《The Last King》Chapter eighteen
Author's notes. I m sleepy and so there are probably a few things that dont make sense with the chapter. Im assuming anyway. If you find any problems, tell me. Also, i got a new review today. I have no idea if what im writing is as good as others make it out to be, but im trying to improve. I realize i have some weak points that need tending to. Heh, last chapter i made flop where i kept saying the four when there were only three people listening to Roland!
Heh, felt a bit embarressed after someone pointed that out but i was also grateful. Anyway, i thank Aszai for his review. I got more motivated to write today because of it. As i said im pretty tired and so if you spot any plot holes or anything here, just let me know and i will either explain my reasons for it or fix them up. Note that i may update this later if im not satisfied with it.
The three were completely unprepared. Saren was the first react. He raised his sword to intercept Roland's attack. Before he realized what happened, Roland's sword disappeared like a ghost and Saren felt a massive impact to his side. The force threw him several feet to the right, his body sent flying before he crashed on the ground.
Blood started flowing out of his mouth and he felt bruised all over. The power behind the attack was absolutely tyrannical and overbearing. If Roland had not held back, Saren was sure he would be dead. He was almost certain he had several fractures in different areas of his body and his head started leaking red, covering one of his eyes.
It was an attack that was entirely ruthless and without hesitation.
Lilith readied her spear during the exchange, preparing to attack. She knew that Roland could kill anyone of them easily, and that he would likely not injure them too severly. He must be holding back quite a lot. Knowing that, she charged without fear.
James was different. He somehow felt strength in his entire body that welled up from an unknown source. However, he held back and observed the three others. He assumed that Roland began attacking to help them understand those so-called Laws better. The odd state of their minds was, he guessed, somehing that could be of great benefit for them. This entire battle was likely to help them improve their combat ability.
He searched for weaknesses to exploit, but found none. Meanwhile, Saren dragged himself off the ground and joined Lilith in the fight. From James' estimation, that attack previously should have incapacitated his brother. Why was he able to stand?
James watched as his brother and Lilith exchanged blows with Roland. Their figures were getting faster and faster as time went on. When Roland's back was to him, James took a chance and struck.
As he lunged, his sword, though faintly, let out a cold aura. But James didnt notice this and concentrated on his target. Right when it appeared the sword would strike flesh, Roland's figure faded out of existence.
James felt a overwhelming sense of danger. The other two who been attacking Roland from the front in unison, had reached out to strike an instant before and were unable to stop their weapons. James, who was now in Roland's place, faced the attacks from the two. But that sense of danger wasnt from them, rather, it was coming from directly behind him!
Saren used everything he had to change the direction of his blade, and luckily the edge only cut into James' side. Lilith was similar, but the tip of her spear had buried itself into his stomach, forcing him to let out a scream of pain.
James and his brother had encountered many dangers throughout their lives and they had the scars to prove it. This was not the first time James had a sharp object buried in him, but never has he had a wound this serious.
Just then, he felt a warm, wet feeling across his back. Roland, appearing behind him, had blood dripping from his sword.
Everything stopped. James found himself unable to move and felt an intense wave of pain assaulting him. His vision clouded over and the sounds around him felt so far away, unreachable. Finally, he passed out and crumpled to the ground, the blood starting to pool around him. Meanwhile Roland delivered a kick to the other two stunned teenagers and sent them hurtling thirty feet back.
He let out a cold snort. " Dont think you can get out of this that easily." He pulled out the spear. From further away, the two showed shocked expressions as Roland lifted the boy by his head and threw him towards them. Saren caught his brother and saw that the previous wound had vanished. James opened his eyes slowly.
"Get up. let's go again."
The rest of the next few hours went in a similar fashion. As the battle went on, the three had experienced an odd sensation well up in them. Every second the brothers contemplated the Sword Laws and caused their attacks to become wholly instinctive. They felt a sharp and cold aura from their swords as they slowly understood more about the Sword Laws and although they could not manipulate that strange aura, they could now sense it was there.
Lilith was even better off. Roland's previous words circled around in her mind over and over. As she fought on it was like there was a light slowly getting closer and closer with each breath. She was lost in the strange sensation. Her spear strikes seemed to get faster and more fluid every moment until it was almost as if she had begun to merge with the weapon itself.
The three had now entirely immersed themselves into someplace far away, a state of mind within them that was like an endless void which shut everything out. Yet it seemed as if their minds had been split in two. One side was secluded in the void comprehending the Laws while the other, more primal side battled Roland with unbridled passion and focus.
Though they were always riddled with wounds, some that would have been fatal, it didnt affect them much. Roland seemed to enjoy tricking them into harming each other, and that was why the more serious wounds were caused by their own hands. But somehow it was like he completely dominated their every action, moving in a way that forced their movements to follow his will so that no matter what happened they would not instantly die from an accident.
And once the wounds began affecting their combat ability, he immediately healed them.
After some time, their bodies didnt even flinch from the injuries they recieved and attacked Roland without worry. Though they still felt a innate fear of pain, so they were unconsciously more careful when fighting too close to each other.
