《Night Gaunt》Chapter 6
Wow, I knew I had bad luck but just wow, fate must be trolling me for getting a second chance right know' Vanessa sighed in her head unable to understand the whims of fate sometimes it was your best lover and other times it made salty old crones in fables seem beautiful.
'I guess it’s time for me to test out my skills let’s just hope I'm not weaker than a goblin or else I'm almost definitely going to die before I ever really explore this world or this forest for that matter' thought Vanessa preparing herself for the upcoming battle'
'Know first things first let's scout the camp it's relatively small and they haven't seen me yet so I might as well as take advantage of the small bit of luck that the goblins haven't spotted me yet'
Vanessa began to scout the area around the camp making sure to keep close to the trees but close enough to at least monitor the camp. After she had circled the entire camp, she was able to understand their numbers and weaponry and was able to draw a good couple of conclusions in her head. Which surprised and worried her slightly considering she would not normally be this methodical when it comes to scenarios like this.
'I know there's about a dozen of them, only about half have weapons which are quite frankly just sticks the only one I'm really worried about is the goblin holding an ax it looks crude but it seems to be covered in something vile so getting cut by that is a big nope I saw what he used to coat that thing and I'd rather die than even be in a couple yards of that putrid smelling weapon let alone be attacked by it'
Overall Vanessa was able to obtain enough information about the camp to realize its threat level know she just had to figure out how to kill them all without being outnumbered to heavily, getting severely wounded or poisoned.
'Ok I'm sort of a tank-ish character with my armor and passive regen; fighting them head on seems to be the only option hopefully my armor is resilient enough to withstand that and if not, I should be able to fly away if I need to' Vanessa concluded hoping that if the former scenario is the case she will be able to fly away without crash-landing.
Vanessa resolved herself to fight the enemy of all women and then she was enshrouded in her armor. When this happened, Vanessa realized something weird.
'This armor covers my entire body, yet I can still see... huh neat.'
It seems that even though the battle armor covers the entire body since its technically created and formed by Vanessa she was still able to see even though her eyes were covered just another thing that showed she A had to practice and test her abilities later and B a good chunk of the books about common sense from her old world will have to be thrown out the window at some point if she was to survive in this world. After having this internal realization Vanessa focused on the more current issue and that was the camp.
'All right let’s do this' then with as much speed as she could muster, she ran straight for the ax-wielding goblin
'Let’s deal with him first if I don't want to have to test out this armor with that disgusting weapon anytime soon'
As Vanessa charged all the other goblins seemed to be surprised it was the first time, they had ever seen such a beautiful female charge toward them instead of running away from them screaming and yelling so they seemed to be almost basking in the good fortune presented to them.
This lasted just long enough for Vanessa to close in on her targeted goblin and punch it with as much force possible behind her reinforced fist. what she didn't expect however was for the goblins head to make a complete three-hundred-sixty degree turn with a sickening crunch of bones and vertebrae and then fall over like a puppet with its strings cut.
'…Ok....so.... yeeeeeeaaaahhhhh I’d say that was a little overkill' Vanessa thought in her head; know having to reevaluate herself in the strength department again.
'Are goblins really that weak or am I just that strong' Vanessa contemplated then she shook herself and prepared to finish what she started
What proceeded could have been a bloody battle but with Vanessa's strength and armor, it was more like a one-sided slaughter. Vanessa had no qualms over killing especially for survival but this situation was almost like pest control or weed killing to her and it got to the point where she actually let them hit her a couple times with their 'weapons' and she again realized she would definitely have to look at her skills later especially her battle armor because getting whacked in the head with a wooden club should NOT just cause you to flinch backward as if you were finger flicked it should have at least knocked her over; Vanessa knew that she might be stronger than normal due to her new body but not that strong so she had a feeling her armor was helping her somehow, either that or the gods were helping her but she highly doubted that especially knowing some of them.
‘Yeah knowing them they would probably just appear and slaughter them all just by flicking a finger’ Vanessa reasoned knowing with their personalities they would have just appeared and taken care of the problems themselves, so the only logical explanation was her battle armor.
There was also something else that had begun to worry her, it had been almost like an itch in the back of her head ever since she regained consciousness in this new world. At first, it was little things like how easily she acclimated to her new world. And then more noticeable things like how she was able to just run into that group of goblins with no hesitation at all, but there was also something else, but she just couldn’t quite grasp it yet. Vanessa had a feeling though that when she finally finds out what that thing is she will not be happy. She already had an idea of what was causing this slight alteration of her mindset and she was making sure to remember to see if her thoughts were correct on the matter.
