the kiss was broken, she felt a bit resentful.

" Dear. . . " The woman suddenly called to him, her voice breaking.

The time of their seperation was getting closer each day.


The world underwent a major change. The inhabitents had long ago lost the ability to commit crimes the youth found truly unsavory. They had all been placed under his will, foced to follow his idea of peace and order. Which wasnt to say they lacked free will. They simply could not commit crimes that the youth would condemn. They were in a state were they could do as they wished, within certain limits.

Though it may sound bad, the result was that they experience true world peace, of at least a version of it. It was a concept that any would have thought impossible. Yet, as they now lived under the will of another, everything was different.

It became a near utopian world where, under the command of another, they almost welcomed the change.

Two years had passed since the time when that desert city became a world of ice and snow.

Currently, the youth and the woman were inside a lavish chamber, light pouring in from the large windows.

The two were locked in a tight embrace. The youth, now having grown into a fine young man in full, had slipped a hand under the woman's garments, feeling the softeness of her breast and the hardnes of her nipple, like a tiny pearl under his palm,

The woman moaned in pleasure as he pinched it, kissing her deeply. The woman loved him, the way he invaded her mouth unlike anything she had ever felt before. He let out a small, primal growl and took her to the bed. The woman savored the moment, etching evey detail into her mind.

The young man felt a hardening below, but did nothing about it yet. He instead made sure the woman was thoroughly pleased, kissing her neck, then her breasts and slowly working his hand down until he reached her special place.

She let out a small gasp, feeling his fingers inside her. She shuddered against him, her legs quaking. . His mouth and tongue paid special attention to her breasts, the power that was building inside her staggering to new heights.


He then lowered his head, sliding his tongue into her, sending shockwaves throughout her body. Her soft moans were music to his ears, driving him on. The man had quite some experience, and he had never let himself be pleasured before making sure the woman herself was plaasured. And for this woman, he was even more meticulous and did everything that would make her scream in ecstacy.

When she was good and wet, breathing hard, he stood up again and slowly slid himself inside her. She clearly felt how each of his thrusts threatened to destroy her and held onto him for support. Her fingernails made faint wounds on his back, her way of marking him as hers, forever.

Her breasts rose and fell as he increased the tempo, making her body go wild, her mind becoming nearly blank as she concentrated on each of his movements inside her. Her breathing became ragged, hard.

The woman welcomed all of him inside, clinging to his strong chest as they became one. In the past two years, they had not concerned themselves with anything but each other. The world, now that the man had united it under his will, did not need further fixing. They left it to govern itself, while they remained secluded inside the palace. He knew, under his compulsion, nothing could happen that would further displease him.

Every day they spent in bliss, not ever letting the other out of sight while their nights were always spent in each other's arms just like now. However, today was different.

The woman held infinite tenderness in her heart for the man, happily enjoying every second of their time together. She had already long reach the point were she felt she could not live without him, and the man had thought the same.

The man, as he embraced her wicked body, feeling her softness against him, had once again kissed her. But this time it was much deeper, meaningful.

"I love you, my dearest husband," She whispered. Today, was their wedding day. This day, was the happiest of their lives. Friends and family had come to wish them well. The woman had none of those in this world, but the man had many, and each of them had long since considered the woman part of the family, showering her in deep affection.

She, who had always remained cold and merciless, had found that with him by her side she truly could not be considered the same as the her from the time before they met. Somehow and before she knew it, he had made her heart into something that was all his own. Now, in him doing so, she was truly content and happy, wanting nothing more than to always remain by his side.

For his part, the man had long decided that she would be the one to hold his heart in her hand. He loved her fiercely and without end. To him, she was his world. The two, when they looked at each other, had saw the rest of thier life reflected in the other's eyes.

The man had attained a level of power where subjugating a planet was mere child's play. He had the chance to move to a higher plane of existence, but such things held no appeal to him. He had friends anf family here. Why waste what little time he had on trivial matters like that?

So spending the last of his time here was what he decided. And the woman had not gone against him on this. That place, though it may not pose a threat to the two of them combined, would not leave them much time to concentrate on each other.

This day, sounds of moaning echoed throughout the empty halls. The two did not leave the room for a long, long time.


Nearly a year later.

The woman held a serene smile on her face, looking down at the bundle in her arms.

" She's beautiful" The man smiled, staring at the lifeform in his wife's arms with an entranced expression.

"What should we name her?"

The man suddenly had a faraway look in his eye, as if trying to recall things long past. " Grace. Lets name her Grace" He smiled again, soft, gentle, at some unknown memory.

The woman let out a curious look. " Why Grace?"

"I dont know. It simply feels right." The man had a sudden pained look, his face sad. The man didnt understand fully the profound sadness the dwelled within him at the name, but he knew he would likely never understand anyway. He merely let the emotions roll over him.

His wife, seeing him like that, simply nodded her head gently. " Grace it is then. A wonderful name. My little grace" She laughed, poking the baby with a finger.

The baby had snow white hair like her mother but her eyes, like her father's, were a brilliant azure blue which seemed to contain all the mysteries in creation. She radiated a powerful aura even though she was still so young. This level of power, in the future, how terrifying would she become?

The man, overcome with emotion, spoke. " I love you. Both of you. If only I had more time, I . . ." The words didnt come. The man rarely let out such emotions, but for these two, he held nothing back. They were his everything.

"Shh, my dear. It's okay. I will find you again. I'll always find you." She firmly believed this with all her heart. Even if in another life he found somone else, she would not let him go, ever.

Seven days later, the man disapppeared without a trace. The woman, child in her arms, cried. In the end, there were no tears left to shed, and the wound caused by his absence, would not be healed for many years to come.

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