They all had become consumed in battle and that immensly helped them understand the Laws faster. In the flames of battle, Roland and his beatings were the hammer that forged them.
However, the strange state they were in started fading, and with it their fighting ability stopped rising. Soon their movements became duller as fatigue set in. They had fought much too long, and now they felt sluggish and weak. Lilith was the first to quit once Roland flipped her on her back. She rested, unable to move, for several minutes before slowly getting up, her muscles sore, her breath coming out in erratic pants of exhaustion as sweat rolled down her tired body.
After catching her breath, she began watching the others continue from the side, appearing deep in thought.
" Well, i think this should be enough." Roland, seeing that the three were no longer able to fight, lowered his sword. " All of you should stretch a bit and then go take a shower before bed. It's pretty late anyway" In fact, it was already midnight. Hoe odd. The nights here seemed short.
Roland was a bit pleased with their progress. The brothers now seemed able to faintly sense Sword force and it looked like Lilith had begun learning how to become one with her spear. These things may not sound anything amazing, but they would increase there battle potential tremendously. All things considered, this was pretty good.
Even if Roland helped them achieve a termporary state where they could comprehend Laws easier, how far they could go depended entirely on themselves!
The next day, Roland went to Loki's office. The three had still been asleep when he left. He heared their soft breathing. Reina had seemed to not leave her room since she got back yesterday. Her hightened senses would take time to completly get used to.
When he approached Loki's office, a pretty looking woman rushed past.
" Ah! Wait!" Loki, in his adult form, suddenly appeared from the doorway shirtless and called out to her. He held a piece of black cloth in his hand " You forgot your-" But she was already long gone." Oh well." He sighed. "Guess I'll just add them to my collection then" He laughed flippantly.
" So, who was the woman this time?" Roland asked. Loki shifted his gaze to his friend, seeming to only notice him now.
" Cant remember her name. I dont think we ever got to that part".
" She didnt seem like a student" Roland commented.
" She's a wood nymph from around here. Been courting that one ever since she bound her Tree to the forest, but that little tease had always been so aloof! Luckily she said she heard terrifying screams last night and rushed straight to my door, afraid to be alone. One thing led to another, and. . . .Hehe, gotta love those wood nymphs. " Loki finished, letting out a lecherous laugh while grinning.
"You're welome"
Loki looked at him quizzically before coming to slowly understanding something. " Must have been some pretty pitiful fellows" He mumbled
Roland was quite calm. Loki, despite his personality, had always been a fairly lustful guy and finding him after a night with a woman wasnt anything new. If he wasnt lazing around or causing trouble, you could bet he was with a woman." So, what did you stop by for?" Loki stetched as Roland followed him into the room.
As the two sat down, Roland took out the black bead and showed it to him.
" Oh, so its that thing huh" He yawned
"You've seen this before?"
Loki paused slightly before refuting. " What? No. Of course not. When did I say that? This is the first im seeing of it, you know? What, are you accusing me of something?" He let out a string of words at a fast pace. Roland looked at him suspiciously but chose to let it go.
"Well, do you know what it is or not?" He asked in irritation
"Let me see it" Roland handed it over. Loki started looking at the bead from every angle, examining it thoroughly. He sniffed at it and licked it, even going so far as to bite it before handing it back. Roland had a disgusted expression and used a cleansing spell before touching it.
"Well what?"
"Did you find out what it is?"
"OH!! Well, its a key, isnt it?."
Roland showed interest. " A key to what?"
" Dont know. It seems dead. Inactive. But its odd. It doesnt seem like just a key. More like, a piece of one? No, its possible that it isnt even a key at all. Thats just what it felt like. Im a bit vague on that. It was emmitting a faint signal of some kind. Maybe like a distress signal? In any case, i should hang on to it and do some more in-depth research. I sensed a thousand layer seal placed on it. Whatever that thing is, it cant be ordinary."
How odd, thought Roland. What would something like this be doing inside Reina? Could the other three have ones too?
Loki snatched the bead back and peered at it, as if annoyed it didnt reveal its secrets to him. " Hmph, trying to hide things from me. Quite arrogant arent you? Just wait for what this daddy has in store for you!" He declared.
"Ah, speaking of, do you mind explaining why your son has been skipping my classes?" Roland smiled. Loki hated when he smiled like that.
" Well . . .that girl does what she wants. I really have no control over her"
Girl, huh. Well, at least Roland knew what to address her as now. Roland disliked beings who could switch gender. It was a headache.
" But as the father, you have to take responsibility." He kept smiling.
Loki felt a chill. Dammit that girl, every time she causes trouble I get blamed for it! I told her to behave this time! This guy, he really doesnt show mercy!
Loki had warned that daughter of his quite some time ago to attand her classes properly, and again when he appointed Roland as an instructor, but that girl went and ignored him!
" So, are you going to have a talk with her?"
" Even if i dont she wouldnt listen!" Loki protested.