'Ok that's the last of them thankfully it seems they were just setting up camp here so there’s probably nothing really useful besides the sticks and clubs to make an elevated bed out of because I am not sleeping on the floor tonight. I already spent god only knows how long in the void as a sleepless incorporeal spirit bawling my eyes out for what could have been a couple of hours or a thousand years and I am not going to go to sleep for the first time since before I died on the floor of a cave' she thought
After this internal monologue Vanessa was started to carry back a large amount of the staffs and sticks to her cave where she then proceeded to make a makeshift bed using the branches and clubs and then covering it with some nearby leaves to use as bedding as she was grabbing the last of the materials to finish her little project however she heard something.
It sounded almost like a light sobbing and it was incredibly hard to hear at first but as Vanessa began to track the sound it became more pronounced and almost more afraid?
'It seems to be coming from the larger hut over there. Hmm ... wasn't that the hut that the ax-wielding goblin came out of earlier?' Vanessa thought
Vanessa decided to enter the hut deciding that if she had missed a hostile goblin that she better deal with it or else it might try to attack her in her home when she sleeps after all if whatever had been making the sound had been watching her it would know that she was the one that slaughtered their village and it could obviously see where her home was as Vanessa was retrieving the materials for her makeshift bed.
When Vanessa approached the hut, the sobbing seemed to get louder and more frantic and it began to be accompanied by a metal clanging sound. When Vanessa entered the hut, she saw what she had seen in all the other huts. Thatch floor random garbage spread across the walls and floor, but whatever had been making the sound was nowhere in sight. So, Vanessa decided to search the area little more. And as she was walking around, she just so happened to step on a specific location on the thatched floor and the next thing Vanessa knew she fell through the floor and landed on the ground with a loud thump.
"Ughh!! thank god I still have my armor on or else that might have actually crippled me' Vanessa spoke aloud. But as she finished her sentence, she heard a small whimper and that clinking metal sound again causing her to look up, and what she saw shocked her.
At the far end of what seemed to be the 'basement' of the hut was a boulder that was halfway protruding from the ground, but that wasn't what surprised Vanessa what surprised her was the green teenager that was chained to said boulder. The teenager herself was crying and trying to hide her naked form as much as possible from Vanessa's eyes. Vanessa finally realized what was making the sobbing sound as well as the clanking sound.
'That chain seems long enough to where if she could climb out of here, she could probably get just shy of the door but probably not any further' Vanessa thought and right when she realized that she was also able to piece together why the teen was crying.
'She must have seen what I did to the goblins outside and being unable to leave tried to hide when I came nearer for more materials.' After realizing this Vanessa decided to try and approach the green teen but as she did the teens sobbing began to grow louder and she began to pull on the chain trying to release herself as Vanessa approached, it only took a little thinking to realize why she was panicking.
'Oh, right I'm still in my armor and I'm practically saturated in goblin blood right know I must look like death itself to her right now.' Vanessa decided to try something, she didn't want to risk lowering her armor in case the green figure decided to attack with the chain while she was vulnerable. She stared at the girl and imagined projecting her thoughts into the teens head hoping she wouldn't have to look at the description to figure out how to use the telepathy skill. And surprisingly it worked Vanessa felt a connection forming between the teen and her and with it came a very strong emotion fear.
'I don't want to die!', 'Why is she staring at me like that', 'Is she going to kill me like the goblins outside?'
The unending amount of fear and despair in the woman's mind hit Vanessa so hard she almost staggered under its intensity but was able to remain steady.
After hearing the woman's thoughts Vanessa decided to calm her down.
'Hey easy, it’s alright I'm not going to hurt you, it’s ok.' thought Vanessa
"W-what y-you can speak"
'Actually, I'm using telepathy right know but that is more of a precaution … look I'm not some monster that kills everything in sight I only attacked the village because it was near my home and I didn't feel like getting raped in my sleep by goblins anytime soon.'
The teen seemed to calm down slightly after hearing the explanation and one of her thoughts made its way into Vanessa's head.
'Yeah that's smart especially considering that I'm the result of that scenario' thought the Teenager who seemed to be testing to see if the telepathy thing worked both ways
'What do you mean?' asked Vanessa.
The teenager seemed to freeze up slightly when the question was asked. She began to shake slightly as she answered.
'I-I'm a half-goblin my mother w-was raped as an adventurer when she was a teenager, b-but when she realized that she was pregnant she didn't want to give me up, so she gave birth to me even though she practically became the enemy of the kingdom and the adventurer's guild because of it.'
'Then how did you end up here chained to a boulder?' inquired Vanessa.
'After I was born my mother had to escape into the forbidden forest to protect m from the kingdom who couldn't send their armies into the forest due to it being considered 'neutral ground' by the gods. She raised me in a cottage a couple mile from here, but about two days ago as I was out foraging so I could give my mother a present for her birthday which should be tomorrow at this point I was attacked as I was gathering some strueberries'
'And you were taken captive by these goblins' stated Vanessa.
'Did they touch you or rape you in any-way'
'Haha! yeah right they wouldn't touch me even with a seven-foot pole I'm literally considered a freak by everyone even my own parent race and that's saying a lot considering their goblins. There's no way they would ever fuck someone as filthy as me apparently that's too low even for them. They just thought watching me starve to death in a pit was a decent form of entertainment sometimes they would even stick animals in here to see who would win.' stated the teen derisively.
Vanessa didn't like that answer. Yes, the girl was a half goblin but that doesn't mean she was filthy, we can’t choose what we are born as after all and that means a lot coming from someone like her who didn't have a choice when she was human as well as now as a Night Gaunt. So, Vanessa decided to interrupt the girl who was still demeaning herself in her head.
'You are NOT filthy or disgusting, now stop saying those things about yourself It pains me to see someone as beautiful as you demean themselves like you are doing, we can't choose our parents but that doesn't determine our very existence, because if it did I would be some disaster that isn't even controlled by the gods of this world who has the ability to survive in the void itself.' stated Vanessa firmly.
The teenage half-goblin was struck dumb by what the creature in front of her said both from the reassuring part as well as the slightly scary part concerning the gods. But overall, she was ... happy so happy she couldn't remember anyone besides her mother who had ever talked to her and reprimanded her whenever she spoke about herself in that way. And before she knew it, she rushed toward the creature in front of her and hugged her with all her might.
Vanessa was slightly surprised at the teenage half-goblin’s actions but in the end, decided to show some trust for the teen that was showing her such a vulnerable side of herself. Vanessa willed the armor surrounding her body to slowly recede. And then she leaned down and whispered a very important question into the woman's pointed green ear.
"What is your name?"
The teen was mesmerized she had felt when the creature she was hugging armor began to recede being replaced with warm and soft skin and when she looked up words couldn't describe how she felt in that moment, the woman she was hugging was beautiful. So beautiful in fact that the teen's instincts as a goblin began to kick in resulting in her pussy becoming increasingly wet at the sight. And when the beautiful being asked her for her name all while leaning down and speaking into her sensitive ear she felt like she could cum just from her voice alone, it was a struggle for her to answer the question.
"My n-name is L-Laura." stuttered out the blushing teen.
Vanessa was happy with the girls answer and was also enjoying the girl's reaction quite a lot, especially the blushing face and the fidgeting. But know wasn't the time for that last time Vanessa checked it was late in the afternoon when she came into the hut and she needed to get back to the cave. But she couldn't leave Laura like this, so she asked some more questions.
"Do you know where to find your cottage from here?" asked Vanessa,
"Y-yeah not like it matters though there is no way you can get me out of these chains, the goblin that put me down here looked so annoyed that he had to deal with me that he just latched on some random chains it found and I am one-hundred percent sure he didn't have a key," stated Laura gloomily.
"Well there might be a way for me to free you, but I would like to ask for a couple of favors," responded Vanessa.
A light began to shine in Laura's eyes at the mention of freedom.
"What do you want?"
"First if I am able to free you, you are staying in my cave tonight this is more of an invitation then a favor though unless you are confident enough to brave the forest at night."
Laura looked surprised at this considering she was probably expecting to be left to fend for herself if or when she was freed but nodded her assent quickly.
"Second when tomorrow comes we will travel to your home I would like to actually meet your mother this is also my way of making sure you make it home safely."
Laura's mouth began to drop slightly after hearing the second favor
'Why? why is she willing to do so much for me?' she thought unaware that Vanessa could still hear her thoughts.