" Thats your problem. Man up. She's your daughter."
"Ugh, dont remind me. That girl, i love her to death but she is damn annoying to deal with, you know?"
"She probably gets that from you" Roland said drily
"More like her mother. That woman, i dont know why i ever liked her." Loki sulked.
" So I assume I wont have to waste time tracking the girl down then? It would be a real pain. She does have your shape shifting ability right?"
" Yup. Hehe, just like her old man." He said with sudden pride. " Even you would have a difficult time finding her!"
" I'll leave it to you then"
Loki's expression faltered. " About that. . . Dont expect anything okay? I mean i can find her,,but. . .She really doesnt listen to me at all." He sighed
"Again, thats your problem. By the way, why didnt I ever meet her before?"
They had been friends for a few years now, afterall.
" Hm? Ah . . .Well, you know, i didnt really trust you around her."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, when we traveled together you were, uh, you know. . . "
"Ah. . .Right. That." Roland understood, frowning. To explain, his body was a bit strange. His body's appearance matured faster than most. When he was thirteen, around the time he met Loki, he already could pass for a fourteen or fifteen year old. Oddly neough, his sex drive increased too. Maybe as a result of his body's fast growth.
Whatever the reason, even his personality changed a bit.The fact that he experienced an increased libido was irrefutable. Though he never lost himself in lust and had never taken unwanted liberties with women, it was rare for Roland to be alone during nights, much to his shame.
He could only say that his teenage hormones had went into overdrive at the time.
Loki's caution was understandable.
" Well, that wont be a problem anymore though." Which was true. The time of Roland's increased sex drive had only lasted until his sixteenth year before he was able to control them. Not that he didnt feel it, but rather that he was able to restrain himself much easier now. Actually, Roland was surprised he didnt become a father during that time. Not that he was complaining. With his circumstances, having a child would be cruel to everyone involved.
"You say that, but now you dont even need to actively seek out women" Loki muttered
" Nothing~"
"Well, whatever. Just make sure she doesnt skip any of my classes anymore, got it?"
"Yeah, yeah~ I 'll do what i can anyway"
"Good enough. Ah, right, are there any dangerous areas around here?"
"Dangerous. . . Not especially. Why?"
"Special training. I want to take some students for a bit of an educational trip."
Loki's eyes brightened. " Sounds fun. Hey, why dont we include the whole school then? We dont really have anything important to do anyway. There arent many places here that are very dangerous, but we could travel to the Teleportation Array not far from here and use it to open up a place somewhere exciting."
Loki didnt mention taking them there via telepotation. There was a limit to how many he could teleport, and even if there wasnt, things like that were not possible near the Array. They should just make the entire journey by caravans or something, that way they could sightsee.
Loki hadnt been outside in a while and Roland would want to explore anyway. They could teleport half the way, but there was no rush in the first place. Why shouldnt they take things slow?
Roland nodded " Sounds good. How about somewhere in the Higher Planes? A sub-world perhaps?"
" I was thinking a pocket dimension, but that sounds even better. Plenty of dangerous places in the Higher Planes that havent been discovered yet. Come to think of it, didnt we get into a bit of a predicament last time we went there? The students may not survive. And if something happens to Michael, Zeus would have my hide hanging above his fireplace. Not to mention what that woman would do to me if her precious Fenris got hurt."
" Dont worry. If anything goes wrong I'll handle it personally. Plus, I sensed that there are a few pretty strong guys that havent shown themselves, right? They could help a bit."
"They're a bit above average, yeah, but. . . Well. . . .If you're there it should be fine. The two of us should be able to handle anything. If it was just by myself i cant ensure a few wouldnt die. We can go in about a week? We need to prepare properly after all." Which was true, but Loki simply wanted to wait until Morrigan got back. If she showed up but they were already gone, how disappointing would that be? Heh, Roland wouldnt get any peace after she gets here! " And the girls' adoptive family should be here any time now. Ah, right, are those four going too?"
"Why not? This will be a good opportunity for them. But I wanted to look for Sol too. I want him to examine their curses further. I was going to used the trip as an opportunity to look for him on the way."
" No need. He should be somewhere near the Array. That guy has been sniffing around for some punk who robbed him and he has the Array under close watch so the little thief doesnt get away. He's been casting locator spells constantly. He may already know of your arrival if he used one of those spells during the time you showed up. Even if not, I dont think finding him will be too hard."
"Thief, huh. I feel sorry for the poor idiot. Anyway, thats good, since i can catch two birds with one stone."
" Well then, I'll start the preparations. Im thinking that instead of having everyone go by caravan and such, why not go airship? We could make several stops along the way. We would have to anyway since the fuel consumption is insane."
"I thought you said it wasnt far though?"
"Yeah, relatively speaking . It would take a good few days, really."
Roland shrugged. "i want to see a bit more of this world anyway. Im not complaining."
"Good. If thats all, I want to get working on this bead. Damn tease, I'll pry the answers out of you, hehehe~" Loki eyed the bead maliciously.
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