Vanessa chuckled at hearing this and answered her. "It’s because I would like to consider you a friend I mean that's what I would like to think at least," stated Vanessa who became slightly embarrassed saying the last part. For Vanessa when it came to making friends she was even worse at it then finding herself a girlfriend and that's saying a lot considering her dominant personality when it came to sex in general.
Laura looked practically like a goldfish at this point and was only barely able to nod after receiving the blow of watching the beautiful and mature woman in front of her call her a friend all with a blushing face.
"A-and your next favor?"
Vanessa grinned, happy the woman consented to be her friend and announced her final favor with a slightly seductive look.
"Call me Vanessa instead of 'beautiful woman' whether telepathically or vocally, although I do enjoy the compliment as well as the other more suggestive thoughts," said Vanessa who licked her lips slowly after finishing her statement
Laura practically fell over from embarrassment at this point realizing that Vanessa had heard every single thought Laura had up until that point concerning Vanessa more than likely, no definitely, including the lewder ones as well.
"Ok...Vanessa" said Laura
"Alright let's hope this works otherwise we might miss your mother’s birthday if it doesn't," stated Vanessa who approached the chains all while her battle armor began to surround her. She carefully placed some of the chains on the rock, taking care not to choke Laura as she pulled, and once they were positioned flat on the rock, she did something she hoped she wouldn't regret.
"H-Hey what are you doi-"
Laura didn't get to finish as Vanessa raised her spiked armored fist into the air and brought them down onto the chain link with as much force as she could muster. Vanessa was expecting pain, she was even expecting the chain link to be dented slightly, but what she didn't expect was for her fist to shatter the chain link and then grind itself into the boulder with a resounding explosion leaving large amounts of rubble to shoot outwards.
When Laura was able to look back at Vanessa's location without the risk of rubble getting into her eyes, she practically lost all sense of awareness. Vanessa didn't just shatter the chain link allowing her to move around, albeit with a chain collar still attached to her neck with about ten feet of excess chain. But she also completely shattered the boulder to the point to where even if the chain wasn't broken the only difference would be that she would have to lug around about twenty-five feet of chain instead of ten, considering the whole chain was now free at this point without the boulder no longer being used as an anchor.
Vanessa was equally surprised, she was not expecting that to happen.
"Wow... I really need to check on that ability Vanessa thought.
After the surprise ended for Both of them Vanessa was the first to react, she walked toward Laura all while spreading her wings slowly so as not to startle her, as well as so she could get a feel for her new appendages.
"Ok I know you can probably get out of here considering you were able to see what I did to the goblins earlier," stated Vanessa causing Laura to wince slightly at the memory of Vanessa killing over a dozen goblins as if they were nothing more than insects.
"But I want to test out these wings first," said Vanessa while leaning toward Laura and whispering in her ear "Not to mention it will give me a reason to hold you in my arms again," stated Vanessa, causing Laura to blush madly in due to remembering her previous actions. Laura then looked into Vanessa's eyes and said
"Alright, I trust you."
Vanessa grinned at hearing this and then surrounded Laura in a hug while also taking the liberty of groping her ass slightly as she adjusted her hands around her waist causing Laura to moan slightly especially due to the direct contact of Vanessa's hands on her bare ass just slightly above her dripping pussy.
Then Vanessa proceeded to open her wings completely and thrust them downwards in synch causing the two to shoot upward into the air, out of the hole and out the door. Vanessa was pleasantly surprised by three things because of this. One, flying is easy that or her ability to fly is ingrained into her head. Two, flying with a naked woman clutching to your body should be on everyone's' bucket list. And finally, three, flying with a horny naked woman who is slightly humping herself onto you as you fly, all while moaning your name with every downward thrust of your wings as well as every upward thrust of her hips is the very reason why people fantasize about having wings in the first place.
It got Vanessa so hot that as she was flying toward her cave, she stopped in mid-air all while maintaining flight by steadily flapping her wings just so she could reciprocate Laura's humping causing her to moan even louder all while leaning forward and whispering into her ear and saying,
"Do you like it when I hump your little cunt baby?"
"Y-yes Aah! P-please d-don't haa! stop." moaned Laura who was now taking the liberty to slightly raise Vanessa's animal skin kilt so she could hump herself against Vanessa's panties.
Vanessa who was receiving all this pleasure wasn't idle either, by the time Laura had Vanessa's panties removed she had proceeded to glide the rest of the way to her cave and her makeshift bed and then proceeded to further make-out with Laura on the bed.
"I don't think you have much of a choice in the matter" stated Vanessa who proceeded to pin Laura's hands above her head as she slowly and deliberately rubbed her wet pussy into Laura's aching cunt. This inevitably caused Laura to moan and beg even louder until she was near her climax before all sensation stopped leaving her hopelessly aching.
"P-please Vanessa d-don't tease me I need to feel you"
Vanessa, who was enjoying teasing her newfound pet decided to tease her even more. She raised up and removed her panties completely and then used them to tie Laura's hands together making sure to just barely touching her while doing so. Then Vanessa proceeded to kiss Laura all over, on her forehead, her lips, her breasts making sure to give each hard nipple a decent sucking as she did so. Then she proceeded lower, her belly, then her belly button and then finally, Vanessa's head was just above Laura's dripping pussy. Then she stopped at this point Laura looked like she would orgasm from a random breeze and the look in her eyes said she would do anything, anything for Vanessa to eat her out. Vanessa seeing this asked her one simple question.
"Do you want mommy to tongue fuck your dripping...wet...swollen.... dirty...cunt baby?" every single word punctuated by Vanessa's tongue just barely grazing Laura's clitoris
Laura's eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head at the question the sheer naughtiness of the question places her so close to the edge but not quite into the abyss.
"(whisper)...s ...umy"
"What's that baby you need to speak louder, or else mummy won't be able to give you what you want" Vanessa made sure to punctuate her statement by slowly traveling her hands downward toward Laura's pussy and then diverging toward her inner thighs and spreading Laura's legs even further apart.
Laura couldn't take it anymore and she finally gave in to the dirty foreplay.
"YES, please mummy lick my dirty cunt I need to know what it feels like to have your tongue in my dirty snatch please make your baby girl cum!" Laura practically yelled aloud
This was all that Vanessa needed to hear, just the very sound of Laura calling her mommy sent her into overdrive causing her to plunge her tongue into Laura's dripping heat. The resulting pleasure of Vanessa's tongue on her pussy caused her to fall over that delicious and dirty edge that was the orgasm that followed.
But Vanessa didn't stop at just one orgasm she wanted to taste Laura even more, so she continued through Laura's orgasm all while savoring the taste of her cum and proceeded to spell out cunninglus using her tongue and Laura's vagina as the canvas. After a good twenty minutes of pure rapture on Vanessa's part, Laura came undone once more on her face.
After this Vanessa was extremely horny and decided to see if Laura was willing to please her as well. Vanessa got up slowly all while sensually touching and teasing herself, making sure that Laura could see the entire show, and slowly moved up Laura's body and positioning her moist cunt just out of Laura's tongue reach.
"Do you want to suck mommy?"
"Do you want to lick mommy until she comes"
Vanessa lowered herself just enough where Laura's tongue was barely grazing her cunt before she asked once more.
"Will you eat out your dirty mommy until she cums all over your face?
And with that Vanessa lowered her cunt onto Laura's mouth, Laura who was experiencing probably one of the best moments of her life began to worship her 'mommy's cunt' with all the vigor and enthusiasm of an addict.
Vanessa proceeded to fondle her breast with her left and right hand, and then in a moment of inspiration willed her tail to slowly slither down Laura's body toward her cunt.
Laura who felt the appendage near her waterfall of a pussy became even more turned on after realizing what was about to happen and proceeded to tongue fuck Vanessa even harder. Then Vanessa willed her tail to force its way into Laura's cunt causing her to moan at the feeling of her walls contracting around her sensitive tail. Laura, however, moaned so loud into Vanessa's spasming pussy that it nearly brought Vanessa to the edge causing her to call out.
"That's it baby make mommy cum, you like it when mommy fucks you don't you Aaah! That's it mommy is close keep tasting me with your dirty tongue.
And with one final thrust from Laura's tongue and Vanessa's tail they both released screaming each other’s name. Laura passed out soon after due to all the pleasure, Vanessa, however, was thanking every god in existence for her race's regenerative skill as well as its overall stamina as she laid down beside the unconscious half-goblin beside her.
'Wow Lilith wasn't kidding about the tail thing thank god I made those adjustments' thought Vanessa
'I better let her rest after all I think I might have just taken her first time if the red stuff dripping from my tail is not enough of an indication then I don't know what is' concluded Vanessa who remembered what she was planning to do before she went to sleep and proceeded to do so otherwise she might forget.
She opened her status menu and opened a detailed version of mental resistance and battle armor
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